Arshi FF- My Little Bride (Co...

By RojalinKKGSR

2.1M 92.1K 9.6K

Before they could even understand...They were bonded by a thread called "Marriage". More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Part 51
Part 52
Part 53
Part 54
Part 55
Part 56
Part 57
Part 58
Part 59
Part 60
Part 61
Part 62
Part 63
Part 64
Part 65
Part 66
Part 67
Part 68
Part 69
Part 70
Part 71
Part 72
Part 73
Part 74
Part 75
Part 76
Part 77
Part 78
Part 79
Part 80
Part 81
Part 82
Part 83
Part 84
Part 85
Part 86
Part 87
Part 88
Part 89
Part 90
Part 91
Part 92
Part 93
Part 94
Part 95
Part 96
Part 97
Part 98
Part 100
Part 101
Part 102
Part 103
Part 104
Part 105
Part 106
Part 107
Part 108 (Epilogue)
Thank you note :)

Part 99

15K 809 89
By RojalinKKGSR

Krishna had no idea how long he had been sitting on stairs like this. Karan did almost stop talking to him more than that he was highly upset with him. Krishna was unable to judge was that actually his fault that he fell in love with a girl who loves someone else.. Why it happened with him?? He had never felt so messed up even during this one year period like he was feeling now. He has simply fallen for her since very long , may be since Bhai and Bhabi's marriage was fixed. But this feeling in his heart never got its receiver from opposite end.

He was feeling lonely.  As if his that one silly mistake made him aloof from his closed ones. He remembered that easy, effortless bond between him and Khushi a year ago and today where they both stand. His jaw tightened as he remembered that disappointment in his brother's eyes and in his voice for him. He was so disturbed!!


He looked up and found Anjali descending down, she stopped by him.

" You woke up so early today.. It's only 5.30 am!!"

"No.. Nothing like that Bhabi."

Anjali waited for some seconds, then sat beside him touching his shoulder.

" You were awake whole night??"

Krishna looked away.

" Bhai is upset with me."

Anjali smiled ruffling his hair. If you see your loved ones being misguided then that time being matured and trying to deal with them in their way is the best option to do. Anjali did not wish to push Krishna away, she simply wanted him to realise his mistake in true sense, she wanted to help her brother like brother-in-law.

" Like Arnav and Khushi are dear to me, you are dear to Karan. He wants your well being Krishna and I hope he had that rights to be upset with you when you are wrong!! Does not he??"

Krishna sighed deep.

" Was I that wrong Bhabi?? Was my feeling that wrong??"

" Feeling is not wrong, but the person for whom you have this feeling is completely a wrong person."

She tried to make him understand with her soft words, feeling dejected Krishna kept his head in Anjali's lap.

" I don't like it when Bhai pushes me away from him.."

Anjali too felt difficult.

" Then understand what you should do and what not. Karan is just upset with you, not hating you!! Take right decision , he will be there to guide you always.. Ok??"

Krishna raised himself.

" I don't want to be here anymore.."

That surprised Anjali-.

"What do you mean??"

" I think I should not be here any more, unless I would not be able to realize what Bhai actually wants from me. I'm planning to take responsibilities of Dubai hotel. By this I can be away from this place by physically and emotionally too. I want to be away from Khushi, may be then only I can free myself from this."

"You sure??"

" Apart from this you think there is any other way??"

Anjali touched his cheek lovingly.

" Think twice before deciding. Belief in yourself in a good way, everything would fall in place."

Krishna smiled a little in return. Giving him some emotional relief, Anjali got up from there. May be Krishna is right, until he keeps himself away from this place, he might not be able to move easily. Because it's not that easy to MOVE-ON in actual terms!!


"Khushi.. Arnav kuch bol raha tha kya??", asked Nitya hesitantly. (Was Arnav telling you something??)

Khushi laughed, while taking a big bite of cheese pizza understanding some how what she was refering. They both did not have time to meet after Nitya's birthday. Now finally days later they were meeting.

"Well  he speaks on thousands of topics, what are you asking about??"

" Aman told me, how silly he had talked on my birthday under the effect of alcohol. So.."

Khushi giggled.

" Really?? What was Aman telling him then?? I would be glad to hear from you Nitu." (She acted innocent, making Nitya flush more.)

Nitya understood by the way of her teasing that she too knew the exact happening, hitting her arm Nitya complained.

