Hidden Love ~ Stucky

By 1HuffleyPuffley1

84.4K 2.9K 3.8K

Bucky (James) Buchanan Stark was just an ordinary seventeen year old. He lived on a farm with his father, Ton... More



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By 1HuffleyPuffley1

Bucky gazes over to a sleeping Steve in a hospital bed, running his thumb gently over top of his knuckles in a calming matter. He had gotten out of surgery only an hour beforehand and Bucky had refused to leave his side. He needed to be there when Steve awoke. After all, it was his father who pierced a bullet into his side.

He had a line in his right arm attached to a drip that had a controlled dose of fentanyl inside of it and a heart rate monitor. Bucky hated the sight.

Steve looked peaceful, dark thick eyelashes resting atop his rosy cheeks. His chest rose and fell at a gentle pace, easing Bucky's nerves and allowing a sigh to slip through his lips.

He was deathly afraid that Steve wasn't going to make it. He had lost so much blood, too much to survive. But the surgeon had managed to save him and Bucky would be forever grateful.

His phone was buzzing with hundreds of missed calls, mostly from his father, but Bucky could care less. Steve was his number one priority. He didn't care if Tony wanted him home, he was going to stay by Steve's side until he was awake and Bucky knew that he was okay.

"Hey.." a gentle voice cut Bucky from his thoughts, and he turned to see Sam making his way into the room. "I didn't think I'd see you both again tonight.. what happened?" Sam took a seat beside Bucky, resting his gaze on his unconscious friend.

"My dad.. came and tried.. tried to take blaze away.. Steve shoved me out of the way and they started arguing.. and then I saw some of our workers and leaped onto Blazes back and sent us through the woods.." Bucky whispers, bowing his head. "When.. when Steve found us.. he was so beaten and was bleeding so much.. and I realised that my dad had shot him.. I.. I'm sorry.."

Sam's eyes widen at the sound of the boy breaking down into sobs, and he quickly places a kind hand atop his knee. "Hey hey, it's okay." He soothed. "Steve's okay, don't apologise. You did nothing wrong.. your father was the asshole who shot him, not you."

"I know.. and I had already convinced my dad not to go and shoot Steve.. fucking hell."

"Don't beat yourself up. Steve wouldn't want that."

Bucky fakes a smile and gives a small yawn. "Yeah.. yeah I know."

Sam returns the gesture with a chuckle. "Tired?" He asks, removing his hand from the others knee.


"Go climb up on the bed with Steve. I'm sure he wouldn't mind waking up to you being there with him. And anyway, I'm not meant to be in here so goodnight.."

Sam walked swiftly out of the hospital room with one last goodbye before closing the door and heading towards his own room. Bucky blushes at the suggestion the other had so casually said and found himself following.

He curls into Steve's good side that had not been operated on, placing his arm gently over top of his chest and closes his eyes. "Goodnight, Stevie.." He whispers.


Steve heard the soft echo of beeps bounce around his ears, and smelt stark bleach that stung his nose and causes him to wrinkle it in disgust. He flutters his eyes open, squinting them ever so slightly to adjust to the light and gasped at the feeling of another's warm breath on his neck.

Slowly, Steve strains his eyes down and nearly falls out of bed at the sight. Bucky was fast asleep cuddled into his side, hair messily sprawled over his face and his hand clutching lightly at the others hospital gown. He looked absolutely adorable.

He desperately wanted to kiss the boy right then and there. Cup his tinted cheeks. Kiss down his neck and across his collar bone. Listen to him whine and giggle, puckering his lips for another kiss. He wanted it so badly.

But Steve stopped himself from doing so with the shake of his head and began to play with the youngers hair, running his nails ever so gently over his scalp, twisting and combing small strands, all the attention creating a mewl at the back of Bucky's throat and for him to place his head up on Steve's chest.

Steves heart melts and he can't resist his urge any longer. He gently places his forefinger under the boys chin, tilting upward so that Steve could see his gorgeous peach lips and lowers his face down to steal a kiss.

The moment his lips brush against Bucky's, a warmth rushes through his body and sparks electrocute between their lips. His mind was on fire, and after that, Steve was addicted. He couldn't bare to not be with Bucky any longer and he could hardly breathe when he was around.

The kiss was short and sweet, comforting in ways that words would never be. Bucky's lips were incredibly soft, and by the time Steve pulls away, his own lips are tingling and a blush has made its way up his neck. He stares down at the boy, reaching a hand up and caresses his cheek, swiping his thumb across the soft skin.

Bucky keens softly in his sleep and leans into the touch, licking his lips and easing back into Steve's chest. Steve's heart rate had skyrocketed and his body was on fire. He wanted to kiss Bucky again, nibble his lip, swipe his tongue inside his mouth, work whimpers and moans from his vocal cords.

But he knew he shouldn't. It wasn't fair on Bucky, and it wasn't fair on T'Challa, no matter how much he hated him and whatever it was that they had. He removes his hand from the boys cheek and snakes his arm around his waist, pulls him overtop of his body and hushes him softly at Bucky's lazy mumbling.

"Shh Shh, sleep love, sleep.." He whispers, combing his hand back through Bucky's hair.

