Chapter 27

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Julian's POV:


"But babe, i want my frappucino!" I whined. Sighing he nodded his head. he doesn't like being late for school but I need my java.

We pulled up to Starbucks and instantly calmed down. Energy boost here I come! I made my order and Dustin and I sat down. Emi ran in, basically dragging Liz with it and ordered her coffee. They sat down with us.

"Okay, you guys need to calm down with your coffee's." Liz said, making us all laugh.

"But baby please, i'll give you a reward later." Emi replied winking. We all laughed except Liz, her cheeks went bright red. Awh! She's blushing.

"Oh crap! I forgot my wallet, i'll be right back guys." She kissed Emi and charged out of the door.

"Well that was awkward."

"Here's your frappucino." The guy at the counter thing said, passing it to this cute guy. Oh no way someone gets my coffee!

"Oh, that's mine!" I shouted running up to it, Dustin followed me smirking like a fool. Yeah a fool, my fool.

Once I realized who it was I grunted. Justin? Of all people. He's snobby and rude and selfish.

"Be nice babe." Dustin whispered in my ear, grabbing my hand.

UIhg, fine, i'll be nice. At least his boyfriend is cute, and doesn't seem selfish, he payed for both of their coffee's. It was hilarious Justin refused to let him pay and they argued over it, so cute. Wait, what am I saying? justin is a rude person. Uhg, be nice Julian.

"You guys are a really cute couple." He said smiling. I smiled, leaning into Dustin.

"Thanks! You guys too. I'm Julian and this is Dustin." I said squeezing Dustin's hand.

"Oh, we're not dating." That dude said that looks like Justin's byofriend. Justin punched him in the arm, oh yeah! Score!

"Erik, be nice! And Hi Julian and Dustin, i'm Justin." I shook their hands. Oh, so that dudes name is Erik.

I invited them to sit with us, even their friend Miley, weird huh? Same name as my Miley.. Emi instantly clicked with their friend Miley, and I instantly clicked with Justin. Maybe's he's not the person I thought he was. Him and Erik would be such a cute couple. They told me that they go to Widow Prep, which is like my school's rival school. Our football team is always fighing with each other, but surprisingly Dustin and Erik were getting along. Awh, look at our boys getting along. Well, It would be cool if Erik and Justin were dating. Well at least they're friends. Anyway, it's confession time.

"Justin, I've heard about you. I admit when I did hear about you I thought of a conceited, little stuck up pretty boy. But actually meeting you, you're so much different. I like it." I said smiling. He gave me a high-five.

"Well, why wasn't I invited to this little party?" A gorgeous girl said ignorantly, walking up to our table. That must be Sarah.

She nudged Erik over and sat beside him. She actually sat really close. Poor Justin. Planning time!

"Justin, I need boyfriend advice. Want to go to the bathroom?"I asked. he shook his head yes.

Sarah sighed, standing up. Erik smiled and sat back down, closer to Justin's spot. He put his jacket between Sarah and him. Justin and i both laughed walking into the bathroom.

"So whatsup with you guys?" He asked.

"Well, Dustin doesn't want me to meet his paerents, he keeps making up excuses. It makes me think like i'm a bad boyfriend or something."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2014 ⏰

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