Arshi FF- My Little Bride (Co...

By RojalinKKGSR

2M 90.9K 9.5K

Before they could even understand...They were bonded by a thread called "Marriage". More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Part 51
Part 52
Part 53
Part 54
Part 55
Part 56
Part 57
Part 58
Part 59
Part 60
Part 61
Part 62
Part 63
Part 64
Part 65
Part 66
Part 67
Part 68
Part 69
Part 70
Part 71
Part 72
Part 73
Part 74
Part 75
Part 76
Part 77
Part 78
Part 79
Part 80
Part 81
Part 82
Part 83
Part 84
Part 85
Part 86
Part 87
Part 88
Part 89
Part 90
Part 91
Part 92
Part 93
Part 94
Part 95
Part 96
Part 97
Part 98
Part 99
Part 100
Part 101
Part 102
Part 103
Part 104
Part 105
Part 106
Part 107
Thank you note :)

Part 108 (Epilogue)

32.2K 1.1K 466
By RojalinKKGSR

Epilogue... 5 years later!!

The sound of soft giggle followed by muffle voice from the entrance of kitchen made Khushi smile too knowing the actual source of this. Wiping her hands, she moved ahead..

"Hey Buddy!!"

She was welcomed with more laugh, sitting on floor their 10 months old son Arush, flashed his million dollar beautiful smile cutely.

"Aaaa.. Maa..maa.. maaa!!"

Wearing a denim shorts and a baby pink Tshirt he was looking as cuter as ever.

Her smile doubled, kneeling down at Arush's level, Khushi made him stand up. Arush stood up holding his mother's support. He had learned to stand up with support a few days back and that too with the presence of his father which made him almost go crazy seeing his little boy's new achievement!!

Stroking his chubby cheeks, Khushi kissed his forehead moving aside his thick soft locks. Her eyes roamed on her son's face.

 Anita Mumma says Arush has her eyes and Arnav's lips.

 Khushi smiled, each time she sees their son, her mind takes her back to that day when she was admiring Arush's father's picture of his childhood. Arush looks like a replica of young Arnav, chubby and eatable!!

" What are you doing here Buddy??"

Arush raised his little hand and touched his mother's face. He loves to touch his mother's face, just like his father does!! Khushi smiled at his gesture, taking his little chubby palm she planted a loud kiss there.

" You remember today you are going to meet Kaira Di, Shayera Di and Arpit?? Don't you??"

Shayera was 4.5 years old daughter of Anjali and Karan and Arpit was 2 years old cute son of Nitya and Aman. Being youngest among all,  Arush was successful drawing everyone's attention and admiration. Kaira and Shayera love him a lot while Arpit and Arush sometimes compete with each other. Their MALE-EGO some time comes in between.

Arush garlanded his little arms around Khushi's neck as she picked him up in her arms from ground.

" Let's go and give medicine to Dadi.. Ok??"

Arush was nibbling a soft toy, saliva ran down from his mouth. Khushi rolled her eyes, taking wipes she wiped his face.

" Done??" (she tickled him.)

Arush laughed.

" Maa..maa.."

" Yes, Mamma ki Jaan.."

Arush can't call Mumma at once, he breaks in middle while speaking!! Till now he has learned only two words.. One is Maa..maa.. And second one is Baa..baa!!

 Only almighty would have known how but first word of Arush was Baa..baa.. At first all thought he was calling his grandfather imitating his mother, but next when he called that staring at his father and crawling towards him, all were amused seeing that!! That day Khushi tried to make him say Papa, but Arush being Arush, inheriting the stubborn attitude of his mother called Arnav as Baa..baa only and repeatedly amusing both Arnav and Khushi.. Later Arnav started finding it adorable and an exclusive offer from his son!!

Filling a glass of water, keeping that on tray Khushi started moving towards Anita's bed room. Anita Maa was suffering from joint pain these days. Seeing his Dadi, Arush squealed in happiness.

" Errr..aaaa.."

Anita smiled at her grandson and extended her arms to take her baby boy from Khushi. None leaves a single chance to let go to pamper their little Baby Boy. Arush lunched himself in her embrace.

" What's the reason behind this million dollar smile, Apple??"

