My stepbrothers and I (#1)...

By Hannahbananah61

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Victoria parks' world is turned upside down when her father married the mother of the two hottest guys in her... More

Chapter one - I do's and I don'ts
Chapter two - so this is my new reality
Chapter three - well I never would've thought it!
Chapter four - a mother's love is eternal... Yeah right
Chapter five - what the heck is happening?
Chapter six - everyone now knows...
Chapter seven - party!
Chapter eight - they have a brother...
Chapter nine - New York, New York it's a hell of a town...
Chapter ten - what happens in New York stays there...
Chapter twelve - the boys find out
Chapter thirteen - home sweet home
Chapter fourteen - dates and disasters
Chapter fifteen - through their eyes
Chapter Sixteen - back to reality
Chapter seventeen - The lake house
Chapter Eighteen - Revelations
Chapter Nineteen - Halloween
Chapter Twenty - The New Kid
Chapter Twenty-One - Celebrations and dances
Chapter Twenty-Two - Winter break comes early
Chapter Twenty-Three - Christmas Time
Chapter Twenty-Four - New Year's Celebrations

Chapter eleven - family bonding

9.8K 204 27
By Hannahbananah61

"I don't know" I looked down
"Well, if you want I can give you my address and you can come by any time" she smiled at me and I pulled out my phone so she could write her address in.
I saw Christian on his way toward me and I smiled at him.
"Hey Chris" I said "what's up?"
"Hey..." He looked at Lily and then back to me "... Who's your friend?"
"This is Lily... That guy who I was talking to earlier... This is his girlfriend"
"Was" Lily corrected me
"Oh... Right." Christian replied "didn't you and him just..."
"That's why I said 'was'" Lily said "I caught them... But she didn't know. She's nice... He's a dick so it's all good"
"Lily here was saying that she knows my mom" I said
He looked at me surprised "oh... I see" then his expression turned serious "Tori, I need to talk to you about something"
"Right" I turned to Lily "will you be okay?" She nodded so I turned to Christian "okay"
We headed off and he led me to a part at the side of the house where there weren't any people and he turned to me, pulled me to him and pressed his lips to mine. I was surprised at first but then I responded.
He pulled away after the longest of time and looked at me with bright eyes and a grin on his face.
"I'm so glad I just did that" he said "you wanna head back to the hotel now?"
"What about Julian?" I asked
"He's gone off with some girl... Going back to her place"
"Oh, right"
"I wanna head back now anyway but I didn't wanna leave you here on your own..."

We headed back to the hotel and then we drank some more there in his room.
We had a laugh and then things got a little heated. He pressed his lips to mine and lay me down on the bed, straddling me to it.
The kiss became more passionate and heated and then... That was all I remembered. My mind went fuzzy due to drinking so much and I woke in Christian's room.
I felt an arm on my waist and I turned to see Christian laying there.
I looked around the room and saw my clothes laying on the floor.
His eyes fluttered open as I looked down at him and they widened slightly as he looked up at me, but then a smirk played on his lips.
"Good morning" he said
"Did we...?"
He scratched the back of his neck with his hand "I guess we did" he looked at me "it's cool though right? We're not gonna tell Julian about this?" I shook my head "good"
I quickly gathered up my clothes and pulled them on, heading to my room.
I changed and sighed as I looked at the address on my phone, contemplating whether or not to go.
Julian came into my room once I finished changing and then Christian came in a few minutes after.
"So, what are we doing today?" Julian asked
"I guess I'm going to see my mother" I replied
Both boys looked at me confused
"I heard she's living around here"
"Want us to come? I mean just in case you decide you want to kill her?" Christian asked
"No, I have to do this by myself... Go and spend some time with your brother... I'll be okay... I bet Elisa wants to see you"
"You sure?" They both asked at the same time
"Yes, now spend time with your family, I'll spend time with mine I guess"
"But you are our family" Christian said
"Just go" I said and pointed to the door
I grabbed my stuff and headed out before they could object. I called a cab and told the driver the address.
The area in which Lily lived was a nice area close to the one which Adrian lived.
The cab pulled up outside of a large mansion and I got out, paying the driver and he drove away.
I gulped, took a deep breath and then walked up the steps toward the front door.
Bracing myself, I knocked on the large oak door and waited

