The Elemental: My Burning Leg...

By Musics4lifes

500 130 41

Lilith Moonlight, seventeen year old human girl blinded by her true self not knowing what she really is. Disc... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 3

42 9 3
By Musics4lifes

As I walked downstairs, I could not see Stefan insight. I walked over to the next room which I assumed was the living room. I did not see him but I did see some pictures in frames. As curiosity came to me, I walked over to the pictures and was utterly speechless. It was some photos of him with my mom and dad. As I picked up the best one, I walked over to a couch and kept looking at it. I could feel my eyes are getting watery and tried to push them back. With all of my emotions, I failed. Tears kept on falling down and droplets falling on the frame. I missed my family. My mother and father. All gone. I was suppose to be with my parents for far longer. Now they are gone. Still remembering what I saw back home for the first time, it was a horrible nightmare that will never go away and continue being true.

    This was not supposed to be my life. Why would this be my life. I lost my family, and for what cost? Why would anyone want to do this? We were literally a happy easy family. We always got along with everyone and even neighbors throughout the years despite some being cranky old people. But they wouldn't of done this. Now apparently I am next.

    Looking at the picture, it puzzled me that my family never mentioned him. They must have been close if there were pictures of him. It was taken outside of this exact house but how long ago? I went to go put the picture back and as I did, I looked at the picture next to it. Again, it was Stefan and my parents but this time inside the house. He looked a bit younger in this one, maybe about fifteen or so. Now that it comes to it, how old is Stefan now? He doesn't look any older than 25 so hopefully that was true. As I scan both the pictures I see that my mother had violet eyes. Why does she have violet eyes?

"Enjoying the pictures Lilith?" Stefan walked in, standing a few feet away. Watching me as I scanned each picture of him with my parents.

"Sorry, I did not know where you were and than I ended up in the living room and saw the pictures. Guess you really did know my parents." I told him. It was still hard to believe that he knew my parents. I need to get answers to why and how.

"Yeah, they were great, definitely different from the others." Having hurt expressions in his eyes when he had to use past tense.

"From the others?" What others could he mean? Different parents? Did my family secretly adopt him? Worked with him? Then again, I did not know a whole lot of my parent's jobs since they never really indulged about it. Every time I would try, they would use short responses and bring up another topic to talk about.

"Before I explain, I can start from the beginning but assuming you don't know anything, this will be a whole lot and you may mistrust me. You have to know that with what I am saying, everything I say is true." He looked at me in the eyes, pleading that I will believe him.

Believe him? I didn't even know him, but he did know my parents so I will give him the benefit of the doubt. "Okay." I nodded, "Start from the beginning." I told him.

He sighed then started, "Okay, Lilith, growing up, did you know anything of monsters?"

"No, just what I have read in books." I replied back. Unless you mean the people that goes on a murder sprees or something like that, those are the real monsters. Could my parents be undercover cops?

"Okay. Monsters I am talking about are the supernatural. Vampires, Werewolves, Fae's, etc... They are real. Creatures that will try to take a human life. Now there are people who fight against them, those are hunters. Then there's the ones who are similar to police officers and FBI but are known as the SIA; Supernatural Intelligence Agency. This has been going on since the beginning of time, a war between both. Now, there are good supernaturals, bad supernaturals, and some who are not good or bad. For the not good or bad, those would be Fae's. They have two different courts. The Seelie Court and the Unseelie Court. Each one has a queen. The Seelie Court are the better one while the Unseelie Court are not. Both can't be trusted as they do what they want. Knowing the Fae's names, they can be controlled. They do have a glamour to look natural to the human eyes and can make their own portals to their home or anywhere else. Never ask for favors as they must be returned for a price. They are immortal but can die from decapitation, stabbed through the heart, or any damage to the heart. They are also highly attractive and can make any humans 'fall in love with them. Vampires..."

I cut him off and blurted out, "Oh I know this one! Sparkle in the sun or turn into dust from the sun." I tried hard not to laugh. He's seriously expecting me to believe that the supernatural are real. Maybe he's a fan of that show, Supernatural and because of the show believes in it? I think I should call a shrink.