Anita asked, pinching Arush's cheek affectionately.

Khushi replied while helping Maa with medicine.

" He needs no reason for smile.."

Anita replied proudly.

"Yeah.. He is my happy baby!! Right??"

Arush clapped on Anita's cheek and started smacking her face again and again in his innocence, Khushi eyed at him.

" Arush.. No!!"

It's only Khushi who is a bit strict with Arush, otherwise all never gets tired off loving and pampering him. There is a word "No", Arush has heard only from his mother because for rest his one demand and it meant to be fulfilled. As it was only Khushi who is a bit strict, so one glare from Khushi and Arush knew he did something unpleasant and as a result be silent for a next couple of minutes.

 Anita eyed at Khushi playfully.

" Dare you stop him Khushi. He is a free bird."

" But when did I.."

" Now don't disturb me and my Apple.. You can leave, right Apple??"

It was Arnav who kept this cute nick name especially seeing that cute pink cheeks of Arush after his birth. He says, he feels like nibbling Arush and eating him up because of his cuteness and chubbiness!! He was a bundle of loveliness over loaded, his innocent eyes were as captivating as his father making his mother fall in love with him again and again. 

Arush would have forgotten his real name if it were not Khushi who usually calls him Arush unless others never gets tired of calling him "Apple" especially Arnav.

Shaking her head at Anita Maa and Arush, Khushi left from there to complete her incomplete task.

In evening, there was a small family gathering, they had dinner plan as well, Aman, Nitya and Arpit were coming. These kids were very much fond of each other.

While descending downstairs, Khushi started calling Arnav to remind him something to get while returning. After 2-3 rings, he answered.

" Hi.."

His voice was as huskier as ever which brought a bright smile on her lips,

"Kahan hai Aap??"

" Aap ke dil mein.."

Khushi stopped, something never changes and Arnav Singh Raizada's flirting and teasing comes under this category as well that tickling sensation in her nerves after hearing "Aap". It's been years and he affects her just like in past.

" Ho gaya tumhara??"

" I have not started yet Wifey!!"

" Arghh.. Just shut up and listen to me.. (Arnav did not interpret her any more, Khushi continued.) I have been to super market today morning, but could not get Arpit and Shayera's favorite flavored ice-cream. Get those while returning and of course for Kaira too.. She will not let you breath if you forget anything to get for her.."

Arnav chuckled, Kaira will always be their little Kayu for them no matter how much she grows up by age!!

" I know that.. And what should I get for you??"

" Tum Bas Wapas Aa Jao Office Se Jaldi Se.."

She replied cutely, the charm in their conversation always makes their heart flattered.. She just wants to be with him and there is no limit of this want.

" Yeah.. And by the way, where is my Son??"

He never forgets to include his son, after all his Son carries his Khushi's symbol.

" With Maa.."

They talked for some time before hanging up the call.

Clock strike 5.30pm. The ring of door bell made Arush turned who was playing with his mother in living area. There was a delightful expression on Arush'a face, he quickly faced his mother who was watching his priceless expression. Every single moment with Arush and his father is always magical treat for his mother.

" That's Baba.. Don't you want to meet him Buddy??"

She asked in an animated tone encouraging Arush more.

Not waiting further, Arush crawled till door and sat down looking behind at his mother as of course this little young guy can't open the door himself. Khushi smiled at his antics and unlocked the door, moving Arush a bit aside so that door would not hurt her Baby.

And there was standing Arush's father, Arnav smiled brightly meeting his wife at the end of a busy day. One look at Khushi, and Arnav needs to refreshment. She is his own tonic.

" Hi.."


Khushi gave him a hearty smile and gestured him down at Arush, Arnav kneeled at Arush's level after handing over his laptop bag and other carry bags to Khushi.

" What's up Buddy??"

He asked kissing his son's temple very gently, picking him up in his arms.

Excitingly Arush started patting on his father's face meeting after a whole day.

" Uuuu.. Baa..baaaa!!"

Arnav still remembers that day when he was in middle of his some important meeting with some foreign client and suddenly Khushi called him. He remembered her particular words those still ring in his ears.. "We are Pregnant Arnav.."

