Chapter 5

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Julian’s POV


I'm lyying in my room depressed, and angry. I know I shouldn't be mad at Julian, it was Miley being a tramp.

“Julian! Julian! Julian! Open up emo kid!” Em yelled through my door, banging on it vigorously. Didn’t she remember I was mad at her! Gosh

"Julian Julian Julian!"

"I'M COMING!" I yelled as I unlocked the door.

“Oh my god, it smells so bad in here! And what’s with the depressing music? You havn't gone emo have you?” She said pulling me onto my bed. We were now sitting facing each other.

“Julian, I know you’re mad at me, but I won’t breakup with Caleb, I love him! But I can’t lose you as a friend either, please can we work this out?” I can see where she's coming from, as much as I hate Caleb they have been together for a year. A funny thing is Miley actually dated Caleb before she starting dating me.

“I forgive you, but I expect a box of chocolates and a dozen roses!” I tried to say as I burst into laughter. We were both rolling around on my bed laughing.

“So Jules.”

“Don’t call me that!”

“Oh shut up. So anyway JULES, me and Miley are sleeping over at James this weekend. You know him right? He’s on the football team.”

“Yeah I know him.. I just really dont care."

“Well anyway Mr. Sourpuss, I want you to sleep over too! We are chilling tonight, going to a baseball game tomorrow and going to the beach on Sunday!”

“I don't want to. Let me be emo in peace!"

“Please! Dustin will be there! Ooo-la-la.” 

“Then that’s a definite no!” I burried my face in my pillow.

“Aww What Happened?"

“It’s hard to explain, since nothing really did happen. I’m dumb for liking Dustin.”

“Aw, well you can hangout with us and make Dustin jealous.” She said smiling. I know she won't leave unless I say no, Em always gets her way.

“Fine I’ll go, but keep me away from Dustin”

“Yay! But go take a shower first, you smell like a cow.” Laughing she walked out of my room.


I hopped out of my shower, checking myself out in the mirror. I know I 'm still mad at Dustin, but in the back of my mind I still want to look good for him.

“Hurry up in there!” Em shouted banging on the door. I quickly put on a pear of black skinnies, and a tight grey shirt. I’m going to make Dustin jealous the way he made me jealous. I walked downstairs where Em was waiting.

“Dad, I’m going to be gone for the weekend!”

“Ok.” He said walking up to me, he handed me $200.00. Where did he think I was going to, Florida?

I got in the passenger seat and instantly turned on the radio. I blasted it as loud as the volume would go. We were listening to “Drive By” by Train.

“Oh I swear to yeah, I’ll be there for yeah, this is not a drive by-I-I-I-I.” Em sung at the top of her lungs.

“The way you move me, everything is groovy.” I added in. This was going on the whole drive. We LOVE singing.

When we finally pulled up to James’s house, my jaw dropped in awh. It was a beautiful beach house; there was even a beach behind it! God this is my dream house.

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