Golden | Jungkook AU

By ot7heaux

83.9K 2.1K 431

How cliché to be utterly and completely in love with your best friend. More



7.5K 158 56
By ot7heaux

First grade.

I sat in the reading section with a random picture book in my lap. It was currently free-time and while most students chose to play with the toys I chose the reading section, my favorite place in the classroom. I was able to read some words and put together a few sentences but I mostly liked to look at the pictures and create my own stories. 

"What are you doing?" 

I looked up to see a boy holding two car trucks in each hand. We were in the same class room but I never spoken to him before. 

"Reading." I answered looking back down at my book.

"You can read?" he asked dropping his toys and walking over to sit by me. "Can you read it to me?"

"W-well I can't read too well yet." I explained. "I can read some words only."

"That's okay." The boy giggled. "My name is Jungkook. What's your name?"

"My name is Mina." I answered. 

Seventh grade.

"Don't be weird about it." I whispered to Jungkook. 

We were currently in his bedroom sitting on his bed across from each other. I could tell by the way Jungkook was fidgeting with the hem of his shirt and how red his ears were that he was nervous. And if I'm being completely honest so was I. Last week in homeroom this boy, Jisoo, teased Jungkook about not having his first kiss yet and ever since Jungkook was hell bent on making it happen however he was too shy to ask any girl so he asked the only girl he's ever known, me. Since neither of us had our first kiss we both decided it was better we kiss each other and save ourselves from any potential embarrassment. 

"I-I'm not making it weird, you are!" he whispered back. "We need to hurry up before my parents get home."

I panicked, "Wait, how do we do this?" I asked. 

"Just h-hold still." he said placing both hands on either side of my head. "I think I saw this in one of the dramas my mom watches."

"Well hurry up, your hands are sweaty." I groaned. 

Jungkook closed his eyes and slowly leaned in. I quickly closed my eyes and held my breath. It felt like hours before Jungkook's lips finally met mine and once it did we both pulled away staring at each other with wide eyes. 

"That was so weird." I said wiping my mouth with the back of my hand. "I'm glad that's over."

Jungkook smiled, "We had our first kiss. We are no longer losers!" he cheered pulling me in for a hug.

Tenth Grade.

"I hate this place." Jungkook mumbled as we walked through the halls of our high school. 

I nodded, "I can't wait for school to end." I sighed. "I swear the day has been going by so slow."

"Three more periods then we can finally watch the Avengers." Jungkook smiled. "It looks so cool."

"I know and Thor looks so hot, I can't wait!" I exclaimed making Jungkook roll his eyes. 

We both entered the library where we usually eat lunch. It wasn't as sad as it sounded, we just like being in a less crowded area also we didn't have a lot friends. You would think puberty and high school would make us grow apart but surprisingly we never stopped being friends. Matter of fact, we've only gotten closer. 

"Do you think Jaebum is going to watch the movie too?" I asked. 

Jungkook shrugged, "I don't know, a lot of people are probably going to be there." he answered. "Why?"

"I don't know, I just think he's cute and he asked me out a couple days ago but I haven't given him an answer." I said making Jungkook frown. "What?"

"He's kind of a jerk." he pointed out. 

I scoffed, "Well, he's nice to me." 

"He better be or I'll punch him in the face." Jungkook said making me laugh. "I'm serious."

Twelfth grade.

I stood outside Jungkook's door drenched in the pouring rain. I was heartbroken and a crying mess but somehow my body managed to get to his front door step. 

Jungkook swung open the door, "I thought you weren't coming over until tomorrow-" he quickly stopped himself when he noticed the state I was in. "What's wrong?" he asked pulling me inside. "A-are you okay?"

"It's Jaebum." I sobbed. "H-he b-broke up with-"

He pulled me into a hug, "It's okay." he cooed. "It's gonna be okay, Mina. I got you."

"I just don't understand." I cried nuzzling my face into Jungkook's chest. "He told me loves me but t-then he tells me he's s-seeing someone else."

"What?" Jungkook asked tensing up. "He cheated on you?"

I nodded, "He told me he's been seeing her for a couple months now. I don't know what I did wrong? I didn't even know or think he was-"

"You didn't do anything wrong, Mina." Jungkook said pulling away to look at me. "You're perfect. Don't let anyone, especially Jaebum, make you think otherwise. This is his fault, he's the asshole and I'm going to beat his ass."

"Beat his ass?" I gasped watching as Jungkook turned to grab his jacket and keys.

"Yeah." he answered nonchalantly. 

I was not able to convince Jungkook to drop it. He was pissed and as much as he wanted to tell me I told you so he never did instead he beat up Jaebum and even though at the time I was  furious at Jungkook for what he did, I was forever grateful for the many months after that Jungkook spent helping me get over him. 