"Actually, both no. Don't believe everything you read from books or movies," knowing where I got the reference from. "Though, the Sun does weaken them, it does not kill them. The older they are and I mean older such as thousands year olds, are stronger compared to the ones younger than them. They are immortal though. Before you ask about a steak through the heart, anyone could die being stabbed in the heart. And no, garlic does not kill them. Though holy water can hurt them a lot or even kill them depending on the age. Fire can kill them as well. Crosses does not affect them. They can turn others from draining their blood and than giving them theirs, though if they don't drain their blood, their blood can heal them with most damage. Vampires can be killed from decapitation though like most anything. Now, vampires do have their own sacred councils, different types of course but not all vampires follow through them. They do not require to be part of the councils, it is only for vampires that want to live civil. For those who are and do commit crimes, the council will punish them to what seems fit, if they can get to them. They do have their own court and like humans, 'innocent until proven guilty' rule and they do have a jury that will decide or the judge itself will determine but that differs. I am not sure how that really goes as I do not know much of the vampire laws. I am not saying they can be trustworthy because due to their immortality, they do not age within looks and will look young from when they turn and do have a glamour that makes them look at that age. They do feed on human blood but cannot kill them. They do put humans under a "spell" thus controlling them. Not sure how long it can last though but does determine how old the vampire is. For Werewolves, when first born, they do shift under a full moon but that doesn't start until he or she turns sixteen. Eventually once they learn how to control it, they can shift whenever they want and no longer turn on a full moon unless they do it at will. Only way they can become one is either through birth, bitten, or a deep scratch mark from their claws. They are one of the civil supernaturals and live a good life. They are not immortal but do age slowly. They can be killed through Wolfsbane, silver bullet in the heart or head, or decapitation. They also have their own clans but they tend to be civil towards others unless threatened." Stefan explained and waited for me to speak.

"Wow." I tried to withhold a laugh but highly failed. "I can't believe you're telling me that the supernatural exists. Literary best laugh throughout the night. Sure, I believe in spirits but vampires, faeries, and werewolves? Come on." I finished. I waited for him to tell me that this was just bullshit but after what felt like a minute, I realized he was not going to tell me that this was a joke. That there are no cameras hidden and that he is a host of a reality TV show that pull pranks on others. "'re serious? Please tell me you are not serious." I pleaded. This can not be happening.

"This is very serious." He said with a straight face. He scanned my face to see if I actually believed him but he couldn't get pass my poker face.

"Let's just say for shits that what you're talking about does exist, what does this have to do with my family?" I questioned.

"From the crimes that happened at your house, those were no human acts. It was a supernatural act. Your family are supernatural. They work with an organization that helps the supernatural world work civilized with the human world. Find others that commit crimes and arrest them in a way and eventually send them back to their courts that they belong to. If they do not belong to them, we hold them captive and find a way of what to do with them. Depending on their crimes, they can be released or workout a way, as in joining our team. Joining our team requires schooling and upon completion, join the forces." Stefan explained. "Depending on the crime, they could be executed or locked up for life."

"If this is true, why didn't my family tell me?" If he is being serious, how could I not know this? I mean sure, my parents never talked about their work but I figured it was because they hated their jobs but do receive great pay. Though they never once complained about their jobs.

"Your parents didn't want you to know about this life. About the existence of the supernatural. Despite them working in that organization, they did not want you to live in a world of monsters."

"What were my parents?" I was afraid to ask but it was something I needed to know.

"Your father was a Fae. He was from the Seelie Court but never once went against code and always respected the law. Loved by many, hated by other faeries but not to kill him or at least by their Queen. Your mother on the other hand, she was an Elemental. Passiveness creatures unless provoked, respective with nature. Elemental's are strange creatures though. Hard to tell what powers they can hold as it could be anything with air, fire, water, earth, or even spirit. Your mother, rare as she was, hold the powers of air, fire, and earth. They can live immortal but do have weaknesses that are hard to determine, as even we do not know. Elemental's are not as common as other creatures.

"How were they killed?" I didn't want to know but needed to be asked. Perhaps he would have an idea as to who did this.

