Love twist

By maddslhorn_x

5K 187 31

Maddie is introduced to her best friend Connor's friends, at first sight she loved Brad.She never expected to... More

New begingings
We meet again
The hurt and The kiss
So it begins...
The weekend part 1
The weekend part 2
The weekend part 3
Hidden pain
The truth part 1
The truth part 2
The truth- part 3
Shout about it
James and Abby
Nat and Tris
Maddie and Brad
One day

The meeting

216 10 12
By maddslhorn_x

*Nat's Pov*
I wake to this sharp pain in my arm. I look to my arm and I see blood. I jump up and run to the bathroom, some of the cuts had opened up. I was cleaning off my arm, tying to stop it bleeding I wrap tissue around my arm. I take my top off and put another one on. When I rentered the bed room, Tris is awake, he looks at me but before he can say anything, I kiss him. He smiles after our long passionate kiss, after this he says 'here's to forever being together' we kiss once again. We get interrupted by a phone call on both of our phones. con is calling me and Brad is calling Tris
We bother answer
'Hey Tris, we are skipping school today and getting Mads to come to Cons place, we need to help her'
Tris instantly agrees 'okay we will be there'
The conversation with Con went very much the same way. We needed to help Mads, she's our friend and after everything she is doing for the boys, it's the least we could do for her.
*Con and Brad's Pov*
'Is everything sorted Brad?*
'Yes I've called everyone, all we need to do now is get Mads to your place'
'You can do that, your the one that drives'
'Okay, it might take a while, she's not my biggest fan at the moment'
'Just get her to mine okay?'
*Maddie's Pov*
Another day at hell. School I just hate it so much. I have to deal with Hollie and stay away from Brad. I get dressed and walk outside waiting for Harry. He was late. Where could he be. Then a car pulls up, it's Brad.
'Get in, I'll take you to school'
'No, rather walk'
'Mads just get in, you will be late if you walk. Come on, it's one lift, we don't even have to talk'
'Fine' I open the car door and get in. I can't help but look at him, he's so hard to resist. Ah look away.
' erm schools that way'
'We're not going to school today, we've already called in sick for you'
We turn the corner and I see that we are heading towards Con's. What's happening?
We pull up at his house, I get out and look around. As we enter the garage I see everyone Abby, James, Tris, Con and Nat. Brad who's stood behind me says 'we need to talk Mads'
I look around confused 'what's going on?'
I look to Nat and she looks away, she's the only one that knows the truth I hope she helps me out of this situation.
'Mads, we've seen the bruises' Con begins
'We know it's Harry that's done it ' Tris takes over
Have they planned this? I look to Abby as she's next to speak
'We can't let this carry on'
Then it was Nat's turn 'I know why you don't want to leave but you need to, he can't keep hurting you like this, it will only get worse'
I turn as Brad touches my shoulder and begins to speak 'we can all protect you, just please let us take you away from him'
I feel loved. And then James
'We're sorry' everyone looks to James, they seem to look annoyed
'Why are you sorry James? It's not like it was you who told Harry that I was with Brad outside' I smile and look at him, he looks down, I realise that it was him.
' it was you wasn't it?' I become angry
'Im sorry'
'Your sorry, your sorry. James why? Why would you lock me outside with Brad, get Harry drunk and tell him I was with Brad, when you know he wouldn't like the fact I was outside with him?'
I see Brad out the corner of my eye, he looks angry and shocked.
James carries on 'I thought that by doing that, we would get you back with Brad, we know you like each other'
He looks confused.
'You just said we. Was everyone in on this?' I look around and everyone looks down, even Nat. She knew. The only person that didn't look down was Brad. The person I've been staying away from was the only person to have been telling me the truth.
'James, it was my idea but I told everyone what I had done. I'm sorry I didn't know he was going to do that to you'
'Why would you even do something like this? I can't even be around you at the moment, I got hit, I got pulled down the stairs, I got hurt because of something you said'
They try to carry on speaking but I couldn't handle anymore, I run out. I run before anyone could stop me.
*James Pov*
Why did I open my big fat mouth? I didn't have to tell her, she didn't have to know. What's wrong with me? It was such a stupid idea in the first place. I just can't help but feel guilty.
*Nat Pov*
Maddie looked so betrayed. I didn't help her much, I just didn't know what to say to make it better. We all fought over who should chase after her, I suggested Brad, he was the only one that didn't know about James' plan. She would probably speak to him.
*Con's Pov*
