Marital bond

By StoriesLoubbie

98.9K 3K 5.9K

Debbie and Lou get married to fool Debbie's granny. But soon Debbie feels for Lou. And Lou, well, she has bee... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46

Chapter 23

2.2K 71 395
By StoriesLoubbie

Debbie and Lou were waiting for Tammy to join them for breakfast, or to be precise, brunch. Tammy already had her breakfast early morning, she isn't like these two-night owls who woke up around 11:30, and is having their brunch. And as promised, Debbie was feeding breakfast to Lou. Also, there were paparazzi outside the window so they gave good poses. They are just thinking how long will those reporters stay.

"You think she will forgive me?"

"I think she will lecture us about the importance of waking up early and having three meals a day"


"Baby, she will forgive. Just make sure to mention that I am too hot and so you thought that she probably had an affair with me"


"Nah, I prefer to be called extraordinary idiot"

"You are crazy"

"Oh, thanks for the compliments"

"Shut up and eat"

"How to shut up and eat? Technically to eat food, we are supposed to open our mouth and..."

Debbie made her eat a spoonful of pancakes.

"Hey guys. You both seriously need to wake up early and have..."

"Told ya. She will lecture us", Lou said.

Debbie rolled her eyes while Tammy sat next to Lou.

"You both were speaking about me before I came here?"

"Kind of"

"Care to explain?"

"There, ask Debbie"

"What were you discussing, Debbie?"

"Hmm that you wake up too early"

"Okay so this is the topic you were discussing and wanted me to join? Fuck you guys. I hardly get any vacation and you both are troubling me here too?"

"Well, we have something else to tell you too. Well, I have to tell you"


"She's pregnant, Tammy. With my child. Don't know how it happened... But I was drunk that day and... I lost control..."

"What the fuck"

Debbie threw a piece of apple on Lou which hit her temple.

"Lou, seriously why you both called me?", Tammy said laughing.

"You know how to look after the kids, right? Give us tips"

"Lou, be serious. You called me here to make fun?"

"Nope. Seriously, give us tips. We are expecting. I am gonna be mama... Or is it Daddy?"

"Tammy, is there any tips to handle a 40-year old child? I have one and I am not able to control it"

Tammy laughed. She was entertained by Lou's antics.

"So, tell me seriously. Why did you both call me here?"

"I...", Debbie gave the spoon to Lou to eat by herself. Lou took it, though didn't eat any.


"I wanted to apologise to you"

"Apologise? For what?"


"She thought you were an alien"

"Lou, you are not helping here"

Lou just shrugged.

"Tammy, I... Actually... I don't know, how you will react, but... I... I thought you and Lou..."

"Me and Lou what?"

"You and Lou... I... I thought you both..."

"We both?"

"Yeah, what we both?", Lou asked faking curiousness and placed her hand on the table and leaned forward as if Debbie was about to say something very important and secret.

Debbie sighed. She took the spoon back, scooped a spoonful of fruit salad and stuffed it into Lou's mouth and left the spoon in Lou's mouth. Lou held it immediately. She will have to swallow the fruits first before she speaks.

"So, I was saying I thought you and Lou... You both had an affair. I was wrong... I just... I don't know... I..."

"What? You thought we both had an affair? Jesus!"

"Sorry Tammy. I just... I made a mistake. I read everything wrong. I..."

"How the hell did you even think that?", Tammy said, laughing in between.

"Yeah Debbie. How the hell did you even think that?", Lou asked with the perfect southern accent.

"Lou, you promised you will help me. Help me now"

"Okay, so Tammy, Debbie thought I was too hot to resist and that girls fall for me easily, which is true, and she thought you were no exception"

"Well, you are hot but you are like my sister. I mean... No ways I can... No... That's wrong in so many levels. Also, now you are Debbie's wife"

"Yeah well, I... I don't know. You were... I mean you were getting close to Lou in last two months. And... Lou was listening to everything you said. So"

"You thought we were involved? Seriously Debbie? And I thought Oceans were smart"

"Yeah me too. I am disappointed Debbie", Lou said with mock disappointment.

"Okay, you are not at all helping"

"Since when did you think this way?"

"Hmm... That day... We all had a big fight... Since that day"

"Well, does that have anything to do with your gammy?"

