You Stare into the Abyss, and...

By adamabyss12

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This is based on Meta-Kaz's old Abysstale comic chapter 1-7, and I may do the transformations of Sans, in bot... More

Advice to the Schnee and an Unwanting Reunion
Jaudinence 1 & 2. Dealing with a Faunus Hater and Team RWBY VS Team SPAN
Forever Falls part 1 and 2/History of obtaining an Elemental Orb
The Stray
Black and White/Fragile Pain, and a New Redemption
Taking Neopolitan to concert.
a Trip to the Beach
Atlas Experiment gone Wrong/Best Day Ever
Battle against CRDL Again and New Song with Emerald
The Spider's Dance
A Dance Dance Infiltration/Time to Prepare for the Field Trip
Taking A Trip to Mount Glenn
Battle on Mount Glenn/No Brakes...
Breach/The Encountering of a Henchman of Salem
Hanging out with Emerald, Ilia, and Trifa
It Is Time for Round One/What Purpose does the Abyss Hides?
New Challengers...and New Lovers
It Is a Brawl in the Family...Sans' Anger
The Lesssons are Learned...A Talk from Raven
Never Miss a Beat!!!...and Another New Love Interest!!!
Fall/Deception Redirection
Beginning of a Promise Part 1
Beginning of a Promise Part 2
Battle of Beacon
The Heroic...and the Monstrous...
Promises of a Destiny Beyond
The Awakening
Who am I, truly?
What is the Next Step?
Of Runaways and Stowaways
Tipping Point
A Much Needed Conversation
Two Steps Forward, Two Steps Back
Kuroyuri/Ren's Past
Take Back Control
No Safe Haven Here/A Large Surprise to A Certain Saluting Android
Special Chapter: Halloween at Beacon
Welcome to Haven
Dread in the Air/Who's the New Lady
Unforseen Complications
Lighthing the Shadow
Necessary Sacrifice
Known by its Song
Rests and Resolutions
Alone Together
Known by One's Other
True Nature
Prepare for Battle
Vault of the Spring Maiden
Downfall and Highrise
Fate's Passing
Going with the Bounty Hunter, Only Time
Argus Limited
What are you hiding
the Truth is Finally Revealed
How Could You Have Lied to Us?!
Vision of Ancestory
Face your Apathy and Fears
The Grimm Reaper
Dead End/Broken Emotions
Continue and Move On
Stealing from the Elderly
Seeing the Lady in the Red Shoes
Our Way
Might Shall Guide This Light
The Greatest Kingdom
A New Approah
Ace Operatives
Pomp and Circumstances
A Night Off
Speed Date with Harriet Bree
Best Case Act
What is the Meaning of the Past?
Special Chapter:Happy New Year
Return to Ebott City
Home is Where the Heart is/Rememberance
What Can Defeat an Evil God?
The Robot Maiden
Fall and Evolve
Valentine special
4Th of July
Ebott's Battle Begins
A Bull's Rampage and a Lion's Courage
An Ironwill and a Good Witch
A New Timeline
Back to Atlas
A Wanted Reuinion
Fight to The Last Breath
Goel and Blake catch up
Can't Leave Just Yet/4th of July
Locating Shade Academy, Another Reunion

Beginning of a Promise Part 3

229 5 8
By adamabyss12

What...what is happening? Where am...where exactly am I? I feel like I am floating. But what is it?

I than opened my eyes and looked around. It's that place again. The one where I was running to get out of and avoid the vision about my father falling.

"Wh...Why am I here again?! Why can't you just leave me alone and let me be with my life?! DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I AM SICK OF IT, COMING HERE AND BACK TO THE PLACE I DON'T KNOW???!!!!!"

I spoke angrily, and depressively. As I spoke, a new voice than came into play.

"Because we all want you to prepare for the worst that has yet to come."

I had feigned surprised at a new voice speaking an answer. I turned, only to see a strange looking creature,

The creature looked cute and sort of a bit small, but I sense...unfathomable power, and it is all coming from this really strange being.

"Who...who are you?"

The creature blinked, and spoke out.

"I am the one that has created the power of the Abyss crystals...long ago."

I was caught by surprise. It cannot be.

"Wait a minute...are you...Soul Gaia."

I spoke, hoping that this is just a plain joke. By the creature nodded yes.

"Indeed. I am Soul Gaia. I was the one that has hosted Kaz millennium ago. It is nice to finally talk to you in person."

I was shocked. He was not a myth the entire time. But than...why is...

"Why do you want to speak to me right now?"

He narrows his eyes a bit, but his answer with...