"How may I help you ma'am?" A butler came to answer the door
"Um... I'm here to see Mary-Anne?" I said this unsure of what I was saying
"Miss Mary-Anne has just stepped out right now... Would you like to wait for her miss?"
I bit down on my bottom lip but then spoke "no, it's fine thank you... I'll come back later"
"Tori?" I jumped at the sound of my name and saw Lily behind the butler
"Hey Lily"
"Ah, miss Lillian... She's here to see miss Mary-Anne"
"Don't worry, I'll sort her out"
She let him go and turned to me "so you decided to come and say hello huh?"

She let me come in and we sat in the front room.
"Your mom should be back at some point soon... I'll just get Jeff to make us some brunch"

We ate and talked and then we heard the front door close
"I'm home!" I heard my mother's voice ring through the house
"In the front room" Lily shouted back "you have a visitor by the way"
"Ooh, a visitor for-" she stopped in her tracks when she saw me and her eyes widened

"Yeah... It's me. I was in the neighbourhood I guess"
She dropped her bag on the floor as I stood and came to give me a hug "I knew you would come around eventually"
I pushed her back for a second "me coming here today doesn't make me forgive you for what you did... I came for closure I guess. This doesn't mean anything."
"I know honey, I know... I don't expect you to forgive me. I'm just glad you are here... Why are you here anyway?"
"I came with Julian and Christian... To see their brother and niece as they live down here and I hadn't got to meet them yet. I only met Lily last night at a party and found out you were here... It was a funny story actually" I giggled "I mean, how I met Lily... Let's just say Jake is a complete asshole"
She turned to Lily "so you finally realised it?"
"Yeah" Lily replied
"So, how long have you been with..."
"Tony?" Mom finished my sentence "yeah, we've been together for a couple of months now"
"Anymore children I should know about?"
"Yeah, my thirteen year old brother Jeremy" Lily said "just me and Jer"
I nodded "okay"
We sat there and talked for a long time and Tony came back from work.
"Hey honey, this is Victoria, my daughter... Who I've been talking about recently"
"Ah yes... Lovely to finally meet you" he extended his hand for me to shake and I did just that, smiling at him
"You want me to go fetch Jer from school?" Lily asked
"No need, he has soccer practice until late. I'll get Margaret to pick him up"
"No, we will pick him up on our way to dinner" Mary-Anne smiled
"We're going to dinner?" I asked
"Is that okay Tony?"
"Sure... Anything for my baby" he kissed her cheek and Lily gaged, I almost did too

We hovered around for a while and I talked to Lily, finding out some things about her

"So, these stepbrothers of yours... Are you close to them?" Lily asked me
"I guess you could say that we are... I guess they wouldn't have asked me to come with them if I weren't"
"Yeah, you seemed close to... Christian, Is it?"
"Yeah, I'm close to both of them I guess. I have known them all of my life, but we only started talking properly after my dad married their mom and they moved in"
"So is he happy...? Your dad I mean" Mary-Anne asked... She still wasn't my mother at this moment, but things could change
"Uh... Yeah, he seems to be. He's been a lot happier since he started dating Maddie."
She looked down at the floor "oh... I see" then she looked at me "are you happy? Living with your dad and his new family?"
I'd never really thought about it... Am I truly happy with the situation? "Yeah, I guess I am... If dad is happy then I am too. And the boys are great fun... They've brought me out of my shell and I'm glad they have... I wouldn't be here if they hadn't"
"Well, that's good" she smiled at me.