"Gammy? No. Why?"

"She was kind of pressing this issue"

"Oh, no I didn't think about that. I was... I... Lou always listens to my words and no one else's. But that day she was listening to whatever you said. And so..."

"And so, you were jealous?", Tammy smirked.

"Jealous? No... I... No, I was not jealous. I was just..."

"Jealous?", Lou asked.

"I... Maybe a little. I just..."

"You know what Debbie; you look cute when you get caught doing something stupid"

"Oh yeah, you look cute, Debbie. Not like Mike playing with that colourful ball cute, but you know... Cute"

Tammy looked at Lou, raising her eyebrow.

"What? You don't think Mike is cute?"

"Well, Mike is cute. And I still don't understand how Debbie is fine with Mike. You hate pets", Tammy said looking at Debbie.

"Well Mike is our son. First son", Lou said with a proud mom voice.

"First son? How many kids are you even planning?", Tammy asked sarcastically.

"I like 4. But I am fine with more too. And yeah, I haven't included human children yet. Including them, it is 8"

"Human children? You mean our kids? You do know that we are in our 40s, right?"

"Baby, we can have surrogate mother. Two babies can be from my bloodline, other two from yours. We just have to preserve our eggs"

"Will it work? I mean, too lengthy process"

"Well, it definitely works. And I am sure we can find a healthy surrogate"

"I want at least one blonde child"

"My whole family is blonde. So, I am sure my genes are blonde. Need to find the donor with blonde genes"

"Can we find a guy with blue eyes and blonde hair? It will be perfectly you. Also, if he is Australian then it will be even better"

"The only Australian I know who matches your demand is Leo but he is my brother so... It will be awkward"

"Hmm should find someone else then"

Tammy was looking at them, kind of amused. She is not able to understand whether they are joking or serious. But she knows these two aren't of family types. So, this definitely is a joke.

Well it wasn't a joke. They spoke with all sense but made it look like a joke for each other. They thought they shouldn't make the other, uncomfortable.

"If you are done with your family planning, then can we speak something else?", Tammy asked.

"Something else? Hmm Tams how was Debbie in bed?"

"WHAT?", both Debbie and Tammy said in unison.

"Wow, it's been years but still you sync"

"You do know what you are asking, right?"

"Hmm I know theoretically. I don't have the practical experience with Debbie. So, I need proper review. What if those fucking anchors question us?"

"Theoretically means? You both... Wait! You... Oh my! You both sexted?"

"What? Sexted? What does that mean?", Debbie asked.

Tammy looked at Debbie and then Lou.

"Baby, it's a new kind of thing these people started. You know, the technology is too advanced nowadays. Text the things you want to do to that person while doing whatever that person says, to yourself..."

"Okay you both, stop"

"Oh, how does that work? I mean... What's the difference between that and touching oneself?", Debbie asked, ignoring Tammy.

"Hmm, probably because they will be texting the person with whom they wanna do it and imagine them... So, extra thrill probably"

"Okay you guys. You both need to stop..."

"Have you ever tried?"

"Nah I am old school. No technologies involved"

"Oh, and you Tammy?"

"You both, stop speaking about it. I regret introducing that term to you dumbos"

"Well, you did though. So, have you?"

"I am not telling. But what did you mean by theoretically?"

"So, you did. You sexted. Whom? Is it Tom or someone else?"

"Debbie, don't you..."

"Hmm we know each other's reputation in bed and everything about each other", Lou said out of nowhere.


"Hmm we are married, so. Also, we are soulmates"

"Well, that doesn't explain anything in your case"

"Debbie has highly sensitive thighs and that if you place your hand there, she gets turned on. Isn't it true?"

"What? How did you..."

"Her hickeys won't stay much longer and vanishes within few hours"

"Jesus! You both... Wait are you now friends with benefits inside your marriage?"

"That's one hell of a definition"

"Guys, tell me. Don't stop now. I am curious"

"We are married. Simple", Debbie said and drank her tea. Lou gave the spoon back and Debbie again started feeding her.

"Uhm guys, you do know I am right here. So... This...", Tammy pointed at the spoon.

"Oh, well you too have a bite", Debbie said.

