The Days Union Oneshots

By cynicalstn

163K 1.6K 3.5K

Hi. This is my first book I'm writing/typing. This will be a Days Union x Reader, most of these will be for f... More

Requests. [PAUSED]
Unstable Day & Reader
Macabre x Benevolent
Sorrowful & Macabre
Unstable x !Yandere Radiant
Unstable x Unpredictable
Great x Emotionless
random thing
Macabre x Reader
Unpredictable x Male Reader
Radiant_Day x Dynamic_Day
Horrid_Night x Reader
Macabre_Day x Reader
Great_Day & Toddler!Reader
Unstable_Day & Toddler!Reader
10kay sqeciaI
Dynamic_Day & Toddler!Reader
10k special.
Placid_Day & Toddler!Reader
Scary_Day & Toddler!Reader
Unpredictable_Day & Toddler!Reader
bยฎ๏ธeak time
Practical_Day & Toddler!Reader
Benevolent_Day & Toddler!Reader
Macabre_Day & Toddler!reader

Part 2: M x B

4K 37 122
By cynicalstn

Part 2.


Benevolent stayed there frozen until he snapped back into reality. He stood up and quickly ran to his Bakery, dropping the gifts and not caring about his footsteps being heard.

Macabre was startled and looked to see what was the thing. He caught a glimpse of a figure.

Something else caught his eye.

He walked over to the objects and quickly reacted. "This smells familiar.. but where..?

As he leaned closer, he smelled the wonderful aroma of fresh baked cookies. He opened it and saw himself. "A cookie.. decorated as.. me..?" He took a bite out of it and enjoyed it. "Mhm, definitely Benevolent's baking."

"Wait- that means.. oh no.. no no no no no." He grabbed the gifts and ran across to Benevolent's Bakery.

{We're gonna skip the running part because yes.}

He reached the Bakery and saw Benevolent sitting on a chair sleeping with eaten cake next to him. He checked his face and saw him crying in his sleep.

He shook him to wake him up.

"Benevolent. Benevolent. Benevolent." No response until Benevolent woke up to the sound of a customer walking in.

He saw Macabre and decided to ignore him and attend to the customer.

As soon as the customer left, Macabre got ahold of Benevolent's wrist and tightened his grip.

"Let go of me."

"Not until we speak."

"What is there to speak about? It's Valentines Day, shouldn't you be with him? Just go and leave me alone! That's all I want right now."

Benevolent managed to get out of Macabre's grip. "Benevolent. You really don't understand what just happened, do you? You're crying for no reason. What happened just now, with him, he came to give me a gift. There is nothing going on between us. It's sad that you-" he was cut off by Benevolent when he spoke up,

"Lies! You're lying to me! I don't want to hear from you! Just stop lying, please.." Benevolent was getting frustrated and upset.

"Don't you know how much it hurt me when you told him you loved him? I really really like you. I baked you a cookie. I decorated it to look like you. I just wanted to go over to your house and have a talk. I was too late, he came to you first."

"Benevolent. You're making me laugh. You really believed what I told him? Gosh. How would you believe me telling him that?"

Macabre leaned against one of the tables and started laughing.

"Benevolent, you're too cute. I've never seen the jealous side of you."

"I'm not jealous. I-I'm not."

Macabre ate another piece of the cookie. He broke a piece off, held Benevolent's head in place and made him eat it.

Benevolent spitted it out right away.

"I don't want to fed by you. I want an explanation."

Macabre shrugged, sat down, and decided to explain what happened.

When he finished, Benevolent began crying again. "Oh what happened now? What did I do now?"

"You didn't do anything. It's just.. I feel embarrassed.. that I acted like a child just for one misunderstanding."

"Don't be, I enjoyed seeing your reaction."

Benevolent came to him and hugged him.

"Uh.. Happy Valentines Day, Macabre. I love you."

"I-L-Y-T, Benevolent."

Um.. here you go folks.
Part 2.
This was delayed a bit for reasons.
And yeah, it probably sucks but oh well.
Total Words: 561 words.

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