Abusive Yang x abused male be...

By Monksanto

396K 4.1K 4.9K

You were Yang's boyfriend for a good long while intel she started beating you for no reason you then got fed... More

First day a shade and getting drunk
Our first mission
Weapon tune-up day and hanging out with Leone.
The team finds out, and Y/n's lousy day
The confession
Finding out the truth.
Heat (Lemon)
The last question for a little while I promise
Meeting my family
My semblance
My list of story ideas
Vacation and a reward (lemon)
Her family
New story is out
A plan and a safe place for now...
The proposal
300 fallowers
The wedding
getting ready for the vital festival
Vital festival
Yang vs Leone
Shower time ( Lemon)
A wonderful surprise
Final confrontation
The perfect life: Epilogue
Potential for a sequel
Sequel is out

Ending a relationship and heading to shade

24.2K 253 543
By Monksanto


Y/n P.O.V~

I was walking threw the halls of beacon humming to myself. I then felt a tap on my shoulder, I turned around only to be met with a punch to the face. I was sent flying bout then or twelve feet back. I looked to see my girlfriend Yang with a demented look of gee on her face.

Y/n:" Yang can't we just talk this out like a normal couple."

Yang:" Sorry Y/n you've been bad and you need punishment."

Yang grabs my neck and squeezes it very hard. My vision begins to blacken and I pass out.

Yang P.O.V~

I made the little shit pass out. I dropped him to the floor and began to kick the everloving shit out of him. Blood spews out of his body getting in my hair and on my clothes.

Yang:" You got blood in my hair you son of a bitch!!"

I beat him up some more as a pool of blood formed under him. I smiled at my work as I walked away and left him for dead.

Blake P.O.V~

I was looking for my brother. I needed to talk to him about Yang this had gotten out of hand and she could kill him one of these days. I rounded the corner seeing Y/n in a pool of his one blood. I panicked and slung him over my shoulder.

Blake: (Ewww blood is getting on my clothes. Dang it not now Blake)

I quickly rushed him to the nurse's office. Swinging open the door once I got there.

Nurse:" Ms. Belladonna what is the mean-* sees Y/n* Oh my god! Get him prepped for a blood transfusion now!"

I get him the one hospital bed that is there. Oh Y/n please I pray to the gods that you'll stay alive.

Y/n P.O.V~

I woke up in the nurse's office there was an IV in my arm pumping blood into my body. I then hear a door open and my sister is there with a concerned look.

Blake:" Y/n...."

Y/n:" Hey, Blake..."

Blake:" We need to talk about you and Yang. This is isn't the girl you fell in love with anymore she could have killed you. You need to break up with her."

Y/n:" But shell find me and kill me, sis!"

Blake:" Then transfer to another academy she can't get there."

Y/n: "That.............might work. I'll go to Ozpin about it."

A little bit later I got released from the nursery and went to Ozpins office.

Ozpin:" Mr.Belladonna, can I help you?"

Y/n:" Um yes sir I was wondering if I could transfer to shade?"

Ozpin:" Of course but may I ask why?"

Y/n:" Yang."

Ozpin:" Ahhhh I see I'll let you know when the airship is here to pick you up."

I left and when to my dorm the one place I felt safe from Yang. I picked up my weapons and everything else I had with me. I then wrote an angry letter for Yang and left it for because she always comes around 11:30 to give a beating. I got a notification on my scroll telling me that the airship was here. I take up my bags and head out to the courtyards. I see Teams RWB, JNPR and SSSN all there waiting for me.

Y/n:" Hey everyone hear to see me go."

Ruby:" Yeah it's probably going to be the last time we see you for a while."

Y/n:" Well we can always use Skype or something like that. Well, I'm gonna miss every one of you even you Weiss."

Weiss:" Hey!"

I then say all of my good bye's to everyone and was about to board the airship but I felt a tap on my shoulder and saw sun there with a smile on his face.

Sun:" Hey Y/n can I ask you something?"

Y/n:" Sure why not."

Sun:" Can you give me Blake's scroll number she won't give it to me."

Y/n:" No."

I leave Sun with a disappointed face as I broad the airship.

Y/n:" I'm finally free."

Yang P.O.V~

I was heading to my punching bag's dorm. I knock on his door loudly.

Yang:" Oi shit head open up!!"

I don't get a response making me angrier.

Yang:" I said open up you piece of shit!!"

once again I did not get an answer again I was getting worried.

Yang:" Y/n I'm coming in."

I open the door and find all of his stuff gone. Everything but one letter in the middle of the room. I pick up the letter and begin to read it.

Dear Yang if you are reading this it means that I have already or am leaving at the moment. I can't do this anymore You leave me at deaths door every day. You're not the same girl I fell in love with that day. I hope you happy with what you have done because you're never gonna see me again.

From your ex-boyfriend Y/n belladonna

I start to cry knowing that this is all my fault.

Yang:" * crying*Y/n... I'm so sorry please come back."

Y/n P.OV~
I'm in the airship getting board.

Y/n:" Hey pilot how long till we get there.":

Pilot:" Just a few more hours sir."

Y/n:" I hope this is better then beacon."

Leone P.O.V~

Me, Tatsumi and Akame were waiting for that new transfer student to show up. Hopefully, he isn't a prev like our last teammate. If he is I'll beat him up for it.

Tatsumi:" Um Leone hey you there."

Leone:" Yeah sorry what were we talking about?"

Akame:" We were talking about who should give the tour of the school."

Leone:" Well why don't we wait and meet him first."

Akame:" Not a bad idea."

We all heard a scroll notification go off. Akame looks at her scroll.

Akame:" Oh he's here."

We all then head down to the courtyard and see an airship land.

Leone:" Akame is that the one."

Akame:" Yeah thats the one."

The door of the airship opens up ad a cute cat faunus steps out holding a map and looking around for something. Maybe I should introduce my self~. We all walk up to him.

Akame:" Um Hello are Y/n Belladonna?"

Y/n:" Um Yeah are you three team KILL."

Akame:" Yeah im the team leader Akame and the blonde is Leone and the guy with brown hair is Tatsumi."

Tatsumi:" Nice to meet ya Y/n."

I then press my assists to his arm. Making him blush

Leone:" Yeah nice to meet ya Y/n."

Y/n:" N-nice to meet you too."

Leone:" Well Y/n do you want a tour of the school."

Y/n;" Well sure I guess."

Leone:" That's great!"

I then grab Y/n's arm and drag him all around the school. And after school, we then go back to our team's dorm.

Leone:" Well this is our dorm. Just make your self at home."

Y/n:" Um witch bed is mine?"

Leone:" Oh right under mine hear I'll show you!"

I then hopped on my bunk bed. He the put his bags on the bottom bunk and started to unpack.

Leone:" So Y/n did you come to shade?"

Y/n's face lost all color for a second before replying.

Y/n:" Story for another time."

A few minutes later he finished unpacking and went on his bed.

Leone:" You going to sleep Y/n?"

Y/n:" Yeah I am. I have had a long day and need rest."

Y/n then falls asleep as I soon do the same. I hope Y/n and I can be good friends some time.

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