"Oh no. I don't wanna take Lou's share"

"Though I took your girl away from you"


"Your ex is my wife. That's what I said"

"Well, she is not completely your wife"

"What do you mean?", Debbie asked, somewhat offended.

"You both got married to fool your gammy. There is nothing more between you two, other than friendship"

"That friendship is more than anything in this world. And also, you all pulled our leg calling us a couple before. So, our marriage shouldn't make any difference"

"Well that's true. But you know what, you guys are cheating here. You can't participate in this contest"

"Well, we are married legally and we know everything about each other. We are compatible, we live together"

"We laugh together", Lou added.

"We cry together"

"We shower together"

"We sleep together. So, basically we are married couple..."

"Well old couple who no longer have sex", Lou cut Debbie's words.

"Yeah, that's what. Also, tell me... Do you see any couple here who is hotter than us?"

"Excuse me? You do know Tom and I make hot couple"

"Well, you both are boring though. I mean he is one of those white-collar guy wearing business suits as if this is some meeting and you are the suburban mom"

"Your wife wears suit too"

"Yeah, but she looks sexy in that. Also, tell me who in this world can make the suit sexy other than my wife?"

"Well, okay, I will give you that one. But you guys... You know marriage means... It is... It needs to be complete in every way. You know... Sex is also important. Not just knowing each other, showering or laughing or crying"

"Well, you think all the couple in this world have succeeded in every field of marriage?"

"I didn't mean that. But every couple have succeeded in sex"

"Well, we are different. We are managing every other departments of marriage except that"

"That is the important part of marriage you guys. Only if you are happy in bed, your partner will listen to your words"

"That's for you and Tom. Not us honey. We both listen to each other always"

"You both and always? Oh hell no. You fight as if you are some ancient gladiators and are fighting to kill the other"

"Though we always end up snuggling each other by the end of the day"

"Well, that's there. But still it's..."

"See, except for sex, we are fine will every other thing concerned marriage. So, we are totally fine in participating in this. Also, you have hidden the biggest secret from your husband. Don't you think that's wrong?"

"That's different"



"And you know what... That two girls... Who are trying to overshadow us? They don't have compatibility. They don't know anything about each other. Not just that, I can tell by their behaviour, they don't love each other. They are just... You know in the marriage... They probably rushed"

"Hmm how do you know"

"Oceans are good at reading other people", Debbie said proudly.

"Yet you fail to read Lou's love for you", Tammy muttered. Lou heard because she was sitting next to her. She placed her hand on Tammy's shoulder.

"Did you say something?", Debbie asked.

"Hmm nope... Except that you are a failure in kitchen"

"Well, not anymore. She cooks, you know"

"She cooks with your assistance. Not by her own"

"Yeah but still she does. And now she even knows the difference between cumin and carom seeds"

Debbie had no clue what carom seeds are. She just went with the flow.

"Well, you will praise her. But will see what'll happen today. We are supposed to be at the venue around 6 pm"

"Does Tom know to cook?", Debbie asked.


"Hmm you think every other couple know to cook?"

"Maybe. Richard knows. I was speaking to him yesterday. Also, Will knows. And those two girls, one of them is a food critic"

"Oh, so she knows everything"

"Nah, she is the unofficial food critic. Just the Instagram lady. She posts 10 different food pics every day and comments on them. I saw some of her posts. She doesn't know how and why we use spices or any other ingredients. She only knows to comment negatively"

"Oh, then fine"

"But you know that lady... Couple 1 lady... She probably is a good cook"

"How do you know?"

"She was guiding her husband on how to cook"

"Oh, tell me how did you get all this information?"

"Unlike you both, I wake up early and I have breakfast with other contestants. You know they thought you both are egoistic rich bitches who doesn't wanna join others. I told them that you both are lazy sleeping bitches..."


"... Bitches who doesn't wake up before 11"

"Actually, I wake up before Lou. It's her because of whom we get late"

"Who was the one who pulled me back to bed to cuddle?"

