Arshi FF- My Little Bride (Co...

By RojalinKKGSR

2M 90.9K 9.5K

Before they could even understand...They were bonded by a thread called "Marriage". More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Part 51
Part 52
Part 53
Part 54
Part 55
Part 56
Part 57
Part 58
Part 59
Part 60
Part 61
Part 62
Part 63
Part 64
Part 65
Part 66
Part 67
Part 68
Part 69
Part 70
Part 71
Part 72
Part 73
Part 74
Part 75
Part 76
Part 77
Part 78
Part 79
Part 80
Part 81
Part 82
Part 83
Part 84
Part 85
Part 86
Part 87
Part 88
Part 89
Part 90
Part 91
Part 92
Part 93
Part 94
Part 95
Part 96
Part 97
Part 98
Part 99
Part 100
Part 101
Part 102
Part 103
Part 104
Part 105
Part 107
Part 108 (Epilogue)
Thank you note :)

Part 106

16.9K 840 102
By RojalinKKGSR

Her weak body fell against his strong body, his arms automatically wrapped around her waist.

" Khushi!! Khushi.."

His voice started trembling so as his grip around her fragile body. This was a moment which he had never witnessed before nor he had any wish to witness in future. Royal heads reached near Arnav, lifting Khushi in his arms Arnav took her to a comfy couch. Making her lay there, he asked Vikram Singh for water because here he trusts only this man!! Even after sprinkling water on her face, patting her soft pink cheeks, he got no response from her end. Khushi had never fainted like this before even during their worst situation!! Arnav was uncertain to what extent this revelation of Sashi Gupta damaged Khushi emotionally..

His mind started jamming not sure of how to react seeing her lifeless body in his arms and at his HELPLESS situation seeing her in so much PAIN! But he knew that was not a state to sit and think all these, hurriedly he took out his cell phone and called for ambulance.


Khushi was inside , doctors were checking her while Arnav was pacing up and down in corridor of hospital ruffling his hair. What happened to her?? Will she be ok?? Why were doctors taking so much time?? He waited for the Doctor to give him the news of her going well.. If not anything at least an assurance that His wife would be fine!! But there was none by his side, Vikram Singh had gone to inform this to Aarav Singh Raizada, he needed to know what's going on here and specially what's happening to his kids!

Finally Arnav sat on an ironed chair, joining his both hands, trying to calm down his hyper nerves seeing Khushi like this. He should not lose his patience like this, he needed to grip himself. He closed his eyes trying to gather his inner control to sustain for now!! He should have disclosed everything before to her, at least she would not have been at this place.

"Khushi will be fine, don't be tensed Arnav!!"

Even though Arnav Singh Raizada needed the same words but not from this man for whom she was in this condition. He raised his head and was about to reply when doctor came out from inside. Arnav got up,

" Her blood pressure is very high now.. May be due to some sudden emotional trauma, blood flow to her brain stopped and that resulted her losing her consciousness.. But don't worry.. She will gain her sense back in some times!!"

Doctor patted Arnav's shoulder and left from there. Arnav turned his head at Sashi Gupta.

" If she is inside this chamber, then that's only because of YOU.."

This can't be more painful for a father hearing that his daughter is suffering because of HIM. Sashi Gupta felt heartbroken, Why none was ready to hear him?? Whywas  Arnav accusing him not hearing his side story?? Had he been leading a peaceful life all these years without his daughter?? Was he happy when he left Garima and their unborn child in past?? Then why was this only his fault??

" Enough Arnav.. I'm trying to talk in a good way respecting you as my daughter's husband but you are insulting me again and again!! If you not forgetting, then let me remind you Khushi is my own daughter.."

" Whom you once threw away from your life like a tissue paper!!"

" Stop being so judgmental.."

" No Mr.Gupta.. I'm only stating fact, but you were judgmental in past and because of you she is suffering even today. What explanation would you give on it?? (He said loudly.) Just stay away from her like you have been doing till yesterday!! I'm not tolerating it anymore.. Now you can LEAVE!!"

" Till yesterday I did not know she is my daughter."

Arnav raised his hand to gesture him to stop, Shashi Gupta would again and again argue in his favor only and Arnav was tired to hear it each time.

" Please.. Just Go. I don't want any useless, meaningless argument in your Favor."


First the blur vision came in front of her eyes, she blinked her eyes twice to adjust with the broad day light. Her head was feeling heavy, she even felt it difficult to reach her own forehead. Her body has become so weak. She twisted her head only to find a familiar figure standing by window gazing at outside of window. His look appeared so torn out, he looked lost, worried and pale. Her minor sickness can impact him so deeply she did not know before. She gulped down her weakness and tried to sit on bed.


Arnav quickly turned around and found her holding her head trying to get up. He covered the distance between them and held her by her shoulder, Khushi left her head and looked up at his blank expression. Arnav helped her to sit comfortably, making her resting her back. She closed her eyes trying to gain her strength.