She said "We" instead of "I" which told him the depth of her emotions that day when called him after finding the positive result. Like decided Arnav was not ready to share his Wife with anyone at least for initial few years. But after Arpit's birth, seeing Aman with his Baby Boy..That fatherly sentiment inside him made him craved for Their Own Baby and when he discussed the same with Khushi in one fine evening Khushi was unable to control her laugh after hearing his explanation. Though her laugh made Arnav annoyed at first but later she made up with him in her way. She had learned how to deal with her husband after all just like he does..


He was brought back to present and his son patted his cheek drawing his attention.

"Han Baba Ki Jaan!! Tell Baba what happened?? Did you trouble Mamma or Mamma troubled you?? Trust me, I'm totally ok if you trouble Mamma but if Mamma troubles you then tell me.", asked Arnav to his son while entering in.

Khushi's jaw dropped who was following them.

" How thoughtful!!"

Arnav passed a smirk at her, he just can't ever stop teasing her. He has that rights on her, does not he??

Arnav moved upstairs to room taking Arush with him, Khushi went to keep those carry bags in kitchen.

Making Arush stand in his lap, Arnav started talking to him as if two adult men were discussing on some important topic and the way Arush responds, that makes it look quite more natural. Khushi reached there too, so that Arnav can change while she would by then divert Arush's mind in something else unless he would not let his father go, whom he was seeing after whole 8 hours. Arnav quickly kissed Arush's lips then went and changed into some fresh comfortable outfit. Khushi was playing with Arush, tickling him on his stomach, giving him innumerous soft kisses on his stomach which made him laugh more.

Arnav smiled at this adorable scene, he got a call so left to attend that towards poolside. Khushi brought Arush's soft toys on bed, as Arush became busy playing with his toys Khushi moved towards poolside to check Arnav as he was taking quite long on phone call.

After done with his call when Arnav turned around, found Khushi standing with hands on her hip.

" You are at home after a freaking 8 hours, what again came up that took your whole 10 minutes?"

Arnav raised his brow, his wife has become very time conscious now-a-days.

" My time, my wish.. What's your problem??"

" Your time..Your wish.. But my husband, that's why it's my problem!!"

She replied like feisty, these days she is becoming more demanding.

Taking his long strides, Arnav reached near her.

" Ohkay.. I'm all yours now then."

Khushi narrowed her eyes.

" It's not a joke.."

" Am I joking??"

He asked while pinning her gently against wall, closing the distance between them. Khushi saw him bending at her level while tightening his hold around her shoulder. Like always his hold on her, was intense at the same time so soft.

" He is inside, if you have not forgotten!! And I did not mean it only.."

She is becoming more confusing, Arnav admitted himself. Arnav raised his face.

" And we are at far distance, if you have not forgotten. I know how to keep my son away from these till a particular time."

" Really??"

" Now shut up Khushi." (He replied irritatingly.)

His eyes travelled from her eyes to her pink lips then followed up to meet her eyes again. Same warmth, same love, same attraction, same attachment in her eyes that made his heart beat crazily. Khushi could feel his hot breath so close to her face.

" By the way Congratulations.." (he whispered.)

" Why??" (she asked back.)

His hand travelled upward and started stroking on her cheek lingering his finger there.

" The issue related The Venue for your exhibition is sorted now."

Her face brighten more, her lips curled. And her smile was his treat!! He kissed her forehead. Arnav moved his finger towards her lower lip.Her hand was on his chest.

" When did you come to know??"

" Asish was telling me same thing.. But you were so busy to come to conclusion not knowing anything."

She pouted at his complaint.

" Thank You.."(she whispered back.)

" There is a different way to Thank your Husband Khushi.. Should I help you to remember this?? "(he asked tracing her lower lip softly.)

" You don't need to take so much effort.. I know that better!!"

Arnav raised his brow.

" Really??"

"Now you shut up Arnav.."

His questioning and her answering too never changed. The way Khushi responds not only to his questions but also to his touch that always makes him fall deeper for her. The distance diminishes between them, adding more magical touch to their never dying desire and attraction for each other. Their lips came in contact!!

*Broken sound*

A very known horror expression was shared between duo before they both rushed inside. And there was their little bundle of pride staring at his parents innocently with that mischievous smile on his lips after breaking his mother's phone into two pieces.