"You didn't protest"

"Why will I? I am getting more time to sleep and cuddle"

"You always sleep"

"Well, the best life is the one where you can eat whatever you want without putting on any weight, sleep whenever you feel like and have your girl next to you. So, I sleep whenever I want and it doesn't matter whether I sleep for a minute or for whole day"

"Lazy ass"

"Says the one who was too tired to change her clothes that I had to dress you up today"

"Well, I was tired"

"Yeah? What did you do that got you tired?"

"I was on an adventure in my dream"

"Oh, and that adventure needed you to do physical activities? If I am not wrong, I am the one who does physical activities in your adventures"

"This time you were drunk and I had to literally carry you"

"Oh, this is interesting. Tell me more. I wanna see how well you butchered my brave and strong character to show yourself as the brave knight"

"Okay you both. I cannot hear this stupidity. I am out. Unlike you both, my marriage has active sex. So, bye"

Tammy got up and walked but Debbie and Lou didn't leave any chance of embarrassing her. They loudly said "Use protection".

Tammy showed them the middle finger and they laughed.

"So, tell me more about your so-called adventure"

"I was an outlaw who was living in the woods. I would steal from Rich and distribute to poor"

"Okay, lady Robin Hood"

"Listen, then I meet you, a drunken warrior"

"Drunken warrior?"

"Yeah. You always drink, that's the only thing you know. You had this black horse which also is a drunk, you know rum, while I had a white one who was majestic and beautiful. And you beg me to take you under my shelter"

"I beg you? Seriously?"

"Yeah. You beg me. I feel pity and accept you"


"Yeah, and then we both go rob from Rich people. Then one day we will be hired by a queen to take an evil necklace from her palace to some mountain to destroy it. If we destroy, then she would give us tons of diamonds. So, we go. One our way we make friends and our group grows. Our teammates are the group members. Then in between, we will get separated from rest of the team and have to go to that mountain all by ourselves"

"Okay, so Lord of the necklace"

"Well, inspired by that. Then we face many difficulties. And you and I... We will face some situations that'll question our friendship but thanks to my brilliant brain and humongous faith in you, we stay together. And finally, when I decide to drop the necklace..."

"Don't tell me I became selfish and stopped you and then lost my neck. Frodo can live with half a finger but I need my neck to support my ever so beautiful face"

"Nope. Have you ever been selfish? It was me who was selfish back then. So, well in my dream too, I become selfish. But you, drunk to core, knock sense in me and I listen to you and throw that evil necklace away"

"You are not selfish"

"Only you should say"

"Well I will. You were just driven by mad motivation to prove yourself. To do something of your own like your brother. So, no selfishness"

"How the hell do you find points that will make me look good?"

"Because I love... Challenges. You know, challenging the narrative to prove my points"

"Hmm you know I love you for this. You are always supporting me", Debbie said and leaned forward to kiss Lou's cheeks.

"Can I kiss you on lips? You know... I mean... You know the pap..."

Before Debbie completed, Lou kissed her softly. Debbie kissed her back.

"You need not ask every time. Just kiss. I will know that either paparazzi or the monster granny is somewhere around"

Debbie smiled. "Same applies to you, baby"

"Let's go now. I wanna see your cooking knowledge. Let's go back to our house"


"They look exactly same"

"They are not same baby. One is cumin, the other one is carom, and that last one is fennel seeds", Lou said showing her the pictures.

They were in bed. Lou was resting her back against the headboard while Debbie was sitting in front of her, resting her head on Lou's chest. Lou's arms bracketed Debbie. Both were looking at different spices and ingredients in their iPad.

"Hmm how will I recognise?"

"Smell. They smell differently. Also, taste differently. And fennel seeds are bigger, carom seeds are the small ones"

"Okay... You will be there to guide me, so I guess I will be fine"

"Yeah", Lou said and kissed her head.

Lou was holding the iPad in front of Debbie so that they both could see. Debbie typed 'how to be a good wife?' in Google search"

"Seriously baby?"

"I mean... You know I should try to be"

"You already are, baby"

"Am I supposed to laugh at this?"

"Nah, you have to be proud"

"You say that because you are Lou"

"What does that mean?", Lou asked chuckling.

"Means Lou always will be there for me, no matter what"

Lou smiled. Debbie clicked the first link she got.

