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It has been a few days after the birth of the twins. Faith was discharged two day after the birth. Paul was a happy father. He even had a talk with Seth about how he except the imprint but Seth needs to help with the babies, like babysit when Paul wants to take Faith out which Seth agreed to and was happy that Paul doesn't want to kill him for imprinting on Selene. The pack was so exited to see the babies an Faith, so they made a little welcome to the family party when they heard Faith and the babies are coming home today.     

Paul pov 

I was make sure the babies where safely strapped into their car seats. When I saw Faith getting in the car. "Why hello wolf. are we ready to go home" she asked in a teasing voice. I smiled and closed the backdoor waking to the driver side, after I got in I looked back at our kids smiling when they looked at back me. "Yeah lets go" I said driving safely to the pack house. "Everyone is happy to see you three again" I said making Faith smile at that. "Did they now..And how did your talk go with Seth?" she asked taking my hand. "Well it went fine. I made sure he knew that  except the bond but he needs to help out here ad there" I said turning into the park house drive way. "I am glad" she said making me smile. We got out of the truck and taking the baby seats out with our babies sleeping soundly in their seats. "I can't believe they are here" Faith said making me look at her with love in her eyes. "I can't believe hat my kids get to drink from very sexy bottles" I said making her gasp "Paul" she slapped my arms "What I am just saying what is true" I said walking with her into the pack house, seeing everyone waiting for us "Welcome home" Emily aid coming to hug Faith. 

I smiled and saw Seth take Selene car seat from Faith before sitting down with it facing him. I smiled and shook my head when Seth talked to her in baby voice. Kim stool Ryan chair out of my hand and sat next to Seth "Hey cuties... I'm auntie Kim and you two are so cute" She said. I sighed and looked at Faith she giggled and walked into my arms. I hugged her and felt her kissing me in my neck she whispered in a low voice for only me to heard "I can't wait for Christmas to give you your special gift" "Christmas is in six weeks." I said whispered back. "Hmmm... Six weeks you still have to count done" She said back before pulling away from me and walking to the babies. 

I felt my wolf howling inside of me when she said that. I can't wait until Christmas, I shook my head and saw Sam smiling at me "You are screwed" he said making me sigh.  I walked to Faith and sat next to her when she was holding Ryan in her arms, she covered her upper body with a blanket. I knew she was busy feeding our son. "I can't believe you look so good after giving birth"Kim said making Faith giggle. I smiled and peeked under the blanket and saw my son enjoying himself. "Paul can you burp him while I feed Selene" Faith asked making me pull away to look at her. I nodded taking the spit cloth and placed it on my shoulder, soon took Ryan from Faith as she took Selene and feed her. 

"looks like parent mode is on with you two" Sam said sitting down with Emily on his lap, placing his hand on her belly. "Yeah.. trust me when your kid is born then you two will be the same" Faith said burping Selene, after feeding her. I nodded yes moving Ryan to sit in my lap "I have a feeling Sam will go over the parent mode when the baby is born, due to being the Alpha and all" I said making him laugh.

Faith pov 

 I had a inner smile on my face when I saw Paul looking under the blanket when I fed our son. After I asked him to burp Ryan while I feed Selene I in his eyes disappointment but did it anyway. We talked  and hanged out with the pack a few more hours until I told them "Well these two need some sleep time and so do I. So is it okay if we go home" I asked. "Sure. No problem we will see you guys tomorrow to plan the Christmas diner" Emily said making me smile. I  got Selene and Ryan back in their car seats. I felt Seth eyes on me "Seth you are welcome to stay over" I said making him smile at me "Thanks" he said helping me and Paul getting the babies in the truck. After saying goodbye Paul drove us home, after parking n the drive way Seth took one car seat and Paul the other one. I smiled and too the bags from the truck before walking into the house. Seth and Paul was already in the nursery with the babies. 'I think I could get use to this' I thought walking into the baby room to see  what they are doing. 

I smiled at Paul, who was changing the diapers and Seth getting the beds right. "Need help?" I asked "No... I got everything under control go to bed and take a nap" I nodded before going to bed I kissed my babies head and soon made it to our room. I laid down and listen to the baby monitor "Mommy and Daddy is going to nap. Seth you can watch tv in the living room while they are sleeping" "Yeah sure.. thanks" I heard Seth said before hearing him walk out. I soon heard Paul walking t our room and smiled when I felt his arms wrapping around my body. "You promise that I will get my present Christmas?" he asked with wonder. "Hmm. I promise, that is if you can wait that long?" I stated making him growl in my neck "I think I can" He said kissing my neck "But can you?" he asked. "Yes I can my wolf , now let me nap before I have to feed the babies again" I said turning in his arms to face him. He smiled and kissed my lips before resting his forehead on mine. 

no one pov 

Paul and Faith took a short nap before they heard crying, as they were about to stand up they heard Seth voice "Shh Selene you will wake your brother and parents" and soon the crying died down. Some how  Selene fell asleep by Seth voice.It was like she knew he was close to her and it made her relax. Both Faith and Paul looked at one another, smiling that Seth can calm Selene when she is crying. Faith held Paul hand and kissed his lips "He is a good kid" Faith told Paul making him smile. 

As the day went on, Faith and Paul was busy with the babies. Seth had go to patrol so it made Selene a little fussy and this caused her brother to act the same. Seeing the attention it brings to them, as soon as night came both babies fell asleep on the chest of the parents, due to listening to the heart beats both parents. Faith and Paul looked at on another smiling as the babies were finally sleeping. Faith took Paul hand, while holding Ryan still with her other hand an Paul did the same with Selene. And soon both parents slept with their babies never them.   

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