Something new MiChaeTzu (the...

By SoloBanana

5.4K 160 4

After Mina came back from her break and found out about Tzuyu cheating on her with Chaeyoung, Mina's heart wa... More

She wants you back
So it begins
"We Are Polyamorous"
One Way Or Another
We Have To See Her, And I've Got A Plan
What Is Wrong With These 2?
I Am So Sorry, I Love You❤❤
Halloween Special🎃
What Is Wrong With You Momo?!
Sharing Is Caring
We've Missed You So Much

We Aren't Alone

349 11 2
By SoloBanana

Tzuyu POV

"Jennie?!" Jihyo yells, then from the passenger seat, next to Jennie, a face pops out to look out "Rosie is here to?, don't tell me Lisa and Jisoo are in the trunk!" Jihyo says, "no they aren't but that seems like something they'd do" we all laugh as Jennie continues to drive. "wait so how did yous know where we were?" Jihyo asked, "Nayeon messaged me, she heard your conversation about seeing Mina and she wanted to make sure yous wouldn't get into trouble and she knew she wouldn't be able to get out of the house so she asked me to follow yous to make sure yous were safe" Jennie says, then Rose says "and i came to , help cause i had nothing else to do anyways, like literally i had no schedule" Rose said, "well hashtag staystrongrose"  i said. Will in the car, Jihyo messaged Daniel to meet up at the resultant, when we got to there, Daniel was already there, "ok, well yous are safe, we will just get going" Jennie says as she goes to get back into her car, "Wait! do yous maybe want to have dinner with us, its the least we can do for you for saving us" Rose and Jennie exchange looks then nod, "ok, we can join yous". We all went inside to have a nice dinner, we laughed and joked about shipping the other members in our groups with each other, we also found Jennie and Rose are secretly dating, and that was another reason why Rose came, she didn't want want Jennie to get hurt, they are so cute, I SHIP IT!. After dinner we all went back home, waiting at the door when we got back we Nayeon and Jeongyeon, we all went into the kitchen to talk about what happened, we told them that Mina was ok and we thanked Nayeon for messaging Jennie, who knows what would have happened if she and Rose hadn't of came to the rescue, the car i saw earlier,  that was them i guess, i'm just glad that we are home now.

Chaeyoung POV  

I'm glad to be home, i'm also glad to know Mina is ok, well sort of, she was crying and she really wanted to see us, lucky we came then but that would have to be the last time we do that or we will get in more trouble, cause the guard defiantly saw our faces and he will without a doubt report us to manager nim, maybe even J. Y. Park, that would not be good, we would kick us out of Twice for sure, i hope we will be ok. As me, Tzuyu, Jihyo, Nayeon and Jeongyeon are in the kitchen talking about what happened, we hear someone trying to get our attention "hey guys, we gotta talk to you" says Sana, she was with Momo and Dahyun, they looked worried, i wonder what is going on. "so, we are just going to let it all out cause we know yous will understand and also we hate feeling this weird about something" i have a feeling i know what is about to happen but i keep my mouth shut so that they can say what they have to say, "so, us three are a throuple ok" Dahyun said then goes to walk out of the room but Sana and Momo stopped her, omg so me, Tzuyu and Mina aren't the only throuple in the group, yay. I could tell Dahyun thought we were maybe going to not accept them obviously, me, Mina and Tzuyu were gonna accept them cause we are too in a throuple relationship and if Nayeon, Jeongyeon and Jihyo accept me, Tzuyu and Mina then they will accept them, i know it. We all ended up having a group hug to show Dahyun that we accept them, the hug felt empty, if only Mina were here, then we would all be here for Dahyun, Sana and Momo.

Tzuyu POV

Time skip to a week later, we got told that Mina is getting better and me and Chaeyoung are so damn relieved to hear that, we were also told that Mina will be in our next come back. Mina is still staying with her mum but she should be coming back soon which such good news, i really can't wait to have Mina back, last night i watched Mina's feel special teaser and she looked amazing, just watching it made me even more excited about seeing her again.

We found out the reason Mina wasn't answering our messages and calls is because her mum took her phone away from her so she could focus more on getting better, i really didn't think that was fare but she has her phone back now that she is starting to feel better and me and Chaeng told her about Dahyun, Sana and Momo's confession the night we snuck out to see her and Mina was so excited for them, she too can't wait to get back. 

Mina POV

I can't believe Momo, Sana and Dahyun are a throuple, this is so exciting, literally all of us are dating someone, I really can't wait to come back, i miss Tzuyu and Chaeyoung so much, words can't describe how much i miss them. Everyday i was thankful that Tzuyu and Chaeyoung was there for me after the concert in Manila, they didn't just stand there, they showed me how much they loved me until i stopped freaking out, i am so damn lucky to have them in my life, and the other members too. I am currently at the hotel room, scrolling through social media, everyone missed me, I feel so sorry for Once, i had them so worried, there was this one edit a Once made about me and had the hashtag getwellsoonmina , I MEAN THEY MADE A HASHTAG FOR ME, i feel so loved by everyone and I think that is why I am slowly started to feel less anxiety and insecurity, I am just so thankful to everyone.  


hey guys thanks for reading. i am starting to run out of ideas so please if you have any ideas for what should happen in the next part, tell me or this sorry might end earlier and what i hoped. 

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