"And there goes the 2nd handset of yours in this month." , Arnav commented turning to Khushi who was standing there with her hands on her waist.

Arnav bent to pick the broken phone before moving towards bed..

"I guess it was the 3rd TV remote control yesterday and today this phone.. You make Baba proud Apple.. I appreciate that competitive spirit of yours.. You are giving a tough competition to yourself.. Not bad!!"

In return Arush laughed..

"Rrrrr.. Baaa..Baaa!!"

"Do you understand I am actually scolding you Apple??" (he paused, Arush started crawling on his four to reach his father.)

"Baa..baa!! Baabaaa!!"

Arush tried to touch his father's face as if trying to cajole his father and to save him from his mother who was silent till then.

"Koi baat nehi Meri Jaan..I guess that was a trick of Mamma to get a new phone and that's why she kept that before you.."

"Really Arnav?? Koi baat nehi Meri Jaan??", she imitated him.

"Khushi, it was your fault. You should not have kept your phone before him.", Of course he would support his son. Khushi just shook her head.

Pecking his head Arnav played with Arush making him an airplane and acting as if flying in air. That made Arush super excited, he demanded more. Arnav laughed and threw him in air making him laugh more..

"He just ate for heaven sake Arnav.. If he pukes, then.."

Before Khushi could complete Arnav felt something on his shoulder and instantly understood what was that before looking back at Khushi who was as if giving him a look to kill him right then..

"Arghh.. Guess what?? Clean him yourself."

Glaring Arnav and his son, Khushi left from there. 30 minutes passed, and from the source of sound at the entrance of kitchen Khushi knew who must be there.


"Don't talk to me.."

"Ok, I'll not!! Feed him at least."

"You feed him.."

"I would have loved to do that, but you see.. I can't, only a Mom can!! Unless I would not have come to you for my Apple.. Right Buddy??" ( he gave a very known stare to Khushi making Khushi roll her eyes at him.)

"Don't act smart Arnav and keep your words in your pocket. You always do this."

"I'll not repeat.. Sorry. I did not know he had meal just before."

Khushi looked up at him then Arush, who was sucking his thumb, her Arush was hungry!! Sighing deep Khushi just shook her head. She had already mashed potatoes for Arush, but knowing she should not give him to eat just after he puked Khushi was waiting for sometime till he was fine. And one look at him Khushi knew her baby was fine and hungry.

Adding just a pinch of salt Khushi handed the bowl to Arnav. Pulling a chair for himself, Arnav made Arush sit in his lap before raising the spoon to his lips. Arush loves mashed potatoes and he started eating making Arnav's task easier.

"Tumhe pata hai..Earlier Today he made all the drama just not to eat a single morsel. And now look at him!!"


Arnav smiled at Arush then Khushi, before pressing his lips on his son's head.

"What Mamma?? Did I lie??"


He pouted as if refusing his mother to degrade his score in front of his father. Khushi could not resist herself and came to her boys. Kneeling on floor at Arush's level while supporting Arnav's thigh, Khushi asked..

"Baba ke sath all goody good.. Toh Mamma ke sath itni nautanki kyun??"

Arush did not understand much but giggled making her mother smile. Taking his little palm Khushi kissed his hands softly. He laughed and started patting her face, she smiled and kissed his two soft feet!!

"That's because Baba and Buddy love to tease Mamma.. Is not it Apple??", replied Arnav making Khushi smile more.

Taking Arush's Baba's hand, Arush's Mamma planted a soft kiss.



Two voices at a time made Khushi almost stumbled. She was doing last minute work in kitchen. Arnav was with Arush, so Khushi decided to complete her task soon. Not only Kaira, but also Shayera too calls her same. Giving her tight hug, Kaira asked.

" Why did not Uncle come to take us here this weekend?? Shayera and I were waiting.."

Shayera too joined her sister.

" Yes, And Mummy said Uncle would not come again to bring us here.. Because we trouble everyone here.."

" Not we.. You always trouble everyone Shayera.."

Before they could argue more, Khushi silenced them.

" Shhh.. Breathe!! Let me meet Di and Jiju, then solve your problems.. Can I??"

