By CaptNAndrews

11.9K 853 73

Salem Rines keeps dying prematurally. Well, it's not like her life has ever been easy. With her parents murd... More

| Prologue|
| One |
| Two |
| Three |
| Four |
| Five |
| Six |
| Seven |
| Eight |
| Nine |
| Ten |
| Eleven |
| Twelve |
| Thirteen |
| Fourteen |
| Fifteen |
| Sixteen |
| Seventeen |
| Eighteen |
| Nineteen |
| Twenty |
| Twenty One |
| Twenty Two | Special POV chapter!
| Twenty Three |
| Twenty Four |
| Twenty Five |
| Twenty Six |
*Shameless self-advertising >:)
| Epilogue |
My Blog!

| Twenty Seven |

311 22 0
By CaptNAndrews

| Twenty Seven |


I hated myself for putting Salem though such grief. I hated that Akjan was forced to take charge and she sent Salem right into danger to free me; however I despised the way Myserien acted the most. She dare trick me, hurt Salem then even dare use me to kill her.

The thought of Salem's soul being ruined sent a terrible pain into my chest. I did not understand such a pain but I wished for it to vanquish. It felt like fear – I was afraid of losing this mortal in my arms.

T'was a strange feeling indeed.

"Enirr," she said softly, those bright eyes peering up at me, "I'm worried about Cerberus."

I should not tell her the dog was made for the purpose to protect her. Although, it hadn't done such a good job. Allowing her to be hurt twice now – if Salem had not taken a fonding to the creature I would have returned him back to ash.

"I shall deal with Myserien," I informed her.

She shook her head, frowning, "You already tried that remember?"

"Salem I cannot have you in harms way," I replied disliking whatever she was thinking.

She smiled, "But if we do it together there's no way to stop us!"

I debated this for a moment. If she was near me I could protect her more easily than if she was hiding. This way my eyes could be on her also, and so Myserien's tricks would not work a second time.

"Very well, let us find Myserien," I sighed.

She squealed as if I told her something wanting extreme happiness. My eyes rolled at her playful childness and began heading off in the direction of Myserien. Her glory was faint in the air – singeing the space as if she was still aflame.

The trail led us to the major room of the fake bar. There, it was clear the place had been a battleground. Holes covered the walls, scratches in the floor among broken furniture. My eyes roamed the room trying to search for the woman and yet her glory stained everywhere here.

"Be careful," I muttered to Salem.

She gasped, ignoring my words, "Oh Cerberus!"

The foolish mortal went running over to where the dog had changed back into his mortal form. He bled from minor cuts, however it would seem Myserien had broken most of his bones. A pity truly, however the dog did better than I would have expected against a fallen angel.

A shadow fell over Salem as she consulted the dog and fear filled me, "Salem move!"

She looked up as my wings burst free and I threw myself across the room towards her. Myserien took form and held up a dagger – forcing it right through Salem's delicate flesh. A roar tore through my lips and I knocked Myserien through the air.

Salem had slumped forward, a soft moan escaping her lips. I scooped her into my arms with no other thoughts in the world. Panic swirled around inside me as I watched her soul flutter like a butterfly then begin to disintegrate.

"What have you done?" I whispered, my eyes beginning to burn.

Myserien laughed – I no longer knew this woman, "She's died too many times. There's nothing left for her. You should have noticed the moment she came here. Yet you were too focused on your reunion to see there was nothing holding her soul together."

She was right, I realized. I had been so foolish I did not see the cracks forming. I had failed my job and now Salem's life was paying the ultimate price. Anguish and fury swirled around me – my glory rose around me like lightening.

It stuck Myserien in the chest – she fell to her knees crying, "W-What? You don't have your scythe? How can you ruin my soul?"

I looked over at her blankly, "You are more foolish than the mortals. A weapon is merely that. You are an ugly, pathetic creature Myserien, I do pity you."

"N-No," she whispered, her form showing her true face.

She reached towards me, turning to ash. I then lay Salem on the ground, my wings sliding under her. She moaned softly, her eyes fluttering. A battle to stay open; and yet despite her struggle to stay alive she smiled.

"Enirr," she whispered, "I really do I love you, but I know you don't feel the same. Thank you for showing me know I was supposed to be treated. Thank you for letting me love you."

A small smile tugged onto my face as she grew still, "You foolish mortal. I love you too."

Then she stopped breathing. My mind whirled to try and save this crumbling soul. I didn't know what to do – I didn't know how to fix this. Beside me the dog whined, licking at his owners face. I frowned, pushing him away from Salem. He had failed to protect him. I should take back his soul.

And then I froze.

"Shared souls," I whispered in realization.

I pulled my wings away from Salem's form, then tugged the dagger free of her flesh. I leaned forward, and pressed my lips to her own. Pushing back, I allowed my glory to swirl around us then like her own, I broke my soul.

"My beautiful Salem," I whispered, allowing exhaust to fill me.

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