Black*Star has a Cousin?! Sou...

By domo_jeanette

254K 8.7K 4.7K

Black*Star has a secret that not even Tsubaki knows about. But what happens when she comes for a surprise vis... More

Black*Star has a Cousin?! Soul x Reader
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Another A/N
Chapter 15
Sorry not an Update :'(

Chapter 14

16K 567 782
By domo_jeanette


I woke up early so that I could upload the picture to my laptop and print it out. ‘I want to keep this picture hidden from Soul so that I can use it against him when he starts to call me names again.’  I looked towards my bed and I saw Kid still sleeping.  His hair looks messy and his shirt was a little open so that I could see some of his chiseled chest.  ‘He looks so peaceful and cute. I’m glad he’s my boyfriend. A lot of people thought that I liked Soul, but he’s like my older brother. It’ll be weird to date someone that is like a brother.’ I checked the time and saw that it was 8:35. I stood up and decided to make breakfast. Since (y/n) is over, I think I’ll make some pancakes for everyone. Before I started cooking, I went to Soul’s room and saw that they were still sleeping together. (Y/n)’s head was on Soul’s chest and he had his arm around her in a protective way. ‘It’s cute how they end up like this after one night of being together. I hope they date each other sometime soon!’ I closed Soul’s door as quietly as I can so that I wouldn't wake them up. I walked to the kitchen and started to cook breakfast.


I woke up to the sound of Maka cooking. I was going to stand up but there was some weight on my chest. I looked down to see (y/n)’s head on my chest and my arm around her. ‘She looks so peaceful, beautiful when she’s sleeping. I don’t want to wake her up. I think I’ll stay in bed a little longer and enjoy this I just hope she doesn't freak out when she sees the position we’re in.’ I start to move my hand up and down her arm. She started to move so I stopped fearing that she would wake up. But she didn't, she just moved closer to me and her right hand started to grab my sweater. I started to move my hand again. My left hand went to grab her right hand that is grabbing my sweater. It wasn't hard to loosen her grip. It was like she wanted my hand to be there. ‘I want this. I want her. I want to be with her. I want her to be my girlfriend. There’s no hiding it, I’m in love with her. But does she love me? What am I to her? Does she see me as just another friend? No that can’t be it, I mean she’s sleeping herein my bed with me. She even has her head on my chest so she can’t think of me as just a friend, can she?’ I looked back down at her to see that she is sleeping. I just realized that her hoodie came off her head. ‘If I remember correctly she had that on her last night when I put her in my bed. Did she wake up in the middle of the night to take off? Did she notice we were sharing a bed? Oh Shinigami I hope she doesn't panic. Relax Soul! Your panicking is going to wake up (y/n). She doesn't seem to be bothered by my panicking.  Maybe I’ll go to sleep, I don’t think she’s going to wake up anytime soon.  It’ll probably be better too because I don’t want to explain what’s happening with our position when she wakes up.’  I looked at her one last time before closing my eyes.  I didn't stop moving my hand though.  I felt like I was protecting her and comforting from anything that might harm her.  I fell asleep with (y/n) on my mind.


I woke up to see that I was practically on top of Soul.  My head was on his chest and my right hand was holding Soul’s left hand.  His right hand was moving up and down rubbing against my arm.  I looked up to see that Soul was asleep.  ‘Thank Shinigami he’s asleep.  It would probably be awkward if we were both awake and in this position.  He looks really peaceful sleeping. He’s also very cute when he’s asleep. Wait…is he sleeping? His breathing seems to be slowing down into a steady pace. Was he awake? Did he just notice our position and decided to go back to sleep?  Is he fine with our position? He looks happy, he doesn't seemed bothered by it. Maybe I’m just over-thinking it.’  Soul opened his eyes again to see that I was awake and looking out into space. I didn't notice he was looking at me until he spoke up.


“U-um hi,” I replied shyly. ‘The position that we’re in is totally going to make me blush like crazy. I bet I am blushing!’

