multifandom imagines

By jacobstophat

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[ SLOW UPDATES ] in which i write about fictional characters (and actors) who don't even know i exist :) STAR... More

My Savior | Arthur Morgan
Cold | Arthur Morgan
Alive | Joel Miller
Saved | Nathan Drake
Last Chance | Arthur Morgan AU
The Closet | Joel Miller
Someone You Loved | Obi-Wan Kenobi ; part I
Someone You Loved | Obi-Wan Kenobi ; part II
In Your Arms | Poe Dameron
Hope | Anakin Skywalker
Before You Go | Obi-Wan Kenobi
Fly Away | Sam Drake
In This Moment | Obi-Wan Kenobi
Under The Stars | Luke Skywalker
Redeemable | Higgs Monaghan
My Thoughts On The Last Of Us Part II
Fade Away | Cal Kestis
Poe Dameron, Spice Runner | Oscar Isaac
Tomorrow | Joel Miller
Five Minutes of Silence | Draco Malfoy
Deception | Anakin Skywalker
Just a Dance | Harry Potter
The Past | Deacon St. John
Together Again | Darth Maul
Whatever It Takes | Anakin Skywalker
The End of the World | Leon S. Kennedy
Paradox | 10th Doctor

Behind The Scenes | Troy Baker

529 11 25
By jacobstophat

*** BEWARE ***



okay enjoy the world's hottest voice actor :)


"Morning, Bob!"

You called while putting your badge away in your pocket, trying not to spill the coffee clasped in your hands as the door closed and electronically locked behind you. "Morning, Y/N! Another long day?" The friendly security guard smiled and waved, you chuckled before finally succeeding at getting your badge into your pocket successfully. "Yep, gotta shoot some tough scenes today." You smiled as best you could, the pain of having to mocap Joel's death today sending a pang of hurt through your heart. Bob looked as if he understood, which he didn't considering everyone kept him spoiler free, but none the less he offered a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, you got this! Oh, by the way, Troy got here about half an hour ago." Bob informed you with a wink, watching as you shot him some finger guns before turning to walk deeper into the building. "Thanks, Bob!"

You approached your room labeled with "Y/N Baker" with a sigh, finding that you loved seeing the name of your character, Margaret, below it every day. You swung open the door to find Troy sitting in your chair with his phone in his hands, on FaceTime with someone but quickly spinning around in the chair once he heard the door open. "Oh, Y/N! Come say hi, it's Nolan." He smiled brightly as you crossed the room and set your coffee down on the table, along with your purse and keys before coming over to wrap your arms around his neck and look over his shoulder. "Hey, Nolan! How's my favorite voice actor?" You smiled and winked at the camera, watching as Troy wipes away fake tears before smiling and giving you a kiss on the cheek. "I'm doing good, how 'bout you? Heard you had some pretty tough scenes to shoot today." Nolan replied, watching as you cringed and scrunched your nose up in distaste as Troy angled the phone more towards you. "Yeah, it's gonna be a rough one. How's Coop and everyone?" You three talked for a while longer, talking about anything and everything under the sun for what felt like hours. Troy clicked the screen to see what time it was, inhaling sharply to see you three had been talking for a little over an hour. "Hey Nolan, we gotta go, bud." You smiled sadly, a frown making its way onto your lips as Troy leaned his head onto yours. You all said your goodbyes before Troy hung up, you sighed through your nose before you withdrew your arms from him to plop down on the small sofa.

"Man, I'm tired." You chuckled as you spread your arms out across the top of the couch, laying your head back against the cushion as you closed your eyes. You heard Troy chuckle before hearing some shuffling around, feeling the couch dip beside you and a sudden weight being placed in your lap. You peeked open an eye to see his head laying in your lap, an audible sigh passing his lips as his beautiful green eyes fluttered closed. Your arm lowered to where it was running through his strands of dark brown hair, trying not to mess up the way he styled it as he sighed again, the flicker of a smile passing his lips. A knock at the door interrupted your moment of peace, though. "Mr and Mrs Baker? They're ready for you to get into the suits." A man peeked his head into the doorframe and meekly informed you. You nodded and gave him a thumbs up, watching after the door closed as Troy groaned loudly and turned to bury his face into your stomach. "No." He groaned, his arms wrapping around your waist at a weird angle since he had to maneuver a certain way. "Come on, Neil is gonna come in here and drag us into wardrobe." You smiled, patting his cardigan covered shoulder as he sighed into your shirt. "Ughhhhh." He groaned again, finally turning his head and opening his deep green eyes and smiling slightly at your hands grazing his shoulder.

