Dark mind

Oleh Ali_Adair

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It was like we were playing a sick game of chess, trying to guess each others movement's and at the same time... Lebih Banyak

Author's note
Dear Diary
Dear Diary Part. 2
I Hate Her, I Hate Him
Point Break
Not So Dark After All
Blast From The Past
The Past
The Truth
Just Another Normal Day
Theres No Escaping The Dark
True Intentions
A Happy Distraction
Getting Answers
He's a keeper
Falling Apart
Four Month's
Nothing but Trouble
The Encounter
'Crazy' Run's In The Family
Secret's Of The Past
Mommy Issues
His Orders
Hidden Within Pages
Twisted Reality
Time's Up
Envelope with a Letter
Where I Belong
A Bittersweet Ending
What You Left Behind
Broken and Missunderstood
Desperation and Hope
Epilogue I
Epilogue II
Thank You/// Acknowledgments

Never Alone

13 3 0
Oleh Ali_Adair

At first, I didn't know if I was dreaming or if I was awake.

I always wonder the same thing, thats how livid my nightmares are.

It was freezing cold as I walked down the deserted hallway of the mental hospital. There was know one in sight, no nurses, no patients, nada. All the rooms were open but nobody was in them. And it was raining, thunder was heard outside.

I paced around for what seemed like hours, jumping at the slightest sounds. My footsteps seemed to echo around me, bringing no sense of comfort.

Then, all of the hallway lights exploded due to a lightning bolt that landed right infront of me. I screamed as I crouched and shielded myself. I tentatively raised my head and saw a bunch of bright particles fall to the ground, no doubt from the broken lights. I felt something in my hands and found the lighter that Juni had given me when I broke into my father's house.

'I'm scared' I heard someone say and that someone ran beside me, making me jerk my head in there direction.

"Hello?" I tentatively called out and raised the lighters tiny flame. Doing so, I saw a shadow of a boy on the wall but there was no one around. I took a left as I continued to shiver.

Then, a cloaked figure appeared in front of me. This time, her cloak was bloody red, her blonde hair poking out. She held a lantern that gave me a sense of deja vu. As if sensing my presence, she turn towards me.

She gave me a shocked expression, as if she were suprised to see me.

"Juniper? What are you doing here?!" She almost yelled at me.

"You make it sound like I actually have a choice. Well, news flash! I don't." I said, throwing my hands up in the air.

She followed my movements and stared at my arms for a hot minute.

"What happened, the last time I saw you?" She asked.

I grimaced at just thinking about it.
"Not something I want to talk about."

She stared at me in silence for a while and then, she handed me the ancient looking lantern.
"For your troubles." She told me softly as I took it.


"Have you seen my son? Have you seen my baby boy?" She whisperd to me.

I shook my head no and I watched as her face cracked, like literally.
A line began to form on her face, as if she were a vase that was slowly breaking, shattering.

"Amy, you-your face is-" I nearly screamed, pointing a shaky finger towards her.

She put her hand on my mouth, silencing me, her expression full of fear.

"We must be quiet. We need to find Juni and Henry before its too late." She whisperd at me.

"What's going on?" I whisper shouted as we continued tip toeing down the hallway.

"He is angry." Amy said, her voice quivering.

"Why did you save me?" I blurted out.

I tugged her hand so we came to a stop. She gave me a wary look.

"Why did you help me escape?" I asked her.

She opened her mouth to answer but a small voice echoed through the hallway. "Juniper?!"

We both looked up. Her hair was wet and filled with dirt, as well as her dress, socks and shoes. Her tiny body was filled with gashes, cuts and dried up blood. Wait, blood?!

She looked like hell, she looked dead.
But her smile told otherwise, for it was the most beautiful.

She ran towards me and threw herself in my arms.

"Oh Juniper, I thought I would never see you again!" She cried as her little body shook violently.

"Juni! My sweet girl, how I've missed you." I exclaimed, hugging her tight. I pulled back and looked into her black eyes.

"I'm so sorry, for everything I said. I-"

"Its okay, im just glad that- your just- ughhh I cant right now!" She said as she buried her face in my hair.

I picked her up and held her on my hip while I looked at Amy, confused.
"Can someone please explain-"

"Juniper, you were supposed to be dead."  Amy said to me and I blinked.