"I am here to talk about the reason you are given these visions, and if the dangers you will face soon."

I looked up surprised.

" know of the visions that I have been having though the 7 days?!"

He nodded and spoke out

"My cousin was the one who made them. I tried to get him to not warn you yet, as you would not understand. But Alas, he was so stubborn, and decided to discard my warnings. The warning that will now forever change your fate from after."

I was confused.

"Wha...What do you mean?! I do not understand! Please, Soul Gaia! Tell me what the warnings I mean to represent!"

Soul Gaia closed his eyes, and took a deep breath...what...what is happening now?

"The creature you had seen was a creation made by a person who ruled the Grimm. Her name is Salem."

That caught me by surprise.

"Salem? That cannot be! I thought that she was a.."

Soul Gaia than finished what I was saying.

"A myth? You thought that I was a myth, but I am real. Salem and the Gods, The Mother of All, and the Mother Nature, they are all real. This is the warning that I am telling you about. Salem has recently released Gaia, my mother, and planned to bring Remnant to ruin. They have not attacked...because of you."


What?! What does he mean, 'because of me?! I am not that special, right?!

"What...What do you mean by that?! What is special about me that make me a threat to them?! I do not understand!"

But Soul Gaia was patient and spoke this to me.

"You have the power of the Abyss, and the power to change the world, as well as another power that is hidden within you, within your being. You may believe that it only gives you pain, but it is actually to purify the world of its evil. You have inherited the two greatest powers in the existent of Remnant itself. You see, the crystal you make is not a semblance. It has been my power the entire time. The reason for sending you those visions was not to simply show you what has happened to the father that you love, it was for you to finally get ready, to prepare for the battle of Salem and Gaia."


"WHAT?! You want me to fight against beings that are comparable to a god, and  a Primordial God altogether?! Soul Gaia, I am not as powerful as them!! What makes you think I can be strong enough to fight and defeat them both?!"

Soul Gaia took a deep breath!! How dare he thinks that I can fight them?! But than he spoke this out.

"You can. You have obtained the Elemental Orb. There are 4 Elemental Orbs in total: Wind, Water, Earth, and Fire. The one you obtained is the wind Orb. You can now absorb the corruption within their souls, and free them from their own evil. The Elemental Orb can unlock the full potential of your powers, as well as a hidden power that rests within you. But...when you get all of the Elemental Orbs, 'He' will be unleashed. And when 'He' comes, it will all be over."

Who is that person he is referring to?

"What do you mean? Who's he."

"I cannot say to you, since it will only affect your choices further. But, I will say he is an ally for you to have. warned...when you go find the Elemental Orbs, there is no turning back. Salem and Gaia will do anything in their power to stop you. The reason that they are not attacking yet, is because it will only alert the other humans for your presence. But...when you face them, you must prepare for the worst. Thankfully, you will not venture this sort of thing alone."

This surprised me.

"Who...who will accompany me with this task?"

He looked, and I sensed that he is...happy?

"You already have Amber, and she is a Fall Maiden. But there is one other you need. A silver-eyed warrior. They have the ability to turn Grimm to stone with just a look. My cousin, the God of Light, was the one that invented such a thing for the purpose to defeat Salem themselves. But have the power to purely end her reign of terror.

" can I find the Elemental Orbs? And what is this hidden powers?!"

As I said that...a Hole opens behind me, and I am getting sucked in!! Gahhh!! I tried to fly away, but I am getting pulled in more. Before I got sucked in, Soul Gaia spoke this to me.

"You must see, yourself...but not alone. You will see the truth...with your own will be the one that saves Remnant."

After that...I got sucked in.


I woke is so...blurry. Huh...what is happening? I my vision cleared for a few minutes, before I realized the place I am in right now. It is a hospital. I than began to sit up, but as I did that, I heard a gasp.


I turned and see Emerald and Neo lunging to me, and hugged me.


They then let go of me...

"Sorry about that. But, Sans, I...we thought you were going to make it!"

I looked around..but I was confused at one thing.

"How did I get here?"

Emerald and Neo looked down a bit.

"The Lab was attacked, and we saw you got crushed. Everyone thought that you only pretended to do so, and openly blamed you... but Ambe dealt with it."

...A Couple Of Hours ago...


Amber slammed her staff in the ground, causing a shockwave to blast he civilians, who were blaming Sans for what happened to the lab. She picked up her loved one, and glared very fiercely

"Why are you defending this monstrosity?!

"He only gave us nothing but bad luck!!"

"Yeah! He doesn't deserve to-"

But Amber was so enraged, that he activated her Fall Maiden Powers and sent a shockwave.