" Let me call the doctor first!!"

Before Khushi could say anything, he had already left from there and within a minute or two returned back with doctor. Doctor checked her, stating everything going normal with Khushi he left from there.

" I'm not going to entertain your this kind of sickness further Khushi."

Khushi had never expected she would hear something like so from Arnav after gaining her sense back. Was he complaining for her illness?? He was complaining as if she had borrowed this sickness for her very happily!! Then what about his hiding such a matter from her?? He should taste his own medicines first. The nerve of this man!!

" And I'm not going to entertain your hiding anything from me further in future Raizada!! Here you are not at all allowed to show this behavior, I am the one who actually should not talk to you after this?? Don't show me your this ATTITUDE!!"

Arnav stared at her face for few moments. Even though she was weak, her eyes were still intense so as his sharp gaze. And then not giving her any clue to register anything in her mind he directly touched her lips with his!!


" When did you come to know about him??"

"A Few days back, his sudden interest in Lucknow and Sheeshmahal made me feel fishy so I thought to check on him once just to clarify my doubt and came to know this."

"And this is why you were staying away from me??"

"Because each time I met your eyes, each time I touched you I felt guiltier. Neither I was in a state to tell you nor in a state to hide from you.. So.."

"So you decided to keep yourself away from ME??"

Khushi watched his face, his eyes were looking down. She could see pain in his eyes which made her feel weaker than her physical illness. She remembered his confession at that night regarding his own dilemma to tell her something!! How much it was difficult for him while bearing all these alone, Khushi could only assume.. Can she be angry with him after this?? What would have she done if she had been in his situation?? Would not she have reacted in same way?? And why would she have reacted like that, because she cares for this man the most.. Nothing matters to her in front of him!! So was his situation, his insecurity while dealing with this situation alone. 

She hates it when he bows down in front of her..

Khushi held his hand.

" I want to meet him.."

Arnav looked up at her surprising.

" What??"

Khushi nodded her head.

" Yes.. For once and all!! I have some questions to know from him."

Seeing his uncertain eyes, Khushi held his hand, slowly taking his hand near her lips.

" Nothing matters to me more than you Raizada..Neither my past, nor that MAN, nor any other damn reason!! I'm interested in you. Be here with me." (She again repeated her words to him. )

Sitting on bed beside Khushi, Arnav held her hand and joined their hands.

" I'm always there with YOU.."

Khushi smiled a little, caressing her cheek Arnav said.

"But You are not allowed to get hyper Khushi neither I'm interested to go through that difficulty seeing your LIFELESS Body!!"

"Nothing will happen this time."

Her words gave him assurance , nodding his head Arnav got up to make a quick call to Sashi Gupta.


When Sashi Gupta entered in Khushi's cabin, found Khushi resting on bed while Arnav was on some important call, probably with his parents who were reaching there soon. Seeing him, Arnav ended the call soon, Khushi's face carried no sort of emotions for this man even after knowing his identity.

Sashi Gupta was overwhelmed after coming to know Khushi wanted to meet him.

" Khushi.. I'm so sorry my child.. I know I have hurt you and your mother a lot in past. I can't change past, but I'm ready to fulfill my duty in your life in future.. Just give me a chance for it, I can be the best father to you!!"

Arnav's eyes traveled to Khushi,

"Can we end this useless discussion and talk something really worthy?? Because I'm not going to hear your craps here.."

Sashi Gupta gulped down hearing such harsh words from his daughter.. He had come to know his daughter's identity after so many years and never wants to lose her in his life. He was ready to repent!!

" But Khushi.."

Cutting him in middle Khushi asked.

" You were so desperate to let Arnav know what had actually happened in past. I want to hear your side story..Go ahead."

It was difficult for Sashi to grasp such roughness in Khushi's behavior, he had only seen her sweetness while talking and greeting. Her roughness made him worried and anxious. Was he going to lose her again?

" I was married 5 years back before meeting Garima, Garima was beautiful, sweet, innocent girl for whom anyone can get attracted easily so was I!! I was attracted towards her from our first meeting.. Slowly our friendship started climbing steps after step and we did not realize when we.. "

He stopped himself to see Khushi, but her facial expression did not let him read anything going on in her mind. She looked so tough to understand and influence easily. She looks so different from her MOTHER!!

He continued.

" My wife came to know this and that resulted in daily arguments between her and me. I started losing any attachment with her and Garima and my bond started getting stronger. One fine day I came to know my wife expecting our second child and that's Tara.. I was happy with this news after all I'm a father. But what she said next shook me totally.. She put a condition that, if I want to see my unborn baby alive then I have to leave Garima..Unless I have to lose my unborn baby!! I could not afford that loss and ended up.".

