The President's Daughter (Ori...

By black-cypher

28.3K 1.6K 1.3K

Every romance begins or ends with a tragedy... Or at least this one does. Nineteen year old Hope Madison does... More

Awards Won
1. "On the Safe Side"
2. Challenge Accepted
3. Oops
4. Something Big
5. State Dinner
6. As a Kite
7. Out-Numbered, Out-Planned
8. Two Can Keep a Secret...
9. Truth or Dare
10. Is But a Dream Within a Dream
11. Maybe
12. Will You, Though?
13. Birthday S...
14. Escape
15. Golden Sparrow
17. Mr. President
18. Bullet to the Heart
19. Bad Blood
20. Stalker
21. Sweet Creature
22. Wait and See
23. Euphoria
24. Promise
25. Dinner
26. Take Off
27. Back at the Vineyard
28. Back at the Vineyard Pt. 2
29. Wolves
30. Dead to Me
31. Tattoo
32. To Love Is To Destroy
33. Relapse
34. Ruined
35. Tragic
36. The Oval Office
37. ... If One of Them Is Dead
38. Twist the Knife
39. The Ending

16. Betrayed

479 33 12
By black-cypher

Jackson Wang (back off ladies, he's mine) - Bullet to the Heart

Nicki Minaj- Grand Piano

Damien's POV

I should've bought more liquor.

Instead, I nurse the rest of the Hennessy I found in the cabinet, wishing I had more. I'm not as drunk as I want to be because I can slightly feel the pain still writhing underneath my rib cage. For some reason, I can't turn off the TV. As angry as I am, I still want to know if the president... if Hope's dad is okay.

Why didn't Hope tell me? All this time? How could I've been so stupid? Even Zach knew. I know that much by the tone of his voice. He wasn't calling me to tell me the president was shot. He wouldn't risk his pride after that fight. I could've heard that from anywhere, hell I could've heard that on my way to the liquor store. He called because my girlfriend's dad was at the location of the shooting. And reports weren't in yet to confirm if she was there or not, if she was hurt or not.

I'm such a dumbass. There were so many signs but I was too blinded by this stupid ass girl to see it. I bet she was laughing at me behind my back. Her friends, her secret service, the whole school. Maybe I deserve this. I deserve it after all the people I've hurt, I deserve it for breaking girl's heart and leading Jane into thinking we could be more. I deserve it after every bad decision I've ever made in California. Maybe this is revenge for everyone I've crossed path with-

The sound of the door ringing interrupts me from my self-loathing. "What?" I snap. The bell continues to ring. I slam the bottle down on the table and walk to fling the door open.

Three men dressed in black suits are standing there. "Damien McIntire?"

"Secret Service?" I ask in a sarcastic and bitter tone. What the fuck are they doing on my porch?

"The First Lady have requested your presence," One of them say. I laugh at the irony. So now all of a sudden, I'm invited to the White House? Now all of a sudden I'm in on the secret?

"No fucking thank you," I slur. They don't move. I place a hand on the shoulder of the one in front. "You seem like a great guy..." I trail off when he glares at my hand on him. I drop it quickly. He probably shoots people who do these kind of things. Not that I would've mind at this point.

"No," I shake my head. "I'm not going anywhere. You're gonna have to lift me to move me from this spot." The men looks at one another before advancing towards me.

"Hey! What the hell? What happened to freedom of speech? I'm saying no. Tell her to have a nice day." I back up and slam the door and walk back to my liquor. I down the rest and throw it against the wall. It shatters with a loud noise. I drop onto the couch, feeling unusually exhausted.

Who the fuck does Hope think she is, summoning me like a fucking slave? What a fucking manipulative bitch. She can shove her-

The door rings again and it isn't until they start banging on it that I finally get up. These men would break my door and refuse to pay for it, I'm sure.

That's when I remember I have to go to Pandora tomorrow to pick up the birthday gift I got for her. Great. I'll pick it up and burn it. There goes my money in the fucking trash.

"What?" I snap as I open the door. The man in front shoves a small black phone, perhaps a Blackberry, in front of my face. I grab it and press it to my ear.

"Hello?" I can't help but keep my voice at a respectable level. I don't want to be on the bad side of the wife who's husband has the power to wipe out a country.