"Okay, so this article gives 15 qualities of good wife. Hmm... Okay so they are speaking with respect to hetero couple. But well, love, marriage and feelings are universal irrespective of gender preference. So, let me read this. Also, you do make a handsome guy"

Lou rolled her eyes and Debbie chuckled. Though she is acting like she is not interested, Lou too wanted to be the good wife.

"So, it says express your love"

Lou suddenly stiffened. Expressing love is something she is fearing. Though she recalled her parents' love story, she still doesn't have enough courage.

"Hmm okay they have written so many things about expressing love and also the gestures like a kiss or peck on cheeks, making breakfast and selecting movies to watch together. Well I do kiss your cheeks; I pick the movies. And breakfast... Though I don't prepare, I am definitely feeding you healthy food everyday"

"Well, that you do"


Debbie pulled Lou's head down and kissed her cheeks. "See, it's easy to express"

Lou smiled. She thought Debbie isn't understanding the inner meaning of these tips. She knew Debbie never did feelings. So, she considered this behaviour of Debbie as lack of knowledge.

But Debbie actually kissed her to express her love. She didn't know what else to do. So, she took this step.

"Second point, communicate. It says here that your husband cannot read your mind nor can you read his. So, need to communicate rather than leaving him to guess what you want and blaming him for not getting something of your liking. Hmm, so, in our case, I should tell you what I need and you will get me that. Well, spending 20 years, you know everything that I need, you know my favourites, and so, we are good here too"

"Yeah I do. And you do too"

Debbie pressed herself back further against Lou and Lou wrapped her arms around Debbie. Debbie held the iPad in her hand now.

"Third point, be supportive. Well, that we both are. We always support each other, no matter what", Debbie said and lifted her head and kissed Lou's chin. "Next is be his best friend. Well we are best friends. So, that too done"

Debbie scrolled down. Lou was thinking Debbie is just being naive. But she grasped everything and she checked the qualities that they possess. Except for expressing love, she has everything else.

"Respect the person he is. Well, I respect you always, so do you. So, another quality checked. Next, it says show some interest in his interests. Well, we both have almost similar interests. We both con the world. And some other interests like you ride bikes, I love seeing you riding the bike. You love cooking, I love eating what you prepared and you love sleeping and I love..."

"Waking me up"

"Yeah... That too", Debbie laughed. "And I love to plan and you love to execute my plans. I love the thrill in the job and you love me enjoying the thrill"

"I do"

"See, we make perfect wives. Next, respect the need for space. Well, we both do that. We give alone time for each other. Next, listen"

"I am listening"

"No, next point is listening. Should pay attention to him and listen to his words, not indulge in phone and ignore his words. Well, we listen to each other. I listen to your songs; you listen to my bizarre plans. You listen to my sober talks; I listen to your drunk talks. And most importantly, we pay attention to each other and listen to each other's needs and comfort"

"Hmm, we do"

"Next is be appreciative. Well, that we are. You always praise me even if I do something mediocre. You praise my cooking though 90% effort is done by you, you also praise me when I try to write a song like you do. You always encourage me. And I encourage you to do things you have just held yourself back from. Hmm like, dancing with me, drinking wine for a change and most importantly, I encourage you to be the equal culprit in conning the world"

Lou laughed at the last sentence.

"That you do. You know exactly how to seduce me into agreeing whatever you want to"

"Well, you love all my plans. You just pretend to be not interested"

"Sometimes it is fun to play with you"

"Hmm, I love to seduce you to the plan. So, it's perfect"

Debbie scrolled again to see the next point.

"Pick the right fight. Oh boy, this is the department we sometimes fail. We fight, like Tammy said, like gladiators. But we also end it and pamper each other within few hours"

"Can't be angry at my idiot for long time"

"I too can't be angry at my extraordinary idiot. Come here", Debbie lifted her hand to guide Lou's head down to her level. She then kissed her cheeks again.

"You know, your skin definitely is a miracle. It retains the lipstick marks intact"

"Well, I guess you kiss really well"

"That I do. So, the next point, be honest. We both are dishonest to whole world but honest to each other. We are truthful to each other. Our true self is known to only each other. And you don't bitch about me behind my back, nor do I bitch about you"

"Instead we together bitch about someone else"

Debbie laughed. "That we do"



"Be like this, always"

Debbie smiled. "Will always be, with you. Now, next point, be your true self. See, there it is. We always are our true selves with each other. Next, have fun. Hmm... they say there won't be any boredom in our marriage if we have fun like going on dates..."

