The Elemental: My Burning Leg...

By Musics4lifes

500 130 41

Lilith Moonlight, seventeen year old human girl blinded by her true self not knowing what she really is. Disc... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 6

24 5 2
By Musics4lifes

I woke up gasping. Thank god it was just a dream. A very realistic dream. As I calmed myself down, I got out of bed. All of a sudden, I start to smell something amazing. Bacon? Pancakes? Waffles? Scrambled eggs? I could hear my stomach growling. As I walked downstairs, I saw Stefan in the kitchen focusing hard on prepping up the food. Are we having people coming over? A feast? The quantity was a lot but my stomach was growling by the second.

"Everything looks amazing." I said. Staring at the delicious food that was being prepped. I could feel my mouth getting watery and the amazing smell was not helping it. All I could do was stare and try not to scarf all of that food down.

"Happy Birthday Lilith." Stefan said as he looked at me. When he saw me, his eyes went huge with a big smile.

Oh shit, is it already today? "Thank you, but you did this all for me?" I couldn't help but smile. This is one of the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me.

"Of course. But Lilith, look at you." He said happily. "You look...amazing." He said. Scanning me up and down, unleashing one of his famous smirks.

What did he mean I look amazing? I just woke up in my regular pajamas with bed hair. What was so amazing about that? I went to look in a mirror and what I saw, my mouth opened in shock. "This wasn't a dream. I was progressing into my new self." I couldn't produce anymore words. What I saw in my dream is exactly what became of me. I put my hands on my hair and just like my dream, violet. I know in my dream that I thought I looked beautiful, and I still do. I was just in shock. Does that mean I really did use fire and I could do that now. What if my powers start to burst and I can't control it. I started backing away hearing Stefan, but couldn't hear what he was saying. I headed outside, needing some air to calm down.

"Lilith, listen to me." Stefan said running to me. "Just try to calm down. This is normal." Trying to calm me down.

"Is this really who I am now?" I asked. I already knew the answer.

"Yes. But, that is not a bad thing. You look amazing...beautiful. You even look stronger now. I mean not that you didn't before." He tried to correct himself.

I rolled my eyes, "I know what you meant, dork." I gave a small smile.

"Why do you look scared though?" He wondered.

I told him about the dream. How realistic it felt. I described how I woke up as if everything in reality was a dream. About seeing my parents aligned up with the same death marks. I choked back a sob and felt the tears coming down. Describing my parents was the most difficult part. I explained about the bloody wall and what happened when I put my hands on it. The fire, the heat, how it felt so real. Stefan's eyes expanded when I kept on describing the details. How my hands were not scorched or any signs that it went through the fire.

"So, hot and beautiful," Stefan teased.

I slapped him on his shoulder. "Will you be serious Stefan. This isn't funny." I pouted.

"You're right. It's incredible! Now that you are eighteen, the glamour has worn off, and now your powers are starting to form." He stated.

"It's not just that." I started until Stefan chipped in.

"Let me guess than. You are afraid that since your powers are starting to come, you are worried that you can not control them and somehow hurt yourself or others." He stated more as a statement than a question.

"Exactly. Last thing I want is to hurt someone I care about." I looked down. Scared as the thought creep up in my mind.

"Lilith, I promise that nothing like that'll ever happen. I will help you train. To control your powers. If that's not enough, then we will find a way. I promise you." He gave me a look, asking for trust. To believe in him.

I looked up at him. "Okay." I gave a small smile. "Thank you Stefan. Really. Thank you." I gave him a hug.

"Now let's go eat some breakfast." He smiled.

Breakfast was amazing. I never would have thought that Stefan could actually cook. This was actually the greatest breakfast I have ever had in my life. Tasting each dish made my taste buds go crazy. Despite the crazy dream that ended up becoming my transformation, this has been a good start to my birthday. As I showed my gratitude to him, I headed upstairs to fix my morning funk.

I used my phone to blast my music while I take a long relaxing hot shower. As I sang I'm hot and can Multiply, I figured this would be a good ironic song to sing with everything that is going on. Letting my worresome go, I let happiness make its way in. Now that I am eighteen, I am now an official adult. Making adult choices. Making adult outcomes. Becoming an adult supernatural. Go to adult prison. All that fun stuff. I sighed to myself and instead of dwelling on something I could not change, I accept it now to be a part of me. Not like you can ignore anyhow, by subconscious mind said. No but I can ignore you and that is exactly what I did.

As I headed downstairs, my phone rang and saw it was Kyle. "Hey Kyle." I said happily.

"Happy Birthday Lilly!" He yelled out. "You're finally an adult! Now you can legally vote, get a tattoo, and even go to prison!" Kyle said with enthused.

I couldn't help but laugh we he said prison. "Prison eh? Now my dream can come true and become the prison inmate that I always wanted!" I said with sarcasm. We both laughed at my comment.