" Don't act naïve Khushi because you are not.. I should say Arnav is far better than you,(Khushi narrowed her eyes at this statement of Nitya.) At least he never teases his friend for his weak and silly mistake but you.. Look at you!!"

" Ok.. I agree if you say so.."

They both continued talking on other topic, but Khushi could not drive her mind away to anything!! In the simply way Nitya praised Arnav, made her heart beat like crazy. He is one of the most trust worthy persons she has ever met in her life till now, even with friends he knows the limit!! It's not because she was thinking this just because he was her husband.  The way he gives others their own space that made her happy.

Kaira was still at Nani's place. Her school holiday got extended for 4 days and that was bonus for her. 

Kaira asked looking around.

" Where is Uncle?? I have not seen him.."

" At you go school daily."

" Oh.. He is too given home work Cookie??"(she asked innocently.)

" Yes.. Everyone is given homework."

Kaira nodded her head being convinced, mean while Khushi's phone rang which Kaira took away instantly, Seeing her Uncle's name her happiness knew no bound.

" Hello Uncle.."

Khushi did not disturb duo, muted TV.

"Yup..I got more holidays and  Cookie came to pick me .. (she paused to listen to Arnav.) What will you get for me?? (she asked excitingly.) No, that candy, chocolate coating with strawberry inside.. I want that. Ok.. Bye!!"

Khushi asked.

" Ho gaya??"(Are you done??)

Kaira cutely nodded her head.

" Uncle said he would return early today..Ask me why??(Khushi asked Why??, Kaira replied giggling.) Because Kaira is here.."

Khushi laughed at her cuteness.

" That's good."

"Uncle is best.. The best.."

Khushi smiled at this cute little kid, kissing her cheek Khushi whispered herself.

" He is the best!!"


Anjali came in evening to take Kaira with her. It's been a few days and she was simply missing her baby. After talking to her brother, Anjali left with Kaira. Arnav was downstairs with Anita and Aarav. Khushi quickly took the chance and left from there to their bedroom. She had already ordered Arnav's favorite dishes from his favorite restaurant. Quickly grabbing an orange colour saree, with golden work on border Khushi entered into washroom for changing.

Standing in front of mirror, she carefully pinned her saree at shoulder and adjusted the pleats. Though she was not that habituated with saree till now but she had learned to drape and carry saree with ease and most importantly by herself.

 Straightening her hair, just like he prefers on her, she put a small bindi in between her eyebrow line. Giving a last smile at herself, she started consoling her own nervous heart.

" Easy Khushi.. Relax!!"

She had never planned such private dinner with him before that too taking into so much effort for getting ready FOR HIM!! She blushed at her own thought, but whole days after hearing so much praises for her husband she became overwhelmed and decided to do this for him.

He always ensures her need, her happiness..Is not it her duty too to think of him?? Why only he has to shower love like rain, she has rights to make him feel so, to make him feel special . Khushi told herself, dinner was arranged by poolside, she quickly lighten few scented candles for nice and refreshing aroma and took her phone to send him a quick message to come upstairs.

Reading the text, Arnav looked around for Khushi. Why would she call him so urgently that too by a text? He became concerned, excusing from his parents he got up and moved away from there.

The moment Arnav opened the door, his nostrils hit with that refreshing aroma of candles, whole room was dark except poolside. He was surprised, moving towards that direction his eyes sparkled with those lights from candles at the same time from fairy lights too, a round shaped dinner table with many dishes along with a rose was placed there.

A bright and happy smile came across on his face, he looked around and finally found his gorgeous wife wearing a beautiful saree waiting for him. Cool breeze playing with her locks, Khushi moved at his direction and held his hand, leading him towards dining table.

" Any special occasion I forgot??" (he asked unsure of the real reason of this celebration.)

She pulled chair for him. 

Taking her seat on another chair, Khushi denied.

" Can't I do this for my husband normally without any reason??"

Arnav smiled at her question.

" Of course you can and your husband would love to get such surprise from your end!!"

Khushi gave a cute smile and started serving their plates. Arnav asked while filling his mouth.

" I hope your tonight's plan is not ending with dinner.. "(he gave her a hint of his undying desire for her.)

" Night is young tonight."

Her words tickled his nerve.

" Remember your promise.."

"If I forget, then you remind me!!"(she said with confidence, welcoming his emotions openly.)

Arnav raised his brow high at her reply. They finished their dinner, talking usually. Khushi was about to keep the plates away, Arnav held her hand.

"1" You are forgetting your own words Wifey!!