"With someone else?"

"No idiot, with your spouse. In your case, with me. Dates, picnics, road trips, tours, movie nights, cooking dinner together, watching TV series, being silly together..."

"That we always do"

"Yeah, also, yoga classes or new language classes together"

"Well, that you won't do"

"Instead we together learn new techniques of picking the locks, new alternatives and new methods for executing the plans"

"So, when are we going for road trip?"

"Whenever you say"

"You first will need to learn how to ride the bike"

"I prefer to be pillion rider, sitting behind you and holding you tight and close"

"Well, as you say my lady"

"Wow, you are behaving well. Now that's something we don't see often"

Lou ducked her head and whispered in Debbie's ears "Fuck you". Debbie laughed.

"So, next it says... step up the romance. Oh, well... hmm says to be flirtatious, tease him, touch him lovingly kiss him spontaneously and lead him in the bedroom. Taking first step in the romance or love making doesn't mean you are needy. If you are in mood for something romantic, go ahead and do it. Surprise him. Well, I guess we aren't enrolled in this department. So, I..."

Before Debbie could complete her words, Lou kissed her.

"Is this spontaneous enough?"

"Wow, that's... that was good. Well, I guess we can always kiss"

"And can always flirt with each other"

"Yeah that too. You... won't mind if I kiss you on your lips here after?"

"Hmm, I won't. I guess we can do that. Will look more natural. If we fail to notice any spy, still we will be kissing and so, no one will doubt us"

You consider it only to fool others? I guess I expected too much. Sorry baby

"Hmm, so, the last point, get creative in bed. Oh dear. It says talk about your wildest fantasies and then try it. Do something new and creative without being judged. Doesn't mean that you should be submissive or obedient. You should be a perfect partner and contribute equally. I guess, this is not applicable. I mean we both can't be creative in bed like the way they described. So..."

"Here, fold this paper and do something artistic", Lou said giving a tissue paper.


"We can be creative in bed. Need not always be sex related"

Debbie shook her head laughing. "You know, you are different level. You definitely would be a scientist if you didn't join me"

"Well, I guess I am thankful that I met you"

"Hmm me too. And according to this site, we are good wives. We are qualified to be good wives"

"We definitely do"

"Baby, you know what, we can be creative in bedroom"

Lou raised her eyebrow as to say 'care to explain?'

"Hmm wait and watch", Debbie said and pulled Lou's tie. Lou was a bit taken aback by this sudden action. Debbie unfastened the tie.

"Hmm, you do know it's my favourite tie, right?"

"Well, whom you prefer more? The tie or me?"

"You wearing that tie"

"Well, I will wear someday. But now, I have other plans, saying so, Debbie used that tie to blindfold Lou.


"Can you see me?"

"I might, if you grant me superpowers"

"Well, that's one way of saying no. Now, get up"


"Stand baby. Let me help"

Debbie made Lou stand next to the bed.

"Now what?"

"Now, you will try to catch me. Let me spin you three times"

Debbie spun Lou three times. "Now, catch me"

Lou tried to follow Debbie's voice and giggles. Debbie purposely would come close to her or tap on her shoulders and then run away.

"Baby, where are you"

"Here", Debbie said standing near the big window.

"Hmm, where?"

"You should know"

"Baby...", Lou followed Debbie's voice and walked towards the window. Debbie was feeling extremely happy. But then Lou tripped on the folded carpet end. But before she fell, Debbie caught her.

"Oh baby, I'm sorry", Debbie said holding Lou closer.

"Nah, it's fine. And I caught you"

"You didn't catch me, I myself came to you"

"Still, I won"

"No, this victory is not considered"

"Say whatever you want, I won", Lou grinned.

"You didn't. You...", Debbie heard some ruffling noise from outside.

"Did you hear?", Debbie whispered to which Lou nodded.

"Someone's spying", Debbie said.

"Probably Francis"

"Hmm yeah maybe. He must be near the bushes..."