"Wha-What do you mean?" I stuttered.

Juni raised her head and nodded.
"Its true." She said.

"The last time you saw HIM, he was determined to end you. You should've have never woken up. " Amy said.

"What?!" I practically yelled.

"Father had been boasting that he would finally get rid of you, that you were becoming too much of a threat. He found the perfect way to kill you in your nightmares, so that you would never wake up again. He called it 'a happy accident'." Amy said.

"He's sick, crazy, a maniac." I exclaimed, barely able to control my anger.

Amy nodded while Juni played with my hair.

"Everything was going well until I decided to free you from your cell. Things would have been far worse if I hadn't gotten you out in time, Juniper. His plan backfired the moment you ran. He thought you were long gone wen the smoke swallowed you, but then you suddenly woke, up with cuts on your arm." She said making me cringe.

"Ever since then, he's been losing control. And we all feel it, his orders and demands dont weight on us so much, its very easy to just not do his bidding. But he's out looking for us, all of us. He wants to finish what he started that night, whatever it takes." Amy said grimly.

"That's why your running." I guessed and Amy nodded.

"I never hated you, and I'm sorry for what I did the first time we met. He made me do it." Amy said, shivering.

"He made all of us do it. We had no choice. I stalled him so Amy had time to free you but he caught on. He threw me in the room, an- and the vo-voices!" She coudint finishes and burst into tears.

"They buried her, cut her, tortured her. And your sleeping all day only made it worse, it gave them more time to follow Father's orders." Amy finished.

I felt like I wanted to puke.

I caresses her hair and whisperd soothing words in her ear so she could calm down.

"Amy, why did I wake up?" I asked tentatively.

"Something from the real world was holding you, binding you, making you unconciosly want to go back, to live." She said, avoiding my eyes as realization dawned on me.

I gasped. "No.." I whisperd.

"Father said he would have to take care of Tyler, isolating yourself from your boyfriend was of no use. He's planing on using his mom to do so. Juniper, he's planing on ending Tyler." Amy said.

"He cant do that! JJ is a part of MY disorder, a figment of my thoughts, nothing else. He cant- he cant do that there is no way!" I whisperd in agony, just thinking about Tyler being gone, dead.

"Your cursed, Juniper. As we all are. Father will kill you, and then he will inhabit Tyler's mind and do the same. After, he'll go to Aunt G's, then Madelane's. It wont stop, he wont stop until everyone you ever loved is dead. You need to free his soul, its the only way." Juni said in a small voice.

"This is insane. This is not possible, he cant. This is just a dream, just a dream!" I almost cried. "None of this is even real."

"Do the scars on your arm prove otherwise?" Amy asked and I stayed quiet.

"He has the power to interfere with life and reality itself. You don't even have the slightest idea of what's possible or not, there are no boundaries for him." Amy whisperd, her voice shaking lightly.

Juni's quiet sobs turned into sniffles and she hesitantly raised her head once more.

"We need to leave. We need to find Henry, and we need to get you away from him." Juni said, whipping away her remaining tears.

"For the love of God, I'm dreaming. You guys, what am I supposed do? Technically none of this is real! I want to help, I want to keep myself and you guy's safe, hell I would take you guys with me back to consciousness but I cant, I don't know how! How can you even escape your own nightmare?!" I practically yelled.

"Simple, you start with yourself." A deep voice said, making the three of us jump and look straight ahead.

Where my brother was holding a scared Henry by his hair.

"Father no!" Amy screamed as she lunged for her son but I held her back with my free hand.

JJ held onto Henry's hair harder, which made him cry out in pain.

"You start inflicting pain, slowly ." As he said this, he revelaed from behind his back a dagger and and started playing with the blade.
On Henry's neck.

Amy cried out, Juni screamed for him to stop and I stared at him, horrified.

"And the hate, the loathe you feel for your own being eats you. And when you've had enough of the voices that tell you your nothing, you let it consume you." He said simply as he continued cutting Henry's skin. Droplets of blood fell to the floor and I gagged.

"Mama!" Henry cried, his voice hoarse and my heart clenched.

"Father please, please don't do this!" Juni screamed at him.

"My baby! Let go of my baby!" Amy sobbed.

The blade was cutting deeper, he might hit a vein at any second.

