Why me?

By queencostell

43K 720 117

He's poor and everything happens so fast. She's rich and tries to help but what happens when he doesn't want... More



1.4K 31 3
By queencostell

Jakes POV
I go in for the kiss but she moves out the way

J- rik
E- you see how it feels
J-*chuckles* you got me
E- I'm never going to leave you *smiles*

I feel my face turn red and she giggles at me

E- I'm hungry let's go

She grabs my hands and put them on her hips behind her. We walk inside and we get into the kitchen. We eat and then head up to her room. We get chill out for a bit

J- I think I want to go home
E- are you sure
J- yea
E- you want a drive
J- sure

We get up and she drives me home. I walk in the apartment and I grab a bag and just start throwing the stuff I broke in there. I just start crying while I'm doing this. I go into the hallway and I'm faced with her room. I walk up and shut the door. I go into my room and start cleaning in there. I take the trash out and I start cleaning. I stop after a bit and collapse onto the floor. Tears come storming down my face.

J- I never wanted you to go. We were happy for once. Just me and you just the way it should be but it's not, it's just me. I wanted you to see me get a well paying job, get married, have kids. I know you were in so much pain but I'm in pain now. Life is just gonna be harder.

I lay flat on my back and just stare at the ceiling wishing this never happened.

Two nights later

Jakes POV
I walk across town to get home from my job. Even if I don't go to school I still have to go to work. I run up my stairs and I unlock the door. I get in and I throw my bag on the floor. I look around and I've been fixing the apartment a bit to get my mind off of everything. It looks great it smells even better. I walk threw the living room and go into my room.

E- since when did you make your bed

I look up and see Erika. I lean on the door catch my breath

J- you scared the fucking shit out of me

She smiles at me and I put my bag on the ground. I put my back towards her to put my things away

J- what are you doing here
E- well you haven't talked to me in two days and I wanted to make sure you were okay

I take my pants Off and put shorts on and I slip a shirt on. I look out the window and put my hands on the edge. I turn my head to erika who faces the other way

J- rik?
E- yeah

I turn around and walk over to my bed. I lay beside her and she turns around. She grabs my face and kisses me.

Erika's POV
I wake up to a hand rubbing from my shoulder to my thigh, just going up and down. I realize I have nothing on just my underwear. I look back and see Jake with his eyes closed. I grab his arm and put his hand on my stomach

E- jake?
J- yeah?
E- I love you
J- *smiles* I love you too

He kisses my shoulder and I feel him get up. I roll onto my back and put the covers over me. He puts shorts on and walks over with his shirt in his hand. He bends down and kisses me. He gives me his shirt and he walks out. I grab my phone and look at the time,7:30am. I slip his shirt on and walk out on the balcony. I stand beside him

E- why are you up so early
J- just a habit
J- are you going to school
E- I was going stay here with you, is that okay?
J- yeah

Jake puts his arms on my shoulders and pulls me into him. I feel his hand grab the bottom of the shirt

E- what are doing
J- I'm making sure no one can see your ass because your Erika Costell who doesn't wear normal underwear and wears a thong

I playfully push him back and he laughs at me when he barely moved. I walk back inside and I hear Jake behind.

J- are you mad

I hear His soft, cute voice behind me. He really thinks I'm mad at him. I turn around

E- why would I be mad that your to fat to move
J- *smiles* hey

He grabs he and picks me up. He brings us into his room. He falls onto the bed with him on top.

J- that was so rude
E- I'm just telling the truth

He grabs my hand and rubs it on his abs.

J- that's not fat is it babe?
E- not at all

I bring his head into my neck.

Jakes POV
I bring Erika to her car

E- you ready for tomorrow?
J- for what?
E- three years
J- shit I forgot
E- hey it's all good *smiles*
J- no it's not
E- babe it doesn't matter if you didn't get me anything you know that. You've been through a lot during this week
J- just because I'm going through this doesn't mean you do too
E- Jake listen I don't care if you give me anything. If you do I'll be really appreciative but you know that stuff doesn't matter
J- why doesn't it matter
E- because I have you
J- or is it another reason?

If you don't know what I'm talking about it's money. Yeah I just said that

E- fuck off. If I didn't love you do you think I would be dating you for three years. In the three years I could have had five rich fuckboy boyfriends. Money doesn't mean shit to me
J- you don't realize how money important is until you really need it.

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