Lou cut her sentence by kissing her, well her lips were not exactly on Debbie's because of blindfold.. Debbie smiled between the kiss, adjusted and reciprocated. She slowly backed Lou to the nearby wall. Still kissing, she removed the blindfold from Lou's eyes and then caught both of Lou's hands, lifted it and pressed it against the wall, above her head.

She then broke the kiss and tied Lou's hands with that tie. Then she started kissing her again. Lou couldn't hold her hand up longer and she brought it down and Debbie was quick enough to get inside the space between Lou's hands. Now Lou's hands were wrapped around Debbie, and tied at the wrists.

"This is something new"

"Creative in bed"

Debbie chuckled and kissed her again. She remembered Lou's words from last night that she is sensitive below her ears. Debbie decided to test it. She kissed her below her ears, bit and sucked and left a bruise. Lou moaned. Debbie was surprised and turned on.

"Someone told they don't moan"

"Shut up Deborah"

"Am I the first one to make you moan?"

"Fuck you"

"I'll take it as yes. Damn, I made Lou Miller moan. Now, that's something I will add in my resume"

"Resume for what? Porn?"

"Nope, homemade videos with you"

"What?", Lou asked, her voice uncharacteristically high pitched. Debbie laughed loudly. "You know, occasionally, your high-pitched voice sounds good. I wonder how you moan in high pithed voice"


"Should I test?"

"I swear to god..."

Debbie kissed below her another ear and left the bruise. And as expected, Lou moaned.

"I asked for high pitched moan, but this was also fine. I made you moan twice now"

"Untie my wrists and then I will..."

"Well, not so fast", Debbie leaned and whispered in her ear. "Francis is still there"


Debbie started kissing Lou's neck, occasionally nipping and leaving marks.

"You know, it's good that you don't wear any shirt. Very easy to mark you without getting any obstacles"

"Debbie... you..."

Debbie kissed her again and this time she even dominated. She tasted Lou. The strong fresh mint gum taste hit her tongue. Lou had quit smoking for Debbie's sake and now she needs gum regularly. She had quit before too, but when she returned from Cali, her smoking habits too returned. Debbie had told her already that she won't kiss her if she smokes. Debbie's kisses are more important that cigarettes. So, Lou quit. Now, consumption of gums is abundant and Debbie could taste it.

Lou couldn't handle any longer. She started fidgeting. Her hands wanted to be free so that it can hold Debbie firmly. She tried to kiss Debbie when Debbie broke the kiss. Lou growled in frustration.

"Not so fast, baby"

Debbie started unbuttoning Lou's vest. She was careful not to go overboard and also was careful that Francis won't see Lou's body. She had covered herself on Lou. She then ducked her head and kissed and bit the newly exposed skin and Lou moaned again, much to her own surprise.

"Three times. Damn, I am good"

"Don't you dare... FUCK!"

Debbie bit her skin where her neck and shoulders met. "Don't I dare what?", she asked in low voice.

"Debbie, untie my hands"

"No way, baby. Think this as the revenge for that day's washroom incident"

"Oh god! You..."

"I moaned once; you will moan at least 10 times. So, how many are done?"


"Or should I start from the beginning? I guess beginning will be better"

Debbie marked Lou again on the other shoulder and obviously, Lou couldn't stop herself from moaning.

"One done. 9 more to go"

"Debbie... please..."

"Please what?"

"Untie me. I will show you what moaning is"

"Told ya... not so fast. I still have nine more to go"

Debbie unbuttoned her vest further. Now only one button remaining. She caught the vest from both her hands and parted them. Lou's breath hitched, so was Debbie's. Debbie couldn't believe what she was about to do. Lou was anticipating more. Though lack of control, she was enjoying this.

Debbie looked at Lou's breasts. She leaned forward but then stopped. Nope. She cannot step beyond the limit. She looked at Lou to see the reaction. Lou desperately wanted Debbie to continue. But Debbie couldn't. She cannot take advantage of Lou. That's what she thought. She instead kissed her lips again.

