A Surprise and A Betrayal (✓)

By piadreamer

18.6K 1K 860

This story takes place after the Malec wedding. 5 years have went by and it's soon going to be their 6th year... More

1. Love is Unconditional
2. Sweetness Overloaded
3. Certain and Uncertain
4. Confrontations and Truths
5. Emotions- War of Hearts
6. Lightwoods Reunion
8. A Dose of Malec
9. A Little bit of Happiness and Little bit of Chaos
10. Emotions speak louder than words
11. A Reunion to Cherish
12. Family isn't always blood
13. Not bonded by blood, but united by love.
14. Parabatai : Wherever we are, we are as one.
15. Let's have some Madnus
16. Angels and Immortality
17. Speak of the devil and he shall appear.
18. Silver is the color of the moon.
19. Let me confine you in my arms.
20. The Sins I've done.
21. A dream to live or reality to deny.
22. Demons only reside in hell.
23. I get to love you.
24. The Power Couple.

7. When Sizzy meets Alec

667 36 37
By piadreamer

pokemonshadowhunter there's something for you in this chapter, let's see if you can spot it. Will be waiting for your reaction.


It's been a few hours since Alec told Izzy about everything, and he was relieved that she was by his side. A few years back, he didn't use to tell her his personal life but was glad that she always understood and was proud of how she grew over the course of years.

A knock broke him out of the chain of thoughts, with a quick reflex he picked up a file and threw the book inside the drawer, but a familiar laugh made him turn towards the door then sighed with relief.

"Seriously Izzy? Since when you started kn-" he stopped mid-sentence when he saw Simon beside her. "Oh! That makes sense! Coz my family and knocking!" He rolled his eyes earning a deadly glare from Izzy.

Simon tried not to laugh but failed miserably earning a kick on his shin from his girlfriend. "Ow! Babe! Hi Alec." He said while rubbing the spot.

"Hey..." Alec said in a flat voice then turned towards Izzy. "please don't tell me you told him everything?"

"Sorry Alec, but I did. And as a matter of fact, we're here to help." She said excitedly.

"Help!?" He eyed the vampire from head to toe making him visibly shiver.

"Ah... Ya... I'm... first things first, I'm happy for you both, happy anniversary in advance and I would like to help in whatever way I can, Alec." Simon tried to give a friendly smile but gulped when Alec kept staring at him. Noticing, Izzy intertwined their hands, giving it a reassuring squeeze.

"Si, why are you always scared of my brother? He's not going to eat you. And why are you looking at my boyfriend like that Alec?" She said in a fierce tone.

"I'm not looking at anyone in anyways, Isabelle! Can you both come to the point now!?" He exclaimed.

"Seriously Alec, is it because I told him everything?"

"Izzy! If it wasn't clear, I wasn't planning on telling it, you found out. And I have told you... I was waiting for the correct time. So yes, excuse me if I'm frustrated about you telling all this to this vampire here."

"Alec, big brother, he's my boyfriend, will you like it if I talk about Magnus like that?" Alec was about to say something when Simon interrupted.

"Hey! Hey! I'm standing right here. Izzy, calm down, please. And Alec, she didn't tell me, she was asking me the details about the bookshop. I got curious, so I asked her what's all that was about, that's when she told me about your research, about becoming immortal."

Alec rubbed the bridge of his nose. "I'm sorry, Simon, sorry Izzy. It's just... I don't know about the complete spell yet, I want to tell everyone once I'll know about it. You, Clary, and Luke are my family too, I respect you all. I hate admitting it... but I do. Your opinions matter to me as well."

"Alec, I know, and I completely understand your point," Simon spoke, "everything has to be done at a specific time. And I'm happy for you and Magnus, I really am. actually, that makes me remember when you asked me to turn you into a vampire to save him from Edom. You really can go to any extent for him... it's inspiring... your love for each other... you guys are idols for others-"

"You literally can't stop talking, can you?" Alec raised his brow.

