Arshi FF- My Little Bride (Co...

By RojalinKKGSR

2.1M 92.1K 9.6K

Before they could even understand...They were bonded by a thread called "Marriage". More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Part 51
Part 52
Part 53
Part 54
Part 55
Part 56
Part 57
Part 58
Part 59
Part 60
Part 61
Part 62
Part 63
Part 64
Part 65
Part 66
Part 67
Part 68
Part 69
Part 70
Part 71
Part 72
Part 73
Part 74
Part 75
Part 76
Part 77
Part 78
Part 79
Part 80
Part 81
Part 82
Part 83
Part 84
Part 85
Part 86
Part 87
Part 88
Part 90
Part 91
Part 92
Part 93
Part 94
Part 95
Part 96
Part 97
Part 98
Part 99
Part 100
Part 101
Part 102
Part 103
Part 104
Part 105
Part 106
Part 107
Part 108 (Epilogue)
Thank you note :)

Part 89

18.3K 825 145
By RojalinKKGSR

It was 12.30 at night. Khushi curled herself on bed hugging a pillow close to her heart. Arnav had already called and informed his arrival in Lucknow. Pulling herself, she sat on bed and took her phone that was laying beside her. She thought to give a call to him, but in next moment stopped. The travel from Delhi to Lucknow is a long driving, apart from this Arnav was already busy whole day in office. She kept her phone back, she should not disturb him when he needs some rest.

Getting up from bed, khushi stepped towards poolside, crossing her both arms across her chest she gazed at beautiful half moon, dazzling with twinkling stars. A little smile came across on her lips, she leaned her head on wall while staring up at sky. Just then her phone vibrated, she looked down at her hand after uncrossing her hands. The name that was flashing on screen, brought a huge smile on her lips. Swiping on screen, she took her phone to her ear..

"Soyi nehi abhi tak?? (Have not you slept yet??)

"Tum bhi to jage huye ho.." (You are too awake.)

His lips curved, his question and her perfect answer!! Did they need to convey anything more after this that what they were feeling at that particular time being away from each other??

" You know, I was half way to Lucknow, it's started raining!!"

Khushi became attentive, the meaning of Rain had varied in her life at different phase. There was once she used to hate but this detachment had changed. 

Arnav continued, " Rain reminds me of you and our FIRST NIGHT!!" (his voice was huskier.)

Every first thing leaves an imprint in hearts. Every night of her with him was memorable but nothing can replace that beautiful night in their life .. For her that was special, but she had thought her taking that night as special to this extent, was only restricted till her feeling. And when she came to hear from Arnav that not only for her but also for him, that night remains in an unusually beautiful way..her heart danced with contentment.

Hearing her silence for a prolong period, and reading her mind after his confession he himself was sort of words to say anything further.


Khushi was brought back to present.


" Only one and a half months are left only.."

Khushi scrunched her brow, "For??"

" For our first wedding anniversary!!"

Khushi smiled.

" Not only that.. There is another celebration on that day too.."

Now it was Arnav's turn to pressure his brain, khushi added," That's your birthday by the way.."

" You remember??"

" I have not forgotten it ever.."

" After this matter is over, we are going somewhere..You and me, alone!!"

He demanded his portion of her timing in advance, khushi laughed.

" Don't forget we have Aman and Nitya's wedding in a month or so.."

"No problem.. Then after that, but for sure.."

He insisted and khushi had nothing to deny.

" But where??"

" I don't know, but that will be a surprise for you."

Khushi laughed.

" Then why don't we decide something Arnav??"


" As we have two reasons for celebration on same day in each year, it's your part of arrangement for our wedding anniversary and your birthday will be on my part. Deal??"



Next day in afternoon, when Arnav returned to hotel after visiting site for the new branch in Lucknow, he met Vikram Singh at lobby who had come to accompany with him to Sheeshmahal like a faithful follower of his father. Arnav asked him to wait and then quickly rushed to his room to get fresh up. Then they both left from there and made their way to Sheeshmahal which was 40 Kms away from that hotel.

When the car came to screech, Arnav got down and his eyes reflected that large artistic palace.. "Sheeshmahal", the same itself was written in a very antique way. Arnav could not stop himself from admiring such a beautiful creation which still has it's glory after years passing by.

" Chale??"

Arnav nodded his head, Vikram Singh escorted him inside. At the door way, Arnav was stopped as Vikram Singh asked him to do so but politely. He was confused even more when a lady of middle age came in front of him, with veil on her head and a decorated tray in her hand and started circling that tray in front of his face.