Khushi left the plate, tonight she just wants to convey how special he was for her in her life. Nothing mattered under his influence. Moving closer, she wrapped her arms around him, keeping her head on his chest above his heart. Soon she found herself in her husband's arms away from ground. Placing her on bed, Arnav was about to bend to her level when she held his hand and sat on bed.

"What?? Forgot your promise so fast??", asked Arnav teasing.

Khushi did not say anything, touching his face Khushi whispered.

" Tum bohot ache Arnav.. Actually bohot jyada ache ho.  I don't know what would have been I doing, if you were not in my life!!" 

Her voice became heavy, her emotions for this man reached it's peak as she confessed so. She stared into his eyes lovingly, Arnav touched her hand that was on his cheek.

" Hey.. What happened to you?? Tum thik ho??"

" I don't know.."

Arnav noticed her moist gaze at the same time that smile on her lips, her reply too made him go weak. Not being able to control himself, Arnav gave a tight hug to Khushi while her arms wrapped around him welcoming him openly. And like her promise, she made sure that remain a never forgetful night in Arnav's memory. Neither she restrain herself, nor stop him. The way she responds to his touch, his heart melts like a candle.



Khushi looked up hearing Arnav's voice, Arnav asked entering in kitchen.

" Khushi, Have you seen Maa??"

Khushi denied while making dough.

" No.. Why??"

'1" Nothing.. Just like this. I'll check.

He was about to leave for office after this, Khushi called him from behind.

" Arnav, Suno..suno.. (Listen.)"

Arnav stopped, turned around. Khushi indicated him to come near her. Arnav did so.


Raising herself on her toes, Khushi gave a soft kiss on his cheek.

" Nothing.. Bye.."

Arnav stared at her amusingly at her antics.

" Are you crazy Khushi?? Or should I say you are still under the effect of night??"

Khushi rolled her eyes.

" Why effect of last night.. You are not less than some OLD WINE Raizada and I'm always captivated by your charisma." (she said without hesitation, looking directly into Arnav's eyes.)

Her tone tickles Arnav's nerve, till now it was his turn influencing her deeply with his talk but it seem last night did change the turn because since last night he is becoming wordless in front of her.

Not waiting more, Arnav pinned Khushi against kitchen slab.

" Now let me show the actual depth of being "Captivated"!!"

Khushi gave a naughty smile before touching his cheek with her hands, rubbing his cheek transferring some flour from her palm to his cheek. Arnav felt that instantly and touched his face only to see white flour on his fingers..

"You are gone Khushi."

Khushi moved away from his hold, Arnav was about to held her hand but right then they both heard Anita's voice which made them both stopped on their tracks.

"We have unsettled account." Said Arnav deadly staring at Khushi while wiping flour away from his face with his handkerchief as definitely he can't afford to let his mother see what they both were doing in kitchen. Currently that was important than punishing her for her deed!!


It was one fine afternoon. Arnav was working on his laptop, his phone rang which was from his friend whom he had given the responsibility of finding about Sashi Gupta. He answered that readily.

" Yeah Rohan.. Any news??"

" I have mailed everything to you.. See that. It has every details of his connection with Lucknow in past as well as his current connector there. I hope that will be helpful for you."

' Thank you.. I'll just check that."

Hanging up the call, Arnav quickly logged in to his mail id and opened the attachment sent by Rohan. He read, reread.. Sashi Gupta's work profile during his initial days, his practicing in Lucknow then joining as legal assistant for Sheeshamahal. Few pictures were there of him with the Royal family and lastly with Khushi's mother, Garima!!

His leaving job from there, coming to Delhi to practice here in same year when Garima was expecting Khushi.

Arnav was stunned finding these, he felt like ground slipped away from beneath of his feet as he found his suspicion coming right. Sashi Khushi's biological father!! Arnav's fingers became weak, sweat breeds started forming on his forehead as his mind became blank for some time. Nothing come to his vision, except one face that's his wife!!

Holding his forehead, he shut his eyes as if trying to calm down that anxiety bubbling inside his body after this revelation. Does Sashi Gupta's frequent meeting with him is a result of his coming to know the identity of Khushi?? How will he tell Khushi this truth first?? Will he able to gather her seeing her breaking down after the disclosure of this truth because it was so difficult for him to make himself convince??

" I pray I never meet him, I don't know what I would do after coming to know his identity!!"

Arnav's ears buzzed with these certain words.

His heart started beating loudly, he had never felt so helpless in his entire life like he was feeling right now!!

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