Texts (Tyler Joseph x Reader)

By josie_3000

16.6K 398 413

Tyler texts you by accident instead of texting Josh. You reply out of curiosity. Now you have a little pen pa... More

His Name
Blind Dating
Thanks Josh
Is This Real?
Date Night
You Make Me Feel Safe
Hit by Rocks
The Drive
The Arrival.
Breakfast With the Joesph's
Meet and Greet
I'm Yours
You're my Everything.
Disney World
Losing Apart of Me
A Hot Shower
Walk of Shame
A Perfect Day
Time to go Home
Meet my Sister
Stab in the Neck
Prove it.
Stay with Me

A Violent Storm of Events

199 5 7
By josie_3000

A crash of thunder wakes me up. The sky flashing with bright light. Rain drops tap on my window sliding down the glass pane. I look over beside me to see an empty bed. "Tyler?" I call out, but hear nothing aside from howling wind in return. I usually love storms but when it's 2 am and I'm all alone it makes me quite uneasy. I sit up and look at the open door. Didn't I close that when I went to bed? I ask myself. "Tyler?" I yell out again, and not getting an answer. The storm begins to grow stronger. Thunder shaking my room; I can feel myself beginning to panic. "TYLER WHERE ARE YOU?!" I scream at the top of my lungs. I hear a crash of pots and pans downstairs. The sound of footsteps coming up the stairs. My heart begins to beat out of my chest. I grab a baseball bat that I keep under my bed but just in reach for me to grab quickly. A figure stands in the door way and doesn't move. I reach for the chain on  my lamp not taking my eyes of the figure. I pull the chain turning the light on and see a man in the dimly lit room. I squint to make out his face. Once I realize who the man actually is my hand grips the bat with intensity. "Hi sweetie." His voice is deep and rough sending chills down my spine. "Oh common Y/n. Drop the bat." He says making me swallow hard. He takes a step closer and panic starts to flood through me. "TYLER!" I scream and the man in front of me laughs. "Oh that's his name? Well he won't be coming to save you." His smile is grimacing, making my stomach churn. "What did you do to him?" I yell at the man. "Well sweetie, you see I just did what every caring father would." He looks down at his hand, picking at it with the other. "What did you do?!" I scream, my heart is racing and tears are starting to sting my eyes. "Well he's sleeping now." He says to me, my heart drops and fire begins to burn in me. 

"You're not my father!" I spit. "Well you see, you're wrong. I am and I always will be." He says to me taking another steps closer. "You are dead to me!" I yell and with that I take a couple steps closer swinging the bat and connecting with the side of his face. He drops like a sack of potatoes. I grab my phone off the night stand, dial  911 and run down stairs closing the door behind me so I can hear if he gets up and leaves the room. I rush into the kitchen where I see Tyler laying on the ground. Blood pooling around his head. I scream at the sight and that's when the 911 operator answers the phone. I give them my address and tell them what happened. I hold Tyler's hand while sitting the bat beside me. There wasn't a chance in hell that I was leaving it there with that psycho still in there. The lady tells me she will stay on the phone until authorities get there because the  man - my dad - is still upstairs. 

It's not long until flashing lights are illuminating my house. The officers come in to the already open door -  my dad left it open when he came in- and they come to Tyler's aid. Two officers look at me and ask where the man is. I tell them he is upstairs to the room on the left and they sprint to the room. Paramedics are the next to arrive to the scene. They bring in a stretcher and pick of Tyler taking him to the ambulance.  By this point my neighbours are all gathering outside their homes and looking to see what all the commotion is about. Another set of paramedics come in with another stretcher putting my father on it. They told me I couldn't go with Tyler so I run upstairs to get some things and my keys before jumping in my car and rushing to the hospital. On the way I use my bluetooth to call Josh. He doesn't pick it up the first time but the second try it rings three times and a groggy voice answers the phone. "Who is calling at this hour?" Debby's voice comes over the phone, her tone is angry. "D-debby." I sob out. "Y/N? What's wrong?" She asks, her voice is now soft. "T-there has b-been a-an a-a-accident." I barely manage out. "Oh my god. Where are you?" She asks, I can hear her waking Josh up in the background. "O-on m-my way t-t-to t-the hos-hosptial." I can see the lights of the ambulance in the hospital parking lot. "Okay babe stay strong we will be right there." She coos to me. We hang up and I almost forget to turn my car off before running out. I lock it while in a dead sprint to the triage desk. 

"Hi how can I help you."  A lady with brown curly hair, a slim figure and warm brown eyes asks me. "Hi there was an accident and I need to know if someone is okay." My tears are paused and now the adrenaline is pumping. "What's the patients name?" She asks. "Tyler Joesph. He just came in through the ambulance." I say to her. "Okay do you have any idea of his?" She asks me. I pull out his wallet that I grabbed from his nightstand when I went upstairs. I hand her his drivers license and health card. "Alright and you're relation to the patient?" I look down at my finger, the ring still freshly out of the box. I know if I say girlfriend they won't let me see him so the next words out of my mouth are. "I'm his fiancé." I say to her lifting my hand to show her the ring. She smiles and says, "Congratulations, and I'm very sorry." I see a ring on her finger as well. She notices me staring and smiles again. "Four months. How long for you two?" She asks. "One night." I say to her. "Oh honey.. I'm so sorry." She says taking my hand. "Everything is going to be okay." She says to me. "They are prepping him for surgery so if you take a seat then I will know where he is going in a few minutes." She says to me. I sit down in a chair playing back the events that happened today; while I wait to find out where Tyler is.

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