Golden | Jungkook AU

By ot7heaux

86.3K 2.2K 477

How cliché to be utterly and completely in love with your best friend. More



5.7K 151 57
By ot7heaux

"Well, that was shit." I sighed plopping down on the couch beside Jungkook. 

Jungkook chuckled, "I take it the date didn't go so well."

"He was really sweet and nice to me but he was being really rude to the waitress it just threw me off the whole night." I explained. "This is really hopeless, I'll never find love."

"But at least you have me." he shrugged. 

I rested my head on his shoulder, "You're absolutely right, Jeon." I smiled. "You could never do wrong in my eyes." 

"When you think about it, we're practically dating." he pointed out. "It's the reason why I don't feel the need for a girlfriend."

"Yeah but don't you want someone to cuddle with at night and hold your hand?" I asked melting at the thought of me and my future boyfriend, whoever he may be, doing that. 

He shrugged again, "I do that with you."

"It's different though." I said. "Yeah, we do all those things but I also don't kiss you or have sex with you."

"Basically what you're saying is you've been horny which prompted you into looking for a boyfriend?" he laughed. 

I nodded, "Pretty much."

"If kissing and sex is all you've been looking for, you could have just asked." Jungkook chuckled. "We do all the other stuff anyways."

"That would just make things weird." I rolled my eyes. 

"It's only weird if you make it weird." he shrugged. 

"No, it's still weird." I said making him laugh. 

"Why don't you look for a casual hook up?" he asked. "I know a couple of guys who would be down."

I sighed, "You know me, I'm the type to fall in love." I groaned. "I fall in love with anyone who is nice to me."

"You're hopeless." Jungkook laughed. "How about Taehyung? You think he's super obnoxious and he's been dying to get in your pants."

"Ew, gross." I cringed. "I can't with any of your friends. I'd just picture you in my head the whole time."

He smirked, "If that's what gets you off then that's fine."

"I'm serious, Jungkook." I sighed. "Yeah, sex is nice but I want to fall in love too."

"I don't know what to tell you." he shrugged. "I haven't been in a relationship in years."

I rolled my eyes, "It's only been a year, calm down." I said. "If you would even count that as a relationship."

Freshman year of college at a dumb frat party Jungkook met Sojung. Apparently, Jungkook walked her home that night and they shared a "magical" kiss and hit it off. They dated for almost a year but Jungkook barely brought her around so the only time I would see them is if I happened to bump into them on campus. Jungkook never brought her over to the apartment, not even to sleep over he would just spend the night at her place. I never knew why Jungkook never brought her around and I barely knew it was a relationship until 4 months in when I had to find out through Jimin. I was so shocked and when I went home I yelled at him for keeping a whole relationship from me and his only response was "I didn't think it was a big deal". 

"That just gave me an idea." Jungkook grinned. "Hoseok, invited me to this party. Let's go! There will be plenty of guys there for you to talk to."

"That definitely doesn't sound like a good idea." I disagreed.

"What? Why not?" he asked crossing his arms.

"I don't think I'm going to find my future boyfriend at a sleazy party, Jungkook." I said making him roll his eyes. 

"Well, this isn't the Bachelorette," Jungkook mumbled. "a frat party is going to have to do."

I groaned, "Not a frat party." 

"Mina," Jungkook said grabbing both sides of my arms. "Trust me, I have a plan."

"Your plans don't usually go well." I mumbled to myself. 

"Listen, you're already dressed up and it's only 5 minutes away." Jungkook said. "You don't want to waste the outfit."

I sighed, "You know how I feel about frat parties." The last time I went to a frat party with Jungkook, I was so uncomfortable I basically clung onto him the whole night because I didn't know anyone and I didn't want to be that girl in the corner alone. I felt bad because Jungkook probably wanted to talk to girls and I was holding him back but he kept reassuring me that he was having fun with me. We somehow found ourselves in the backyard where we took shots and smoked three blunts back to back and I ended up embarrassingly kissing Jungkook. I cringe thinking about it and vowed to never go with him again. 

"It's a win-win, Mina." Jungkook laughed. "You could end the night with a new boyfriend or you can make out with me again."

"Gross." I cringed. "It's your fault, honestly."


