Arshi FF- My Little Bride (Co...

By RojalinKKGSR

2.1M 92.1K 9.6K

Before they could even understand...They were bonded by a thread called "Marriage". More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Part 51
Part 52
Part 53
Part 54
Part 55
Part 56
Part 57
Part 58
Part 59
Part 60
Part 61
Part 62
Part 63
Part 64
Part 65
Part 66
Part 67
Part 68
Part 69
Part 70
Part 71
Part 72
Part 73
Part 74
Part 75
Part 76
Part 77
Part 78
Part 79
Part 80
Part 81
Part 82
Part 83
Part 84
Part 85
Part 86
Part 87
Part 88
Part 89
Part 90
Part 91
Part 92
Part 93
Part 94
Part 95
Part 96
Part 97
Part 98
Part 99
Part 100
Part 101
Part 102
Part 103
Part 104
Part 106
Part 107
Part 108 (Epilogue)
Thank you note :)

Part 105

14.4K 752 84
By RojalinKKGSR

" Not only Sheeshmahal but also we all have been waiting for this moment and for someone for last 24 years after Thakur Saheb's passing away. Though it's late today, but it's better to be late than never.. Let's welcome someone who can fill the emptiness after Thakur Saheb and Garima Ji.. And she is Garima Ji's daughter, Khushi Ji!!", It Vikram Singh's voice. Carrying his father's legacy to be loyal to Royal Family he added one more feather to his cap.

Khushi hiccupped with such an address, Arnav quickly turned his head.

" Kya hua??"

" I'm telling you Raizada, as soon as this gets over we are returning Delhi.. I feel like a creature of some other planet here, I feel like being caged if I stay here longer!!"

All these Extra Show of Respect, this Grand way of treatment etc were not easy for Khushi to digest. She never wishes such a life which is half real and half fake because obviously a person can't only give smile 24*7 to others that too after maintaining this status. That detachment and hatred in her heart for this throne never ceased to decrease. 

Though she was whispering making sure none hears them, Arnav could see that firmness in her voice. But he was confused whether he should laugh at her such childish type complaint or to be serious owing to the gravity of the situation.

"Shut up Khushi. We will leave from here.. None is caging you here.."

Khushi nodded her head and looked away. Now it was turn for the formal introduction of Khushi and Arnav which they did with ease, Royal heads also greeted them with warmness.

Sachin Singh stood up.

" Wow.. My brother and I have spent our entire life for Lucknow, taking care of this place when it was left out without any Leader.. And this is what we got after the scarification of so many years.. How fair is that Royal heads??"

One of the member of Royal Head replied, " If we are not wrong, then why don't we see the happiness on your Face Kumar Ji.. Garima Ji was your sister also, but there is no pleasure on your face after meeting your sister's daughter??"

Though everyone was aware of Sachin Kumar and Sanket Kumar's cruelty, but they could not do anything as per the norms and laws of Royal constitution. Royal heads can only give opinion to Kumars to do something or not but lastly to restrict them from doing something or depriving them from anything, that rights is vested only to Thakurs And Khushi being the child of Garima Thakur deserve this right to save and prosper this Royal Family.

Sachin Kumar added, " Are the Royal heads trying to manipulate us in their words??"

Shiv Prasad Chuahan replied, " We don't think it is that easy to manipulate you Kumar Ji. What do you want?? Be clear."

Sachin Kumar smiled as he was waiting for this moment.

"I never knew Royals heads can be so innocent sometimes.. What's the proof is that she is Garima's daughter?? Who is here to prove so and who is here to believe it without evidence that she is Garima's daughter?? Anyone might come like this and claim its inheritance.. Are we going to share it with all??"

Arnav's fingers fisted tightly hearing someone raising such a question on his Wife's relation with her mother!! Have not they insulted Garima years back almost making her life hell and now they want the prove of Khushi being Garima's daughter!!

"Sorry to interfere Your Majesty.. But can I ask why none here did not think the same question years back before making Garima Aunty's life so miserable?? That time too Royal heads keep silent and today too Royal heads are keeping silent encouraging such irrelevant questions.." Arnav's words were clear making Kumar brothers burn in anger and Royal Heads feeling low.

Sachin Kumar questioned, " I asked what's true?? Royal heads need proof not WORDS!! Is there anything that can prove Khushi is Garima's daughter??"

Khushi who was silent till then, finally could not stop herself. With the proceeding of moments, slowly her nervous too started to fading. She started acquainting herself with this discussion going on. The moment the Question again raised on her Deceased mother, she could not tolerate that any more. 

"Can you show me the proof that Sanjiv Kumar is your father??", None was expecting this question. 