"Come on." You patted his shoulder once more as he finally sat up and put an arm on either side of your body, moving his head closer to plant a kiss on your cheek before hopping up off the couch. "You missed." You spoke when he had stood up and turned his back to you, watching as he stopped in his tracks before turning back around and taking the short steps back to the couch. He leaned down to press a kiss to your lips, his scruff tickling your cheeks making you giggle. He pulled back after a moment, eyes still closed but a smile stretching his lips. "I think you hit the target on that one, T Bakes." You teased, watching as he laughed sarcastically before making his way over to your coffee on the table. He took a sip before pulling a face, nose scrunching up and eyebrows furrowed. "Ugh, this isn't warm anymore." He fake gagged before abandoning the coffee on the table, you chuckled at his actions before lifting yourself off the couch and meeting him by the door. He offered his elbow like a gentleman, you giving another chuckle and a playful eye roll as he opened the door with his free hand.

The walk to the mocap changing room was a quick one, with Troy's long legs he was practically dragging you with him, your stride was nothing in comparison to how fast he was walking. When you both entered the room, there were a few ladies over by the makeup table where they would put the funny dots on yours and Troy's face for later on in the development stage when they made the character models. You abandoned Troy's elbow and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek, before making your way over to the small changing room where you quickly discarded your clothes on the small chair in the room. You put on your tank top and shorts first to go under the suit, before taking the black material and stepping into it. You pulled it up past your hips and pulled your arms through the holes, before pulling it over your shoulders and winding your arms around your back to zip up the suit. Unfortunately your arms were too short and you certainly didn't bend that way, but before you could cry for help a knock sounded at the door. "Y/N, you need help?" Troy's voice sounded from behind the door as you smiled widely, he always knew when you needed him.

You abandoned the zipper before opening the door, seeing the flaps of his suit hanging open from over his shoulders. "I'll do yours if you do mine." He chuckled amusingly, before stepping inside the cramped space and shutting the door behind him. He was still facing the door as you found the zipper at the small of his back, quickly pulling the material together and zipping as you went up his back. Before long the material was closed and there he stood in his tight suit, letting out a sigh and patting his shoulder. "You're good, my turn." You threw him a smile before turning around to face the mirror, watching as he turned behind you and took a step forward closer to you. He found the zipper in the same place you found his, purposefully brushing his fingers against your skin sending goosebumps across your back. "Stop." You tried to sound annoyed at his touch but failed miserably when a smile cracked through, watching as he smirked knowingly before chuckling to himself. He zipped the suit up the rest of the way before resting his hands on your shoulders, moving to wrap his arms around your neck and rest them on your collarbone.

You leaned back into him and rested your head on his chest, turning around in his arms to have him rightly hug you now. "This is gonna suck, isn't it." You whispered into his chest, more like mumbled as Troy deeply inhaled and exhaled through his nose. "Yep." He simply replied before resting his chin on your head, wrapping your arms around his midsection to pull him closer. Something poked at your stomach though, pulling you from the intimate moment in the changing room. "Please tell me that whatever is poking me is a ball on the suit." You couldn't hold your serious tone for long before a giggle broke through, Troy rolling his eyes playfully before childishly stepping away from you and opening the door to step out. You laughed as you followed him, the both of you going over to the makeup station so they could put the dots all over your face. You would probably cry them all off, but you were sure they would figure it out.

