Little Red > Shadowhunters >...

By TheDragonHippy

235K 4.6K 1K

"Back off or I'll cut you" "Your like 5.3 you don't scare me little red" A/B/O Dynamics SLOW UPDATES (Jace x... More

Season One
The Mortal Cup
The Descent Into Hell Isnt Easy
Dead Man's Party
Raising Hell
Moo Shoo To Go
Of Men And Angels
Major Arcana
Bad Blood
Rise Up
This World Inverted
Who The Fuck Is Renwick
Season Two
The Guilty Blood
A Door Into The Dark
Lost Parabatai
Day Of The Wrath
Dust And Shadows
The Iron Sisters
How Are Thou Fallen
Love is a devil

Morning Star

6.6K 155 40
By TheDragonHippy

THE BURNING OF her iratze rune being activated roused Indiana to consciousness, seeing Alec's blurry face above her and Magnus' retreating figure, she opened her mouth to warn him of Hodge but her throat hurt and as she tried to speak all she could do was cough, Alec frantically tried to turn her on to her said as she coughed harshly only stopping when she spat blood out, before collapsing on top of Alec.

Turning to the side Indi saw Lydia and reached out to her, moving her sleeve up showing Alec where the blonds iratze was, which he quickly activated. Sharing a look as the blond woke, Lydia managed to croak out a name,
"Hodge." She said.


Sitting in the infirmary next to Lydia, Indi was lost in thought, her boy's had gone to track down Hodge and she wasn't allowed. Izzy and Clary had gone to speak to Camille and she wasn't allowed. Indiana wasn't happy, in fact she was angry, furious even. Her mating day had started with tears, ended in betrayal and she hadn't got mated.

Turning to face Lydia she spoke,
"You staying here or are you coming with me?" She asked and Lydia smiled gently,
"I'm with you." She stated and the two women quickly left the infirmary trying not to draw attention to themselves as they separated only to change before meeting again in the Omegas room.

"Who should we track?" Indiana asked,
"Well if Alec, Jace and the local pack have already gone after Hodge perhaps we should see if the girls have had any luck." Lydia pointed out eliciting a nod out of Indi.

Picking up a knife and slicing her palm she drew the tracking rune over the slice, tracking Clary through blood.
"Magnus' apartment." Indi says as the two girls equip themselves with weapons before leaving the institute and heading towards Clary.

Walking into the apartment, Indiana joins the conversation,
"We don't negotiate with prisoners. Especially bitchy ones like her." Indiana says,
"Prisoner? I beg to disagree. You see, I'm your only chance at saving the world.
You need me." She says smugly sending a look of lust towards Indiana,
"What are you two doing here. You should be on bed rest at the institute." Alec says sternly storming forwards pulling Indi into a hug.

"Where's Clary?" Lydia asks, anxious to find the book, Magnus gestures to the left and Alec, Indi and Lydia follow his directions.
"Alec, did you find Hodge?" Clary asks,
"Yeah, but Valentine has the Cup." Alec says,
"Fuck." Indiana mutters as Lydia sighs deeply,
"Where's Jace?" She asks,
"He went after Valentine by himself. It's like he's totally lost it. I tried to stop him, but he wouldn't listen." Alec explains,
"We need to find Jace." Indiana states,
"We don't know what he's gonna do." Clary adds,
"That's a given." Indiana points out,
"Luke is out looking for him. Jace wants us to stay on mission. That means we have to find the book." Alec says sternly
"He's right. We have to wake up your mom." Simon says,
"It's our only way to stop Valentine." Clary adds.

Entering Camille's appointment, the group began to look through what seemed like endless rooms full of books

"Let's check the perimeter." Alec ordered, kissing Indi's cheek as he moved away earning a glare from the vampire,
"Good idea. If I know Camille, she'll have a trick or three up her sleeve." Magnus says as he, Alec, Izzy and Lydia leave.

"I still don't get it. Why do you have this place if you live at Hotel DuMort?" Clary asked Camille,
"The DuMort has too many rules. That's what you told me right?" Indi questioned the vampire,
"Think of it like Gracie Mansion. It's the official residence, but it doesn't mean I have to live there. This place gives me the freedom to indulge in certain proclivities."
"You know, the mayor has the same problem." Simon chimed in earning a small smile from Indi,
"Ow! Hey!" Simon said outraged after Camille stabbed him with her quill,
"Come with me. On the dotted line." Camille instructed,
"Thank you." Camille said after Simon sighed.

"He did what you asked. Now give us the Book of the White." Clary demanded,
"I'd love to but I can't. I have no idea where it is." Camille said unapologetically,
"You bitch. Dot gave it to you." Indi pointed out angrily as she looked at the vampire,
"I'm sure it's here somewhere. But if the idea was to hide it, telling me would defeat the purpose. Dot must have put it somewhere when I wasn't looking." Camille smirked now.

"So we have to search the whole apartment?" Clary spat out in anger,
"You little bitch!" Indiana growled loudly and Camille flinched slightly before resuming her confident facade,
"See? That's the spirit. Although I'd start now. I've got four more rooms just like this one. Good-bye, Simon. It's been a pleasure doing business with you. And you Indiana, I've missed you." Camille steps forward and Indiana is glad when her phone rings.

It's Jace, Alec had most likely text him about her breaking bed rest and he was calling to scold her some more, but nevertheless she walked away from the group and picked up the phone.