Present: Sophomore year of college. 

"Jeon, I swear to God if you don't put the controller down I will literally murder you." I threatened. 

"Murder me and you'll never find those missing pair of boots you love so much." Jungkook mumbled not taking his eyes off the screen. "No, I'm not talking to you dickwad. Shut up! Watch out for the-" 

"I'm two seconds from unplugging the PS5." I said searching around the TV for the outlet. 

"Asshole! No, it's not my mom. It's my best friend- I swear! I don't live with my mom." Jungkook shouted into his headset. "Mina, please just one second. I'm about to win."

I sighed, "Well, hurry up." 

"Right there! Behind you- Literally right behind- Yes!" Jungkook nearly screamed. "We fucking did it! I told you so!" 

I rolled my eyes at Jungkook, it's like he couldn't get any dorkier. I watched as he went back and forth with whoever were at the other end of his headset. Times like this really makes me regret buying him the PS5. 

"Are you done?" I asked. 

"Oh, shit. Yeah." Jungkook answered. "Listen, I got to go- Not my mom! I told you guys it's my roommate- Yes a girl- She wouldn't be interested in any of you- Whatever! Bye."

I dramatically sighed, "It's like you like the PS5 more than me now. I've been replaced."

"So, what are you doing interrupting my Saturday night?" Jungkook asked ignoring my dramatics. "I was going to jack off after this so it better be good."

"First off, sick. Second, I have a date tonight." I smiled. "And he's really cute-"

Jungkook groaned, "What does this have to do with me?"

"I need your help with picking an outfit out." I answered. 

"What's the theme?" he sighed. 

"Well, we're going to get dinner. It's not too fancy but I can't go casual." I explained. "Something that isn't too casual yet not too dressed up."

"Fine, let's go see what we're working with." he mumbled getting up and heading across the hall to my room.

After high school, Jungkook and I both got into the same university and figured since we've known each other since we were practically babies, we would move in together. We both never really liked the idea of dorming and also hated the idea of commuting so we saved up over the summer and got an apartment 5 minutes away from our university. It wasn't the most glamorous place but it works for the both of us and our shitty jobs have somehow managed to afford the place. You would think there might be some challenges living together and in the beginning Jungkook and I were worried it might even ruin our friendship but having known each other so long we're comfortable, almost too comfortable, enough to tell when someone needs their space or is annoyed. We do have our small fights here and there but we can't really stay mad at each other for more than 30 minutes. 

I sat on bed watching as Jungkook went through my closet. This wasn't unusual, I've had him help pick out my outfits countless times but I haven't ever asked him to pick out date outfits until recently. I hadn't dated since I was in high school and after finishing my first year of college I thought it was the perfect time to get back out. So far, it's been horrible but I still have hope. 

"This dress," Jungkook said turning around with a black dress in his hands. "With those one high heels with the clear stripper like heel."

"Are you sure?" I asked getting up to search for the heels. "It's not doing too much?"

Jungkook shook his head, "Trust me, try it on." he said handing me the dress. "I'll be in the living room, come out when you're done. I'll tell you if you look ugly."

"Thanks." I mumbled closing the door behind him. 

I took off my pajamas and put on the black spaghetti strap dress Jungkook picked out. It was a bit on the tighter side but nothing too crazy. After struggling to put my heels on and touching up my make up, I headed out to the living room. I haven't worn heels in such a long time I forgot how to properly walk in them, luckily they weren't too high. The past couple of dates I've been on they were pretty casual so when Jooyoung asked me out to dinner I was a bit surprised. Usually, guys ask to take me out to lunch or to the bar so I was more than happy to go. 

"How do I look?" I asked standing in front of Jungkook who was in the kitchen. "Is it too much?"

Jungkook smiled, "You look amazing! Wow, I'm so good." 

"Oh God." I rolled my eyes. "I forgot how hot I can look if I just try."

"Whoever he is, lucky dude." Jungkook said leaning against the counter. "Mina's gonna get some tonight."

"I highly doubt it but we'll see how the night goes." I mumbled checking my phone. "He should be here any minute."

"Remember," Jungkook said stepping closer to me and grabbing my hand. "If you need me for anything call me, I'll be waiting up for you. Don't forget to send me your location just in case. Also you look beautiful, Mina. I'm being serious when I say he's a lucky dude."

"T-thanks, Jungkook." I smiled feeling my face begin to heat up. "I really-"

The knock on the door interrupted me. 

"Okay, he's here." I took a deep breath. "Wish me luck!"

Jungkook smacked me on the ass, "Go get 'em, tiger."

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