An Honest Lie

By the-muggle-struggle

9.4K 572 248

Saoirse - your average girl-next-door with an overactive imagination- overhears that the school hottie, Tyler... More

Chapter 1 - Brewed Awakening
Chapter 2 - The Beginning of the Perfect Love Story (Yeah right!)
Chapter 3 - Ding Dong the Witch is Dead
Chapter 4 - The Insult of Reese's Peanut Butter Cups
Chapter 5 - Call the Winchester brothers to exorcise me
Chapter 6 - I can't let a Greek God screw me over
Chapter 7 - More issues than vogue
Chapter 8 - My dad's doppelganger is Patrick Star
Chapter 10 - The Ass-tastrophe
Chapter 10.5- The Boner In My Middle Finger
Chapter 11 : The 72-second marriage

Chapter 9 - The Rise and Fall of Madickson

362 19 13
By the-muggle-struggle

This is ridiculous! How DARE she?

In what could only be Madison's enviable handwriting, the paper is artistically titled "Operation takedown Saiorshit". Yes, that is how she wrote my name! That evil witch. I need to come up with an equally insulting name for her. 

Got it! Madisonofabitch. HAH! Take that for spoiling my awesome name. 

The entire paper is filled with a step-by-step plan - written by Madison and I assume her sidekick Heather - on how they would turn me into the school's social pariah.

My hands are trembling with anger. Dad touches my hand and I jerk out of my trance. I become aware of my rapid breaths and try to steady them by doing some breathing exercises. I need to be rational about this. In fact, I have nothing to worry about. The ball is in my court now and Madison has no clue. I'll always be a step ahead of her to counter every one of her attacks. This might actually be fun.

"Are you okay dear? Is it serious? Do you need me to get involved in this?" Dad asks worriedly.

"I'm fine. It's just some silly fight. It'll be over tomorrow," I brush it off, "Don't worry Dad, I got this." I can see that he doesn't believe me but he knows me well enough not to push it. I know that he could put a stop to this immediately but I can't have them thinking that I need my dad to fight my battles.

Dad raises his eyebrows and nods at me in a way of saying that I can come to him for help anytime. I smile in understanding and he walks back into his office.

I turn around and see Tyler walking my way. He quickly averts his eyes, embarassed that he got caught looking at me. Rage consumes me and I realise that I've been channeling my anger towards the wrong person. Madison wouldn't have even acknowledged my existence if it wasn't for Tyler. He put me at odds with one of the most popular girls in school. I'm no stranger to conflict, but this is different. Why should I pay for someone else's lies?

Without thinking, I walk directly towards him. His eyes light up as he looks at me expectantly. I flutter my eyelashes and plaster a big smile on my face. He smiles back showing all his teeth.

I then extend my right arm out with my fist clenched. Tyler thinks I'm about to give him a fist pump and he mirrors my action. Before he can bump it, I remove middle finger and point it in his face and scream, "Jerk!"

His expression is priceless. His smile vanishes and his jaw drops, leaving his mouth open in shock. I give him my famous smirk and sashay away like a boss.


"Wow, this sucks Sersh! Even though you know Madison's plan, it's not going to be easy outsmarting her," Gabby says as she, Caleb and I place our lunch trays on our table in the canteen and sit down. By "our" table, I mean the one right next to the garbage bin where no one ever wants to sit. She leans in to smell the food on her tray and scrunches up her nose in disgust. "Is it weird that I actually prefer the stench of trash to the smell of the new lunchlady's food?"

I snort and get back to the subject in hand, "Guys, I really need your help. I have to make sure her plan backfires and at the same time I need to get my revenge on Tyler."

Caleb turns to me with a solemn look on his face, "First things first. We need a better name than Madisonofabitch. That's not gonna work."

I roll my eyes.

"Fine. I'd like to see if you can come up with a better name," I challenge him.

"I'm one step ahead of you. Madickson. What d'you think about that? Brilliant, eh?" Caleb wiggles his eyebrows at me.

 I scoff, "Sure, what a surprise, since dicks are the only thing that's always on your mind."

"Hey! That's not fair! You can't just throw my gayness in my face like that," he says with mock offense.

The three of us burst into a fit of laughter. Caleb always knows how to lighten up the mood. He's openly gay and comes from a very accepting family. Actually, that would be an understatement. His parents founded the first gay church in our town when their eldest son, Damon (Celeb's older brother) came out of the closet.The local church had closed their doors to their family when they became aware of Damon's sexual orientation and so Mr. & Mrs. Jones decided to build their own church where everyone would be welcome. It became so popular that the local church eventually shut down.

The Jones always boast that they knew that Caleb was gay since his 4th birthday, when he asked for his cake to be decorated with disney princesses. They have a 3-year-old daughter too, and to be honest I think they would actually be disappointed if she turns out to be straight.

"Okay, okay that's enough. I think I'm going to puke," Gabby says between her laughter while she clutches her stomach. The humour slowly dies down and Caleb speaks up first, "Whatever you decide to do S, we're with you."

"Yup, show us the paper," Gabby gestures, "What's the first thing on the list? We need to be prepared and decide how we want go about it."

I unzip my backpack and place the paper on the table. Gabby reads it out loud, "Step 1: Befriend Saoirse."


Author's note:

I'm finally back to writing AHL! I'm so so so sorry for the long wait but I hope this chapter makes up for all the time *puppy dog eyes* 

Again, I'm going to promise to be more regular with my updates. Crossing my fingers that I'm able to keep up this promise.

Also, I was initially going to take this into a more darker direction, because well I was in a really dark place in my life at that time. BUT I'm finally moving forward and I don't want to write anything depressing and I want to keep this novel more on the humourous side. Thank you all for sticking with me. Do read the earlier chapters if you need to refresh your memories.

Keep voting & commenting. Love you all! xx

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