"Nopppe!" Simon gave an innocent smile and a second later, both men burst into laughter.

Izzy simply shook her head, she should have known better. The bonding between her brothers and Simon has grown a lot in all these years. He is still scared of Alec, but they have started joking around almost every time, and she's happy with the progress.

"Thank you, Simon, for your support and also for loving my sister." Alec said with all honesty, "and... I'm sorry Izzy for reacting like that. It's just....-"

"It's okay, big brother," Izzy said softly.

Alec sighed. "Thank you. Now, what was about the bookshop you people mentioned ?"

"Simon went to a mundane bookshop in New York a few days back which had a collection of mythology books. We think there can be something in them which can help your research." Izzy said excitedly.

"How can you be sure about that?" Alec asked confused.

"Because I saw a book which had mention of Cane, his mark and possibilities and theories of him still existing. One of them was becoming a vampire which is actually true, so it can be possible to find whatever you're looking for in your research. Besides, it's not just one book, half of the bookshop is filled with these kinds of books." Simon said enthusiastically.

"Why are these books out in the mundane world!?" Alec questioned.

"Because mundane are curious creatures, big brother!" Izzy shrugged.

"Hey! I was a mundane too if you remember..." Simon tried to speak in a fake hurt tone.

"Oh, come on, Si, You know what I meant." Izzy leaned in to give him an eskimo kiss but when Simon's hand snaked around her waist, she brushed their lips gently, then locked them in a kiss full of passion and love.

Alec cleared his throat, eyes trailing anywhere but at the couple.

"Really, big brother! You and Magnus do the same literally all the time," Izzy said after they broke the kiss.

"You people enjoy the show, but I'm not enjoying watching yours. Can we get back to the point!?"

Izzy opened her mouth to speak something but then changed her mind. "We need to check that bookshop, so we'll be needing a portal to go to New York."

"I'll let Cat know about it. And what do you mean by 'we'?"

"We meant all three of us, we're helping you. And I meant Magnus."

"What!? Magnus!? Seriously Izzy, are you out of your mind!? What are you going to tell him why am I leaving for New York all of a sudden!?"

"I'll handle everything, big brother. And it's not just you who's concerned about him, since the time we're here we haven't met him at all."

Alec shook his head. "Finee! And Izzy, Look I appreciate your help bu-"

"I'm not asking I'm telling!" She said fiercely.

He looked at Simon who just simply shrugged and smiled. Defeated, he took out his phone and messaged Magnus but got no reply. Worried, he called him repeatedly, but the result was the same.

"He's not replying Izzy! Might be busy with his clients. Look, can we please call Cat!? I don't want to take any chances, and you can meet him whenever you want, Miss Head of the Institute!"

Izzy slapped his arms playfully. "Fine big brother!"

"Thank you! I'll inform Cat!" 'and let Magnus know I'll be late again.' he thought. 


Magnus was sitting on the couch, watching his favourite show Project Runway, sipping on the hot coffee, but he wasn't paying attention to the show; his mind was somewhere else entirely.


Magnus was crying uncontrollably, shaking Alec again and again, but he wasn't moving at all. "No! HELP!"

"MAGNUS!" A voice came from inside the hall and soon Jace and Izzy were by their side.

"ALEC! Magnus, what happened?" Izzy asked, but when she saw her brother's condition, gasped and tears started pooling in her eyes. Jace was crying already.

"A scorpio... demon..." Magnus said in between the sobs.

"Help me! We have to take him to the infirmary!" Jace said while grabbing Alec and trying to stand him.

"J... Jace?" Magnus asked between his sobs.

"I can still feel him, he's not gone. Come on, help me!"

Magnus and Izzy quickly ran to his side and helped him to carry Alec to the infirmary. They informed the others and after hours, found that Alec fell into a coma and had no idea when he'll wake up. that made them relieved and scared at the same time.