"We were in the kitchen and you just kept looking at me." I couldn't help it. He was staring at me with those big eyes and it felt like we were the only people there. I blame the alcohol and weed but mostly Jungkook. 

He smiled, "You looked really beautiful that night." he said making me roll my eyes. "If you didn't lean in I would have regardless. You just saved me from the embarrassment."

"I just hate that everyone saw." I groaned. "Yoongi and Seokjin would not stop teasing me about it."

"You know, they're gonna be there tonight." he said making me perk up. "I don't know why you like hanging out with them so much all they do is lecture and nag people, I don't know how Namjoon hangs out with them everyday it must be exhausting."

"I love being around them. They're so funny and chaotic especially when you get Yoongi, Seokjin and Hoseok in one room it's like never ending entertainment." I explained. 

"Does that mean you'll go?" Jungkook grinned. 

I sighed, "Fine." 

"Yes!" he cheered jumping up from the couch. "I'm going to get ready really quickly just wait."

"Should I change into something more casual?" I asked. "I don't want to look overdressed."

"Absolutely not." he answered. "You look perfect."

I waited in the living room for what felt like forever but what was really only like 30 minutes for Jungkook to get dressed. Hoseok is part of a frat with Namjoon, Seokjin, Yoongi and a whole bunch of other obnoxious hormonal college boys. Jungkook met them through Taehyung and Jimin, his two other friends, so it was only natural that I was introduced as well. They all were in the same music class and bonded quickly.  I didn't mind being around them, it just sucked being the only girl so for the most part I opted out of hanging with them but make exceptions from time to time especially when there's a party or heavy drinking involved. 

"Are you cold?" Jungkook asked pulling me closer to him as we walked across campus to Greek Row. 

I shook my head, "Not when you have me in a headlock." I said trying to loosen Jungkook's arm around my neck. 

"Sorry," he chuckled letting go and linking our arms instead. "I'm a bit possessive."

"I didn't realize I was going to have to go through campus in this outfit." I groaned. "I don't want everyone looking at me like I'm crazy." 

"You look hot." Jungkook corrected. "Who cares."

"I care especially when I usually am seen on campus in sweats and oversized hoodies." I said feeling very self conscious all of a sudden. "This is doing too much."

"I doubt they'll even recognize that it's you, it's a huge difference." he emphasized making me roll my eyes. "We have to go through campus unless you want to take the long way plus we're halfway there, no point in turning around."

I groaned, "Fine, I guess I'm going to embarrass myself." I sighed. "I hate when people stare."

"They're only staring because you look amazing so don't be embarrassed." Jungkook reassured me. "You'll be fine, Mina. I got you."

I kept my head down the rest of the way until we reached Greek Row which looked like a whole new world on it's own. I was glad to see Jungkook and I weren't the only ones out tonight. There were groups of girls and rowdy boys all headed to the same party. Seeing that I wasn't the only one dressed up made me feel so much better and less anxious. As we approached the house, I began to feel excited. It's been a while since I've gone out and it's been even longer since the last time it was with Jungkook. Even though last time ended up a mess, it's going to be fun seeing everyone again and hopefully meeting someone new. The minute we entered the house we were hit with the strong scent of weed and alcohol. The living room was packed full of people watching an intense game of beer pong so Jungkook and I headed to the kitchen. 

"You okay?" Jungkook whispered once we found an empty space near the kitchen island. 

I smiled, "I'm great." I answered grabbing two cups on the table and pouring whatever mysterious punch is in the bowl into our cups. Hoseok calls it his Blue Side juice, he personally makes it every time he has a party. I don't know what's in it but it's so good. "So, have you seen any girls that catch your eye?"

"Not at all." Jungkook said grabbing one of the cups and taking a sip. "How about you? Tonight is about you."

I shrugged, "Haven't seen anyone yet. I saw a couple of familiar faces when we walked in but no one special."

"JAY KAY!" Seokjin shouted running over to us. "You made it and you brought Mina!"

Jungkook chuckled, "You've been drinking, hyung?" 

"Absolutely." Seokjin answered. "Hoseok is going to be so happy you both made it. He's somewhere with Yoongi but make sure you say something to both of them before you guys go."