"Your mother was shot in the heart with some rare poisoning and her throat slit. Normally they could heal when harmed but the poison that was in her prevented her from healing. With bite marks from certain creatures that is still unknown. Same goes for your father. The poisoning is hard to conjure that it takes a powerful witch, necromancer, or even a warlock to make. From their throats being slit, their blade was forged with something that even I do not know but something not normal because it made their blood far darker and soiled."

"But why would anyone or anything go after them? As far as I know, we didn't even have enemies!" Then again, I didn't know they were even supernatural.

"Because of you. You are different from anything that has ever existed. You saw the pictures, your mother has violet eyes and you have deep blue eyes," He stated.

"No, I just figured with genetics, that was why my eyes were blue," I told him. Guess that explains why my mom has violet eyes in the picture.

"It's because not only do you have Fae in your blood, but also Elemental. But not just that, but you were born with all five elements. You are the first thing ever to have that much power, thus having others threatened by you."

"If my family moved away from the supernatural, how did anyone know about me?"

"Before when you were first born, you all did live with other supernatural but when you were born with violet eyes, besides your mother, that has never been a thing before within the paranormal world. Your mother was the first to have violet eyes but that was due to the multiple elements she could use. Your family took you guys to see a seer, someone that can foresee the future and hold all knowledge. The seer already knew about you and expected a visit from your family. When the seer explained to your family, they knew they must get away from the supernatural world to protect you. The seer put a block in your head to make sure your powers wouldn't appear, at least until you turn eighteen."

"If the seer can foresee the future, then he or she would of known the attack on my family. Why didn't anyone help them. Why work for this organization they were in knowingly it could be dangerous to them?" This can not make sense. Why was this all happening to me? To my family? Why didn't anyone protect them! I could almost feel the water works coming again but this time I pushed it back and hold it in.

"Your family knew about the attack. The seer warned them but knew you would be kept alive. That this was the best option for you, so that you could live. They stayed within the organization so they could have better intel on when the attack was going to happen but they could not get any information."

"You said that the seer put a block in my head to hold off my powers, but when I turn the age of eighteen, it will come back. That's only in a few days."

"Exactly, you will not be most hidden anymore. You will need to learn how and control your powers since you did not learn at such a young age. How that will happen, I do not know," he said truthfully.

"Before we talk more powers. What was with the note? You knew this was going to happen, that was why you were at my work, in that parking lot telling me to go home. You could have saved my family, but instead you let them die!" I shouted at him. Anger was filling me. How could he just let that happen without even trying!

"Before I met you at your work, I spoke with the seer and he warned me what was about to happen. During that time, I did not know who you were besides what you looked like from what your parents told me. They trusted me, they talked with no one about you besides me. When the seer told me what was going to happen, he warned me not to go directly to you or else fate would change drastically as in revolting your death. He did not say that I could not try to save your parents. Though thinking about it now, I am sure he knew I would even make it in time so there was no point in telling me. When I reached to your home, I saw it was too late and it has already happened. The seer doesn't even know who was at fault for causing such a horrific event. I didn't want you to feel alone through this, that is why I left that note. I knew we would meet again and my gut told me to go back but I didn't know why until I came across of you."

After Stefan explained everything, I didn't know what to say. Somehow through this crazy explanation of everything, I believed him. No one could make such a crazy story like that and still make sense. I still wanted to blame Stefan for not coming to me first before going to my house but even I knew he was not at fault. My life has been nothing but a lie. Who I am, who my family was, what my life is, everything was a lie. A lie to protect me though. With everything that has happened, no matter how much I wish that I could go back to my ordinary life; with all of this nonsense information that I have received, that life is no longer mine.This is my life now. A world full of monsters that I have always believed to be folklore, is actually real. Even though I have read supernatural books and always wondered what I would be like if I was to be that person. I just didn't expect I would be that person in reality. Looking back, I remembered going through my moms drawer of pictures she had, and I remembered a picture she kept of her and my dad with a young boy, that young boy did indeed look like Stefan.

"Stefan?" I asked. Trying to conjure up the question I had.

"Yes?" He responded.

"Are you my brother?" A question that I had to ask. Maybe I did have another sibling that I never knew about, for some odd reason, he couldn't live with us.

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