Chapter 22

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Julian's POV


I wokeup with a huge headache. How did my life go from being a regular teenager, to being a werewolf hunter! I don't even know if I should tell Emily or not. I never hide anything from her, and our families are so close.

"Julian!" My dad yelled from the kitchen.

I rushed down to see him making breakfest, he never cooks.

"Why are you so happy today?" He smiled.

"Cause my son is finally joining the family business! I don't even care that you're dating that boy anymore, I'm too happy." I froze.

"So I'm aloud to date Dustin?" He took a long breath.

"For now, I know this is just some phase you're going through and you will be straight again later."

"Being gay isn't a 'phase'." He laughed.

"Sure it is, now go outside, I'll meet you in a minute."

Shaking my head I walked outside. Why does he even want me outside, the car is in the garage.

"Bzzz" I looked at my phone, I had a text from Dustin.

'Can't wait to see you at school, I miss you babe.' I started grinning like a fool.

A hand covered my mouth, while another wrapped around me. I was dragged into a van, my phone fell on the grass. I stated panicking, was I being kidnapped?

"mhhhhhm" I looked to the corner to see Em tied up to a metal rod. What the hell?

After being in the van for who-knows-how-long, we finally stopped. Three men dragged us into a building, it had a lot of security, and sort of looked like a vet. This man in a mask walked up to me.

"You guys got kidnapped so easily! If you're going to be werewolf hunters you need to learn how to fight." It was my dads voice, he pulled off his mask laughing.

"Dad you ass!" I yelled crossing my arms, he laughed and un-tied Em. Wait.

"Em, you're a werewolf hunter too?"

"She's a newbie, like you." My dad interrupted. "Her family has been working with ours for years, it's kind of a coincidence that you became friends." He chuckled. "We knew you would tell her anyway, so her dad introduced her to the family business as well." He took a long breath after explaing all of that.



"We're partners!" She smiled.

"Enough jibba-jabba. We have training to do." My dad said gesturing us to follow him.

This place was huge, it was like Werewolf Hunter HQ. This guy explained to Em and I about the history behind werewolf hunting. Another told us about the anatomy of the werewolf, and so on and so on. We were like werewolf pro's! Then my dad had us do a number of training techniques.

"Okay, I'm done for the day." Em said crashing to the floor.

"That makes two of us." I sat beside her.

"Okay, you guys did okay today, but we still have lots of training left until you can be true werewolf hunters. Not all training will be done here either, soon we will actually take you hunting." My dad said. I think my dad is like the leader or something around here.

Em drove me home in one of the 'company cars.' They honestly looked like under-cover FBI cars, but they were nice!

"See you tomorrow Em!"

"It's kinda cool us being werewolf hunters, bye Honey Boo-Boo!" She started the car.

"Wait, who's the girl that was with us last night!" I yelled, but it was too latw, she drove away. Gosh, I really want to know who she is.

"Bzzz." I looked at the ground. Silly me, how could I forget about my phone?

Holy crap, I had like a dozen missed calls from Dustin and like twenty texts. Now I feel bad for not calling him.

"Julian! Your okay." Dustin said, pulling me into a hug. "You didn't text me all day or show up to school, I was worried that whole thing that happened last night scared you off."

"Baby, it was just a bear." I feel bad lying to him, but I can't tell him im a werewolf hunter either, he probably doesn't even beleieve in werewolves.

"Theres something I need to tell you about last night." He looked all serious.

"No, it was a bear baby! Now I have to go, my dad needs me." I gave him a quick peck and ran inside.

I closed the door and slid to the ground. He can not find out, it would scare him off.


Sorry for the late upload! I had an issue with my iphone and lost the whole 2 chapters I was working on. I have a new phone now, so expect more chaps (:

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