Amy sobbing, crying out for her son.
JJ laughing like a maniac.
Juni screaming for mercy.
Henry gasping for air.
It was all too much.

"Stop, stop, STOP, STOP!" I yelled and everything went quiet.

I set Juni on the floor. She gripped my hand tightly wen I tried to pull away.

"No, not you too, please not you too." She whisperd and my heart clenched.

I gave her a sad smile and crouched down to her level.

"You are so beautiful, you know that? So kind, so selfless and brave." I told her as I swept some loose strands of hair from her forhead.

I pried her hand of mine softly and gave it to Amy.
"Do not let go of her, and stay alert." I whisperd at her.

Her eyes widened but she nodded through her tears. Her face was literally falling apart now, pieces falling to the floor and turning into dust.
"Please, please. " she begged me.

I turned my back on them and took a few steps so I stood at the center, between the girls and HIM.

Through the dim light, I could barely see his features. I suddenly went back in time, to when he showed everything except his face. I shruderd.

He raised an eyebrow at me. I took a step towards him but he pressed the blade harder on Henry's throat, making him cry out.

"Not another step sis." He warned and I held my hands up, stepping back.

I looked directly at Henry.
"Hey, hey." I said softly gaining his attention. His neck was a bloody mess, and his white T-shirt was stained red.

It ain't ketchup, let me tell you.

"Everything's going to be okay, everything is going to be alright I promise. Okay?" He nodded as best as he could and gave him a tight smile. I had to be strong for them.

I know what your thinking, why the hell would I help people who threatened me and whom I barely know. The answer is simple:

I know what its like,and even if this isint real to me, it is to them. I don't know where they came from, or how they're in my head or how they're here.
But they are.
And it is real.
I have to help them.

I looked at JJ with a blank face.

"Let the kid go, your beef isin't with him and you know it." I told him in a hard voice.

He gave me an amused look.
"Being smart runs in the family." He mused.

"Let. Him. Go." I said through clenched teeth, feeling my control slipping.

Knowing fully well, he continued to taunt me.

"Whatever do you mean little sister?" He asked.

"Jordan, stop with this." I pleaded.

His second name rolling off my tongue caught him off guard. I could see it in his startled eyes.

"Let him go and take me. If you want to hurt someone, hurt me, punish me, torture me and kill me. But please, don't touch them." I said, my voice trembling.

"W-Why would I do that?" He asked in disbelief , his voice faltering.

"Because from day one, its always been me. Im the one you want. They dont deserve to suffer the consequences." I said and was proud at how strong my voice came out.

He looked at me long and hard. Then the lights came on, and I sighed in relief. He let go of Henry, throwing him on the floor. I rushed to his side and he hugged me tight.

"Don't, don't. Please dont." He kept saying in my ear.

I pulled back and gave him a forced smile.
"Go with your mama." I whisperd but he shook his head.

"I'm not leaving you with him." Henry whisperd.

"Hey, its okay." I said as I touched his cheek. He was the most adorable little boy I had ever seen.

"I'm a big girl, and im stronger than I look. I'll be fine. Now go, go with your mama." I said.

He didin't want to, I could see it in his eyes. But he obliged, running into Amy's arms. I saw how her face healed itself and was no longer shattered or broken. I smiled in spite of myself.

The tranquil setting ended for me when I was roughly grabbed from behind, and something plunged into my stomach, making me gasp and hurl.

"JUNIPER!" I heard Juni scream.

I looked down to see only the hilt and, judging by how I was feeling, the blade was probably deep in my gut.

Then the blade was out and I fell to my knees with a cry I could not stop, clutching my stomach. I raised my eyes to where they were. Juni was trying to escape Amy's grasp while her and Henry cried as he held Juni by her arms .

"NO, NO! JUNIPER NO!" she sobbed.

"This is the end of the line for you, Krissy. Dad saved you the first time, then the medication, your boy toy Tyler, hell even my own wife, son and sister betrayed me to save you. But this is it, you'll soon fall asleep and wont wake up. Your all alone, done for." He whisperd in my ear as I gasped.

"She's not alone, dipshit!" Juni yelled and if I weren't so weak, I would have burst out laughing.

"What did I ever do to make you hate me so much?" I slurred as warm liquid fell from my mouth and onto the marble tiles, staining them red.

