Braxton Hicks contractions Mrs Lahote

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Paul woke up the next morning to find his wife missing. He stood up and walked to find her. And once he did he smiled. There stood his wife in the baby room, next to the cribs holding the blanket close to her. Paul lead against the door looking at the view in front of him 

Paul pov 

"I didn't feel you move" I sad making her look at me. She smiled and placed he blanket down, waddling to me "I didn't want to wake you when the babies kept on moving so I stood up and came in here talking to them, calming the down" she said before embarrassing me into a hug. I hugged her and rubbed her back "Love, I don't care wake me .. I don't want to to be up by yourself" I said kissing her forehead "Okay... I remember that for next time. Wolf Emily felt me a messages  saying that Sam wants to tell us something" she said pulling away. "Then lets get dressed and go over. I believe Emily made your favorite food" I said making her blush. 

Both of us got dressed and soon went to the pack house. Faith walked in and saw Emily holding a cup of tea. I watched as my love sat down drink tea and eating for three. I sat down next to her and ate as well "So Sam what up" I asked when he walking into the house " We got a little problem. Jake imprint well she is danger and he promised the Cullen family that e will help protecting her." Sam started to say but stopped and looked at Emily "Danger... how?" Faith asked before I could. "Well.. Jake told us that some group of leaches fear the kid and to kill her." Sam said making me sigh "When?" I asked feeling Faith hand on mine. "After Christmas." he said making me look at Faith" After the babies are born" she said rubbing her belly with her other hand. "Love... I promise you I will come home after the fight in one piece" I said knowing what she is thinking, I saw the little stress leave here eyes. I looked back at Sam " Do we need to train" I asked him "Well.. Jake said that the Cullen are going to get witness to help in this case/ fight and this mean more leaches and more patrols to protect our people." Sam said making me nod. "Faith. I know that you don't need stress so. When Paul is patrol I want you to be here with Emily. And the day of the fight, you and the babies are staying her with all the girls. One of the newly turns will look after you all alone with Seth" Sam said softly. "Thank you Sam" she said smiling sadly. I held her hand tighter making her look at me "I love you and the babies" I said making her smile "We love you too" I said back. 

After breakfast the pack went on with their training, Kim came and she was keeping Faith busy with showing her the new baby clothes she bought for our twins and for Emily. I was busy training with Jared when I felt a pain "Faith!!" I yelled running into the house, I saw her holding her stomach "Love, what is wrong?" I said running to her, leaning in front o her "I looked down to her stomach and it my me worry more "I'm taking you to the hospital... I'm not taking changes you to close to the due date of the birth" I said looking at the pack running in, Sam came and helped me carry her to the truck. "Paul... I'm scared" Faith said with tears in her eyes "Sam drive!" I said sitting in the back with my wife. Sam drove us to the hospital and I called Dr Grey while we were on our why. Soon we arrived at the hospital and rushed in to the hospital, Dr Grey came and looked at us. The Dr did some tests and soon came back to us. "Well Mrs Lahote nothing is wrong with you or the babies. You had Braxton Hicks contractions Mrs Lahote. This is normal thing that happens  before "true" labor begins, you had "false" labor pains. Your body's  getting ready for the real thing -- the day you give birth -- but they are not a sign that labor has begun or is getting ready to begin. Now it is common for the first time parents to think something is wrong or that the baby is coming. And that is what happen here today with you Mrs Lahote. Nothing to be scared of but I want you to be for the rest of the day on bed rest." Dr Grey said making me release a breath I didn't know I was holding in. I looked at Faith and saw her smiling in relief as well "Thank you Dr Grey" She said resting better into the hospital bed. 

"You guys can just sign this form, then you can go home"Dr Grey said walking out leaving me alone with my wife"I'm going to sign this form then get Sam to help you into the car" I said making her nod. I left and go Sam to gt her in the car while I signed the forms. After that I got to the truck and say Faith in the car  talking to Sam. 

Faith pov 

"Sam. I'm sorry that I scared to guys. I did read about Braxton Hicks contractions in a book but I never clicked that it is what happened today" I said making Sam smile "Faith, it is fine.... I am just glad that you are okay." he said as Paul climbed into the truck. I smiled as he sat next to me, I held his hand when he placed it on my belly. "Sam, can you drive us home please" I asked making him smile before starting the truck and drove us home. 

After Sam dropped us of at home, Paul walked with me into our house. He walked with me to our bedroom and soon the two of us cuddle(Images at the top)  I felt Paul rubbing my belly making me feel relaxed and happy "Wolf... Do you realize in a month  and 2 weeks the babies are going to be here  and then it is Christmas?" I asked feeling Paul hand move to massage my lower back"I do my love and I can't wait to meet our little wolves or should I say pups... I have to say today you almost gave me a heart attach I felt your pain and it scared me" He said making me look at him over my shoulder "I'm sorry wolf. I didn't mean to - " "Don't be sorry it just made me realize that when they do come it will hurt like hell and I am sorry that you will feel that pain" He said kissing my lips, I smiled and soon felt him hands massaging my entire back. "Relax, love I am here and sleep if you want to" he whispered making my body relax and I soon fell asleep in his arms.

Paul pov 

I watched as my love fell asleep with me massaging her back. I smiled and kissed er shoulder and soon closed my eyes to rest with her.

Sam pov 

I parked the truck in the drive way after I dropped  Paul and Faith off. I walked into the house and was bombed with question "Is she okay?" everyone asked. I smiled and walked to Emily "She is fine. she had Braxton Hicks contractions an the doctor said it is normal. I dropped them of at home to rest, the doctor told Faith she is on bed rest for the day so that means no one is going over there and no one is going to bother them today, do I make myself clear" I said seeing everyone nodding their heads. I saw Seth looking down breathing with relief, I smiled and had a feeling he was worried about Faith more then anyone of us. I pulled Emily closer to me and held her stomach feeling the small bump. I kissed her lips and made her sit on my lap. 

Seth pov 

When Sam told us Faith is fine and resting, I felt relaxed and happy. I knew that the talk I had with Paul opened my eyes, I knew I saw Faith as a sister but I keep having this feeling to be near her and it not like I imprint on her because she is Paul girl, hell her wife. So why do I feel this need, could it be her babies she is caring that it is making me feel this way. 

I sat next to my sister and listen to Kim complain about not begin able to see Faith anymore. I smile and soon joined the boys in playing PC.  


Author here 

I want to clear something up with the time lapse of Faith pregnancy. She was at her 4 months pregnant by the time of the wedding. And I forgot to tell you guys that after Emily and Sam told the pack there was  a three months time lapse  that happened.  Meaning  that  the not one but two chapter was she was 7 months pregnant. And in this chapter she is in the middle of her 8 months almost going to the final months.

I am sorry that I forgot to tell you guys, but I just wanted t make it clear for you guys. I want the babies to be a born before the battle as you guys figured out by now, so I just want to say sorry and happy reading guys. 

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