Days passed by, the heat of the war was slowed down, but Alec was still in a state of coma nut Magnus never left his side. He sat there beside his husband 24 x 7.

~~5 days later~~

Magnus was a crying mess as he held his husband's hand against his lip. He didn't hear when somebody walked in, but when a hand squeezed his shoulder lightly, he looked up and noticed it was Izzy.

"Magnus... he's fine now, don't hurt yourself like this."

"It's all my fault! I shouldn't have let him go alone, I... I drained all my magic in the war that I couldn't help him, I couldn't save him. I couldn't save him, Isabelle!" He started crying again uncontrollably.

"Hey... Magnus, it's not your fault. Don't think like that." Izzy softly whispered.

"I should be there for him, it is my fault."

Izzy pulled out a chair and sat beside him. "Magnus, look at me, It's not your fault. You told us what happened, no one's blaming you, so don't think like that." Izzy patted his arms gently.

Magnus looked at her and nodded. "Thank you, Isabelle! But..."

"But what Magnus! If Alec will get to know you're thinking like that, he'll kill you! And I really hope he's listening to it right now, so he can beat your ass later." They both chuckled at this and gave a light laugh.

Magnus looked at Alec's sleeping figure connected with various medical supplies. 'Come back to me Alexander! Please!'


A loud and constant buzz of his phone brought him back to reality. Before he could pick up, the ring died down. Frowning, he picked up his phone but gasped when he saw that there were 6 missed calls from Alec and two unread messages. 'Shit!' He was about to call back when it rang again, and he quickly received it.

"Alexander!? Is everything all right? Are you okay?" He asked in a panicked voice.

"Hello to you too, Magnus. I'm completely fine, relax. You didn't reply to the messages so I called you, are 'you' all right?"

Magnus sighed with relief. "Ya... I was in the... kitchen... preparing dinner... sorry." He lied.

"Oh!" Alec knew he was lying, he can tell that easily but chose to ignore it. "I was calling to inform th-"

'ALEC! WILL YOU HURRY UP, WE DON'T HAVE THE WHOLE DAMN NIGHT!' A voice called him in the background.

'5 minutes, Izzy! Coming!' "Ya... I was saying-"

"You're with Isabelle? Again?" Magnus asked confused.

"That's what I was going to tell, I'm in New York. There was an emergency, so I came with Izzy and Simon, I've messaged you, but you didn't reply. I've even called but then figured that you were busy with your clients. They both wanted to meet you before leaving, but you didn't pick up, so I called Cat instead for creating the portal. It's only for a few hours, I'll try to be back as soon as I can. I'm really sorry love, I'm ruining our dinners."

Magnus processed the information then took a deep breath. His eyes were pooling with tears he got from those flashbacks, so he blinked to clear his eyes and mind.' Damn it! How can I zone out like that!?' he thought.

"Magnus!? You there? Are you okay?"

"Yeah! I... I'm fine, Alexander. It's alright. Do your work... I... I was busy... so... I'll meet them some other time." He stuttered out and choked on his words.

"Thank you, I hope I won't get punished tonight as well!" He said playfully trying to lighten his depressed mood, which was clear from Magnus lies and chokings.

"No, you won't! But finish your work soon and get your ass back home! I'm waiting."

"Okay, Mr. Lightwood Bane! Love you, bye."

"Love you too." With that, they hung up the call and Magnus let out a deep breath. 'I'm going insane! I need a drink!' he thought then stood up and walked towards the bar area.


Alec sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. He knew Magnus was lying to him, he heard him choking on his words which was a clear indication that he needs to go back home as soon as possible.

"If you're done talking to your husband, help me here! I'm NOT a book person!" Izzy yelled.

"Alec! Are you okay?" Simon asked as soon as he saw a deep frown on Alec's forehead. Izzy turned towards her brother and her expression changed.

"What's wrong, big brother?"

"It's Magnus, he was lying about being busy and was clearly crying again. Either he had the nightmare or was zoned out with the memories. I... it's killing me to see him like that, Izzy."