"So, I have to ask, even if it is a bit touchy subject; but, did you transform yet?" Kyle asked curiously.

I explained to him about my new transformation. Everything but my boobs because that would be a very weird comment to tell him. What was I supposed to say, yeah my boobs gain a size and instead of having small boobies, I now grew a size! Yay boobies! Yeah, no. Definitely will not have that conversation, even that sounded weird to me and I was just talking to myself about it.

During our conversation, Kyle wanted to take me out to lunch, which I happily agree. After the conversation, I went over to Stefan.

"Hey Stefan, Kyle is going to pick me up to take me out to lunch in a bit." I stated.

"Okay, no problem. I have something to give you before you go." Stefan said. "Here," he handed me an envelope."

Curiosity got to me as I quickly opened up the white envelope. Inside was something I did not expect. It was a silver credit card that had my name on the bottom, Lilith Moonlight. I was also a bit confused as to why I was given a credit card until it hit me. This must be linked to his account.

As I looked up to him I asked him, "Are you sure? Wouldn't you be getting the bills for my purchases?"

"Of course I'm sure. Don't worry, I have more than enough money for a lifetime. While you are out today, go buy whatever you want. In fact, go on a shopping spree. You guys should go out and have fun." He smiled.

I gave him a big hug, "Thank you Stefan. I really do appreciate it." I smiled. I haven't been shopping in forever and getting some clothes was definitely a must.

When Kyle came by to pick me up, he refused to tell me where we were going. No matter how many times I would ask him he would just laugh and refuse to tell me. I gave him a pouty face and even my famous puppy dog eyes and yet he refused. Seriously, how can anyone refuse my puppy dog eyes. So unfair. It took about a half hour or so to reach our destination. When he pulled up, I gave a big squeal.

"Anna Rays Steakhouse!" I yelled excitedly. This is my favorite restaurant of all times. My parents used to take me here for every birthday I had since I was eight. It was our tradition that we would always do and also very hard to get into. Ever since it opened up twelve years ago, it instantly became a huge hit. It is also pricey but what you pay for is what you get, which means, the best steaks you'll ever have. Not just steaks, but they have different varieties of pasta which are far superior than any Italian place I have ever been to. Plus the quantity you receive is more than enough for one person.

"Thank you Kyle. This really means everything to me." I said happily.

"I know this was a tradition you and your parents did ever since you were a kid and I wanted that tradition to live on." He explained.

I gave him a hug. "I'm so lucky to have an amazing friend like you Kyle."

When we got to our table, our waiter came by asking what we would like to drink. We both got water with lemon as usual. I didn't bother looking through the menu because I knew exactly what I wanted. As Kyle and I kept up our conversation, I just realized that he didn't look like himself anymore. That's when it hit me, he put on a glamour.

"Kyle, when did you learn to put on a glamour?" I asked.

"My mom taught me. I knew it would be strange to go out in public with my normal appearance now and my mom told me I had to keep it hidden. It took me a few hours to finally get it down. It takes energy from me every time I use it but my mom said the more I do it, the easier it will get." He explained.

It made me wonder if I needed to put on a glamour. "Do you think I should have learned how to put on a glamour?" I asked.

"Honestly, no. Despite the differences between the before and now, you still look normal. The shade of you skin did change a bit but not enough to cause the public attention. Your hair makes it seem that you dyed it. Your figure makes you look like you workout on a daily basis." He said modestly.

"Well that's good." I may not be human but at least I still look human. "I'm sorry that you have to wear a glamour though."

"Na, I'm fine with it. Being a supernatural is pretty badass and able to wear a glamour helps me feel human at times."

When the waiter came back to take our orders. I ordered the Mighty Meat Meal which comes with a Caesar Salad, pasta, Breadsticks, and of course the juicy mighty meat. I ordered my steak like I always do, bloody as hell, if I can't hear the cow moo, it ain't rare enough. That has always been an inside joke with my family and Kyle. Kyle got his Big Strip Meal which comes with the New York Strip steak, Caesar Salad, and Breadsticks. He got his steak medium rare on the rare side. How he can eat a steak that is cooked like that, I have no idea. Now that I think about it, these names sound dirty. Who even came up with these names anyhow?

After we finished eating, the waiter came back with our receipt. I was thankful that Kyle didn't tell the waiter about my birthday because he knew I hate having attention on myself and the whole singing me happy birthday while I sit and wonder what I'm supposed to be doing aspect is just not my thing. I have always found that situation awkward.

As we made our way back to Kyle's car, he asked me, "So, where does our birthday girl wants to go next?"

"Well, Stefan got me a credit card and basically to go on a shopping spree, so I say, we go to the mall!" I singed.