Arnav turned his head towards Khushi, there was a rigid expression on her face and her gaze was still on Sachin Kumar as if her eyes could turn him to ashes. He was seeing that Strong headed and feisty woman who is too difficult to persuade easily, whom he had met during the initial days of their marriage when Khushi was totally against their marriage not ready to accept that!! 

" How dare you ask me this question Khushi??"

"If I can't dare to ask YOU this question, how can you dare to ask ME this question?? (she tried to stated her point. ) I'm not here in greed of winning this Royal prosperity, if I had had such greed to get hold of these, we would not have waited all these years!! I'm here to claim that, what belongs to my MOTHER!!"

Her each word was clear and her voice was serious. She was sure of her own motive of coming there. Like Arnav's says, she needs to face her past and then only she can fight. 

Arnav did not say anything further, he kept himself back letting Khushi take the initiative and fight for her own rights. He knew his Khushi was strong and can tame the situation in her favor. Every person should understand what's the actual rights of his/her.

"If you don't wish to gain this Royal Status here why did you come here then??"

"Like I said, I want to treasure my mother's inheritance." (she repeated herself.)

Sachin Kumar's blood boiled, he could see his chance of gaining the throne losing slowly. He can't afford to lose it so easily wasting 24 years of his life.

" Your Majesty, then I think we need to change the norm of Royal Constitution that Now the inheritance of Royalty is going to that person who is the illegitimate child of someone!!"


She screamed, Royal heads could see where the conversation was heading towards.

Royal heads tried to calm down the situation, " May be you are forgetting your sanity to talk in Royal meeting Kumar Ji.."

Khushi turned her head to Royal heads.

" Your Majesty, if someone is forgetting his sanity to talk today that means you the Royal heads encouraged this in past?? None of you also come to stand by my mother's side that day.. Neither anyone of you gave my mother any support nor punished the actual culprit!! What kind of fair justification was that?? You all decided to keep silence, letting a lady face humiliation."

May be Garima was fragile to raise her voice, but her daughter is not that fragile!! It has always been difficult for Khushi to understand her own emotion but once she understands her own feeling, she never can suppress it. 

It's good to be silence, but silence should not be an option when it comes to Self-Respect. How you reserve and respect your Self-Respect that should be your business, your commitment towards yourself?? 

Khushi has always lived with head high, this question of illegitimate or legitimate has never become a hindrance in her life owing to a family like Raizadas. And if today she keeps quiet letting anyone insulting her self-respect then that means throwing mud on Baba Maa Arnav And Di's emotion attached to her since beginning and this would be never an option for Khushi. 

She then faced Sachin Kumar.

" And Mr.Kumar, let me clarify your misunderstanding on the difference between legitimate child and illegitimate child today!! My mother too gone through by the same pain, same tears, same cry while giving birth to me like your mother passed the same situation while giving birth to you!!"

She knew she was speaking bold, but if someone is not respecting your softness while dealing with situation considering it as your weakness, then is it right to behave like so?? Why should you waste your time for that person trying to make him realize..It's better to show the real mirror, Khushi convinced herself.

She continued, " I have also lived all these years being showered with same love, same care from MY FAMILY like yours.. I have my own name, own self-respect, own identity.. I don't need a man whom you all call as MY FATHER.. to live a normal life!! My current life is much more normal than yours I suppose.."

" But still that need of a father in your life is empty than mine.. What clarification would you like to give??"

Khushi was about to reply when all of them heard a voice from behind..

"I'm ready to fill that emptiness in Khushi's life that once I had left to fulfill!!"

Everyone turned their heads, few pair of eyes got widen seeing a known face while others remains confused.. But Khushi did not understand these words of Sashi Gupta!!

What was he doing there at this point??

Arnav felt like breathless for a moment, he had never thought Khushi would come to face the truth in this way. His body started freezing. He felt difficult to gulp down his obscurity seeing this man.. How is Khushi going to accept it so suddenly like this?? This situation can be so complex he had no idea.

"Sashi Gupta!!"

Khushi turned her head hearing the murmuring of Sachin Kumar and Shiv Prasad Chauhan. Do these two persons know Tara's father?? But how and when?? And what's the requirement of this man here?? And why did he say he is ready to fulfill that emptiness in her life that he had left to fulfill!!

She turned her head to Arnav, Arnav was staring at her as if his life totally depend on her.

She started remembering the last few meeting of her with Sashi Gupta and his sudden affection on her, Arnav and Sashi Gupta's fury eyes staring at each other that day in store, Arnav's confession of telling her something important, then today the sudden presence of Sashi Gupta declaring such a Statement in front of all.. Her brain started linking dots one by one and before she could realize herself, everything went blur in front of her eyes and she had no idea what happened after that!!

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