I agreed that Brad should be the one to go chase her, he was faster and had a car and would be the only person she would open up to. But I also knew where she would go, it was the same place we always went when we needed to get away, the river, we had a hiding place just behind the bushes, no one from the road could ever see us. We made a little bench from a log and that's where we used to run to. And that's where she would be. I told Brad and I've never seen him run out so fast. I knew in that moment he loved her and deep down I knew that she loved him.
*Brad's Pov*
Once Con told me where she would be I ran to my car and jumped in. When I got near I parked and jumped out. I decided to run the last bit, I didn't want her to hear the car and think it's someone else, I didn't want her to run. I go to the river and tried to remember Con's directions.
*walk through to the river, once you are looking over the river, you should see a gap in the brushes on the right hand side. It will have a tree hanging over therefore it's only a small gap. Once you walk through that turn left and that's where she will be*
I done just as Con said. I turned to the left and I saw her, she was sat on the log that they made out to be a bench , she had her head in her hands, crying. I felt sadness come over me. I begin to walk towards her. She quickly turns , I see mascara running down her face, her eyes red, sore and puffy. She smiles and says 'come join me'
I was shocked, she really wanted me to sit with her. I sat down beside her. 'So....'
'So? How did you know where I was?'
'Con told me'
'He still remembers' she smiles a bit
'Mads, did Harry really hit you and pull you down the stairs?'
She looks at me and begins to cry more
'Yeah.... Brad I'm so sorry, I've been so mean to you'
'Aw Mads, why don't you walk away? Don't say sorry, I understand'
I didn't understand, I knew something was affecting the way she was around me, I knew Harry had something to do with it but there was something more, something bigger. I didn't want to push her to far though, deal with one thing at a time.
'I can't walk away, and I can't tell you why'
'But he's hurt you, you can't expect me to sit by and let him hurt you like that'
'Brad believe me this is better then the alternative'
'Whats the alternative? How could this be better?'
I can see she is becoming withdrawn, I needed to stop.
'I just want to protect you, you know that right?'
'Brad.... I can't just walk away, you wouldn't understand'
I decide it's time I open up, I need to tell her. She will be the first person I ever tell. So here goes nothing
'I understand more then you'd think'
She looks round to me
'Few years back I went through a tough time. See I was really close to my uncle and he passed away. My dad went downhill quickly, he began drinking a lot and became very aggressive. He used to hit out at me for everything , not waking up early enough, not taking the rubbish out. I used to try and protect him, I thought It was my fault, my fault he would hit me, my fault my uncle died. Everything was my fault, I fell apart but my friends they noticed and they took care of me, they got me to realise none of it was my fault . I was so ashamed so they all promised to keep this a secret for me. We can do the same for you, we want to protect you from this monster, I understand how your feeling and I know it's difficult but I can help you, please just let me'
*Maddie's Pov*
So that was the secret. That's the secret I'm protecting and taking all this hate for. I understand now, I was even more determined to keep his secret. He had just opened up to me, told me about his past, about the things he went through. He really did care. As he tells me I look to him, a tear comes down his face, I place my hand on his face to wipe the tear away. He holds my hand as he finish telling me. Once he's finished telling me I reply 'Brad I had no idea, I can't believe that happened to you *i cup his face* I'm sorry but I can't explain my situation but I promise I won't let me hit me, not anymore but I can't walk away and I can't explain it'
He kisses my hand and says 'Mads I wish you would just tell me but I can't force you and I won't. Just promise me if you ever become scared to run here, call me and I will come running'
'Okay, I promise'
He grabs my pinky with his pinky and we shake. I smile to him and in that moment I wasn't able to hold back anymore, I reach over and hug him tightly. He wraps his arms all the way around me and whispers 'I'm never letting you go' I bury my face into his shoulder and neck, it felt right, it made me feel happy and it made me feel safe. I was happy.
We realise the hug and he says 'wanna do something crazy?'
I smile and ask 'what?'
With that he scoops me up into his arms, I wrap my arms around his necks and begin to question what he was doing. He just smiles and begin to laugh. With that he launches me into the river, I scream as he throws me in, with that I'm under water and once I reach the surface of the river, I see him taking his jacket off and jump in.
