Best Day Of My Life [boyxboy]

By InspireMany

84.1K 1.6K 186

Julian; he's an average white boy. He has insanely hilarious friends, good grades, a dream to go to college... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 4

3.5K 67 5
By InspireMany

Dustin’s POV (finally!)


I have so many mixed emotions it's crazy. I remember the first day when I saw him in the hallway with his crazy friends. His hazel-grey eyes made my wolf go crazy. His eyes look like the moon on a perfect night. 'Mate!' My wolf screamed from inside me. I'm straight, i'm not gay! I can't be gay! If something happens to my brother i'm next in line for alpha!

I don't know how long we had been starring, but his friends were way ahead of him, giving us both weird looks. He quickly turned his head and ran up to them. God he runs to cute.. Wait, what am I saying? 

I needed to find out if he is my mate. When we had English I asked him for a pen, and purposly touched his hand. Oh shit! The tingles! He is my Mate, it's true.. I need to stay away from Julian, but still protect him.


Sitting in History listening to Mrs. Noble giving such a boring lecture on W.W.1. I wasn't paying attention, I still can't get Julian out of my thoughts, and he sits right beside me! His scent is avaiding my nose, he smells so good. Like Axe: Dark Temptation and mango.

“Do you workout? You have guns of steel.” Miley said in a seductive voice. Usually I would be all on her, but I can't even stand checking any girl out anymore. It makes me feel guilty and disgusting. Wait, that's Julian's girlfriend, maybe he's not gay. That thought helped settle my stomach.

“Thanks and yeah I workout everyday” I winked at her, i'm still the great Dustin Rodriguez I need to be attracted to girls.

"We should see a movie sometime!"

I looked over and saw Julian's face filled with rage. Did I make him mad? My wolf whined at me for upsetting him.

Julian grabbed her books and rushed out of class. Everyone would have payed to see this. From what i hear he's a straight A student and never gets in trouble.

“Mr. Camero! Come back this instant!” The teacher yelled.

All I want to do is follow him, hug him and make him feel better. I just can't, if I can't avoid him I still don't want to be more then friends.

My wolf started going crazy. i have never felt anything like this before. I know it must be about Julian, I havn't marked him yet, so the signal is weak but it's still there. I hope he isn't hurt.

“Haha, Julian’s crying!” Someone yelled which made the whole class burst in laughter.

This made me so angry, how dare they laugh at MY Mate.. Did I just say my Mate? I looked out the window and saw Julian balling, I can tell he's trying to hide his tears.. I hope he isn't mad at me.


Last period seemed to go on forever, and it hurt not having Julian beside me. The worst of it was Miley’s constant flirting, that girl just can’t take a hint! I grabbed my books and rushed out of the class, hoping Miley wouldn’t follow me.

I wasn’t really paying attention as I was rushing through the halls, until I bumped into something hard.. Or should I say someone.

“Dude! What’s got you in a rush?” James said holding in his laugh. James is my best friend; we have known each other since we were pups. He is the same height as me, and has blonde hair with baby blue eyes. I haven’t had much time to spend with him the past couple days.

“Where have you been bro?”

“Oh, I’ve been busy.” I replied.

“Want to sleep over at my house this weekend? Its Friday, lets party!”

“Yeah, sounds like fun.” I don't really want to go, but I need to spend some time with my best friend.

“Oh and Miley Munro is coming, I think she’s bringing her friend Emily.” Oh great.. Miley is coming! This weekend might not be so fun after all.

"Oh and before you go.. Football tryouts have been moved to Monday man. We will make it, don't worry!


After talking with James for an hour about football, I drove home. I just sat in my driveway, processing my thoughts. What if my parents find out that I’ve found my mate? I wonder if werewolf’s show signs or something. I got out of my car, and unlocked the door to my house.

“I’m home!” I yelled, hoping my mom was home. My mom can always make me feel better.

“Hunny, I’m in the kitchen!”

I walked into the kitchen to see my mom cooking dinner. It smelt so good. I like having a mom as a good cook, she teaches me so much. One day when it’s just me and my mate, I can cook ‘her’ the greatest meals.

“You alright Hunny?”

“Yeah Mom, let’s just finish cooking.” I don't want to tell her my situation, I just want to cook. Cooking soothes me.

We finished cooking; we made mashed potatoes, roast, and corn. It smelled heavenly. I set the table and called my dad… Eventually it was me, my mom and my dad and my brother Tommy gulping down our food.

“So son, football tryouts soon. I already know you will make quarterback!” my dad said proudly.

“Yeah I know, gotta make my school proud.” I smirked.

I finished my meal and rushed upstairs. The whole mate thing was still bugging me, so I decided to take a nice warm shower to help clear my head. Once I got in the warm water soothed my skin, it felt like the world stopped and it was just me. I stood there until I felt the water get cold. I quickly finished washing and got out. I looked in the mirror, checking myself out, I wonder if Julian thinks i'm hot. Grr, I can't think these thoughts!

I walked in my room and fell in my bed. I'm so tired and want to get a few hours rest before I go to James.


I know I know, not the longest chapter!  But I wanted to fit in a Duston POV chapter, without giving too much away; I need the next chapter to be a Julian POV.  This is chapter 4, so excited J I’m trying to do a few chapters a week, I don’t want to be one of those people that never update!

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