The War on Love

By med_01

77.5K 3.2K 1K

Emmalyn Taylor, a 24 year old airman for the United States Air Force, meets a man who calls himself Thomas Br... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Author Note!!!!!!!

Chapter 15

2K 107 31
By med_01

"AH! #?*! KI HONG I'M GOING TO MURDER YOU!" I hear Dylan yell.

Thomas grimaced beside me. "Shut the bloody hell up!"

"Thomas! Shut up!" Dylan yells back. Thomas groans before burying his head in the pillows.

Ki Hong runs down the hall from the guest room. He sticks his head in the door and waves me over. I take one step across the floor and Thomas moans. "Love! Stop stomping around!"

I roll my eyes. "Go take a shower. You'll feel better."

I hear him groan and he trudged over to the bathroom, hand over his eyes to help filter the light.

I step into the hall and walk towards the kitchen with Ki Hong behind me. I begin to make a pot off coffee.

Thomas peaks his head around the corner moments later, his blonde hair clinging to his forehead. "I smell coffee," he mumbles.

"Good nose, Sangster," Ki Hong says.

He quickly walks in the kitchen, towel wrapped around his waist. He makes himself a cup of coffee and leans against the counter after pulling the curtains closed. Both of his hands grip the cup of coffee. Sadly, one of those hands was keeping the towel up around his slender body. The towel falls to the floor around his ankles. Ki Hong and I cover our eyes and he holds his other hand over my eyes.

Thomas mumbles various curse words under his breath. "You can look now...." He says.

We remove our hands cautiously. Thomas's face is bright red sad his eyes are cast downward at the floor, not daring to meet our eyes. "I'm going to go put clothes on..." He says meekly, walking off down the hallway.

"That was more of him than I wanted to see...." I murmur, shaking my head, trying to hide my face that was changing steadily to a crimson.

"For now," Ki Hong snickered, nudging me lightly.

My face heated up to astronomical levels. "Shut up!" I shout, trying to sound mean. I swat him on the back of the head a single time making him hold his head as he laughs.

"You know it's true," he points out, sipping at his coffee.

"You know what's true?" A British accent asks. I bang my head against the cabinet repeatedly.

"It's true that-" Ki Hong starts.

I flip open my pocket knife that was sitting in the counter. "Finish that sentence and I swear to God, we will have an issue!" I warn.

Ki Hong raises his hands in surrender and gives a nervous chuckle. "It's true that she's very scary when angered."

I smile in satisfaction and close the blade, setting it back on the counter behind me. Thomas reaches around me awkwardly, face still red from the earlier happenings. He takes the knife off the counter and puts it in his pocket. "I don't trust you with weapons..."

I scowl at him but, he doesn't seem to notice. The British boy refuses to meet my eyes. He refuses to even look at me. If he does, it's quick. A fast up and down before returning his eyes to the ground, a faint pink creeping up his neck.

Ki Hong had his phone out, snickering at whatever he was typing. "What are you laughing at?" I demand.

He turns his phone around. Twitter is pulled up. A picture of Thomas and I asleep has been posted previously. But the new tweet caught my attention. @EmmalynTaylor So you can sleep with @SangsterThomas but you blush at seeing him in nothing but a towel? #weird #idontgetit

Thomas and I share a look of embarrassment as our faces turn bright. "Thank you for leaving out the rest of the story," Thomas mumbles. "It was rather traumatic..."

"Look who's talking," I grumble. "I will have that picture burned into my mind, thank you very much."

"Don't act like you didn't enjoy it," Ki Hong says, throwing me a wink.

I raise my hand. "I wonder if I can choke you with one hand," I murmur.

"I prefer not to find out," Ki Hong says, backing away, hands protecting his throat.

"Good idea. Now, shush, or you will find out real quick."

"Oh, feisty. Ki Hong likey."

Thomas glares at him with such a ferocity I'm sure lions would cower in fear. "If you don't stop flirting with my girlfriend it will not be her that will have to worried about," he growls, getting up in his face.

Ki Hong gave him an apologetic smile before running down the hall, yelling for Dylan. But Dylan being hungover, did not approve of the whole yelling and running into his room at eleven in the morning thing.

Ki Hong trudged back down the hallway minutes later. He flopped face down on the couch and just laid there. Doing nothing but breathe. Finally, he grumbled, "I hate you all..."

"The feeling is mutual, my friend," I say.

He looks at me and places a hand over his chest in mock hurt. "That pains me, Emmalyn. It really does."

"Sorry, truth hurts."

"And all this time, I thought we were friends."

"Aww. Do you need a hug?"

"Yes, but Thomas would probably beat my ass if I did...."

"He'll have to go through me first," I say, allowing a smirk to take over my lips.

I spread my arm and Ki Hong jumped into me. "Yay! You're my new bestie. Screw Dylan," Ki Hong shouts.

I laugh as he lets go. Thomas just huffs. "Deal with it," I say to him with an extra amount of sass.

"I'm not sure how I feel about you being sassy. I prefer the sarcasm," Thomas admitted.

"I do too, in all honesty. I'm not good at sassy," I agree.

"Leave the sass to me," Ki Hong says, patting me on the shoulder.

"I'll have to do that," I chuckle.


A/N: Holy Shitaki Mushrooms!!!!! 600 reads! I never thought this would ever become that popular! Thank you! Okay, so, on my science test, we had to write/draw something to make our teacher laugh to get up to 5 points of bonus. I got 3 extra points. Why? Here is what I wrote: I'm not humorous. I have no life. I seriously watched a 20 minute video on how to line dance for a 3 paragraph scene in my story.

He said that he laughed solely at my brutal honesty. Lol. You know what to do! COMMENT/VOTE/FOLLOW!!!! But honestly, tell me what you guys think! Do you hate it, like it, love it? TELL ME! PLEASE

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