American Horror Story imagines

By GothicWidow

21.5K 349 17

some imagines for Characters and Cast of AHS ♥ maybe slow updates as I'm only on series 8 More

Evan Peters #1
Tate Langdon #1
Coven #1
Zoe Benson #1
Lana Winters #1
Oliver Thredson #1
Coven #2
Cordelia Foxx #1
Violet Harmon #1
Stevie Nicks #1
Evan Peters #2
Your Song ° The Evans
Kyle Spencer #1
Cast #1
Evan Peters #3
Tate Langdon #2
Tate Langdon #3

Kit Walker #1

937 17 1
By GothicWidow


1957 the year the final episode of I love Lucy aired, Elvis Presley purchased a mansion and called it Graceland, the Russians launched a satellite or two and the Little Rock Nine fought for their rights but it was also the year Kit Walker fell madly in love. Kit was a rugged boy who had a heart of gold and fluffy honey brown hair with sparkling pupils to match. He was sweet and kind but he was also everything Y/N’s father did not want for his daughter, the older male was a well to do man around the city and he expected a lot of his daughter, in his eyes Walker would never be good enough and would only bring trouble. Despite this the pair continued to meet up anyway under the cover of darkness.

The neon lights of the drive in were a beacon to young people wanting to get away just for an hour or so. To most it was an opportunity to share some secret kisses maybe something more but to Kit Walker it was a safe haven, it was the one place he could hold the teen girl in his pale arms without fear of prying eyes or judgemental glares. For Y/N L/N it was a place she could finally be herself and let her guard down around the boy she loved. Kit would do anything to put a smile on that girls face even if it meant sitting through an hour and 43 minutes of Audrey Hepburn or Elvis Presley dancing across the silver screen singing about dancing to the Jailhouse Rock then so be it.

Kit’s beat up old 49’ ford pick up rolled into the crumbling lot of Pines Plaza joining the rest of Boston’s young loved up teens to watch the new horror ‘The Curse of Frankenstein’. Parking up Kit didn’t hesitate to place his arm around the y/h/ girl pulling her tightly into his side as the previews flashed lighting up the dark car every couple of seconds a comfortable silence in the air as the radio played softly waiting for the flick to start. Staring into the dark Kit still wondered how he managed to get a girl as amazing as Y/N to agree to go on a date with him let alone how he’d managed to keep her, every moment with her was heaven. At some point the movie had started but Kit failed to realize too distracted by the soft waves of y/h/c that rippled in the subtle wind coming through the cracked open window. Nuzzling deeper into the scratchy bottle green fabric that smelt of motor oil and carbolic soap the girl sighed in content, the abrasive embroidered name patch rubbing into her flushed cheek “You alright doll” he whispered softly, almost as if he was terrified of distracting her or breaking the silent spell that hung over the young couple. “I’m just happy Kit. I wish I could stay in this moment forever” she trailed off delicately glancing up at the boy smiling shyly.

Even after all this time he could still make her feel like her stomach was full of butterflies fluttering about looking for a way to escape, he was perfect. Kit just grinned his boyish grin before placing a soft kiss on her cherry red lips and guiding her backwards till the door handle dug into her spine but she was in such bliss she didn’t care. Pulling away to take her all in a wave of confidence washed over him “Marry me” he whispered. Without a second thought their future was decided. “I don’t have a ring or nothing. But I love you.” he admitted embarrassed. Picking up one of his cracked and calloused hands she kissed each fingertip “All we need is love Kit Walker.” the girl stated softly before resuming their cuddle her y/e/c turning to watch the screen that was long forgotten.

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