Bucky mumbles something inaudible in his sleep and exhales deeply, nuzzling into Steve's chest. His hand is still clutching at the others gown, right over Steve's heart and enables him to feel his heartbeat through the tips of his fingers.

Steve holds the younger tightly, not wanting to miss the only opportunity he has at being so close to Bucky and waste it. He knew he couldn't kiss him again, that Bucky would probably wake up and get angry, yelling that he was in a relationship (or something? Steve had no idea) and didn't like him in that way, so he settled for hugging and playing with his hair.

Bucky looked so small, so innocent in his large arms. So at peace. It had only been a few days since Bucky was in his arms, but it felt like an eternity. Steve wanted to stay like this forever, wanted to wake up with Bucky sleeping in his arms, to be able to kiss and hug the boy whenever he wanted. He wanted so many things. But he couldn't have them.

Steve sighs, flopping his head back onto his pillow. Wiping Bucky from his thoughts, he couldn't help but feel the large pain in his side, sparking down to his hip and causing him to bite his lower lip. Shit.

He leans over, grabbing ahold of the small remote with multiple buttons and presses the one for the nurse, closing his eyes to try and focus on his breathing and not the pain.

He drops the remote and weaves his fingers back through Bucky's hair, an instant state of calmness washing over him as he awaited the nurse. Leave it to Bucky to help him calm down and ignore the pain. God he was in deep.

The sound of the door clicking open cut Steve from his thoughts and he moved his gaze over in the direction, catching sight of a nurse wheeling in a tray and Sam and his parents close behind.

"Hiya Mr Rogers, I'm Lisa and I'm your nurse." Lisa explains, smiling warmly over at him. "I've got some people who have been waiting to come see you, would you like me to warn them that James is asleep and that they need to be quiet?"


"Yes please." Whispers Steve, smiling. "That'd be great, thanks."

Lisa nods, hushly talking to the boys family and friend and then let's them inside the room, going back to organising the tray.

"Oh Stevie." Sarah coos softly, tiptoeing over and pressing a kiss to his temple. "What the hell happened? Sam called us and told us that you were shot and that Bucky had taken you to hospital."

"It was an accident, don't worry mum." Steve lies, combing his fingers through Bucky's hair once more to calm his nerves. "Bucky saved me just in time."

"Thank heavens for Bucky, then. I knew he was a good kid." Joseph whispers, patting his sons shoulder gently.


Lisa slid in between Joseph and Sarah, handing Steve two Panadol and a glass of water to down the pills before leaving the room. "Ah so he took my advice." Sam chuckled, walking into the room.

"What'd you mean? And shouldn't you be resting?"

"I came in last night to check on you and he was half asleep in one of the chairs, so I told him to get into bed with you but I didn't expect him to be on top of you."

Steve chuckles. "He's like that cause I moved him. I wanted a better cuddle, ya know?"

"God you're cheesy, Steve."

"I'm not cheesy, I'm just romantic."

The soft banter plus the chuckles slowly awoke Bucky from his slumber. He gave a small yawn, fluttering his eyes to adjust to the bright light and looks around the room confused.

"Hey," Steve whispers, brushing the hair from his face as Bucky had lifted himself up to get a better look around. "Lay back down, love."

Bucky did as he was told, feeling a blush spreading across his cheeks at seeing Steve's parents in the room. "Sorry- I didn't mean to sleep for so long." He mumbles, rubbing his eyes. "How're you feeling?"

"Alright, still a bit sore."

"Have you had some Panadol?"

Steve nods. "Yes, I have. You sleep okay?"

"Yeah. Pretty good actually, you're quite comfortable." Bucky giggles, noticing that he was between Steve's legs and under the covers. "Oh s- whats the time?"

Sarah pulls out her phone. "Eleven sweetie. How come?"

"Oh shit-" Bucky curses, "I- I have to go- my dad doesn't know where I am and I don't wanna get into anymore trouble then I already am.. I'm sorry."

"It's okay, love." Steve coos. "Just text me later."

"Okay, I will."

Bucky presses a quick kiss to Steve's cheek at remembering his parents thought they were together and climbs out of the bed, calling his goodbyes over his shoulder before rushing out of the hospital.


Bucky walks inside of his home with his head bowed, preparing himself for the large growling he was going to get from his father. He toes off his shoes beside the front door, closing it softly behind him before making his way into the lounge.

As he suspected, Tony was sat on one of the couches, tapping his foot angrily with his face in his hands. Bucky gulps. "...dad?" He questions, keeping a fair distance between them just in case his father new that it was him last night.

Tony shoots his head up in an instant and rushes over to his son, gathering him in his arms. "Oh my god, Bucky." He whispers, holding him tight. "You had me worried sick, where the hell have you been?!"

Bucky breathes out in relief. That was close. "I- I was with Bruce at his place with Nat.. shit- I'm sorry for not answering- I my phone died."

"It's okay, I'm just glad your safe."

"Yeah- I'm sorry."

Tony broke away from the hug and smacked him on the arm in a joking manner, shaking his head. "Don't do that again, young man. I didn't sleep a wink." He chuckles, ruffling his hair before making his way into the kitchen. "You hungry?"