"Jace look, I know I shouldn't have left the institute-" Indiana began defending herself but was quickly interrupted,
"Where are you?" She could hear his panic clearly,
"At Camille's apartment, Upper East Side.
Alucard building, 13th floor." She said with confusion,
"You're in danger. Valentine's probably already on the way. You need to leave, now." Jace ordered her through the phone and Indi tried to ignore the shiver of fear that traveled up her spine at the name of her father.

"We are so close to finding the Book of the White. I'm not leaving without it. Not when it could save everyone. Not when it could destroy him." Indi stated firmly the anger in her voice was palpable,
"Indi, you need to leave!" The blond shouted desperately through the phone

"I'm sorry Jace but I have to stay on the mission." She pleaded with him to understand, to see she had to do this,
"You need to leave now." He begged,
"No." She put down the phone.

Turning back to Simon and Clary, she texted Alec quickly, her message was simple, Valentine was coming. She made her way to the bookshelf and started looking around,
"I wish my mom had left us something.
Some sort of clue." Clary said from her place next to her sister,
"Maybe she did. Did she ever say anything about a book?" Simon prompted the Fairchild girls,
"I don't think so. And if she did, she erased our memories of anything to do with the Shadow World." Clary answered. Indi's gaze stayed firmly on the books, her mind firmly on the mission.

"Well, there's got to be something." Simon thought,
"Wait everyone just shut up. Everyone shut up!" Indiana shouted as she squeezed her eyes tightly together,
"Books, mom didn't read books. She only ever cooked from them and what was her favourite thing. Her famous meal." Indiana asked her friends,
"Chicken cacciatore." They said in unison and all of them went to the wall, looking for a cook book.

"Here." Indiana pulled the book out and it held a book more cut in half, Clary handed her the other piece and Indiana placed it on top a swirl of golden energy sewed them back together as the book transformed,
"This is it." Clary exclaimed
"You did it!" Simon looked at Indi with pure amazement.
"We gotta go. He's here." Izzy said entering the room, Clary picked up the book and followed Simon on her tail. Indi pulled out her blade and followed the group.

"Indiana and Clarissa. So good to see you again." Valentine taunted as he along with his men stepped out of a portal.
"Where's your lover Indiana? Or is he Clarissa's?" Valentine smirks at them,
"You think I'd tell you?" Indi spits at him,
"You won't have to." Valentine informs them as he steps closer to the twins,
"Stay away from them!" Simon leaps forward to attack the vampire only to be thrown to the ground by Valentine who pulled out a seraph dagger, Izzy caught it with her whip but was tossed to the floor as well. Valentine turned back to Simon ready to finish the job,
"Stop! This time you're not getting away." Jace shouted running into the room, stealing Valentines attention away from Simon.

"Finally ready to kill the man who raised you?" The older man taunted, as Izzy and Simon were pulled into the grasps of circle members,
"You abandoned me." Jace shouted,
"I was protecting you. You weren't ready then, but you've grown. You've become the warrior I've trained you to be." Valentine told the blond,
"You trained me well." Jace nodded in agreement his blade still pointing at the man,
"And yet, I still have so much to teach you.
I brought you here for a reason. Look, fight me, and watch your friends die." Valentine tells him as Alec, Magnus and Lydia, also held by circle members are brought into the room.

"See, you are strong, but they make you weak." Valentine stepped closer to Jace,
"Let us go. You can have the book. We won't be able to stop you without it." Clary held the book out and Indiana realised it wasn't about the book, it wasn't about Jocelyn. It was about Jace.

"Ah, Clarissa. So like your mother.
Willing to do anything for those that you love. I'm touched, but the book was never part of my plan. I want you to wake up your mother. I know that you'll all join me eventually. It's fated." Valentine said casting looks to both his children.

"You ready?" He said to Jace,
"If I go with you promise me you won't hurt them." Jace confirms his terms,
"You have my word." Valentine promises,
"This is insane." Alec shouts, angry at his mates decision,
"I'm sorry, Alec, Indi." He said bringing his blade down.

"No. I'm sorry, everyone." Indiana said before she lunged at Valentine sending a strong ouch to his face taking him off guard. She knew she and her friends, her family may die for this but Valentine had to be stopped no matter the consequences. Though shocked Valentine managed to recover quickly, standing upright he laughed starting a fire deep inside Indiana. Bringing up her blade she brought it down sharply and it met Valentines, they parried and Indiana could feel sweat building. Breaking form she swung out her leg but Valentine was a trained Shadowhunter, he had experience and years on her and saw this coming. Jumping over her leg he brought his knee to her chest winding her before he snatched her head and pulled her back to him, his blade at her neck. Taking a wild chance Indi pulled her small ring dagger from her boot and stabbed it through her fathers leg, he flinched, growled even but did not let go.

"It seems your need for vengeance on me is worth more than your friends lives." He laughs,
"You fight well Indiana but you have much to learn." He says pulling her towards the portal, he grabbed Jace's arm and commanded his men to let her friends go.

Indiana struggled and growled and did everything she could but it was already too late. She was already through the portal.

Standing on the deck of a boat, her hands tied tightly behind her back, her knees bound to the floor next to Valentine, Jace on the other side.
"Join me, my daughter and my step son! Pledge me your loyalty! Together we can preserve our race and rid the world of the demons who plague it. You are the chosen ones. The new breed of Shadowhunters!" Valentine shouted loudly, holding up the mortal cup and the crowd cheered.

Indiana and Jace shared a look, this was not how it was supposed to end.

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