Falling hard for you.

By tiana_greeff

288K 3.6K 268

Faith is Bella twin sister.What will happen when Bella drags her alone to Jacob houses.What will happen when... More

Faith Swan
Faith's room
author note
Wolf is out of the bag
Friends again
time with the pack
The imprint talk
Cullens are back
new threat or friend
You are my world
Graduation Present
Family Time
New Member
Bellas Wedding
Telling The Pack
Bella Back With Trouble
Tick and Thin
Paul is my home
Jacob imprinted on Bella's baby
Tuxes hunting and Jacob pack returns home
Wedding bells
Big news and baby room
Not one but two
Braxton Hicks contractions Mrs Lahote
Christmas time and gift giving
Final battle
They were meant to be
Author here

Army on it's way

6.5K 98 9
By tiana_greeff

Paul woke up the next morning with Faith naked body curled into his side. He smiled and thought back to the previous night were the two lovers made love to each other and he couldn't be more happier that he had the love of his life in his arms and that she gave herself to him. Just like he gave to her.

Paul pov
I kept on looking down at my love and couldn't stop smiling about the night we had. I pulled her naked body closer to mine making sure to warm her up, knowing she gets cold easily. "hmm my personal heater" she mumbled  against my chest. I clunked at her comment  "morning my love" I whispered in her ear. She slowly opened her eyes and looked at me "morning my hot loving wolf" she said making me smile brightly at her. "do want to go to the pack house" i asked " maybe later right now I want to lay in my wolf's arms and just talk and make out" she said smiling up at me. I smiled and pulled her head closer to my and soon our lips meet. We made out and soon we having fun and making love again.

Time skip
I was giving my love a piggyback ride will we walked to the pack house. "the love birds are back " I heard Embry yell from inside.  I  sighed and was getting annoyed with him but before I could say something back, I felt Faith giving me a kisses  on my cheek "Don't listen to him. He is jealous my wolf" she whispered in my ear.  I smiled and walked into the house. I placed Faith down and sat down on a chair, pulling her into my lap. "So lovebirds how was your night?"  Embry asked. Faith blushed  and hide her face in my neck. " our night was romantic" I answered him. He nodded smiling with a knowing look, I took a two muffins and gave on for faith. She kissed my cheek and at her muffin. I ate my muffin and looked Sam, I saw he had a worried look on his face "Sam what is wrong" I asked making him look at me. "We have a problem and it is coming in four days" he said. "what problem?" I asked. " Let's just say that Bella leach friend say that there's a army of vampires coming and that they are after her and Faith" he said making my blood boil. I help faith closer to me and growled "no blood sucker is coming near my love" I said making Sam stand up. "Wolf calm down no one is getting me.  remember last night were we had fun and were I whispered in your ears how you make me feel home and no one can take that from us." she said holding my head in her hands, making me look at her. I felt myself calming down and kept my eyes on hers."please calm down" she said again. I nodded my head and felt her lips on my forehead, she hugged me  tightly and made me smile. I looked at the pack and saw them with shocked faces. " I know it is shocking news but my wolf we will get through this" she said with a breaking voice. I pulled away from her and saw her tears running down her face.  I knew she was scared and it broke my heart. "we'll get through this" she said crying softly.  I pulled her into my arms and hugged her " we will" I repeated the hole time calming her down. She hiccuped the last few times of crying. When she finally calmed down I looked down at her and saw her resting her head in my neck. "I love you my wolf, please don't die on me" she whispered into my ear. "I love you and I won't" I told her back, making her smile. She stood up and walked to Sam. "Please Sammy bear don't die." she said hugging him. Sam hugged her back making me my heart jump. "I won't kiddo" he said. Faith looked at all of us but her eyes landed on Leah. She pulled away from Sam and walked over to Leah. She hugged her and said "please  my friend don't die" Leah hugged her back "we won't die" she said making Faith nodding her head. Faith then walked back to me after she hugged everyone. I held her close to me and felt her humming a song.
We all sat and relaxed while Emily was making coco for her and the girls
Sam then told us when we had to meet the Cullens in the woods for training. I looked down and saw Faith trying to be okay with this but I knew she was not and I told myself that I will talk to her later. "her kiddo, I made us girls some coco" Emily said handing her a cup. "thank you mama Em" she said taking the cup and slowly drank form it. I kissed Faith's cheek and made her blush "love when we go train will you be okay here with Em and Kim" I asked. She looked at me and nodded " I wait for you" I smiled and kissed her lips again.

Faith pov
Soon the guys all stood up and went to go train with the cullens. I stood by mama Em hugging myself, she then hugged and comforter me. I looked at Paul and gave him a warm and loving smile. He winked at me and walked with the boys into the woods.  "Kiddo,  do you want to help me cook food" Em asked making me smile. Us girl made the food and once we were done we ate and felted the food for the boys. Kim went and got us some blankets and we all watched tv and soon we heard the boys coming in. They talked and ate their food,once they were done the boys came to us. I didn't stop Paul when he lifted me up and held me in his arms like a princess " we are going home, thanks for diner and see tomorrow for train again" Paul said walking out before I could say anything. He walked to his house and as soon as we were inside Paul took us to bed. He laid me down and went to get some movies. I smiled at him and this giggled when he walked in with our favorite movies. I kissed his lips "I'm going to changes" I said standing up get one of his shirts. Once I was changes , I curled into my wolf arms watching movies with him. " I love you" he said looking down at me" I love you more my wolf" I said making him kiss my lips.

"I will protect you with my life, love" he said making me smile sadly at him " I know wolf, just come back to me" I said to him

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