"To the mall we go!" Kyle cheered.

It felt good to still feel normal. Maybe I can still have a normal life despite the changes I have gone through and probably more to come. When we arrived at the mall, I pulled Kyle to the nearest store. I felt like a kid in a candy store, except I am now a legal adult and it was clothes and not candy. I appreciated Kyle going along even though he joked about how this was destroying his "man card." After buying ten bags worth of clothes at almost every clothing store, I decided that it was Kyle's turn to have his fun. Shockingly, even he went to buy some clothes. Probably due to his growth and his muscles expanding, I can see why he needed new clothes. When we got to the shoe store, he tried on far too many shoes that I'm pretty sure that beat today's score on trying on shoes. I decided to treat him to ice cream since the mall had their own Frosty Bite. While we were eating ice cream, I caught Kyle glancing at his phone every so often.

"Waiting for a girl to text you back?" I teased as he looked at his phone for the eighth time.

"What?" He asked. "No, just checking the time is all."

"Is the white rabbit about to be late for the Red Queen?" I joked.

"Nope." As he answered a text. "But, we should get on going. It's getting late anyhow."

"Fine, but I will find out who texted you." I teased and he rolled his eyes at me which made me laugh.

On the drive back to Stefan's, I thanked him many times for this amazing day. I seriously could not ask for a better birthday. Okay I could. I wish my mom and dad were here with me celebrating my big day. I know by spirit that they are here with me but I would rather have them be here physically. I seriously appreciate Kyle for making this day amazing and for Stefan making me such an amazing breakfast and giving me the gift of credit card. Despite him being generous and letting me to buy whatever I want whenever I want despite the cost, I seriously have to give him something to show my appreciation.

I was no longer upset with Stefan hiding such information about me because I know he felt terrible about it. I remembered driving back to his place after leaving Kyle's. The look on his face showed everything. I could see is guilt and how much it affected him. In a way, I appreciated his guilt because it really did show how much he cares about me even if we haven't known each other for that long. I'm really lucky to have two amazing friends who do care about me. Even my subconscious mind been quiet for awhile, which is a nice change. I may be quiet but I ain't gone. Speaking of the devil. Love you to. It retorted back. Yeah, because I am you...or you are me. Oh shut up. I swear if people could hear me arguing with myself, they would think I would need to be held in a mental hospital.

"Lilith?" Kyle said.

"What? Sorry, I was just thinking." I said back.

"I said, are you ready to go in?" He said as we were in the driveway.

"Sure." I said cheerfully.

As we made our way inside, everything was pitch black. When Kyle closed the door, the light suddenly turned on and everyone that I knew jumped out and yelled out "Surprise!" I was shocked and awed.

"Oh my god." I could feel my eyes starting to get watery from the thrill and excitement. "You guys!" I was so happy to see everyone. I could see Kyle's parents, Stefan, and my former boss Charlie and shockingly my co-worker Quinn.

"Happy birthday!" Kyle's parents said as they walked over to me.

"Wow. Your transformation looks amazing." Laurie whispered happily.

"Truly remarkable Lilith." Steven said.

"You look just like your mother." Laurie said.

"Really? I never got to see what they really looked like." I told her.

"I will make sure to get you a picture of their true form the next time I see you." She promised.

"Thank you." I said gratefully.

"Lilith, I really do want to apologize for holding such information from you." Laurie said.

"It's okay. Really. At first I didn't understand but after thinking about it, I know you only did what my mother wished for." I realized she never meant to cause any harm. I would of probably done the same to be honest.

"Lilith, it has only been a few days and you have already changed." Charlie said as he walked over to me. "You look spectacular," he smiled as he gave me a hug.

As I returned the hug, I said, "Thank you, Charlie. You also look different." Than it got me. "Are you," I started to say.

"A Fae? Of course I am. I also knew your parents for a very long time but that is a story for another that will be needed to talk about." He stated with a thick irish accent.

"Don't say that out loud, Quinn is coming over here," I warned him.

"Oh me? Don't worry. I know he's a Fae." Quinn said and laughed at my shocked expression. "You think that's shocking? Wait until I tell you that I'm a vampire," he laughed.

"The fuck?" I said than suddenly felt embarrassed and could feel my cheeks turning red.

"We also know what you are." Charlie said.

"Wait. Laurie, why did you whisper my transformation?" I questioned her.

"Because I didn't want to be the one to tell you about those two," she glanced at them.

"Why did you think I hired you the second you asked about the job there?" Charlie said.

Now everything makes sense. "Quinn, then why did you always treated me like some annoying kid?"

"Because you are an annoying kid." Quinn joked than laughed when I rolled my eyes.

"So than you guys know the real story about what happened to my family." I frowned.

"Yes. If I ever find out who caused that, believe me when I say I will torture the hell out of them," Charlie said seriously.