It was an awkward silence until Soul spoke up again breaking it. “How did you sleep?”

“Good, I guess” ‘Yes! I didn't stutter this time!’

“You guess? How do you not know?” Soul adds a little amusement.

“Um well I was asleep so I can’t really tell if it was good or not.”

Soul chuckled a little, “Yeah, I guess you’re right.”

We entered into a comfortable silence.  Soul’s hand started to slow down a bit, until it stopped at my lower arm by my elbow.  We just laid there lost in our thoughts. I snuggled closer to Soul and began to listen to his heartbeat. The steady pace of his heart of his heart was starting to make me a little sleepy.  Soul noticed this and kissed the top of my head and quietly said, “Sweet dreams.”  I took one last look at him before I fell asleep again.


I finished making breakfast with the help Kid when he finally woke up.  We set up the table for four.  Then we placed the food.  I made pancakes, cinnamon rolls, scrambled eggs and bacon. I walked to Soul’s door and opened it.  I walked in and closed the door behind me.  I turned on the lights to see that (y/n) is still asleep on Soul’s chest and Soul is just staring at her.  Soul looked up and saw me standing by the lights smirking at him.  He started to blush and looked away.

“Hey, breakfast is ready.  You should wake (y/n) up.”

I didn't wait for his response.  I just left the room and walked back into the kitchen and started setting up my plate.


Maka left my room leaving me to wake up (y/n).  ‘I don’t want to wake her up. If she’s tired then she should sleep.’ I started to shake her a little to wake her up.  She slowly opened her eyes, blinking them to adjust to the light.

“Hey, it’s time to get up. Breakfast is ready.” I said in a low whisper.

She nodded her head and sat up.  She started to rub her eyes as she starts to wake up more. I sat up and started stretching my arms. (Y/n) sat there staring at the bed like she’s lost in thought.  I stood up and started walking towards the door. I looked back at (y/n) and said, “Are you coming?”

“Huh, oh yeah.” (Y/N) got off the bed and walked behind me. We both walked out of my room and headed towards the kitchen. I sat down next to Kid and (y/n) sat down next to Maka. We started grabbing some food and began to eat. We would talk occasionally about random stuff. (Y/N) would mostly listen to what we were saying and sometimes question what we’re talking about.  ‘I guess she never really been out much in her life. I want to know more of her story. She seems so mysterious but really nice. I want to ask her, but I’m afraid of what she’ll say or if she’ll just ignore my question and change the subject.’ We finished eating and we all helped clean up. Maka and Kid started to wash dishes so me and (y/n) went into the living room and started watching tv. I saw Attack on Titan and left the channel there. (Y/N) sat down next to me. ‘She seemed to be interested in the show.’ Maybe I can get her into anime and manga. I think she would like it. It’ll give me another person to talk to about the shows besides talking to Black*Star.’ Maka and Kid came to the living room. They joined us watching anime. I could tell Maka was bored because she grabbed her book and started reading it. A commercial came on and I looked over at (y/n). She was watching the tv and the commercials. ‘I’m gonna ask her. I want to know more her.’

“Hey (y/n) tell me about yourself.” I asked with a bit of curiosity in my voice.

“Well, what is it that you want to know?” she asked looking at me now.

“Hm, well what is it that you like to do?”

“Um, I like to draw, listen to music, and be active.”

“What kind of activities do you do?”

“I like to climb, run, and I like to play basketball now.”

“Really, maybe you and I can play some basketball sometime. You know just me and you.”

“Yeah sure, that sounds nice.” She replied with a smile.

‘Yes, I can actually have a chance to be alone with her more often. If I can get her away from Black*Star. Wait she said she likes music and wanted to learn more songs on the piano. I can teach her and maybe get a chance to make my move.’

“You said you know how to play the piano right?” I asked with curiosity.

“Yeah, but only Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. Why?”

“Um, I was just wondering if…you know…you want me to teach you some more songs on the piano.” ‘Phew! At least I didn't stutter, I just hope she says yes.’

“Yeah, I think I would like that.”