"Damien?" I hear a confused voice say. It is clear Hope wasn't aware that I'd be on the other line and neither did I. I stay silent anyway. Despite my anger, I can't help the butterflies in my stomach when I hear her voice. Zach was right. I'm fucking whipped. And I wish I wasn't.

"Damien is that you?"

"Uh, yeah it's me."

"Damien! I'm so sorry. I should've told you s-"

"How's your father?" I ask harshly.

"He's... in a coma. We aren't sure if he's going to wake up. But the press don't know that." She says pointedly.

"Oh so now we're sharing secrets?" I can't help the tone of my voice. I know she's going through shit right now, but I can't be there for her. I can't.

"Damien I-"

"I hope your dad makes it. I do. Have a nice life. Maybe the next person you find won't be such a dumbass," I say bitterly.

"Damien-" She starts to say but I hang up before she can finish.

"Good day, gentlemen," I slur before slamming it once again. I make sure to call out, "You break it, you pay for it!" before collapsing back onto the couch.

The reporter on the screen continues her monologue. "There's been speculations about whether or not Vice President Andrew Rodriguez will be sworn in as the President, but the White House are still remaining silent. There is no word on the shooter or whether or not this is a terrorist attack. The White House are keeping a tight lid on this and we're unsure..."

I reluctantly get up off the couch and grab the car keys. I need more liquor.

Hope's POV

I slowly open my eyes to bright lights until it focuses and I realize I'm on a hospital bed. I turn my head and see my father, tubes still attached to him. Since when did I fall asleep? Since when did they even bring a second bed? Last night had been a blur. I sit up groggily, my head aching.

I suddenly remember my mom handing me a phone and refusing to tell me who it is. I'm sure she believed I would feel better when I spoke to him, and maybe I would've if he didn't break up with me. Did he? It sounded like one.

I bite my lip to fight against the emotions swarming in my chest. I can't be angry. This is all my fault. I should've come clean, I should've been honest. Why did I hold back for so long? I rest my head in my hands. I'm such a freaking idiot.

The door opens and my mom walks in, a cup in her hand. "You're finally awake. You've been sleeping for so long. How are you feeling?"

I honestly hate when people ask me that because it's harder to control my emotions then. As soon as she asks me, tears start falling down my cheeks and I press my palms against my eye in an attempt to stop the current. "He broke up with me, mom," I answer shakily.

"Oh, honey," She says, sitting besides me and stroking my hair. It makes me cry even harder. The door opens soon again. I open my eyes to see an agent holding a brown paper bag. He hands it to me and quietly leaves. I peer inside out of curiosity. The smell of a burger hits my nose and my stomach growls in hunger. My mother laughs.

"Eat up. I'll be right back." She gets up and walks out the door. I devour the two burgers and fries, savoring the drink last. I burp loudly. "Excuse me," I say to no one in particular. Maybe in case my dad can hear me.

The door opens again and Andrew Rodriguez walks in. He smiles at me and sits on the chair beside my dad's bed. "He's gonna make it. I know it. He's tougher than he looks."

"Are you saying he looks weak?" My voice is resolute.

"That's exactly what I'm saying." I crack a smile when he laughs. He lets out a deep breath.

"We had plans, you know. Nolan, Jo, and I were going to go to an arcade after the rally. Cool off for a little bit. Guess we'll have to wait until he wakes up."

I frown. "In Pennsylvania?"

"Yeah, how'd you know?" He asks. I can't believe Sean tried to hide it from me.

"I heard he skipped an interview to go there a couple of months ago. I can't believe he went without me. You must've been there too, huh?"

He laughs. "I'm afraid that's classified." He lowers his voice. "But yes, lets keep that between us, huh?"

"Only if I come."

"Deal." I release a smile.

The door opens for the fourth time today. A man I don't recognize steps in. "Mr. Vice President. I'm sorry to say this. But the Cabinet had a meeting without you. They've invoked the 25th, sir, you have to come with me."

Andrew pales and set his lip in a grim line. "Who the hell arranged that meeting?"

"Toby Walker. It's been already voted for. I'm sorry sir, but you can't fight this." Andrew closes his eyes and I can tell he's angry. He opens them and his dark eyes shift to mine.