He swims over to me and grabs hold of my waist, I wrap my legs around him and we go under the water. We open our eyes, although it stung. We could just about see each other , he cups my face and pulls me in close. I didn't want to stop what was going to happen. He kisses me. In that moment I forgot everything bad, a rush of butterflies went through my body, my heart started pounding and I felt so special. I felt safe, in love and happy. We lose breath and rush to the top of the surface of water. We begin to laugh. We spent the afternoon swimming around and splashing each other, it was the best afternoon I've had in so long.
I begin to get cold and shiver. I try to hide it because I didn't want to leave the lake, I didn't want to leave Brad. He smiles and pulls me towards the edge. He then says 'come on, it's getting cold let's get out and I will drive you home'
I agree although I didn't want to leave.
I get out the lake with Brad's help and I look at my phone I have 20 missed calls and 15 texts from Harry. He's at my house. No. Brad must have seen my reaction as he asked 'what's wrong? What's happened?'
I look up to him and reply 'I can't go home, Harry's there. If I go home like this he will go mad'
He thinks for a moment and then finally says 'you best come home with me, you can home have a shower, dry off and wash your clothes and then when your ready, I will drive you home but drop you off a road away so he doesn't know you've been with me'
I smile and agree. We walk towards his car wet through and get in. On the way back we sing to every song on the radio. It was just perfect.
The whole way I could see him looking at me. I kept telling him to watch the road. We arrived at his house, it looked so lovely and big. We entered the house, it was so grand, it was all open plan and absolutely gorgeous. I follow him to his room, he had a bathroom joint to his room. He showed me to the shower 'here it is, and here's a tower. The door doesn't lock but it does shut so don't worry. I will go and use the other shower okay?'
'Okay, thank you so much'
With that he pecks me on the cheek and leaves the room. I take off my clothes and jump in the shower. It was like being underneath a fountain. The water poured over me with great power. I washed off my hair and jumped out. Reached for the towel, it was so small. So I grabbed one of Brad's t-shirts and chucked it on, it was the only thing around. I figured I could just go find another towel in his room. So I begin to dry my hair with the small towel and walk out to find brad stood there with a towel wrapped around his waist. His body was perfection, so toned and tanned. Just perfection. I let out a little scream as I didn't expect to see him there. He begins to laugh and then smile. He walks towards me and says 'you look good in my t-shirt'
I go to apologise but he pulls me in close. 'Please be mine?'
I pull away and go to sit on the bed 'Brad I can't, I'm still with Harry. I can't leave him yet and I can't say why. But I promise I will one day'
He walks to me and holds my hand 'okay, when you leave him, you come to me. I will just have to wait. But if he touches you'
I stop him ' He won't, don't ruin this day'
He smiles and lays me down, I look to him and he begins to climb on top of me. He looks down at me, my heart begins to pound. He removes the wet hair from my face, I look to the side and smile, not wanting to make eye contact as I knew I would want him. I feel his hand reach my face, moving me so I was looking at him. He begins to kiss my neck, it feels so good. I moan and he continues. I didn't want him to stop but he does. He gets up and says 'Sorry, I shouldn't have done that, it's not fair on you. Get dressed and I will take you home. You can't keep avoiding Harry'
I was disappointed at him stopping but happy that he respected me. I got up and we both got dressed. He drove me a road away from my house. I got out and shut the door, as he began to drive off he says 'one day soon I can call you mine' and with that he's gone. I turn the corner and Harry is still there. It's time to explain.
*Brad's Pov*
When I saw her walk out in nothing but my shirt I just couldn't resist. She was so gorgeous, so perfect. Her smile just lights my heart, she makes me feel special, like I'm the one she truly loves. I knew that I would dream of her being mine tonight. She was my special.
*Maddie's Pov*
I walk to Harry and he looks annoyed. He asks where I've been and I lie 'I've been at Nat's, Jessie isn't well so I picked her medicine up and took it to her, as she wasn't able to leave Jessie.' He seemed to just take the lie. He follows me in and spends the rest of the night holding me while he thought I slept. All I could think about was Brad and how he made me feel. As soon as I find out what Harry and Hollie have planned, I will be done with Harry. I couldn't wait, tomorrow will be the day, the day I find out what he and Hollie are up to. I close my eyes and dream of Brad.

Please please please share my story, vote and please comment. The comments give me the motivation to do the next chapter. I would really love it for you all to comment what you think should or will happen next? If there's anything you want to know about me or my story and the up coming stories then please feel few to tweet me or dm me of I follow you @maddiehornn
Thank you for all the support!

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