‘She said Yes! Now I can make a move and hopefully win her heart.’

“Cool. I think me and you will get along perfectly.” I smiled my toothy smile and saw that she was smiling too. I looked at Maka really quick to see that she was smirking. ‘She must’ve been listening to our little conversation. No matter, I’m not going to let it bother me. Cause I get to hang out with (y/n) more now!’

“Why don’t we go do something before Black*Star comes and takes you back home.”

“Okay…what is it that you want to do?” she asked me.

“Well, it’s still a little early so maybe we could go walk around the town.” ‘I just really want to be alone with her again.’

“Okay let me go get dress.” (Y/N) got up and went to my room to go grab her bag then went to the bathroom to go change.

“Hey Soul, before you leave with (y/n) I need to talk with you” said Maka.

“Alright, just let me change.”

I went to my room to go change into jeans, a blue t-shirt with a soul on it, and a light sweater just in case. I walked out to see (y/n) was also ready and talking with Maka about something. ‘She’s probably had to talk with (y/n) too. Probably about being alone with me and saying it’s a date or something. Is this a date? Nah, it’s just two people hanging out. Besides I just want to show her around so she doesn’t get lost. Well she shouldn’t get lost because she shouldn’t be alone in general.’ I walked up to them and saw that (y/n) had a slight blush on her cheeks. ‘What were they talking about?’

“Hey (y/n) why don’t you go sit on the couch, I need to talk to Soul really quick” said Maka.

“O-okay” (y/n) walked to the living room and sat down on the couch.

“So what is it that you wanted to talk about?”

“Well where are you planning on taking (y/n)?”

“I just wanted to show her around town. I didn’t have anything specific in mind, why?”

“Just wondering. Are you planning on doing anything special while you two are alone?”

‘I knew she would question me about this being a date or something. I might as well play with her mind a little’ I smirked. “Maybe…you’ll just have to wait and see if I would tell you afterwards.”

“C’mon Soul, can you just tell me?”

“Nope, don’t want you to spoil anything that I may have planned.”

“Your no fun” Maka pouted.

I ruffled Maka’s hair and said, “I’ll see you later when we get back. And if Black*Star comes before we’re back, don’t tell him it’s a date. Just tell him that she wanted to see the town or something. I don’t him to kill me for taking his cousin out.” I headed towards the living room to get (y/n) so we could leave. When I walked in I saw Kid and (Y/N) talking. (Y/N) looked up to me and smiled. She stood up, said goodbye to Kid and then we left. We walked out of the apartment and started heading towards town. We walked for a little bit not saying anything until she broke the silence.

“So where exactly are we going?”

“Well, I just thought I show you around so if you’re ever alone then you’ll know your way around this place.”

“Oh…that makes sense. So we’re just going to walk around town then?”

“Yup, I’m going to show you as much of the city as I can before we have to go back home.” (Y/N) nodded her head and we went into a comfortable silence.


We went into a comfortable silence. ‘Well the silence felt comfortable but it was a little awkward. I mean, we are friends and all but I can’t help but feel like there’s something more going on between us.’ We walked a couple more blocks before reaching all the stores. There were a lot of stores here. It varied from clothing, sports, food, music, books, comic books, etc. The list can go on and on. Soul noticed my amazed face expression and chuckled a little.

“C’mon I’ll show you around so you wouldn’t get lost here.”

Soul grabbed my hand and started leading me around all the little stores around here. There are so many, but luckily Soul was here to help guide me through.

**TIMESKIP 2 HRS LATER…brought to you by the teachers demanding me to pay attention in class ^(^_^)^**

As we finished up walking around the town we sat down at a bench. ‘Who knew walking around could be so tiring?’ Soul let go of my hand and started stretching his arms. ‘I completely forgot that we were holding hands.’ I started to turn a light pink color because of what we were doing. Soul put his arm around my shoulders and pulled me closer to him. Making me blush go a little darker. We sat there in this position, not saying anything. I lay my head down on his right shoulder. ‘This feels right. It feels like me and him belong together. I just hope that Black*Star doesn’t walk by and see us in this position.’ My thoughts came to a halt when I felt a finger under my chin and moving my head to face him. I was looking him in the eyes but he was looking at my lips. He looked up into my eyes then back down at my lips. He was moving his head closer to mine. ‘Is he going to kiss me? Oh my Shinigami he’s going to kiss me. What do I do? What if someone sees? What would Black*Star say if he found?’ I could feel his hot breathe on my face. We were only an inch away when Soul whispered, “Do you want me to do this?”