Kaira and Shayera nodded their heads, Khushi moved ahead and gave a tight hug to Anjali, then Karan.

" Don't you both think you all came too early?? It's almost going to 6.30 pm Jiju.. "(She complained to Karan..)

Karan laughed.

" I'm not responsible for that, You should ask your Di, but before that tell me where is our young man?? I don't find him here.."

" Arnav has taken him to terrace.. They both must be there."

Karan left while Khushi turned to Anjali.

" Di, would you like to explain??"

" Khushi.. Actually Myrah (Krishna's love interest.) came, so I was busy."

Khushi smiled.

" Ohh.. That's very good!!"

Anjali agreed to her.


Arnav came downstairs, Arush was in his Karan Uncle's arms. Arnav gave a hug to Anjali.

" How are you?? Where are Kaira and Shayera??"

Before Anjali could say, they heard.. "We are here."

Arnav turned around, Shayera complained. Either Arnav or Khushi or Karan, usually makes it to the point to get Kaira and Shayera here in RM each Sunday. But this did not happen this time.

" Why did not you come this weekend??"

Arnav chuckled the way she asked and bent to her level.

" That day actually it was Arush's vaccination. So I and your Cookie were at hospital with your little brother... Then whole day he cried, I could not get time to come!! So Uncle is really sorry.." (He explained kissing Shayera's palms.)

" Why do you take Apple for injection Uncle?? And why can't doctors find some Syrup instead of Injection. Each time Arush goes for vaccination, he cries!! We don't like that."

Kaira asked. Arnav watched this protective elder sister.

" Really??"

" Yes.."

Arnav nodded his head.

" Ok.. I'll remember it next time!!"

Now it was enough for Arush to be in Karan Uncle's arms when his father was present there. Though he loves to be with everyone but when he finds his parents near, he prefers to be with them more. In order to show his need to be with his father, he started crying extending his little arms towards Arnav's direction.

" Baa..baa.. (sniffing) Baa..baa.."

Instantly Arnav took him in his embrace, he hates tears in his son's eyes. Patting his back gently, Arnav whispered sweet noting to calm him down which only Arush understands. Anjali watched her brother with admiration.

Aman, Nitya too arrived with Arpit, who has turned 2 two weeks before but naughtiest among all. All sat together, chit-chatting having nice time while Arush was so happy having so many playmates of his.

" Khushi, What about your preparation for your solo painting exhibition??"

" It's almost done Di.. Some issues were there related to venue, now that's solved."

"That's good.. We are too eager for your exhibition..More than you actually."

Khushi smiled, Aman added.

" Sorry to say Jiju, but the most eager person here for this is my friend. He is waiting for this like a thirsty bird."

Khushi looked at Arnav, indeed more than her, he was excited and happy for her painting exhibition. Like his promises, he has been always there with her always, sharing her happiness and sadness like a perfect life partner. Never a moment has come, her heart stopped racing happily being around his presence, under his warmness. She stared at her husband with respect and adoration. She can never fall for this man enough. Arnav and Khushi exchanged smile.

" I agree, if you say so."

"Daddy.. Daddy.. I asked Arush to run behind us, but he started crawling. Is he crocodile??", asked little Arpit, interpreting everyone's thought.

All laughed at his innocent question,

" From where do you get such ideas Arpit?? Like seriously... Crocodile!!"

" Then why can't he run.."

Anjali pulled Arpit toward her.

" That's because he is so small.. Arush will slowly learn to walk, and then run."

" Ohh.."

He was about to ran away, but hit Arnav who held him by his tiny waist.

" Careful Arpit.."

Arpit looked up, giving a toothy grin he kissed Arnav's cheek.

" Thank you Chachu.."

Arnav smiled.

" Mention not sweetheart."

Sitting away on ground Arush watched Arpit kissing his father's cheek. Waiting for nothing, he quickly crawled to his father not being able to see his father sharing his portion of love with anyone. As a baby, he was too possessive when it comes to share his parents' attention.

Crawling to Arnav's direction, Arush pulled his trousers drawing Arnav's attention.

" Uuu.. Baa..baa!!"