We eventually head out to pick up Jeremy in their limo and when he got in, he looked at me sceptically, pushing his glasses up his nose.
"Who is this?" He asked his father
"This is Victoria, Mary-Anne's daughter" Tony said
"But you can call me Tori" I said
He shook my extended hand and said "as you probably know, I'm Jeremy"
"And it's nice to meet you" I smiled at him
"It's nice to meet you too. Your mother has been talking about you a lot lately, but now I get to meet the infamous Victoria" he said, wow! This kid was smart and very polite.

We finally arrived at a five star restaurant... The kind you go to that serves mini portions of food and we didn't need a booking because they were well-known at the restaurant.
We then ordered and sat there, talking while we waited.
"So, you're from California?" Tony asked
"Yeah, I am"
"How did you know Lily? You said you met her last night?" Mary-Anne asked
"Well, it was kind of an awkward way to meet your stepsister actually..." I replied
"You said it involved Jake?"
I put my hands up in mock surrender "hey, in my defence I didn't even know he had a girlfriend. I'm just glad nothing major happened cause I would have felt more guilty about doing it"
"Yeah, I caught Jake kissing her and then she came to me to apologise to me and we just instantly hit it off I guess. Maybe he is a jerk after all and he hasn't even talked to me today to apologise himself so I take it he doesn't want to be with me anymore." Lily said
"Good... Well I didn't like that boy anyway" Tony said
"Dad! You never like any boy I've dated" Lily whined "can't you like just one of the guys I date?"
"I think he was gross anyway" Jeremy said "the way he was all over you like that..." He shuddered at the thought

Lily's POV -

The dinner was nice, we got to know her well and she was pretty smart for her age... She said she was the smartest senior at her high school.
"Oh... You're in high school?" I asked
"I thought you were in college seeing as you were at that party last night"
"Oh, no... Some college girls invited Chris and Julian... They just brought me along... So Lily, what are you studying at college?"
"Psychology" I replied "I guess it's my major..." My phone rang then "...excuse me, I have to take this" I stood from the table and looked at my phone. It was Jake.
Once I was outside, I answered
"What do you want?" I asked, pretty harshly
"Hey..." He sounded nervous "...are you mad at me?"
"What do you think?" I seethed
He sighed "look... I'm sorry for what you saw last night"
"Are you sorry that I saw it or sorry that you did it?"
"Both?" He said this unsure of his answer
"Are you sure you're not just sorry that you got caught?" I asked
"What? Lil where are you, we need to talk face to face" he said
"I'm not saying because I don't want to talk to you... Not tonight. Im with my dad, Mary-Anne, Jer and Mary-Anne's daughter"
"She has a daughter?"
"Yeah, that girl I caught you sucking face with... She came to apologise to me because you didn't and I realised she was Mary-Anne's daughter"
He was silent for a moment but then spoke "oh..."
"So save us all some trouble and leave me alone. I don't want to speak to you tonight. I'll probably see you in class tomorrow" with that, I hung up and went back inside and to the table
"Who was it honey?" Dad asked
"Just Jake" I replied "trying to apologise to me..."
My phone buzzed, it was a text from Jake

Jake: I don't care what you say, I'm coming to yours tonight. We need to talk. I'm sorry for what I did. I was drunk, I need to speak to you Lil. I can't cope with knowing you're mad at me, I can't wait until tomorrow :(
Me: no Jake, I don't want to know. Please just give me some space just for tonight

He didn't reply and we finished our dinner and then headed home.

Jake was sat in the front room "ah, miss Lillian, he insisted to wait here for you"
I groaned and he stood "can't we talk?"
I looked over at Tori and back to Jake
"I guess I'll just head back to the hotel now. It was nice meeting you guys and nice to see you again mom" Tori smiled "I'll see you some other time. I bet the boys are wondering where I got to anyway, bye"
She headed off and I turned to Jake
"Okay then, talk"
"Can we talk somewhere private?"