“Y-y-yeah” I stuttered. Soul was about to close the distance when something, or should I say someone pulled Soul away. Kid was there holding Soul’s shoulder and looking at both of us.

“Black*Star is here! Maka is distracting him at the moment” said Kid in a bit of a panic.

“Crap. I didn’t think he would be here this early” said Soul.

“Well it is 12 already and we weren’t home. We actually came here to look at the new books that just arrived.”

“Of course, should’ve known you guys would’ve came here. But how did you see Black*Star and how did you find us?”

“Well it’s not hard to find you with your spiky white hair. Besides Maka saw Black*Star and Tsubaki and told me to go run and find you guys while she distracts him. She said he would feel more comfortable if there were two guys with (y/n) instead of just you and her.”

“Yeah, well we better get going before Black*Star starts to panic.”

Soul and I stood up and followed Kid to where Maka was. She was talking to Black*Star and Tsubaki about something. ‘Probably about the sleepover, I hope she doesn’t tell him about what Soul and I did with each other. He’s gonna kill me if he finds out what I did with his best friend.’ Soul put his arm around my shoulder and gave me a reassuring squeeze before whispering, “We’ll finish what we started later.” Soul then let me go and we both walked next to each other, a little closer to each other than we actually should. We walked up to Maka, Black*Star and Tsubaki. Black*Star saw me and walked up to me, giving me a big hug and lifting me off the ground and spinning me around. ‘Well this is not the Black*Star I know. Why is he hugging me? Why is he squeezing me so tight? Wait, I know what he’s doing. He’s trying to get me dizzy so that I could be weaker for when we fight later.’ I tried to push Black*Star away from me but he only squeezes tighter. ‘At least he stopped spinning.’ He smirked, knowing that I figured out what he was doing I struggled to get out of his grip and he only squeeze tighter. Soul came up to us and told Black*Star to let go of me ‘cause I was going to get bruises on my arms.’ Black*Star let go of me and let me fall to the ground. I landed on my feet and started rubbing my arms trying to get the feeling back. ‘If I get two big bruises on my arms I’m going to hurt him.’ Black*Star smirked at me then put his arm around my shoulders. ‘He annoys me so much. I haven’t even been here 3 days and he’s already annoying me.’ We both walked to Maka, Kid, Tsubaki, and Soul. We talked for a little before Black*Star said that he needed to do something with me and Tsubaki. He told Maka that we would come over later to grab my things. We then left and headed somewhere I’m not too sure about.

“Hey Black*Star, where are we going?”

“Oh! I’m planning on enrolling you into the DWMA! You won’t have a weapon partner yet but you’ll find one as soon as you start coming to school.”

“Oh…okay. B-but wouldn’t Lord Death be mad because I’m joining at a later time in the year? W-wouldn’t he just not accept me?”

“NONSENSE! He’ll accept you and he’ll put you in the same class as me!”

“O-oh okay…I just hope your right.”


We finally arrived at the DWMA. But there are so many stairs! Black*Star wanted to race up the stairs but I gladly denied and decided to take my time because I didn’t want to be all tired and exhausted. When we finally arrived at the front entrance, Black*Star and Tsubaki led me to Lord Death’s room. ‘His hallway is a little creepy. The guillotines look cool but they give an eerie feeling. I hope he isn’t scary. I would hate to be afraid of him, I would probably be laughed at by everyone.’ When we arrived, there was a man with red hair and dressed in a suit. ‘He can’t be Lord Death, he doesn’t look like he can even control the souls of people and kishins that die.’ He turns around and faces us. Black*Star was about to talk but the red haired guy beat him to it.