" Making my mother suffer.. (Khushi completed on behalf of him.) What your wife did was never wrong, because no matter how bad or nice a woman is..She wants the man with whom she is committed remains faithful to her for lifelong!! I don't feel pity on you.. I feel pity on my mother and your wife who met a man like you Mr.Sashi Gupta!!"(she added.)

Sashi's heart started beating loudly in anxiety. He had thought making Arnav convince anything was too difficult but after talking to Khushi he understood, making Khushi convince anything was IMPOSSIBLE!! She is more inflexible than Arnav. It was as if to make Khushi believe in something beyond her wish is as firm as rock that you can't move an inch.

" Khushi.. I'm sorry.. I'm ready to rectify my mistakes.. Please.."

" Mistake!! Let me tell you, you are still in illusion.. You had committed a SIN.. And there is no way to rectify your this sin. I was never interested to include you in my life neither you ever start think that I would ever want you back in my life.. My life is so complete WITHOUT your presence, your presence is never needed in my life.. I have a PERFECT LIFE, a perfect and complete family.. and most importantly there is no emptiness in my life for a FATHER.. This place is fulfilled already, but not by you but by my BABA!! I'm not ready to share his place with anyone.. I just wanted to hear your side explanation I have heard so many stories , so thought why not to give a chance to hear your story. I wanted to know why you threw my Mother away from your life like this.. I got my answer back and my wish to meet you also ended today at this moment."

Sashi Gupta tried to hold Khushi's hand but Arnav stood in front of him blocking Khushi.

" I hope your doubt is clear now.."

" I want to talk to my daughter.."

" Your wish.. Go ahead.. But I'm not interested to let anyone disturbing MY WIFE anymore!!"

He clearly stated Sashi Gupta the difference between his daughter and his wife as if they were two different individuals. Arnav was silent till then letting Khushi decide this alone, he wanted her to deal by herself but of course he did not leave her side.

Sashi Gupta could not speak further,

"Door is that way by the way.."

"Behave Arnav.. Don't forget who am I??Who are you to stop me meeting my daughter??"

"Just leave.. Anyone talking to Arnav with this tone, I can't tolerate it. And you are the last one to do so. Just leave from here..", her eyes were as if burning in fire.


"And stop taking my name.. Just go away."

Khushi looked away not wishing to see his face anymore. Her fist held the bedsheet tightly as she fought with her inner battle to suppress pain within herself. She did not wish Sashi Gupta to even witness her pain, her hate, her tears.. because pain and hate also a form of emotion.. And this man deserves no emotion in her heart!!

"Leave..", Arnav's voice was rough.

Feeling miserable, Sashi Gupta left from there but not before giving one last look at Khushi who was not even looking at him. Some sins are always unforgivable. Khushi neither had any intention to Forgive her This man in past, neither she has any plan to do so in future. Forgiving him means, disrespecting Garima Maa which she would never let happen.

The moment he was out of her eyesight, lastly Khushi could not stop her self, her pain, her hatred for this man, her anguish after meeting him..and all these took the way to tears flowing from her eyes. Arnav had never seen her crying so bitterly ever before like Khushi was crying that time. His heart was no in his control anymore, he did not even know which PARTICULAR soothing word he should tell her to calm her down. He touched her head, stroking her hair.. His gentle touch made her look up at him who was standing beside her and she finally wrapped her arms around his waist burying her face in his stomach crying her heart out, letting her tears flow and promising not to REMEMBER someone named Sashi Gupta ever in her life.


Anita planted a kiss on Khushi's forehead who was sleeping under drug. Though she was doing fine, but her crying might impact her health adversely.

" She will be fine Maa.."

Arnav tried to console his mother who was looking so hurt seeing Khushi. Aarav asked.

" We will return ASAP Chotey."

" I too hoped same, but Doctor asked to keep Khushi under observation for next 24 hours." (his voice was restless,

Aarav touched his son's shoulder.

" Everything will be fine!!.."

Arnav nodded his head.

" Yeah.. I know!!", he consoled to himself staring at her form.

The moment Khushi opened her eyes, her eyes met with Anita Maa and Aarav Baba's concern eyes. She remembered how others were thinking the place of father was empty in her life, but was that true?? She was in fact thank full she never got the chance to that man before unless she would not have got this family of her.


Aarav sat beside Khushi, Anita moved aside a little. Aarav held her hand.

" Don't think anything.. Just forget everything and get well soon. I'm with you, Maa is with you, Arnav is with you.. Right?? To rona band Khushi, samajh mei aayi aap ko?? "

Khushi blinked her eyes, Aarav kissed her on her forehead gently.

Her eyes then travelled to Arnav who was standing there, his eyes were demanding her assurance. In return she extended her hand towards him, Aarav turned his head to Arnav. Silently Arnav covered the distance between him and bed. 

"Just be fine .", taking her hand in his, he kissed her palm.

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