"Guess you'll never know." I heard him say. My vision went clouded as I looked at him, his face close to mine. He was kneeled in front of me, watching me with his blue eyes.

Wait, blue eyes? No, he's eyes were black.

But then I saw it, my mind caught up with it. His eyes, they were flickering from blue to black, before they settled on black again. I blinked twice weakly, had I seen correctly?

I tried to watch some more, to stay awake, but my body was begining to shut down. I was loosing too much blood, I could feel it surrounding my body, like I waa floating on water. Despite my efforts, Henry's and Juni's screams, my eyes were closed as I slowly waited for death to come and me away.

Or whatever was about to happen to me, I was more than happy to welcome it. Anything was better than this.

"Sweet dreams, si-" a loud bang echoed down the hallway and I'm surprised I heard it so clearly even in my state.

I was surprised that I was still actually conscious but hey, that's dream land to you.

Something fell next to me but I coudint open my eyes.

That's when the commotion started.

"Juniper?! Juniper, open your eyes please, please open your eyes." I recognized Juni's desperate voice.

"Girly wake up! Please don't leave us!" I almost smiled at Henry's nickname. My sweet little boy...

"Fight it, you have to fight it Juniper." Amy said in a hoarse voice.

They all kept talking but my eyelids felt so heavy. My senses started to blur, and all there worried chatter turned down until I coudint hear it.
It was like being underwater.

"Come on, come on Juniper. Stay with me here, snap out of it. Open your eyes honey." I heard a soft deep voice say.
A voice I knew all to well.

I broke free of my trance and opened my eyes to see none other than my father. We were in my room at home, Juni, Henry, Amy and JJ nowhere to be seen.

"Daddy?" I said in disbelief as tears started to come out of my eyes.

"Dad." I cried as I hugged him tight.
"Dad, don't let me go. Please dont let me go." I whisperd.

"You have to go back sweetie." He insisted as he patted my hair.

"No, no I can't. I want to stay with you. I need to help them, I-"

"I will take care of everything, they will be safe with me. You have my word. I'll keep the same until you come back." He said as I pulled away to stare at him. "But right now, you have to live again. You have to wake up, to heal and to end this."

His eyes were a honey brown warm color, and they crinkled slightly as he smiled at me.

"I can't leave you. I can't live without you dad, I just can't." I whisperd.

"You alredy are." He said as he chuckled. "Your a strong young woman, you dont need old me to slow you down." I let out a sob and he gave me a sad smile.

"One day, you will fly so high, you'll reach the stars." He said as he cradled me in his arms.

"Daddy, please." I whispers and he kissed my forehead.

"I love you, my little shooting star. I'm so proud of you, you have no idea. Remember, even if im not physically with you, my love is. And that, my dear daughter, will last you a lifetime." he told me and then everything went black again.

Wake up.

My eyes shot open as I gasped. I clutched my stomach for dear life and looked around in panic.

"Hey, hey, its okay. Its okay, your alright. " I heard a voice say.

I realized I was on the floor, my head on Madelane's shoulder.

I looked down, touching my abdomen frantically and lifting my hood up, to see I didn't have any blood on me. My black hoodie, as well as my skin, was intact. There was no dagger, no blood pouring out of me.

"Maddy?" I whisperd. She looked at me, her eyes holding worry.

She wiped the strands of hair that were sticking to my forehead while she watched me.

"Maddy, please dont leave me. Madelane Stacy, please." I whisperd.

And that's wen I started to cry. She held me close, her shirt probably soaked as my head rested on her chest and she hugged my trembling body tight.

"Never, I'll never leave you. Your my best friend, my sister. No matter what you say or do or think, I will always be here for you, I will always love you Juniper Kristen." She said softly as I continued to silently sob.

Through my cries, I softly heard Juni's voice echo in my head.
Your not alone. She said.

Through my tears, my gasping, and my sobs, I managed to smile.

I apologize for this chapter in advance. It was kinda awkward.

Anyways, Im back!
Blame my inactivity and lack of updating on high school and the fact that im having problems trying to get the chapters up because Wattpad wont let me.
Thankn you Wattpad, I still love ya tho.

So, thoughts on Amy and Henry?
My opinion is they're very weird, maybe even bipolar.

Dont forget tooooo:

Until the next update.


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