“What are you kids dong here on the weekend?” he said seriously.

“We’re here to talk to Lord Death about enrolling my cousin.”

“I see, well where is your cousin? All I see is you and Tsubaki.”

“What are you talking about? She’s right here.” Black*Star looked to his right but I wasn’t there. I was hiding behind Black*Star. ‘I get really shy when meeting new people. I’m afraid they’re going to hate me just because of who I am.’ Black*Star turned his upper body and put his right arm over my shoulders pulling me forward.

“Here she is. She was just hiding behind me!”

“Alright, I’ll go get Lord Death” the red haired guy didn’t even look at me. He just turned around and left without even a glance. ‘Maybe I’m not gonna fit in this school then.’ Lord Death came out from wherever he was and walked up to me.

“Hello, Hello, Hi There!” said Lord Death in a comical voice.

“H-h-hi” I stuttered.

“What brings you three here?”

“We’re here to enroll my cousin in the school!” shouted Black*Star.

“Okay, no need to shout Black*Star. I just have a few questions to ask. First, what’s your name?”

“M-my name is (Y-y/n).”

“Why don’t you use your real name? It’s safe to use it here. No one is going to hurt you if your part of the Star Clan or not.”

“Well, I like the name I chose for myself. I want to become my own person, instead of being a Star Clan member. I’m not saying that I’m not proud to be related to you, I’m just saying that I want to build my own title instead of using the one I’ve been given. Besides I’m still going to be the same Lone*Star you know. Just with a different name.”

“Fine, but I’m calling you Lone*Star.”


“So, (y/n) I see that you’re happy with your decision and I agree with you. You should become the person you want to be and not be the person other people want you to be. Well now that we have that settled, I have but two questions to ask you. First, are you a weapon or a meister?”

“I’m a meister.” ‘Yes! I didn’t stutter!’

“Lastly, do you have a weapon partner?”

“N-no sir, I don’t” ‘Dammit I stuttered this time.’

“Okay, we will find you a weapon partner! Don’t worry I know someone who will fit your soul wavelength perfectly!”

“Th-thank you Lord Death!”

“Alright, you may go now! Enjoy the rest of your Sunday. I will see you all tomorrow. Oh and (y/n) you are in the Class Crescent Moon with Black*Star and Tsubaki.”

“Hai! Goodbye sir.”

“See ya tomorrow!” Lord Death waved his comical hands at us as we started walking away.


‘It’s good to know that she is creating a better life for herself.’ She needs this to be happy again. I’ve been watching her for a long time now and I do believe that she had a hard life for being who she is. But no matter what name she chooses, she will always be a Star Clan member. She just has to accept the fact that people are still afraid of them and believe that they will do anything vile and evil for money. *sigh* It’s a shame she’ll still have to suffer a little longer as her life goes on. She will have to face some of her old demons again but I know she will be able to face them with the new friends she is making.’


(Y/N), Black*Star, and Tsubaki all headed to get something to eat for lunch before heading over to Maka and Soul’s place to retrieve (Y/N)’s belongings.

Heading over to Maka and Soul’s place, Black*Star barges in to the door like he always does. Tsubaki and (y/n) face palm at Black*Star’s stupidity and recklessness. Maka is yelling at Black*Star for breaking their door again and Soul is just watching tv and relaxing on the couch. Soul turned his head to see you and Tsubaki at the door embarrassed by Black*Star’s abrupt entrance and his argument with Maka. Soul stood up and walked over to you and Tsubaki.

“Hey, why don’t you two join me in the living room and leave Maka and Black*Star to have their argument.”

