Vent/rant book

By KingWantsToBattle

258 24 38

You can totally ignore this,it's just me ranting and venting about stuff that I need to get off my chest. I d... More

Reposting art
Friendship anniversary with @RPLukas
Amino rant
male uwuke™ OC's and why they suck.
I hate myself.
edgy people
fanfics and Roleplay
Rules are meant to be broken
oh boy oh boy oh boy
i am so disappointed
What caused you to end a friendship?
holy fucking shit
Who is the girl in the relationship??
roleplay rules
stop being thirsty
thicc™ men
listening to songs about s€x doesnt make you special


8 2 0
By KingWantsToBattle

I love how people say that they are switches and yet I see most of them making blogs where they are looking for doms. They comment on every wiki that has an OC that seems to be more dominant and ignore your sub OC's. For example, my bottom OC and my asexual OC didn't get any reaction at all, why another one (Lucifer), an OC of mine who obviously is a Dom, got a loads of requests. One of them was from a person that commented on a lot of wikis that had Dom characters in them. It pissed me off.  This is the reason why I don't openly label my OC's with uke/seme/seke, because people will always go for the seme.

It's just sad because I love all of my characters and want to use the more underrated ones as well. I'm just a human, I can't and don't want to play Dom twenty-four seven and I want to use more than just one OC. I'm also super picky with subs and characters in general. Like, I don't like bratty subs(because I don't need your OC to be a little, snobby bitch in bed as well, thank you very much for ruining something so intimidate) that slap my character for no reason and are toxic (but slapping andverbally abusing your partner is cute nowadays so it's okay😍😍😍)and I don't like the uwu subs either. You're a grown ass man, not a child. You don't know what sex and shit like that is? Guess you didn't go to school then and got dumb parents.

Doms and switches that lean to the dom side, are just so much better because they have an actual personality (most of the time)and actually attract me??
Yeah, that's it.

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