He turned his head to Vikram Singh, Vikram Singh replied.

" You are the Son-In-Law of this palace and this palace never forgets respect and welcome it's guests and Son-In-Law!! That's the tradition here.."

Arnav was amused but in deed that was a happy moment for him when he was addressed as Son-In-Law, because that made him feel more closer to his wife. Yes, he had an identity as husband but never got the chance to be address as "Son-in-law'. Till now he had never had any experience of being treated as a Son-In-Law, he was experiencing this feeling for first time and he needs to admit Every Relation has it's own taste and flavor along with charm.

That lady applied tilak on his forehead and did his welcoming in a majestic way amusing him!! Vikram Singh leaded him inside, he once again fell hard for the architecture of the huge palace. Vikram Singh started showing him whole palace while telling him everything in details. They both were standing in balcony, Vikram Singh said while pointing at another beautiful palace which was a little far from there but visible from balcony area..

"That belongs to Sanjeev Kumar.. Garima Ma'am's paternal uncle. He is no more now, when he was alive he was very kind and lovable person but after his death his two sons Sachhin and Sanket failed to follow his path. Since beginning their eyes are on this palace which belong to Garima Ma'am's father being the eldest son in family. But as there is no one to claim as it's heir, they are leaving no chance to let go to show their ruthlessness here.. They want to capture everything here."

Arnav heard everything with patience not asking anything in middle. Patience is something which Arnav had earned being married to a person named Khushi. 

Vikram Singh continued.

" The inhabitant of old age home and orphanage are suffering more because of them. As they both are now two powerful persons in Lucknow, they are forcing those people to work even without their will and with no pay sometime . People are scared to raise voice, if your father had not been helping these people financially, only God would have known what had happened to them."

Vikram Singh then took Arnav to old age home. All were gathered in hall, they turned their heads hearing the shoes sound and found Vikram Singh entering who was only kind to them, with a charming young man!! Vikram Singh introduced Arnav to them.

" He is Garima Ma'am Son-In-Law, Arnav Singh Raizada.."

There was a round of gasped, Arnav noticed expression on everyone's face. He could read that uncertainly on their faces after meeting someone really unexpected. Their expression changed from shock to surprise then happiness then guilt!!


Vikram Singh nodded his head.

" Yes, whom we failed to give respect and belonging when she was needing from our end and we pushed her to a dark world being influenced by other's words."

There was a sad expression on those old people's face as they all drowned back to past years. Some people were having teary eyes. Vikram told Arnav about those handicraft, chikankari work these people do for their daily affair but how Sachin and Sanket again acts as hurdle in between their work lives. They both started discussing with some other men.

While they were talking about many issues, an old lady came there with two bowls in her hand.

"Aap ke liye.. "(To Arnav, Arnav readily accepted one bowl containing kheer.)

Then the old lady lovingly touched Arnav's head caressing his hair.

" We had never thought anyone would ever come who belong to Rajkumari Ji.. We thought her.."

She kept quiet and looked down. Her eyes were teary, Arnav asked.

" Aap thik hai??"(Are you ok??)

Old lady nodded her head, another woman came there.

" This family did support us in every way, but when it was our turn to be with this family, we failed do to do so.. (her voice was broken..) We all considered Rajkumari more so as..her unborn baby!! We assumed they both are dead."

Arnav could see remorse in their eyes.

An old man said, " We want to see Rajkumari's daughter.." (Arnav turned his head hearing him.)

He nodded his head, took his mobile from his pocket and opening gallery he showed Khushi's pic and handed his phone to that man, slowly his phone was transferred from one hand to another then another.

"She is so pretty.."

"She is beautiful like her mother and grand-mother."

"Her eyes resemble to Thakur Saheb, (Garima's father.)"

Arnav could hear their whispering, he was proud when those people praised his Khushi. That was a priceless moment for him.

"What's her name??"

Arnav and Vikram heard from those people, they both looked at each other, Vikram Singh proudly announced.

" Khushi.."

Arnav could see that happiness reflecting on their eyes.


"What do you mean by you saw a young man with that Vikram Singh in Sheeshmahal??", screamed Sachin Kumar on top of his voice.

A feebly reply came, "I heard he is from Delhi, he is married to Garima Ji's Daughter and son-in-law of Shesehmahal.."

His muscles tighten hearing this identity.

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