You and Tsubaki both nodded and followed Soul to the living room. You sat next to Soul and Tsubaki sat next to you. You started watching whatever Soul was watching and Tsubaki looked at Maka and Black*Star with worry in their eyes. She stood up and walked into the kitchen, where Maka and Black*Star were arguing, to see if she could calm them down. You and Soul were left alone in the living room together. Soul decided to pull a move on you and put his arm around your shoulders and pulled you closer to him. You started to blush but tried your best to hide it. This didn’t go unnoticed by Soul. He smirked then looked over his shoulder to see if anyone was watching. To his luck no one was in sight, he pulled you onto his lap and wrapped his arms around you waist. Your blush becomes a deeper shade of red and you put your hands on top of Soul’s hand. Soul intertwines your fingers together and lightly kisses your cheeks. If it were possible, your blush became a lot more noticeable that you became as red as a cherry ((only because I don’t really like tomatoes)). Soul pulls you close to his body, leaving no space between the two of you. Soul then rests his chin on your shoulder and hugs you tightly. He whispers in your ear, “You ready to finish off what we started?” Soul gives you another kiss on your cheek before looking over his shoulder to make sure no one can see what he was about to do next. When he saw that no one was there to see, he moved back to you and whispered, “You’re so beautiful.” Soul moves your blushing face with his fingers under your chin to face him. He first looks into your eyes then at your lips. He moves his head slowly closer to you while looking into your eyes and lips. He hesitates to make the move, fearing that he’ll ruin your innocent lips. You, however, wanted him to close that one inch gap. You never had your first kiss before and seeing the situation you are in, you really wanted it to be with Soul. Soul exhaled before crashing his lips onto yours. You could tell that he was a bit hesitant with the kiss, but that didn’t matter to you. What mattered is that Soul was kissing you. WAIT! Soul is kissing you! It took you a brief second before you realized that you were kissing him back. Your lips moved in sync with his as if they were made for each other. As soon as the kiss came, it sadly ended. Soul ended it and looked over his shoulder to see if anyone saw. Luckily for you two, Maka and Black*Star were still arguing over the door. Soul paid no attention to it and gave you a quick peck on the lips before standing up to stretch. You sat down on the couch still in a daze from the kiss. Soul saw and chuckled a little. This brought you back to your senses; however, realizing what just happened your face turned a crimson red. You brought your hands up to your face to hide your embarrassment. Soul sat down next to you, grabbed your wrists and pulled your hands away from your face.

“Don’t hide your beautiful face from me.”

“B-but I have to hide, my face is all red and stuff.”

“Don’t worry about it, whether your face is all red or not, you are still beautiful in my eyes.”

You were left speechless. The only thing you could do was hug Soul, and that’s exactly what you did. Soul was surprised by your sudden action. It took him at least a minute to realize what he said and hugged you back. The fighting between Maka and Black*Star stopped. There was feet shuffling around and it sounded like they were coming to the living room. You and Soul broke away from each other and pretended that nothing had happened between the two of you. You both went back to watching tv and sitting like everything is normal. A commercial came on and Soul stood up to go to his room. He invited you to go follow him so that you could retrieve your belongings from his room. You followed and entered his room. Soul quietly closed the door and right away went up to hug you. You hugged him back and held on to him tightly. Soul kissed the top of your head and started rubbing your back. He had a faint pink blush on his face but was glad that he was taller so that you could not see it. You were blushing as well, but hid your face in his well-toned chest. Soul slightly moved so that he could see your face. He smiled at you and that made you smile back. Soul then moved in for one last kiss before he had to let you go with Black*Star back home. This kiss, however, had more passion in it than the first one and left you speechless. When he broke off the kiss, you were still in shock of how a simple kiss could leave you so speechless.  He chuckled at your cuteness and went to grab your bag. He handed you the bag and said, “Well, I guess this is goodbye for now.”

“Yeah, I guess it is. But I’ll see you tomorrow at school. You know, if we’re in the same class.”

“Wait, you enrolled into the DWMA?”

“Yeah, did it right after Black*Star took me away.”

“Cool. Well I guess I’ll be seeing you tomorrow then.”

“I guess so.” You smiled at Soul then gave him a hug before you left his room to go to Black*Star and return home, where you can prepare for tomorrow.

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