"Hey..." she rubbed his arms soothingly. "Why don't you try talking to him?"

"If that had worked I wouldn't be doing this!"

Izzy and Simon exchanged a look. "What!?" They exclaimed in unison.

"Izzy! Do you think I didn't try? I did, many times, but it only backfired. He became secretive, started crying, and hurting himself behind my back, that's when I knew talking isn't gonna work, I had to do something. I want to make our relationship better not ruin it." Izzy smiled at him and gave him a tight hug. "It's alright, Alec. I'm with you, you don't have to worry, everything will be alright."

"Thank you, Izzy!"

"Hey... ah... sorry to interrupt, but I found the book I read earlier."

They both quickly reached where Simon was standing with the book with the title The Book of Forgotten Legends: Myth or Truth?

"Wow, nice title! Open the list of contents." Alec spoke in a sharp tone.


"Wow, they are a lot!" Izzy was shocked. "Let's see, The Legends of Cain, is that what you read Si?"

"Yeah! A little."

"Focus!" Alec said harshly.

"Relax Alec! Okay, Lilith: mother of demons- the myth; Are angels real?; Raziel-the first angel?; Ramica: an epic love story; The creations of Ramica;"

"Those two sounded weirdly familiar!" Alec said interrupting her in the middle earning a deadly glare from her. "Sorry, continue!"

"The legends of Lucifer; Vampires: real or myths?; The oldest vampires' known- Salvatores or Mikaelsons?; The legends of The Originals; Werewolves: the myth; What is the Beast of Gevaudan?; Fallen angels and archangels- myth or truth?; Human or Angel?: Kasper Windermere; The-"

"Wait! What's the page no.? Kasper Windermere that one?"

"That's what you're looking for?" Simon asked.


"Here!" Izzy quickly opened the page and showed it to Alec.

"Damn it! There's nothing new! I already know all this!" He rubbed his temples in frustration.

"Wait! There's something!" Simon said. Alec looked at him. "It says the reference is taken from the book Kasper Windermere: Human turned Angel."

"There's a complete book on that Shadowhunter!" Izzy said shocked.

"Well, looks like it is! Search the whole bookshop! I want that book!" Alec said in his strong Inquisitor tone.

"On it big brother!"

They all separated and started searching each shelf and rows in detail. They had already spent an hour but found nothing. Alec started losing his hope when he heard Simon's scream.

"FOUND IT!" He quickly ran towards the source of the sound. He and Izzy reached there at the same time but went in complete shock when they saw what was in Simon's hand.

"What the-"

"Are you kidding me!"

"Alec! Ow! Can you please hold it, it's quite... ow... heavy."

Alec looked at him then at the book. "Let me activate my strength rune first." He quickly activated his strength rune and took the 5000 paged book from Simon's hands.

"A 5000 paged book for a one Shadowhunter! Who the hell was he!?" Izzy finally spoke.

"I have no idea, Izzy! I'll handle the book to Cat. I really hope this book will finally provide all the answers."

"Let us know if you find something, Alec. You're doing a big thing, Magnus is a lucky man."

"Thank you, Izzy, Simon, for your support. It means a lot. I should leave now. Bye!"

"Bye big brother! Keep us updated." He nodded then left.

Alec told Cat everything and went back to Alicante, going directly to her flat to handle the book. Cat was already waiting for him, pacing in the hallway.

"Hey, Cat!" He said breathlessly.

"Fina-" her eyes went wide and stared at Alec.

"Exactly my reaction too! Can you please take it, my strength rune is wearing off?"

She just nodded in reply then waved her hands to keep the book on the couch.

"I'll look into how much I can, rest we'll look tomorrow."

"I'll meet you tomorrow then! Goodnight! Cat!"

"Goodnight, Alec!"

With that, he finally left for his flat eager to be finally in his warlock's arms. 

I hope you liked the chapter. Please let me know through your vote and comments.
Thank you

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