Arnav looked down and took him to his lap. Arush watched his face for a moment, then planted an open mouth kiss on his father's cheek wetting his cheek where Arpit had just kissed. Though the kiss was not perfect, but that was one of the most heartwarming gesture from his son for Arush'a father and he always craves for such kisses.

All were amused seeing this antics of his, Khushi suppressed her laughter.. Seem like their son has inherited both of his father and mother's temperament equally!!

" God.. Just look at this possessive baby!! He just wants his father for himself.. He must be giving a tough competition to you Khushi, right??"

Khushi rolled her eyes at her comment.

Giving back his portion of kisses, Arnav made Arush sit in his lap, wrapping his arms around his little body cuddling his soft warm body. The way his baby smells made Arnav inhaling him more, the fragrance of his baby lotion mixed with his powder then that milky smell of his!! Just heavenly!! They continued talking. In between Arush was transferred from his father and mother, demanding their attention equally!! And of course, Arnav and Khushi can't deny their Son at any cost.


It was dinner time, Khushi did not forget to add everyone's favorite in list. Arush was busy with his toys, Khushi and Anjali were serving, Nitya was helping them too. While playing, Arush's sudden attention fell on Aarav, he crawled to his direction ,with the support of chair, and Arush stood up.

Aarav looked down.

" Hey big guy."

Arush watched his grandfather's face for some seconds before snuggling his face in his chest. Arush was like heart beat for his grandparents. Kissing his head, Aarav hugged his little boy. Breaking a tiny piece of roti, dripping that in dal Aarav raised his hand towards's Arush mouth. Arush opened his mouth but the moment he tasted the flavor which was totally different from his usual food, he made face!!

" You did not like that, Apple??"

Arush started jumping in his arms, trying to pull out Aarav's specs which might hurt Aarav's eyes severely. Khushi quickly rushed to take him in her embrace.

" That's bad Arush.."

She eyed him, and sat back with him in her lap. Arush calmed down, in his mother's soft arms, playing with her hair in middle and pulling her face at him by her chin reminding her, his presence in her lap.

After dinner, as other were busy leaving kids to play together suddenly heard a painful cry of Arush!! Not waiting further, Arnav ran to that direction only to find a heart breaking scene for him, as his eyes fell on Arush's forehead, where he saw few drops of blood oozing out. Arush was crying in pain.

He quickly took him in his embrace, all got worried seeing so. Khushi quickly rushed to Arnav and Arush and held the end of her dupatta on his wound, trying to stop bleeding.

Arnav held him securely.

" Shh.. Don't cry Apple.. It's ok!!"

He started patting his back.

Karan asked kids.

" How did it happen to him??"

" Papa, Arpit threw his car which hit Apple's head.."

" Arpit.. Why did you throw something on Arush?? Look how is he crying now!!" (Nitya scolded him.)

Nitya got tensed seeing Arush's state,

" Nitu.. It's ok.. All are kids here, Arpit does not know.. You calm down.."

Though Khushi herself was worried seeing her son hurt, still she could not see tears in Arpit's eyes also. Can she?? After all for her, she is no less than her Arush!!

" Nitya.. Please don't scold Arpit..", Arnav added finding that tension all over Nitya's face.

" Arnav.. I'm really sorry yaar.."

" Can we just forget it?? Stop being so formal.. They both are kids here.. Arush will be all right, it's not that deep Aman."

He looked back at Arpit. He was looking at him with his teary gaze.

"Hey.. Come on.. Give Chachu a Hi-five!!"


Everyone's mood went off, all left from there. Arush was crying in his father's embrace.

" Maa..maa.. Uuuu.. uuuu.."

Arnav was pacing up and down putting Arush on his chest, Khushi had bandaged Arush's small cut as he was not letting anyone coming near him except Khushi and Arnav . But he was still in pain.

" Mamma is coming Apple.. She is just coming, Shhh.."

After biding good bye to everyone, Khushi rushed upstairs quickly. Her heart broke seeing tears in her son's eyes. She quickly took Arush from Arnav's arms and came to bed to feed him which was the only way to calm him down when Arush is too frustrate or crying hard. No matter what, a baby always needs mother in pain. A mother's love can never be substituted with anything.