The civilians got caught by surprise, and saw who it is, making them really frighten of one thing...they had offended a Fall Maiden...

"You people only take your fears on the one person who tried to maintain the innocent that he still has, the person who did nothing wrong and only helped. He cared for his father, and tried to save him! You people said that you would accept anyone, and yet you never accepted sans!! The only reason you had Bad luck, was because you were using it to frame an innocent being! You people are more of a monster than the White Fang!! You are the real monsters!!! It is you people that never deserved to live!! You used hypocrisy for your selfishness! If you cannot see it...THAN YOU ALL DESERVED TO BE BURNED IN HELL ITSELF!!!"

Her shouts finally got them to shut up, but is was these last words that finally made them open their eyes for the first time.

"The reason that Gaster had because you wanted it to happen. You people are never innocent in life. You were the real monsters."

She than flied away, making people look down very guilty at what they had done. How are they so much as the fools and monster they had sworn to fight in the first place? The people will not never know."

Flashback to the Present Time...

"So Amber finally got them to realize their hypocrisy, and they even send their apologies."

That really surprised me, but than I realized one person.

"Wait...Papyrus...What happened to..."

Emerald and Neo looked down. Oh no...if something bad did happen..

"Papyrus...he was able to fix the core...but he had to sacrifice his own right arm and right eye to fix it. Papyrus is crushed...I have no idea how broken, though."


" father...that mean...he...

"And my Father...he...(sniff) he died...he died from...that...*sobbing*.

Third Person P.O.V

Sans began to cry, and Both Emerald and Neo comes to Sans' side, embracing him. Emerald and Neo also began to tear up for Gaster.

They know that they were never related to Gaster...but they still consider a father figure...he did not care about the bloodline at all. He cared about the bond of the people he's with. It is what truly made them family. But this is this that will forever change the fate of these people...and this is the day...that will finally take life seriously...and make them realize one last thing...they will have a destiny to fulfill, and they can no longer stay away from it.

Sans P.O.V...Now Nighttime...

I looked and saw my brother Papyrus, in bed...well...mostly him. He is missing his arm and eye for core deactivation. I could not forget what he had said to me.

This thing hurt me...seeing him in this state. He even admits that I was right about the Premoniton. He just wished he did the opposite and stayed behind. I wish that I...I could have done something for him. I wished I had stayed conscious to save his life, and yet, I did nothing. But maybe...maybe there is something I could do. I could give him a new arm and eye to have. If I could do that...than maybe he won't have to worry about retiring in the Royal Guard anymore. Okay...this is my only chance. I went to him, and injected some substance to keep him asleep, and not feel pain. I than uncovered his bandage on the arm, and is so disgusting. I see the muscles, bone, blood vessels, and even the nerves inside it. I had the urge to puke badly. But I kept myself together. His blood would have squirted, but I used telekinesis to not make it squirt out. I than started with the crystal bones first, but I know that I can't simply use that. He needs to move his arm. I fished my hand in my pocket, and pulled out some lighting dust. This should do it. I than infused my crystal with the lighting dust, and formed it in a wire-like appearance. I than used my magic to make it fused with Papy's nerves. While doing that, I made crystal tubes and put it on the blood vessels that are sliced up. When doing that, I used the crystal and make the skin of it. I used a book and try to form it in a similar way to the human bodies formation of systems. It took me a full 7 hours to make it. I had to make sure to not make any mistakes. One wrong move...and I would have to start all over again. The arm will shatter, and I will have failed him.

After I was finished, his arm looks...perfect. It is like an arm that he had never lost, except it is, obviously, blue. I also put in a new feature. That is to make his arm change into a sword. Now with the eye. I uncovered the patch, and while it was not disgusting as the arm, it was gross nonetheless. Thankfully, it took a full 2 hour to make and complete the eye, and I was able to grant him new abilities. Speed, healing, and enhanced perception. After I was finally finished. Although, if I had used machines, it would have been different. I would have to use metal platings as skin, wires as nerves, metal bones, possibly normal ones, and using tubes as blood vessels. Thankfully, I use the crystallized magic.

Third Person...


Papyrus than opened his eyes, and Sans ducked a bit. Papyrus than woke up, not realizing what had happened at night.

"Huh...another day...and Dad has died. Why did I have to...Huh?"

Papyrus looked and saw his new arm, and Sans finally showed himself.

Sans than chuckled a bit, before pointing another thing out

"It also gets better, Papy!"

Sans snapped his fingers, and the arm became a sword. This caught Papyrus by surprise, but he is very happy.