When you both were done and ready to get to the stage, Troy met you by the coffee table before gently grabbing your hand and pulling you along through the halls. It was a short walk to the stage, finding Neil greeting you upon your arrival. "Good morning guys! Y'all ready for today?" He greeted, clapping Troy on the back before wrapping an arm around your shoulder in a side hug. "Ready as we'll ever be." Troy smiled somberly, saying goodbye to Joel was hard on him and you knew he hated it as much as you did. Still in the half hug with Neil, you stuck a hand out to bring him into your other side, now in a tri-hug with the two men. "It'll be okay. You'll always have Sam Drake, though." You winked playfully, Troy knew how much you loved Sam and how well he played him. "Alright guys, go ahead and find your markers and give us a few to get going." Neil instructed as his director mode activated, furrowed eyebrows and the creases in his forehead becoming prominent as he squeezed your shoulder before wandering off to the crew. Troy and you nodded before watching him go, you untangled yourself from him before walking across the carpeted stage which was covered in multiple colors of tape. You found your purple T-shaped marker off closer to the corner, Troy finding his a few feet away directly in front of you. You both kneeled on the ground, you went ahead and sat criss crossed on the carpet and closed your eyes, trying to find your happy place before the heart breaking scene.

You could still hear the shuffling of the crew members as they worked around you off the stage, muttering to other people about what to do and camera placement. You opened your eyes after a moment to see Troy watching you, offering you a sad smile as he rested on his knees. "We'll be okay." He simply said, having the urge to get up and hug all your troubles away, but before he could, Neil came over to his chair with his clipboard and hopped into it. "Alright guys, T-Pose!" He announced as Jeffrey came on stage off towards the side, you and Troy scrambling off the ground to put your arms out beside you in the pose before seeing Neil give a thumbs up from across the room. Laura Bailey also was on stage in front of Troy along with the few other people Ellie would later kill in the story, Ashley off to the side yet already in her suit for when she was supposed to enter in a moment. You took that as your cue to get back on your knees, Troy and Jeffrey lay face down on the ground since Tommy was supposed to be knocked out and Joel was on the verge of death. Two of the other actors came up and held both your arms out beside you, almost in a T-Pose fashion before Neil made the final call to start the scene.


[ A/N: I'm switching over as if it's the characters point of view and not Troy or the reader's. Your character's name is Margaret, and of course Troy is Joel. ]

You screamed.

That was all you seemed to be doing since you, Joel, and Tommy found a woman who looked as if she needed help escaping the infected.

You should have let her die.

With every hit she swung the golf club, a fresh batch of tears streamed down your face. The floor and the glass behind him was spattered in Joel's blood, his face hardly recognizable from the unrelenting hits, you could see he was just barely breathing. He wasn't screaming anymore, the shotgun shells to his leg a distant memory compared to the hell this woman was putting him through. It was excruciatingly painful to watch, you wanted to kill the men holding you back from the woman beating the man you loved senseless. You were surprised Tommy hadn't jolted awake from your screaming and crying, a small part of you was glad that he didn't have to witness the state his brother was in.

It was all you could do to just sob to yourself, having gave up on getting free from the two men holding your now sore arms, their grip only got tighter when you tried. The only sound in the room was your unrelenting sobs and the sound of the club repeatedly bashing into his skull, a sound you'd never forget anytime soon, with an occasional grunt from the woman as she swung. But after what felt like hours, the door to your right cracked open and from your perspective, the tip of a gun was shown before the person was grabbed and shoved roughly to the floor. "Ellie!" You shouted as the men kicked her in the stomach a few times, trying to wrestle free to stop them as blood trailed down her face from her nose. "What the hell's going on in here?" A man entered from the other side of the room with a shorter woman, both of them surveying the room before the man walked to the woman who was holding the bloodied club in her hands. You could hear Ellie plead with the woman to stop, the two standing over Joel debating a few words back and forth, but your eyes stayed on Joel.

He was staring at you from what you could tell, the occasional twitch of his left hand let you know he was still alive, the golden wedding band on his ring finger stained with his blood. The sight of him was enough to completely break your heart and a fresh wave of tears sprung to your eyes, you knew what was coming. And he knew too, giving the smallest of smiles he could muster in the immense pain he was in, twitching his ring finger in the only way he knew how to say 'I love you' in that moment. Your bottom lip quivered when you realized what he was trying to say, a steady flow of tears trailing down your face. "Please don't do this." Ellie's voice broke through your thoughts and brought you back to the harsh reality of the world, the man stepping back from the woman with the club, overhearing her name was supposedly Abby from one of the men in the room. Abby paused for a long few seconds, gripping the club in her hand till her knuckles turned white and staring down at Joel as she thought. But you knew her mind was made up and there was no stopping her, not even Ellie's protests. "No!" Ellie yelled just as Abby swung the club one final time, the same sound from earlier echoing throughout the room, and the deed was done.

