My Ex Is Now My Next Door Nei...

By LastFantasy

2.3M 24.3K 3.8K

Julie can't believe her luck. (Note the huge sarcasm) Her ex-boyfriend, Seb, just moved in next door. Now she... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 8

168K 1.6K 214
By LastFantasy

Yeah, I was planning to upload on Thursday, but I finished writting this chapter, so I was like, oh what the heck, just upload ;)

Thanks for reading!


"Let's try this again," The teacher instructed. She showed us the move again.

I looked around. Here I was, stuck in a room with a bunch of eight to twelve year olds.

After many attempts, the teacher said, "Julie, why don't you give it a shot."

Did I mention I'm the TA (Teacher's Assistant)? I was so going to kill Liv for this.

I took her place in front of the room. Twenty pair of eyes stared at me.

"Umm, ok, why don't you guys just show me what you've got so far?" I turned on the music.

It was like watching a war unfold. One girl accidently hit the girl next to her. The girl who got hit narrowed her eyes at the girl who hit her, and then "accidently" hit her in the elbow too. Then they started having an elbow fight.

One boy, who was off to the side, wasn't moving at all. Instead, he pulled his sweatshirt over his head.

Two girls in the middle weren't even paying attention to the whole routine; they were just standing there, waving their arms like they could pass as participating. They giggle and kept sneaking looks at the guy across from them.

Oh boy.

I turned off the music.

"Ok, ummm, that didn't go too well," I murmured to myself. "Do you guys even want to learn how to dance? Or did your parents just make you?" I asked.

One girl raised her hand, "My parents made me. I suck at dancing, anyways."

About half the people murmured in agreement.


So then I started I turned on the music and said, "Watch this." I stared putting in random moves together. After a minute, the twenty pair of eyes that were staring at me, widened.

"That was so cool!" The girl said, "I want to learn how to dance like that!"

"Well, you can't if you don't even pay attention," I said, "Now, do you want me to teach you or not?"

My answer was twenty heads nodding.

I smiled. This wasn't so bad.

"Ok, now just mirror what I do."

Ten minutes have gone by when the door suddenly opened. I couldn't believe who walked in. Seb. What the heck was he doing here? He saw me, but showed no signs of it. He started talking to the teacher.

I looked away from him.

After a few minutes, he said goodbye to the teacher. Just as he walked out, he gave winked at me. Or, at least, I think he did.

"Good job, Julie! Thank you so much for helping out. I can take over now," The teacher said as she walked up to the front of the class again.

"It was my pleasure," I smiled. I grabbed my bags, waved goodbye, and then walked out.

I waited for Caitlin to pick me up, since someone, namely Liv, was apparently busy.

Finally, Caitlin got there and we drove home.

"Are mom or dad home?" I asked as I stepped inside the house.

"No, they're out shopping."

"For what?" I asked.

"Your birthday," She shot me a weird look.


"You do realize your birthday is next week, right?"

"Oh, really?" I was astonished.

"What, have you been living under a rock these past days?"

I shook my head, "I just have a lot going on in my mind."

"Well, your birthday's on the same day as the Spring Fest," Caitlin informed me.


"I give up," She murmured and walked away.

I glanced at the calendar on the fridge. Whoa, it was already March. I wanted to slap myself on the forehead. Who would be dumb enough to forget their own birthday?

I looked out the window and something caught my eye. Hollie, Liv, and Seb were standing in front of his door, talking about something. What were Hollie and Liv doing at Seb's? I watched them smile at each other, and then Hollie and Liv got into their car. Hollie waved goodbye to him as they drove away. Was he with Hollie now?

They owed me a big explanation.


"Wake up you lazy person!" Liv shouted. I moaned and sat up.

"Go away," I mumbled.

"Never," She started dragging me off my bed.

Just like the daily routine.

After everything was done, we got into her car and started driving to school.

"So, what busy things were you doing that prevented you to pick me up?" I asked. I saw you at Seb's house, was what I wanted to say, but I didn't.

"Oh you know, stuff," She said casually. Liv was hiding something from me.

"Remember when you said best friends tell each other everything?"


"Well?" I pressed.

"Well, what?" She asked, definitely trying to pass time.

"What were you doing?" Just admit it already!

"There are some things you can't tell your best friend," Liv replied coolly.

"Like, oh, I don't know, just for example, hanging out with their ex?"

She pulled into her parking space and stopped the car. Then she turned to face me.

"Julie?" She said slowly. I waited for her to continue, "Well, maybe this friend should just make up her mind. Is she going to move on, or does she want her ex back?"

Then she got out the car and handed me the keys, "Lock the doors when you, make up your mind."

I sat there, shocked. I couldn't believe what Liv just said to me. She wasn't in my situation. She didn't understand anything.

But I couldn't help replaying her every word throughout the rest of the day. Maybe she was right. Maybe I should just make up my mind, and actually stick with the decision. And maybe, just maybe, I should stop saying maybe.

Through one of the classes, I caught myself staring at Seb. He was sitting just across from me, and my eyes traced his figure.

And that was when I realized, I am falling for him again. Even though I was completely against it, I couldn't help it. Curse you, Cupid.

After school, as I was putting my stuff away in my locker, Andy stopped by, which surprised me a lot. Andy was one of Ethan's best friends. We haven't talked much since last year. He was my date to one of the dances we had.

"Hey, Julie," He smiled. His blond hair was a little longer now, and I couldn't help but admire his blue eyes.

"Oh hey," I smiled back.

"So, I haven't talked to you much since school started," He said, and I swore he took a step closer to me.

"I know, sorry."

"Hey, no need to apologize," Andy grinned again. "So, I was thinking, maybe we should start hanging out again."

Did he just indirectly ask me out on a date?

My answers surprised both of us, "Sure, just give me a call. You know my number, right?"

"Of course. From last year."

"Great," I gave him a smile.

"See ya," He waved goodbye and started walked away.

What. Did. I. Just. Do?

I had no idea why I just said yes.

I thought I just decided that I liked Seb again. Did my brain somehow form a plan to use Andy to get Seb back, without me knowing? Like in those movies and books. The girl dates another guy, to get the guy she wants jealous. Whoa, that was confusing. Wait, that wasn't possible. My brain is my brain, so ....

And here I am, talking to myself. Could my life get any more pathetic?


Yeah, I decided to throw in a random guy ;)

The story seems to be wrapping up ... So I thought that it'll probably end in the next few chapters. So I'll try to add more so it'll last longer ;D

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