Adopted (Laurance X Reader) S...

By Fanfics7781

4.1K 90 14

Y/n is almost 17. She is a Junior at O'khasis until she gets adopted. She's cheerleader, a dancer and she lov... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10 - Filler chapter ;)
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
New Story Cover!
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25- Filler chapter

Chapter 12

125 4 2
By Fanfics7781

A/n Getting less creative with the chapter lol hope you enjoy sorry it's been a while since I updated I have had a lot of homework lately.

F/m- Favorite Movie

~Y/N's Pov~

Today is the sleepover!!!!! AHHHHH!!!! I'm so excited. I jumped out of bed got in the shower and put on a cute outfit.

(Change if you want.) I did my makeup and went downstairs to eat.

~Timeskip to when people start to show up cause I have to idea what to write~

I heard the doorbell ring so I got up to answer it. I open the door to see aph.

"Hey!! Glad you could come. Come on in." I said as she walked in. "KATE GET YOUR BUTT DOWN HERE!!!" I yelled up to kate.

"OK!! I'M COMING!!" She screamed back. I laughed.

"Do you want to watch tv till people star-" I was interrupted by the doorbell ringing. I opened it and saw Travis, Garroth, and Laurance.

"Hi guys!!" I said excitedly. I hugged then and invited them in they sat on the couch and we started watching tv. Next was Kawaii~Chan, and Lucinda Kate invited Jeffery so he came too. I was waiting for Dante to show up I started to think he wasn't coming, but then the doorbell rang I got up and opened to see his blue hair.

"Blueberry!" I said as I hugged him.  "I was starting to think you weren't going to come." I said.

"Sorry I fell asleep." He laughed and hugged back. He came in and sat down I sat next to him on the couch.

"WE ARE PLAYING TRUTH OR DARE!!!!" Kawaii~Chan screamed. Everyone but me and Kate agreed.

"There is no way I'm playing that game." Said kate and I nodded my head. It didn't matter what we thought though they dragged us off the couch and forced us to sit in a circle on the floor. I sat in between Kate and Dante. Kawaii~Chan went first since it was her idea. She chose Kate who chose dare.

"I dare you to... KIss Jeffery." She said with a smirk. Travis growled. I tried not to laugh at that. Kate started blushing a lot same with Jeffery. She got up and kissed him by this point they were both tomatoes, and Travis was a dog. I was laughing so hard that tears were coming out. Kate sat back down and hit my head.

"Ow! That hurt." I said not laughing anymore.

"Good." Kate said pretending to be mad. Dant just started rubbing my head. I leaned my head on his shoulder. It was now my turn Travis chose me and I chose dare. I kind of regretted saying that as soon as I said it.

"I dare you to sit on Dante's lap." He said smirking. I just laughed and sat on his lap. No one knows we are dating. It wasn't really a problem for me since we are dating. We are probably going to tell them tonight anyway... I was blushing a little I looked at Dante and smiled, he was blushing a little too. He smiled back and put his chin on my head. I saw Kawai~Chan get a little mad, and Laurence rolled his eyes. I wonder what that's all about. Everyone had a turn Aph and Laurence ended up kissing Aph thanks to me since I knew he liked her. Which made Kawaii~Chan mad. We decided to stop after that and went to the couch and watched a movie.  We decided to watch F/m. I put the movie in then went into the kitchen to make popcorn. I heard someone walking in so I turned around. it was Laurance.

"Hey, what's up?" I asked him.

"Nothing, what's up with you and Dante." He asked sounding a little jealous for some reason.

"Oh, we forgot to tell you guys... We're dating." I said as I smiled. I saw a little hurt in his eyes but I don't know why.

"Oh ok." He said

"How's it going with Aph did you tell her yet?" I asked.

"No, not yet but I'm going to tell her tonight Also thanks for helping me out during truth and Dare." He laughed. I smiled and nodded. I finished making popcorn for everyone and gave it to them. They thanked me and I sat down next to Dante and put my head on his shoulder, he wrapped his arm around my waist.

~End of Movie~

The girls decided to go upstairs so we can have "Girl Talk", and the guys can have "Guy Talk". We all walked up to my room and sat down around my room. then we started talking.

