The Coalition (Book 1)

By AriaJWolfe

387 8 4

What you don't know can kill you... It's just a pretty pendant. A harmless necklace. Everyone wears them, lik... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73

Chapter 61

2 0 0
By AriaJWolfe

The crowd parted to let the wild girl through. Pale-faced and glassy-eyed she streaked towards Aliah. The pendant at her throat caught the overhead electric light, reflecting it back to him in miniature rainbows.

She had Shai's face, Shai's hair and her slender body, but the eyes weren't the familiar pale shade of blue. These eyes looked so dark he thought they might be coal-black. His heart sunk to his knees.

It was Shai. How she came to be here in the Core he didn't know. Why she was covered in blood-splatter was a disturbing thought he'd rather not analyze now. In a moment she'd be on him, and quite possibly, he'd be sliced to pieces, judging from the look in her eyes.

"Shai!" A voice smooth as velvet yet hard as steel made Aliah jump and Shai stopped, her right arm still over her head, the long blade dripping thick crimson drops into her hair.

Aliah couldn't see who spoke. Shai completely filled his line of vision, but the tenor of it reached into the recesses of his mind and pulled on a memory like someone flipped a switch.

The memory was of a man whose face was like chiseled stone: angular, grooved and brown. His hair fell to his shoulders in soft white waves. Eyes as clear and deep a blue as a late summer sky. He was neither tall nor short, fat nor thin. And his age couldn't be told just by looking at him.

It was that same man that walked towards Shai now. He moved with precision, head straight, shoulders back, hands behind his back. He looked like a man who'd led a thousand countries into war and emerged the victor. No one moved and no one spoke. His presence seemed to fill the Core.

Shai's eyes focused on Aliah's and he saw a flash of recognition before she fell at his feet. The light had gone from her wide-open eyes, but the movement of her chest said she was still alive. The blade rolled from her open hand and Aliah kicked it aside, the smell of it so strong he could taste it.

The white-haired man knelt beside Shai and the blood from her hands stained his garments. He took her hand in his and kissed it while he stroked back the dirty matted hair from her face. Her eyes stared upwards, unblinking.

The man stood and looked at Aliah. A bloody smear near his mouth. "She's fighting hard. Her mind has already been wiped and Samael's already started reconditioning her. But she's fighting with everything in her." He turned and motioned to a few men standing around.

"Get her into my chambers. Do it quickly."

"Elchai." The name caught in Aliah's throat. It had been too long since they'd seen each other. The memories too new since the truth had come.

The older man gripped Aliah's shoulder, marking him with blood. "I was with her a moment ago. She seemed fine. Well, not fine, but not like this." He looked at the ground, at the bloody blade a few feet away, at the spot Shai had fallen and the red smear on Elchai's face.

"All this blood..." His stomach heaved.

"Son, go to my chambers and stay with her. She has crossed over. Something has happened on the other side. She needs you to watch her from this side so something like that doesn't happen again. Let Remiel take care of what's happening in Gershom." Elchai's voice softened.

Aliah shook the older man's hand off his shoulder. "I'm not your son. And what good am I if I stay here while Remiel is off doing whatever's he's doing in Gershom?" He didn't care if his tone was sarcastic. Didn't care that Elchai's mouth dipped down. He had wanted to see Elchai earlier, to talk to him about the Book in order to win back Shai's trust. But with Elchai standing in front of him, Aliah discovered he hated the Book as much as he hated the pendants. The Book had been responsible for the Laws and punishments in Lael, and it was the cause of Sileas's death.

The crowd had dispersed now that Shai had been carried off. Someone came to remove the knife and sweep the dirt, erasing the stain of blood on the ground without complaint or comment. A strange thought flitted through Aliah's mind. Kentites are warriors. They are used to seeing blood.

Aliah walked back the way he came. His steps surer, his back straighter. He would go to Gershom. If he stayed here he'd want to plunge that curved blade deep into Elchai's neck or cut off each of his fingers that were responsible for writing the Book. In Gershom he could find the Book and put the page back. If Shai had crossed over into Gershom the three of them would be together. The Coalition could happen. He had to make it happen. Couldn't Elchai see that?

Heavy footsteps in the corridor behind him made him turn around. The whites of Elchai's eyes seemed to glow in the dim light, his hair a shimmery halo around his head.

"You can't go to Gershom. The Son of Thunder is the one the Book describes. The one who'll die to save the many."

"It's because of your damn Book that I have to go to Gershom! I have a page of it, Elchai! I can't sit here and let the future die! Why can't you see that!"

"It's you who can't see. Gershom is in another realm. In order to put the page back you'd have to cross over. That means facing Death. You won't come back if you go there." Elchai touched Aliah's arm. "Shai is dying. And everyone in Lael will too if you don't let Remiel do what he needs to do. Samael only wants revenge against me. To take everything he can from me. Remiel has gone to trade his life for Shai's and all of Lael's. Life for life. Don't go."

Aliah jerked his arm away from Elchai then turned and ran.

Elchai's voice rang out in the corridor. "Only love is stronger than death. If you die for any other reason you'll lose your life as well as Shai's. Don't go!"

The pounding of Aliah's feet thundered in his ears and matched the pounding of his heart against his ribs.

"I'm going Elchai, and you can't stop me. I'm going to talk to my father! Maybe you should've written thatin your Book!"

He wasn't certain, but if the echo didn't lie Elchai said, "one son's death is enough."

If Aliah had to die to set things right, it was a price he was willing to pay. He had nothing to lose. And going to Gershom had nothing to do with Remiel. He was still angry with Remiel for leaving. He was going for Shai, and for Lael. To fix what he had done.

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