"Starving." Bucky calls, following after his father into the kitchen. "What'd you make for breakfast?"

"Pancakes, per usual."

Tony hands over a plate stacked with blueberry pancakes, still warm from being in the oven as he awaited his sons arrival. Bucky took it with a large grin, turning away to go to his room when tony stopped him with a question. "How come you were at Bruce's with Nat? And don't they have any spare chargers?"

Bucky gulps. "Oh uh.. we were doing an assignment that's due on Monday and yeah, Bruce's kitten chewed through most of his chargers."

Tony seems to buy it and sends him on his way, calling over his shoulder that he was heading out to get some groceries and that Peter was at a friends. Bucky gives a small nod and makes a beeline to his room, placing the plate down on his desk and pulling out his phone.

If anyone asks, I was at urs last night with Nat.

He sent it to Bruce, who immediately read the message and requested to FaceTime him. Bucky plonked himself down on his bed with his pancakes and accepted the call, leaning his phone up against his pillows.

"Hey," he says, waving at Bruce and Nat who were cuddled up on the couch. "What's up?"

"Spill." Is all Natasha responds with, eyeing him with a smirk. "Who were you with last night that you don't want your dad to find out about? Hmm? Steve?"

Bucky's face turns red. "Nat!" He cries. "Shhh! But yes.. I was.."

Natasha squeals and Bruce chuckles, causing Bucky to facepalm and groan. "Not like that, Nat! Steve was hurt and had to be taken to hospital."

"What- Why?"

"My dad shot him." Bucky whispers in a low voice, ripping apart one of the pancakes and stuffing a piece into his mouth. "And my dad hates Steve. So I told him I was with you for an assignment and that my phone died."

"Your dad believed that?" Bruce questions, raising his brows. "That's kinda surprising. But is Steve okay?"

"Yeah, I made sure that he was awake and stuff before I left."

"Good. When's he getting out?"

Just as Bucky opened his mouth to respond, his phone chirped with a new message and Steve's name appeared before his eyes.

Hey doll, did you get home safe? Xx

Bucky's heart flutters and his face must have shown it because Natasha and Bruce both laugh and say, "it's Steve, isn't it?"

"Yeah.." Bucky breathes. "He's asking if I got home safe."

"Aww, how cute. Well we shall let you talk to Steve, see ya tomorrow."

Bucky mutters a goodbye and hangs up the call, tapping on Steve's message to give a response. Should he wait awhile? He didn't wanna seem like he was just waiting for a text.. ah, fuck it.

Hey, yes I did thanks xx how're you feeling?

Sore as fuck but I'll be fine.

Oh I'm so sorry, this is all my fault. If I had just been more persuasive then you wouldn't have gotten shot and you wouldn't be in pain and you would be at home

Don't blame yourself doll. This isn't your fault at all, you can't control what your dad does. It's his choice to do this sorta shit, but I'm afraid I may have to move out of the bush.. maybe set Blaze free..

Bucky's eyes widened. Steve wanted to leave? Well who could blame him? He was being nonstop harassed and attacked, he deserves to be somewhere he feels safe. But what if that was far away? Too far?

What!? Where would you go? Would you move away for good?

Probably. It's for mine and Blazes safety. And I can't let your dad have him, not in a million years. I'd either move in with Sam at his apartment or with Peggy, or maybe even stay with my family for awhile. Not sure. I just- I can't handle your dad attacking me seeming as he knows where I live...

You could always pretend that you didn't live there anymore? Hide all your stuff at Sam's and my dad will probably go and search your cabin and realise that you're gone and not harass you anymore?

Buck.. I dunno. I can't experience anything like this again. I may not survive next time and I still have so many things I want to do.

Why don't you just.. hide Blaze? That's the only reason as of why my dads going after you. All he wants is your horse, you take that away, he'll leave you alone.

You can't be certain on that. And i still don't know if it'll be permanent. Let's just talk about something else.

Okay.. sorry.

It's fine, I know that you don't want me to leave.. but I might have to. Unless you convince your dad to leave me alone, I don't know how long it'll be till I can't take it anymore.

Bucky didn't know how to respond. He couldn't lose Steve, and he knew Steve did not want to let Blaze go. This was all his father's fault.

I might be able to.. but yeah, let's talk about something else.

How's school?

Ew. It's ew. Hell. Ducking hate it.

Ducking? 😂😂


yeah right, doll. Quack quack.



You're so weird

Eh. It's probably the amount of painkillers I'm on. Oh hey, when I get out of hospital in the next few days, I'll come pick you up after school and I'll text which day. I wanna properly catch up if you want?

I'd love to! And yes, do text me cause I will most likely forget lmao.

Noted. Anyway, I should get some more sleep before my mother starts screaming her head off at me again.

Hahaha, yeah you better. Have a good sleep xx

I'll try xx

Bucky sighs and switches off his phone. He didn't want Steve to leave.. he just hoped that it was only the drugs talking and that he would stay living in the woods. Bucky needed him there.


The ending was so random HAHA

~ Maddi❤️

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