"So what's going on between you and Dante? Hmmmm??" Lucinda asked me.

"Um... We're dating." I said and they all looked shocked.

"I did not expect that." said Aph while laughing. I looked at Kawaii~Chan and she looked mad.

"What's wrong Kawaii~Chan?" I asked her.

"Kawaii~Chan ships Y/n~Senpai with Laurance~Kun." She said sadly. I blushed a little cause I have never really thought about him in that way. Then I looked at Aphmau who looked a little upset.

"Welllll, I think Laurance and Aphmau would make a good couple," I said which hurt a little bit for some reason. (Y/n is just super clueless). Aphmau looked at me and blushed but then smiled.

"Really?" She said.

"Yeah, definitely" I responded. Kawaii~Chan went downstairs and started screaming at Laurance.

"YOU ARE RUINING MY SHIP!!!!!"Then she looked at Dante. "YOU ARE ALSO RUINING MY SHIP!!!!!!!!" She then stormed upstairs and sat down. Aph and I looked at her then looked at each other very scarcely.

"Who do you ship with Aph then??" I asked Kawaii~Chan.

"Aaron." She said still a little mad. Aph blushed.

~Laurance's Pov~

"So... What's up with you and Aphmau??" Dante asked. I blushed slightly.

"Welllll... Tonight I'm going to ask her to be my girlfriend...." I said shyly.

"What's going on with you and Y/n?" Travis asked Dante. He also blushed a little but then smiled.

"We're dating. I took her out on a date yesterday and asked her to be my girlfriend and she said yes!" He said happily. I rolled my eyes. I don't know why but every time I hear about Y/n and Dante I have this feeling in the pit of my stomach, I don't know what it is...

"That's great man." (Idk how guys talk lol) I said to him. He smiled.

"Ni-" Travis was about to say something but got interrupted by Kawaii~Chan yelling at me, then Dante.

~Laurance and Dante Pov~

I wonder what that was about.


You ship me with that jerk??"(Before they were friends.) Aph asked

"Yeah, Aphmau~Senpai and Aaron~Kun, and Y/n~Senpai and Laurance~Kun are Kawaii~Chan top two ships!!" She squealed. Then the door opened I looked up it was Laurance he gestured me to come out In the hallway.

"Hey what's up?" I asked him.

"I'm going to ask Aphmau now, I just needed a confidence booster." He laughed.

"Hey.. remember if she says no it's her loss." I said. I was a little sad- UGH! WHAT IS THIS FEELING! he smiled. I walked in and sent Aph out. I sat on my bed and looked at Kate.

"You okay?" She asked concerned.

"Yeah I'm fine I don't want to interrupt their conversation so when Aph comes in I'm going to go dance." I said. She nodded but she knew something was wrong there was concern in her eyes. The problem is I don't know what's wrong.. UGH!! Aph walked in before I went to go dance I wanted to know what her answer was.

~Aph's Pov~

I walked out in the hallway and saw Laurance.

"Hey. Is something wrong?" I asked.

"No. I just needed to ask you something. So ever since I met you I have started to like you more and more every day. You are beautiful, you're smart, and you have a great personality. So I have to ask you.. Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked he seemed a little nervous but he asked confidently. I smiled and hugged him.

"Yes!!" I said. He smiled and walked downstairs I walked in Y/n's room smiling

~Back to Y/n~

She said yes... That's great for Laurance he finally got the girl.

"That's Great!! Congrats!! I'm going to go dance, but that's great!" I said and walked out and into the dance studio, I turned on music and started dancing.

I finished and I heard clapping. I turned around and saw everyone standing there.

"Man I really need to start locking the door," I said. They laughed.

"That was great!" Laurance complimented. 

"Thanks.." I replied.  They all just went back to their sleeping places (Idk.) All the girls decided to go to sleep my room and bed are pretty big so we all just slept in my room. either on the floor bed or couch.

A/n Again sorry it took so long I've been busy. Sorry for any misspelled words. If anyone has suggestions for future chapters it would help a lot! Hope you enjoyed. I'll try to write again soon. ʕ→ᴥ←ʔ

1548 Words

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