I led him through to the back yard and we sat down on the swings and then he spoke
"I know you can't forgive me for what I've done, but I don't want us to be on rocky terms. I am really sorry for what happened with Tori. I just couldn't help myself"
"So, you're gonna not be able to help yourself whenever you see her?"
"It's not like that... Come on Lil... I haven't had sex in 3 weeks since we have been together and that's a lot for me."
"So. You're saying that if I let you have sex with me this wouldn't have happened?"
"No, I'm not saying that, I do really like you and want us to work out... I'm waiting until you're ready to do that, it's killing me yes, but I know I can wait because I know when we do it will be special." He cupped my face with his hands and spoke softly "I'm so sorry" he kissed my forehead and then my nose and then he pressed his lips to mine

I pushed him away
"But what about the next time... Are you going to say that all when it happens again? Because I know it will"
He furrowed his eyebrows "it will never happen again, I promise"
"But the saying goes... Once a cheater always a cheater... When someone cheats once, they can't stop... Unless they weren't the ones who enforced it and they regret it. But Jenny said she saw you flirting with her and dancing dirty with her... That to me seems like you were the one who initiated it" I sighed "I'm sorry Jay, but I can't deal with this right now. I have to go" I started to walk off, but he grabbed me by my arm and pulled me to him, pressing his lips to mine once again.
"I hadn't realised it until now, but I... I love you" he said "I don't want to loose you. I know it has only been three weeks, but I've known you longer. I don't want this to end. I promise I will love you and only you... Forever and always"

Tori's POV -

Back at the hotel, the boys weren't there, so I rang Chris and got no answer so I rang Julian and he answered
He sounded out of breath and there were noises coming from the back ground
"Hey, what's up?" He asked me
"Did I call at a bad time?"
"Nah" I was hearing a girl screaming 'oh god' and 'oh yeah'
"Are you in the middle of something?" I asked "if you are I can totally ring you back in an hour"
"I'm gonna need more than an hour babe"
"Ewww! I'll just ring Chris again and let you get back to what you're doing"
"Alright, see you"
I hung up and felt something in the pit of my stomach... Wait! Was I feeling jealous?
I shook the thought from my head and rang Christian again. This time he answered
"Hey there beautiful" he sounded drunk
"Chris? Where are you?"
"I'm at the bar downstairs... Come join me for some drinks babe. I missed you today"
I sighed... Looked like I was gonna be carrying him up to his room "alright, I'll be down in five"
"Okay gorgeous... I'll be... Hick... Waiting for you"
I quickly got changed and headed down in the elevator to find Christian.
He was sat on a stool at the bar
"Chris" I said and he looked at me and grinned
"Hey sexy" he smirked at me... He was drinker than I'd ever saw him
"Why are you drinking so much?" I asked
He furrowed his eyebrows drunkenly "what do you mean? I'm not drunk... I'm just tipsy... You haven't seen me drunk yet" he burped and shouted "another beer"
I stopped the bartender "I think he's had enough for one night" before he could open the bottle "I'm just gonna take him up to his room now"
I turned to Christian "come on, let's get you to bed"
"But I don't wanna" he whined
"But you're gonna" I said
He pouted "but I'm not done"
"Oh, I think you are"
He tried to stand, but I had to help him
"come on" I said and dragged him to the elevator. We got in and pressed the button to our floor and as the doors closed, he turned to me and pressed his lips to mine. I responded after a moment and then the elevator dinged as it got to our floor so I pushed him away.
He stumbled to his room and I opened his door. I dropped him on the bed and he pulled me down with him so that I was straddling him to the bed
"You're so beautiful" he said and smirked at me "I- I love you"
I looked at him in surprise but responded "I love you too dummy... Someone has to... You're my bro"
He shook his head "no! I mean... I love you" he pulled me to him and pressed his lips to mine once again

Wow! So... A lot has gone on in This chapter I guess
But there will be more juicy stuff in the next couple of chapters
So Jake and Lily will be in this more from this chapter onward.
Thanks for reading
Have a good morning/day/night/afternoon/evening wherever you are in the world

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