"Thank you, means so much for me! I have nothing else to say about the arm you made!"

Sans smiled. "Than do not say anything about what you have obtained at this day. Just appreciate your new chance."

An hour later...Ebott City...

In the outskirts of Ebott City, Sans and Papyrus are now recovered from the attack. Papyrus is wearing a new battle suit that Sans made.

(Underground is replaced with world)

"Yes. And sans, there is something I want you to have. It is a gift. I wanted for you to have!"

He than pulls a gift out, And gives it to his sweet younger brother.

"Happy Birthday to you, Sans."

He took it, and opened the box.

Sans than thought to himself...

'Dad...I am not going to let you down in this. If what Soul Gaia says is true, than I will save Remnant. I will find out who my mother is, and I will find the secret of my powers. I hope that I will not fail you.'

Than, Sans felt a hand on his back, and saw Amber, Emerald, and Neo with him.

"We will be with you, Sans. Every step forward."

"Yeah...We will help you whatever that we can do."

Neo than held a sign. It typed words for her.

You won't be alone anymore.

Sans smiled, and they walked back to their new home...which is their father's lab. There is a new adventure that will now await us.

Present time...back at Stadium...

I was now back from that flashback I just had. Everything around stopped. Their frozen in time, somehow. But that flashback...

"I remember. I was not doing it just for my father...I was doing to get people to accept me for who I am, and show them that I am on their side the entire time."

As I spoke, I heard a familiar voice I never thought I would hear again.

"I am glad you remember that."

That caught me by surprise. I turned to my is...Soul Gaia. But...he is now...different.

He is looking more humanoid than before. He still has a helmet, but is now different, as it no longer has the horn on his helmet, and has the front of it similar to a knight's helmet. Shockingly, now he has a torso with the gem that I myself have, as well as black gloves that is complete with crystal fingers. The gloves that formed has the gems on the top part. And right now, he has hair as wild as a Lion Faunus's mane, A cape, a coattail, as well as another piece of armor, each of them with the same gems. For some unknown reason, he lacks legs.

"Soul that you?"

I said to the being, wondering if it is really him.

"Yes, Sans. It is me. You are wondering why I look so...different. Well, the Elemental Orbs also break a limiter. The one of wind simply awoke me. The one of water gave me my own form of Evolution. Sans...I know that you are aware that Salem has her assistance come to attack, but there is another Elemental Orb inside of the Vault. It is the one that represents the element of Earth. If you can go down there, you can activate to your next Evo Cell Form. But be careful. When in this form, your other half will take control, and you will not remember what happens. When you have the Orb, you will gain a new ability. One that has not been used in a while back since the ancient days. I will resume time right now. Are you ready, Sans?"

I looked down. I was not sure if I was ready, but at the same time, I need to make sure that Remnant is safe. My dad, my friends, and my family, they are all counting on me. They are hoping for my success here. After a bit of thinking, I looked up and spoke to Soul Gaia.

"Alright than. Resume time, and we will be going back to business."

He nodded, and snapped his fingers. Time than began to resume, and everyone is moving once more, with some of my friends coming to see if I need medical treatment.

Ruby: "Sans!!"

Weiss: "Are you okay?"

Blake: "I can't believe Mercury did that!"

Yang: "I am going to bash his skull on the floor, hard!!"

Nora: "How about I painfully break his legs, so he is unable to walk anymore!"

Ren: "That is so insane."

Jaune: "Do you need to get medical attention?"

Velvet: "Here, Sans. I got bandages."

"No, it's okay. It healed, fast."

I showed my wound, and saw that it is regenerating. The wound closed up, becoming a small scar, and vanished. Everyone was so surprised there.

"Wow. You can really heal that fast."

I nodded.

"Yeah, and I am not going down just yet-Huh?"

Velvet just kissed me on the cheek! Everyone was surprised at what had just happened here. She pulled back and blushed a little bit.

(She is still in her basic, and is not in the school uniform in the tournament, if you all are really wondering.)

But I shook my head, and saw that Mercury and Cinder are going out.

"Looks like Mercury is going to have to think twice, before entering something he should've stopped. Let's get out of here. I think it was to much for me to handle."

Everyone agreed, and went out for a bit. But before I went out, I looked at Cinder dead in the eyes.

'Cinder, if you are planning to take the Fall Maiden's Powers from my beloved, and use the Relic to destroy the innocents in Remnant, then I will be the one to stop you. You will witness the power of Evolution, and you are going to have never chosen this thing from before.'

After my thoughts, I went out, never turning away again.

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