"We will." I said giving Seokjin a pat on the shoulder. "You're are really letting loose tonight, I love it."

Seokjin smiled, "And I love you crazy kids. I'm gonna go meet Namjoon, find us later." he said before disappearing through the door.  

"God, he's a mess." Jungkook laughed. "He's gonna be so pissed when he wakes up tomorrow with a hangover."

We both stood there for a while just enjoying the music and sipping on our drinks. I kept my eye out, constantly searching the room for someone interesting but everyone was wasted at this point. I was dozing off when a tall very handsome guy came into the kitchen with two other tall guys that I didn't care to look at. I don't know if it was because I was a bit tipsy but I literally couldn't look away. They headed straight towards us making me very confused and it wasn't until they got closer that I could recognize the two other guys he was with, Yugyeom and Eunwoo. 

"Jungkook, it's been a while." Yugyeom said going in to hug Jungkook. 

Eunwoo nodded, "You've been ducked off." 

"I've been busy." Jungkook lied, he hasn't been busy he's been accidentally avoiding his friends ever since I bought him the PS5. "You know school stuff."

"Yeah, right." handsome stranger said. "We always see that you're online playing."

Jungkook laughed, "Just admit you miss me, Mingyu." So that's beautiful tall handsome stranger's name. Noted.

"Mina, I almost didn't see you." Yugyeom teased. "How've you been?"

"Good." I answered politely. "How about you?"

"Same." Yugyeom responded. 

We all stood there in an awkward silence before Jungkook spoke up, "We have to go find Hoseok, so I'll see you guys later." he said grabbing my hand and leading us out of the kitchen. 

"Well, that was awkward." I giggled following closely behind Jungkook. We ended up in the dining room which was practically empty besides the two girls in the corner getting high. Jungkook and I took a seat at the table where he took out his weed and dutch. "So, who was that Mingyu guy?"

"A friend." Jungkook answered concentrating on breaking down the weed.

I rolled my eyes, "Duh, he's a friend. Why have I never seen this Mingyu before?" I asked causing him to stop and look up at me. "What? He's cute!"

"He is very cute and he has a girlfriend." he chuckled before going back to rolling. I watched as Jungkook place the weed into the pre-split dutch and even it out. He then brought it to his mouth so he carefully could roll the weed shut in the dutch. It never takes Jungkook long to roll which is why I have him do it. He's been doing it for so long now that I only like smoking weed when he's the one that rolls because it's literally so perfect. One of his many talents. 

Jungkook pulled out his lighter to burn the blunt sealing it in place. "Finished." he smiled proudly handing me it to start. I placed the blunt in my mouth and let Jungkook light the other end, taking a deep breath inhaling the bitter smoke. 

"You're amazing." I mumbled between puffs. I took another deep breath slowly letting the smoke fill up my lungs then exhaling before passing it to Jungkook. Since I was already tipsy, it didn't take fast for the high to hit me. "I've missed this." 

"We haven't gotten high in so long." he pointed out, ashing the blunt on the table. "We're playing a dangerous game."

I laughed, "Being cross-faded is the best though." I said watching as Jungkook took a hit of the blunt then another sharp inhale. Yeah, he's definitely getting high tonight. 

We sat there passing the blunt back and forth while casually talking about random things until it was done. Jungkook threw the roach in the remnants of his drink letting it fizzle out before getting up. I was stuck, all I could do was look at him. I was so high and felt so relaxed I did not want to move. 

"Come on." Jungkook chuckled pulling me up. "Let's go watch them play beer pong."

I didn't argue as Jungkook wrapped his arm around my waist and led us into the living room where Jimin and Taehyung were battling Hoseok and Yoongi in a very intense game of beer pong. Jungkook stopped to look around of an open seat on the couch but it was packed. The whole living room was packed. Namjoon shouted out our names motioning for us to come sit by him, we watched as he made the guy beside him get out of his seat. 

"You didn't have to do that." Jungkook laughed as we approached Namjoon. "The poor kid looked scared."

Namjoon chuckled, "He was annoying me, come sit." I gave Namjoon a side hug before sitting down beside him and making sure there was enough space but there wasn't so I was half sitting on the couch and Jungkook. "So, what brings you out, Mina?"