"I'll be right back." He gets up and leave. After coming off the shock of the exchange, I scramble out of the bed and open the door. I catch him turning a corner and I run down the hall, past the secret agents posted at seemingly random intervals, and turn right. He enters a room with the man, and I quickly walk in shortly after them. My mom and Mark Nolan is standing there with arms crossed, her face solemn and his set in hard lines. I'm sure he isn't happy that the Cabinet is neglecting his best friend. They don't notice my presence.

"This is not up for discussion." A man is telling Andrew. A few men and women are staring at Andrew. There is no bed in sight. It seems as if the room had been cleared for something like this. Or perhaps they had already planned ahead of time to swear the VP in the hospital.

My chest is heaving as I watch in horror while my mom nods at Andrew before he places his hand on the Bible. The man holding the Bible, presumably the Chief Justice, raises his hand and Andrew mirrors it.

He repeats the words the man is feeding him. "I, Andrew John Rodriguez, do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the office of the President of the United States and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States... so help us God," He adds.

"Congratulations, Mr. President," The man says before glancing around the room. The room quickly clears and it's only me, my mom, two men, and Andrew.

The man looks at me and blinks in surprise. "You're not supposed to be here."

Andrew turns to look at me unsurprised. "Let her stay." He gives me an apologetic look. I plaster a smile on my face that doesn't reach my eyes before he turns back.

A young man in a decorated suit holds up a briefcase and opens it. "Place your hand there for scanning, please." Andrew obliges and he places his hand on the screen inside and it beeps after a few seconds.

The man pulls out a small black object that looks like a wallet. He glances at me before handing it to Andrew.

"Sir, these are your presidential launch codes. Keep them on your person at all time." Andrew nods and places it on the inside of his suit. The two men leave after being dismissed.

I scrunch my mouth in an attempt to stop my tears but one escapes anyway. My mom wipes it and wraps an arm around me.

"I'm very sorry," Andrew says. "I'm so sorry."

Damien's POV

The President is dead.

That much is clear. The news reports have said as much and informed that the Vice President was sworn in. Despite myself, I deeply regret hanging up on Hope. Or even saying what I said to her. Not that I remember, but I'm sure it wasn't good.

I set my empty liquor bottle on the table and finally turn off the TV. I've heard enough. I stumble over to the counter and grab my phone. I dial Hope's number but it goes straight to voicemail. What would I say anyway? I can barely think straight right now.

Even the alcohol coursing through my veins cannot hide the guilt I feel, but it also cannot hide the anger. I'm angry as hell. Who would ever hide the fact that their father is the fucking President of the United States? And from their boyfriend of 7 months? I don't get that shit at all.

I get a text from an unknown number alerting me that the jewelry I bought at Pandora is ready for pickup. Unfortunately, I'm too drunk to drive. So that's going to have to wait.

My phone rings and my heart skips a beat until I realize it's Jane.

"What?" My voice sounds awfully sluggish to my ears and I frown trying to think how much I drank.

"I can't believe you were dating Hope fucking Madison. No wonder why you suddenly ditched me and decide to be a loyal boyfriend," She says as if the two words were poison.

"How the hell would you even know about that?"

"Are you kidding me? You think I wouldn't recognize your hoodie in that picture? I can't believe you actually-"

"What picture?" My heart tremors in fear. What the fuck is she talking about? Was Hope telling everyone about me? Did she really want to go that far and embarrass me? I must be a fucking laughingstock among my friends.

"The picture in the magazine. Or online. It's all over Twitter."

I frown. "What the hell are you talking about?"

"Don't play dumb. So tell me. Was it because of her money? Well, her dad's money but-"

"Jane," I groan. "Stop talking."

"I just want to know why you would leave me for that bitch-"

"You. And I. Are. Not. Together. How many times I have to tell you that? We never were. And don't ever fucking call her a bitch."

"Well she-"

"Her dad died. Give her a damn break," I say tiredly before I hang up on her. I click Google and search Hope Madison Boyfriend.

What the hell?

There's images of me holding hands with Hope and her stupid friends watching us. Actually everyone in that picture was watching us. I'm just the only dumbass that didn't know why. I click the power button and let my phone fall to the counter. I don't want to hear another second of this.

I pull out a joint from my drawer and light it up. I take a huge toke of it and collapse on the couch. A nasty laugh escapes my throat.

What the hell did I get myself into?


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