The Days Union Oneshots

By cynicalstn

163K 1.6K 3.5K

Hi. This is my first book I'm writing/typing. This will be a Days Union x Reader, most of these will be for f... More

Requests. [PAUSED]
Unstable Day & Reader
Macabre x Benevolent
Part 2: M x B
Sorrowful & Macabre
Unstable x Unpredictable
Great x Emotionless
random thing
Macabre x Reader
Unpredictable x Male Reader
Radiant_Day x Dynamic_Day
Horrid_Night x Reader
Macabre_Day x Reader
Great_Day & Toddler!Reader
Unstable_Day & Toddler!Reader
10kay sqeciaI
Dynamic_Day & Toddler!Reader
10k special.
Placid_Day & Toddler!Reader
Scary_Day & Toddler!Reader
Unpredictable_Day & Toddler!Reader
b®️eak time
Practical_Day & Toddler!Reader
Benevolent_Day & Toddler!Reader
Macabre_Day & Toddler!reader

Unstable x !Yandere Radiant

5.1K 46 117
By cynicalstn

Requested by Nostxlqic
Reminder: These do not affect the actual characters in any way.
City Layout: Current City layout as of
Also Unstable will be able to speak a bit more clearer.
Trigger Warning: Descriptive Gore(??), Choking(from air :/)

Unstable was being chased by Radiant. In his hand, he carried a small container. Inside the container was.. something.

"Unstable~! Come back please you forgot your present!"

He giggled as he chased Unstable. Unstable didn't know what was going on with Radiant. He had been acting very weird lately. He couldn't forget what he saw earlier.

[Flashback to earlier]

Unstable knocks on Radiants door. After three knocks he decides to use his own key and open up the door.

"Radiant, can help me with some-" he stopped as he saw Radiant coming out of his room with blood stained on his face and clothes.

"Unstable, perfect timing~!" He giggled.

"Ra-Radiant! What happened?!"

Radiant went to search for a container he set it down in front of Unstable. He went to go get the heart and when he came back to Unstable, Unstable ran out the room as quickly as he could after seeing the heart.

"Wait! Unstable come back to me!"

[Flashback ended]

Unstable snapped back into reality and then realized where he was. Unpredictable was hovering over him.


Unstable sat up and looked around, to see if he could spot Radiant.

No sign of him.

"Eh..? OH. Are you looking for something, Unstable?"

"No I just- wait. How did I get here?"

Unpredictable sighed.

"I pulled you in my Residence. I heard you yelling 'Help me' so I looked out the door and saw you being chased by him."

Unstable sat there in silence until he realized that he injured his knee while running. He tripped on his own feet and fell.

Unpredictable stared at Unstable, watching him hold his knee until realizing that he hurt himself.

"Oh- Wait let me get some bandages to bandage up your wound and I'll give you a spare set of pants you can wear.."

Minutes later, Unpredictable came back and started caring for the bruise.

"Ah- Unpredictable don't worry about it. It doesn't hurt that mu-"

He was interrupted by a loud noise of the.. door opening? Huh?

"Unstable! Why are you in Unpr- Oh? Well, well, what do we have here?"

Unpredictable stared at Radiant right in the eyes, a cold sweat running down his head. He's seen what has happened to anybody acting super friendly or caring to Unstable. But now, he has been found. He doesn't know what to do. He's been running away from him, in fear that he would be killed for starting a friendship with Unstable.

"Radiant. Get out, please."

"Oh but why should I? I'm here for Unstable, not you~."

"I said get out."

Unstable was scared. He was scared because he didn't have any idea of what Radiant could possibly do to Unpredictable.

"Then make me."

Radiant moved over to Unpredictable grabbing him by the collar, choking him all while smiling.

"Radiant.. let go of.. me."

It took a few seconds for Unstable to realize that Unpredictable couldn't really breathe. He did his best to stand up straight with his hurt knee and walk towards them.

"Radiant please let him go! Please."

Radiant giggled still holding Unpredictable while looking at him and Unstable back and forth.

"Radiant please, I beg you, let go Unpredictable."

"But why? Do you like Unpredictable or something? Oh, that hurts my poor heart! I finally got ahold of Unpredictable, I've been searching for him for weeks and I finally found him. Unpredictable knows that I have been searching for him, he just didn't tell you because he didn't want you to worry about him."

Unstable stood there looking at Unpredictable, knowing he couldn't help him out.

"Radiant... please.. let... me.. go.."
Unpredictable was losing air, a few more seconds and he'll be gone.

"Ugh. Radiant if you let go of Unpredictable, I'll- I'll stay with you. Forever."

Radiant let go of Unpredictable, dropping him onto the floor, smiling and hearing Unpredictable cough.

"Oh~. How sweet of you! Shall we go now? We can go for a walk."


Radiant smiled, leaving his belongings in Unpredictable's residence and heading towards the door.

"Unstable.. why? I don't want you to stay with him forever. Wh-what about me? Will you still be able to talk to m-me?"

Unstable sighed.

"Don't know Unpredictable, don't know. I will go now.. bye.."
He turned and headed towards Radiant who was glaring at Unpredictable and soon left the Residence with Unstable.

"Farewell, Unstable."


Yes I finally finished the first request.
Yes it still sucks but oh well, enjoy I guess.
I will now go work on the second one.


Total words: 805 words.

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