"Trying to find a lover." I sighed making him laugh. 

"And how's that going for you?" he asked. 

"Not so well." I answered. "Haven't seen anyone interesting and no one has approached me either but at least I'm having fun."

"How long have they been playing?" Jungkook asked shouting over me. 

Namjoon shrugged, "It's their 3rd round. Jimin won't give up even though Yoongi's been destroying them." 

"Idiots." Jungkook laughed. 

I didn't pay attention to what was happening around me, instead I found myself staring at Jungkook who was so into the game. He had a goofy smile plastered on his face cheering every once in a while whenever someone would make a shot. I giggled to myself as he began laughing at Taehyung who choked on his drink, spitting it out accidentally on Jimin. He was so cute tonight, I mean he's cute every night but something about his curly bangs, red cheeks and puffy oversized jacket made him look so tiny and extra adorable. 

"What are you looking at?" he mumbled not taking his eyes off the game.

I smiled, "You." I answered using my right hand to tuck his loose strands of hair behind his ear. "You look really cute right now."

He rolled his eyes, "I prefer handsome or hot." he said making me laugh. 

"No, you're the cutest." I complimented wrapping my arms around his neck making him turn to look at me. I get really clingy and affectionate when I'm cross-faded so all I want to do right now is tell Jungkook how much I love him and thank him for being my friend. My heart warms thinking about it. "I love you."

"I love you too." he smiled wrapping his arms around me. 

"My bestest friend in the world." I stated. "That's you."

"The person I love the most in the world." he said in almost a whisper. "That's you."

I smiled, "I'm telling your mom." I whispered back making him chuckle.

Namjoon cleared his throat causing the both of us to look at him, "How do you expect to find a boyfriend when you're practically cuddling with Jungkook right now?" he snorted. "No wonder no one approaches you."

"What do you mean?" I asked making Namjoon laugh. 

He pointed at Jungkook and I. "You look amazing but no guy in their right mind is going to approach you when you've been holding hands and hugging Jungkook the whole night."

"I always do this." I pointed out. "He's my best friend."

"Yeah," Namjoon nodded. "But they don't know that."

"Just ignore him." Jungkook whispered in my ear. "No one approaches you because everyone here is dumb and doesn't deserve you."

Before I could respond to either of them, a defeated Taehyung approached us. He was pouting probably due to the fact that Hoseok and Yoongi beat them for the 4th time. 

"I lost." Taehyung dramatically sighed. 

Jungkook laughed, "You got destroyed." 

"I'm so hurt." he pouted. "Do you know what would make me feel better?"

"What, Taehyung?" I asked rolling my eyes. 

"A kiss." he said holding his hand out for me to grab. 

Seokjin snorted, "She seems a bit busy." he laughed lightly smacking Taehyung on the back of head and dragging Namjoon off the couch. "Let's go outside. Namjoon promised me we could smoke out of his bong." 

I groaned as Jungkook began to get up forcing me to as well since I was sitting on him. I followed behind Jin and Namjoon along side Jungkook and Taehyung with Jimin, Yoongi and Hoseok trailing behind. We went through the kitchen then through the back door to the patio that was lit up by string lights Jin hung above. It was one of my favorite places of the house, this is where we spent most of our sober nights hanging out. Seokjin's father bought most of the furniture which included a huge outdoor sectional couch that somehow was able to fit us all and a fire pit. If it wasn't for the fact that I was drunk and my body felt like I was on fire, I would have forced Namjoon to start a fire. 

I cuddle up into Jungkook's side listening as the boys went on to talk about whatever is is they talk about. They usually only talk about music which I know nothing about so I don't offer much to say unless it's when they ask for my opinion about a song. As Jungkook unconsciously stroked my hair I could feel myself slowly begin to fall asleep but I was trying my best to fight it. 

"Do you want to go?" Jungkook asked but I shook my head. "You're falling asleep."

"I'm just resting my eyes." I lied. "You're having fun, we can stay."

I could feel the vibrations through his chest as he laughed, "I'll wake you up when it's time to go then." 

