Professor Merlin Emrys

By Gtech1904

213K 8.7K 1.6K

Merlin has walked the Earth for 1500 years waiting for Arthur to return. In the mean time he is told of a new... More

Letters & Interview
Diagon Alley
Start-of-Term Feast
Start-of-Term Feast Part 2
Breakfast at Hogwarts
Meeting Professor Emrys
Meeting with Aithusa
Hogwarts Meets Aithusa
Merlin's Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
Weekend Plans
Toadally Normal
Who are you Myriddian Emrys
The Dreaded Meeting
Alberta Toothill
Club Plans
Cheers Part 1
Cheers Part 2
Club Meeting
Wool's Secrets
It's a Mess
Dead Man
Down in Africa
A Giant Problem
Too Far
To Hold One's Life and Death in One's Palm
The Prophecy
Decisions and Revisions which a Minute will Reverse.
A Veil
Given A Drop of Memory
Whatever is Done Without Heart is Done in the Dark
Deepest Fear
Grief, I Say, Come In. Sit Down. I have Tea. There is Honey.
The Ice Has barely Frozen. The ice is Far Too Thin.

Winter Chats

4.9K 220 35
By Gtech1904

Harry's POV

As autumn gave way to winter Hermione, Ron, and I gathered around the fireplace.

"You really should tell someone about detentions with Umbridge, blood quills are illegal for a reason, Harry." Hermione reasoned.

"You know I can't, 'mione, no one can do anything against the ministry and no one has seen Dumbledore since the start of term feast." I countered. Hermione huffed but backed off.

"What about Emrys? He had a meeting in October with Fudge, surely he can file a complaint towards Umbridge." Ron butted in, I sent a glare as Hermione jumped from the sofa to start pacing.

"That could work, he most likely won't need much convincing especially if we can get other students to speak out."

I nod wanting the conversation to be over, unconscious thought has me rubbing at the line "I must not tell lies" on my wrist. Hermione and Ron share a look as I realize what I was doing and stiffly put my hand in my lap.

"I'm heading to bed, coming Ron?"

"Yeah, in a minute, night 'mione." I mimic Ron before heading to the rooms we share with the rest of our year. Hermione calls back, sighing before I hear her footsteps fade as we both go our separate ways.

Hermione's POV

As Harry and Ron head towards their room I mimic the sounds of my footsteps going towards the girls' rooms before tiptoeing towards the portrait hole. The Fat Lady gives me a withering glare

"You're not supposed to be out at this time of night."

"Sorry, but I have to talk to Professor Emrys."

"And you can't do this in the morning." She must have seen something on my face because she sighed before turning the other way. " You were never here, understood." I nod gratefully before remembering she can't she me.

"Thank you." Turning to head in the direction of the professor's chamber.

I stop in front of his door in the east tower and knock. It takes a minute for the door to be opened to a disheveled Emrys.

"Miss Granger."


"Was there something you need at," He looks at the miniature clock on his desk before turning back," 12:34." I make a sheepish face before answering.

"I want to talk about Umbridge," Emrys' face darkens and gestures to come in. The professor's room is much like his classroom, old tomes(some looking older than some in the library) overflowing on its bookcase, artifacts of various sizes, and dark red and gold themed furniture around the room. The piece that caught my eye though was a beautiful sword with a golden hilt and runes on the blade, I might not know a lot about swords but the quality is had to ignore. Emrys must have noticed me staring as he opened his mouth to speak.

"Family heirloom, keeping it for a friend," voice breaking slightly at the word friend. I nod, respecting his answer.

"Now, what did you what to discuss about Umbridge," I whip around to face him.

"She's using blood quills in detention and Harry's getting the brunt of it." Emrys' eyes harden at the mention of blood quills.

"That is not the purpose of blood quills, I'll see what I can do, I'm assuming that's why you came to me and not the headmaster?" I nod, relief filling me as I unwound all the tension that had been there since I found out about what was happening to Harry. Emrys' eyes softened as he noticed me sag at the revelation.

"Come on, let's get you to bed." I nod, following him out the door and to the west wing of the castle to the Gryffindor common room. He stops at the portrait giving me a parting goodbye back to his room.

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