Before I could say anything, Stefan came up to me and gave me a huge hug. "Happy birthday Lilith." He smiled.

"Ah, the man who made all of this happen," Quinn said. "Great party by the way. If you ever throw another, let me know," he smiled.

"You did this...for me?" I felt nothing but pure happiness. "You're just amazing, you know that," I gave him a kiss on his cheek. I could see Stefan starting to blush and took me a lot not to laugh.

"Now, someone point me to the drinks and let's get this party started!" Quinn announced and everyone started to cheer.

The party was amazing. We all drank, laughed, shared stories, questions being asked about my transformation, and memories. Steven asked me about any sign of my powers. Sadly or happily, I haven't yet. I'm still not sure how I feel about it but I will find out once I do. Charlie and Quinn even made conversations with Kyle asking him about is abilities. He also hasn't tested any of his uniqueness besides learning his glamour, which he took down after Charlie and Quinn both told us about what they were. This night felt magical, as I looked around, I realized I was with everyone who does care about me as I even cared about them. Even Quinn, annoying as he is, he was like the annoying brother I never had. This, right here, is my family. If my parents were here, I am sure that they would also feel the same way with them.

"Hey Lilith?" Charlie said to me. "Could we have our conversation now? I don't think this could wait any longer," he told me.

I nodded, "Sure, everything alright?" I asked him.

"Depends on how you think about it," Charlie answered.

As we stepped into the front yard and sat on the chairs on the porch, I could feel my nerves acting up. What is it that he could possibly tell me? Looking at him, I could see his hands moving with each other and could tell he was as nervous as I feel.

"Lilith, this isn't easy for me to say this but..." He started as I cut him off.

"Oh my're dying aren't you?" I freaked out. "How much time do you have? What is happening?" I was freaking out.

As Charlie started to laugh for which I glared at him, he put his hand up to stop me from talking. "No, I am not dying. One, I am immortal, remember?"

Suddenly I felt my cheeks turning red as I felt embarrassed for my outburst. "Than what is it?"

"Did your father ever talked about me?" He questioned.

I shook my head, "No, why?"

"Because Lilith, your father is my brother which makes me, your uncle." My suddenly uncle said.

I could feel my eyes getting big and my mouth dropping. I was lost at words. Charlie, my former boss and recently told he is a fae, is my uncle. I was confused. I mean, I know how uncles work and all but why didn't my father ever told me he had a brother.

"I can see why you may be confused. The only explanation of why he never told you about me is because of a big fight that we had years ago. Before you were born. You see, fae's are meant to be with other fae's, that is how our people are and always have been. Your father on the other hand felt no other connection towards another. Only for your mother who was not a fae. It was frown upon when our people found out. The only woman he has ever been with, was your mother. Now before you ask, no, we have nothing against other supernaturals. It was just our custom. No one supported him, not even our family. He felt like an outcast and for that, left the fae realm for good. Our Seelie Queen on the other hand understood your father. A blessing heart she has and always will. She knew an elemental could not live in the fae realm because she believed an outburst would happen. She was probably wise about that. The Seelie Queen advised him to leave the realm. Now she did not kick him out as she was perfectly fine if he was to ever come back or even visit. Your father used to be a powerful guard for the queen and devoted his life to protect her. They had great respect for each other as if they were even family. That was why she helped him out and gave him resources. That was how he ended up working for the organization which your mother also worked for. Than you were born. Twenty years ago, I wanted to see more of the world and in our world, no one is forced to live here as we are always free to go and come back whenever. That wasn't always like that but that is a story for another time. Anyways, I wanted to know what being human was like which was when I opened up Fast and Friendly. When you came to apply, I knew you had a glamour on as it was well known your family put that on you. Plus your glamour made it look like your father but have the design hair and eye color like your mother. I knew you were their child. When you told me their names, I knew I was right. Your father, Astro and I have never spoken since that day. I blamed your mother Rachael for that but I know it wasn't really her fault. That is something I will always regret. Instead of going to your father as I should of done, I continued to have a disconnection from him" Charlie finished.

Can this night get anymore shocking? As I looked at Charlie, I could tell how badly he regretted not going to my father. I don't understand the fae's customs so I can't really put the blame on him. I don't know anyone's custom. Hell, I hardly know the human's customs.

"Charlie, I don't blame you for the past. If my father was here right now, I'm fully sure he would have forgiven you." I meant that, my father was always a forgiving man, that I knew was true. "Wherever he is now, if he was somehow listening, I am fairly sure he would appreciate you telling me this and that he is proud of you for owning up."

"Thank you Lilith, that means a lot to me. Oh and while I am opening up to you, my real name is actually Calico," he laughed as he saw my puzzled face. "Charlie was just my human name."

Yup, this night can get more surprising.

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