"Take all the time you need." I mumbled hugging him tighter and after a couple minutes the voices drowned out and I was out cold. 

I was woken up by Jungkook lightly shaking me. I groaned burying my face into his chest making him chuckle. "We should go." he whispered. 

"What time is it?" I asked refusing to open my eyes. 

"Almost 3 am." he answered.

I slowly opened my eyes to see Jungkook looking down at me with a very amused expression. I sat up to see that we were the only ones on the patio left. "Did everyone leave?" I asked. 

"No, there's still a lot of people inside." he answered getting up. "Namjoon said we could leave through the gate instead of going back inside."

"How long were you waiting for me to wake up?" I asked linking arms with Jungkook to balance myself since I was still kind of out of it. 

"The guys went inside an hour ago-" he said turning on his phone flashlight so we could see our way out of the backyard.

"An hour?" I nearly shouted. "Why didn't you wake me up earlier?"

"You looked so peaceful." he said pushing against the gate door. "I didn't want to disturb you."

I felt so bad. "Jungkook, you should have woken me up earlier." I sighed leaning my head against his arm as we began walking home. "I'm sorry, I ruined your night. You probably wanted to hang out with guys."

"I had fun tonight." he shrugged. "I always have fun with you plus I see the guys everyday."

We walked in silence the rest of the way home. I was exhausted and I couldn't wait to be out of these shoes. Every step was more painful than the last and it didn't help that it was freezing as well. Jungkook tried his best to keep me warm, even letting me wear his jacket but still I felt like I was going to die from hyperthermia so I can only imagine how Jungkook feels.

"Do you want your jacket back?" I asked looking up at him. He was only wearing a white t-shirt so I know he was cold. 

"You keep it." 

"We can switch off." I suggested. "I feel bad."

"Don't." he said. "You're wearing a dress. I'm cold but without the jacket you're going to freeze to death." 

I sighed, "I told you I should have changed." I mumbled. 

Once we approached our apartment complex I felt so relieved. I could not wait to take a warm shower then knock out. We rode the elevator up in a peaceful silence, I could tell he was tired too. The second Jungkook unlocked our front door, I hurried to kick my shoes off. It's so hard to put into word the feeling of being able to stand properly after wearing heels for the whole night. I grabbed my pajamas and headed to the bathroom to start my shower. It was pretty quick because I was so exhausted but it felt good to wash off all the sweat and makeup. After I finished blow drying my hair and changing into my pajamas, I exited out of the bathroom only to see Jungkook sat on his bed with his headset on playing overwatch. 

"Go to sleep, idiot." I said leaning against his door frame.

Jungkook paused his game and looked up at me, "I was waiting for you."

"Do you have to use the bathroom?" I asked. "You should have told me, I wouldn't have taken so long drying my hair." 

"No." he laughed. "Can you please sleep with me tonight?"

"Jungkook, I hate your bed." I said making him pout. "It's hard and your pillows are flat."

"I'll sleep in your bed then." he suggested. "Please, you know I have trouble sleeping on my own."

It all started our freshman year of college when we first moved in and my mattress didn't come in yet. For the first month and a half, Jungkook and I shared a bed. I told him I could sleep on the couch but he insisted that it would be fine. At first it was little awkward, I made him put up a pillow barrier between us for the first week then one night we forgot to set it up and I woke up spooning Jungkook. We had gotten used to sleeping together that when my mattress came and I could finally sleep in my own room, it felt almost unnatural not waking up to him first thing in the morning. Jungkook claims that he has insomnia and that he can only sleep with me in the bed because I'm like his own personal weighted blanket so any chance he can get he asks to sleep with me. 

"Fine." I sighed giving in.

I discarded my clothes into the laundry hamper then walked into my room as Jungkook followed behind. I started cleaning up the random clothes I threw on the ground earlier from when I was getting ready while Jungkook got into bed. He likes to sleep on the right side of the bed which is closest to the door and the closet so I happily let him take it. I turned off the light then crawled into bed with him. Once I was finally down and comfortable, Jungkook wrapped an arm around me and pulled me to his chest. 

"Good night." I yawned nuzzling my face into his neck.

"Good night." he whispered.

A/N: This was a really long chapter sorry lmao. 

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