And you screamed again.

Your heart felt like it was ripped in half as you screamed, a gut wrenching cry that echoed off the cracking walls of the room and pierced the air. A fresh wave of tears, more unrelenting than the last, streamed down your face as you cried. You felt as if you couldn't breathe, you were crying so hard that your breaths came in stutters and your heart was pounding so fast you thought it would jump right out of your chest. You wrestled against the grip of the men, you were so broken inside that you knew you couldn't do anything if you tried. But Ellie, Ellie was mad. She screamed at Abby, making promises you knew she would follow through with, the blood running down her mouth splattering onto the floor as she yelled. You were a broken mess when Abby stepped away from Joel, handing the club off to someone else before taking one last look at you and Ellie. She turned and headed out the door with her people, the two men who were holding you and keeping Ellie down finally let go, and you collapsed forward into a heap. Your sobs wouldn't stop even when Ellie got to her knees, crawling over to you and trying to wrap an arm around your shoulder.

You couldn't keep still, rocking yourself slowly back and forth and side to side as Ellie cried silently beside you. Tommy stirred out of the corner of your eye and Ellie noticed, her eyes sad as she watched you crawl over to Joel, your hands hovering over his body as if you couldn't believe what you were seeing was reality. Another sob escaped your lips when your fingertips grazed the material of his jacket, leaning over and burying your head into his back, balling the jacket into your hands. You took a shaky deep breath before sobbing loudly, closing your eyes tight as if that would make everything go away. You felt a warm hand on your back and you knew it was Tommy, feeling his hand slide to your shoulders as he gently pulled you back. You were too weak to fight against it, letting yourself be pulled away from Joel and into Tommy's arms, your cheek pressed against his collarbone as you continued to sob. It felt as if the world was crashing down around you, waves of sadness pouring into your heart, your thoughts clouded of nothing but what could've been.


"Cut!" Neil's voice broke through the heavy silence hanging in the room, your eyes opening to see that almost everyone in the room was crying too. Ashley moved into T-Pose and Troy stood up and moved away a few inches to spread his arms out, you and Jeffrey following suit. Tears were still streaming down your face as Neil gave the thumbs up, as soon as he did your hands flew to your face and you sobbed into them. You felt like Margaret felt, like you had lost a part of yourself and it was awful. Jeffrey pulled you into his arms for a few more moments as Troy took his cap off to expose his hair, walking off to hand it to someone before coming right back. You were still sobbing into your hands but Jeffrey's arms stayed wrapped around your shoulders, feeling a presence behind you before his arms unwrapped from around you. The same warm and comforting arms you knew so well replaced Jeffrey's and you knew it was Troy, bringing you as close to him as he could and burying his head into your shoulder. You moved your hands from your face to wrap around his waist, burying your face into the space between his collarbone and neck.

You knew your tears were dampening the suit but neither of you cared, hearing a sniffle come from Troy caused a watery chuckle to escape your lips. "Are you crying too?" Your voice was shaky and Troy chuckled too, moving to kiss the crown of your head and rest his chin there. "A little bit." He mumbled but you heard, sighing shakily as your tears finally calmed down enough to where you could actually breathe. "That was awful, I swear if Neil makes us do it again I'm sending him the bill for my therapist." You laughed and Troy did too, pulling back and unwrapping your arms from his waist to wipe the tears from your face and smudging the dots in the process. "You okay?" You asked but Troy only gave you an incredulous look, your eyebrows furrowing as you stared at him. "Am I okay? I should be asking you that." He smiled, taking his thumb and wiping a stray tear from your cheekbone. "No, but I will be." You smiled at him in return, knowing what was in store for your character and how Margaret would evolve over the course of the story.

And as you and Troy walked off the stage hand in hand, you knew everything would be okay.

•Hi guys I'm not dead lol
•Yeah um I'm still not over Joel's death and I probably never will be :)
•In my first playthrough I balled the whole way through but now that I'm on my second one, I told myself "YoUrE nOt GonNa CrY, YoUvE sEeN tHiS bEfOrE" and I swear to GOD the second Joel started singing in the beginning I freaking lost it

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