Khushi's eyes were slightly moist, she was caressing her son while Arush was filling his little stomach. He was hungry too. Arnav came and stood before them and kissed Arush's head. But Arush was too busy to acknowledge his father's love as he was filling his stomach.

"It's ok Apple..", Khushi cooed her little boy. Arush was crying still in between his feed. Khushi got tensed and looked up at Arnav who was standing by the edge of the bed looking down at his wife and son.

" If he cries like this, he will fall sick, Arnav!!" (She spoke with concern.)

" Don't worry.. He will calm down after you feed him. " (he caressed Arush's little body bending down.)

"Arush.. I was thinking we should go to Zoo tomorrow.. How is the idea buddy??", asked Khushi before bending to kiss his head. But he did not look at his mother, instead just snuggled close to her chest and had his food only.

Khushi just wanted him to stop crying, as he started coughing because of continuous crying. She so wanted to divert his mind.

"Wait.. Let me ask Baba.. ( looking up at Arnav, Khushi prompted loudly..) Arnav, You want to join Arush and I tomorrow??"

"I'll be super glad if Apple wants me.. Arush??", Arnav kneeled down in front of them..

"See.. Baba too agreed. Now my Buddy will ask Dadi and Dadu, right?? Of course we know they will say Yes..Is not it Buddy??"

"Well Khushi.. Do you know who is Apple's favorite animal??"

"No, Do you know Arnav?? Is it Elephant??"


"Then Bear??"



"No Khushi.. Apple see, Mamma does not know yet!!"

"Then what is it??"

"It's Tiger Khushi.. Apple likes Tiger. Right Buddy??"

Arnav and Khushi noticed Arush calming down slowly, though he was not responding still.

"That's so bad Arush.. You shared with Baba.. What about Maa then??"

"Well.. That's because he is my Buddy.. Come, on!! Give Baba a hi-five Jaan.."

At last Arush lifted his face from Khushi's chest and gave a look at his father. Arnav smiled, taking his tiny palm he planted a kiss there.

After almost eternity, Arush's cry subsided. Khushi was pacing up and down, putting him on her shoulder patting his back. Arush was not ready to let his mother go, neither letting Khushi sit down. Arnav silently watched Khushi, she looked tired but still walking around with Arush in her arms fulfilling his wish, forgetting her own physical fatigue. Arush was not ready to come to his father's arms too..As kids are too moody sometime.

Clock was showing 12.30 at mid night. Khushi was holding Arush like this more than 2.5 hours not sitting down for a mere second.

Arnav could not hold himself and stopped Khushi.

" He is sleeping, give him to me for some time!!"

" But.."

" Take rests for a while, give me him."

Khushi carefully gave him Arush, Arnav gently put his baby on his chest kissing him in between, giving him some warmth.


With the hit of sun ray, Khushi opened her eyes and found herself sleeping while sitting and leaning on backrest of bed. She found the room empty, quickly rushed to poolside and found Arnav dozing off on wooden chair in an odd position due to Arush in his arms, securing his baby boy, trying not to give him any difficulty while sleeping.. She came to him, touched Arnav's hair softly, God would have known till when he was awake while consoling their son. She kissed his forehead, then their son's above his wound.

Arnav woke up with her touch and quickly looked down at his son. Khushi too took another chair, Arush was sleeping peacefully. Arnav kissed his forehead.

" I hope he will not cry any more.."

Khushi nodded her head, took Arush.

" Go and take some rest. You look so tired, you should have awaken me Arnav."

" Why?? Don't you need rest or he is only your son.. He is mine too if you have not forgotten!!"

" But.."

" Shut up Khushi."

Khushi felt defeated, she smiled at him then leaned towards him on his shoulder. They both held their Apple of eyes together, watching him yawning cutely moving his little legs and arms in air feeling relaxed. They smiled at his cute gesture pulling him more to their bodies.

"He looks normal.."


"You remember, when Di was pregnant with Shayera you said you would not mind putting the baby on sale if Di gave birth to a Boy!!"

"Why are you saying this??"

"Because we have a son now and I was just thinking if you have any of such plans or not .."

"SHUT THE HELL UP.. Ek hi to beta hai mera!!"

PS- Waiting for your feedback.. Do let me know. *love*

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