By now, the person near the bush was gone. It wasn't Francis. It was one of the secret judges. He had come there when Debbie was blindfolding Lou. Thankfully he didn't come there earlier. Else, he would hear their conversation and they would be busted. He saw only their happy moment and he gave 25 out of 25 and then went to another house. He had already been to Tammy's house. There he had seen her drying Tom's wet hair. Tom was only in his towel and for a minute, the judge's gay heart stopped looking at him. But then, he got back to his job. He cannot fawn on the contestants. He gave then 24 out of 25. One mark reduced because he wanted himself in Tammy's place.

Debbie unbuttoned the last button. Her hands trailed on Lou's stomach. Then all of the sudden she kissed Lou's cleavage and trailed down to her belly button, her tongue tracing the path. Lou bit her lips to stop moaning but no use. She had to moan to let out her pleasure.

"Two", Debbie said and kissed her again. "So, what do you say?"

"Debbie, just..."

Debbie didn't bother to listen. She traced her tongue along Lou's clavicle bone to her jaws, nipping in between. And there was Lou's third moan, well, technically sixth moan, counting the earlier three.


"Language", Debbie said and again she traced Lou's skin from her cleavage to her belly button. That's when Tammy decided to enter the room. She had come there holding her iPad, their team was on the other end of the video call. Lou and Debbie had left their front door open and so, Tammy had entered in.

"You guys are so irresponsible. You left the front door..."

She entered the bedroom and she didn't expect she would see Debbie's face buried in Lou's cleavage and Lou's hands tied.

"What the fuck!", not just Tammy, but their whole team who saw this scene through the camera, thanks to Tammy because she agreed to their request of touring them through their houses, said in unison.

Their voice got Lou and Debbie back to reality. Debbie quickly stood straight and they both tried to move away from each other but because Lou's hands were around Debbie and it was tied, they couldn't.

"Fuck!", Tammy turned around.

"Tammy, it's not what you think. We just...", Debbie said trying to untie Lou's hands. She had easily gotten into the embrace but now Lou couldn't easily lift her hand from Debbie. Debbie tried to turn so that her back would be pressed against Lou and she could untie.

"I told you guys, moms are fucking", they heard Constance's voice. They heard other voices too who were expressing their shock.

Tammy however was worried for different reason. She had seen Debbie's face. She had seen lust written all over. Tammy is very familiar with that face. She was worried that Debbie is lusting on Lou and Lou is giving in thinking Debbie wanted her. She knows Debbie very well. Debbie's lust results in pain, here in this case, Lou will be hurt. She couldn't believe Debbie was lusting on Lou, her best friend.

Their friends were asking Tammy to turn the camera so that they can see their leaders but Tammy didn't turn.

Debbie finally untied Lou's hands and they broke their embrace. She even helped Lou button up her vest coat.

"You can turn now, Tammy"

Tammy didn't turn.

"Tams, turn around. Everything is fine here"

Tammy turned. She looked at them. She could see marks on Lou but no hint of anything on Debbie's skin.

"I didn't think you both..."

"Moms, you both look hella sexy right now"

"We lost 500 dollars each to Constance"

Debbie went to the window and saw everything was clear.

"Guys, this was nothing. We didn't. We were acting"

"Excuse me? You were acting? Oh, hey Lou, we are alone in this room, so let's fake-fuck each other", Daphne mimicked Debbie.

"Guys, Francis was outside our window, so we acted"

"Francis?", Tammy asked. She had seen Francis and Elizabeth walking near the beach earlier. Also, now when she came to Debbie's house, she saw him still on beach. There is no way he could be here spying them.

"Yeah, I heard some ruffles near the bush. I am sure it was Francis", Debbie said.

"You heard it too?", Tammy asked Lou.

"Yeah, somewhat"

Somewhat? This is all Debbie's plan. She lied to Lou that Francis was spying. She is lusting on Lou and wants her at any cost. Oh my! If Lou gets to know... she will be hurt. She wants Debbie's love. Not lust. Debbie will break her heart

"Means you both didn't fuck?"


"Then Constance, give our money back"

"No ways. Mom and mom did fuck. See Lou's face. It's sweating and Debbie too is sweating"

"Constance, we didn't"

"Nope. I am not gonna believe"

"Constance, give our money..."

Their team was busy chasing Constance.

"Hey guys, I don't think they will be back anytime soon. We called you to say that I will be coming there tomorrow", Rose said.

"Oh, that's wonderful. Did you speak to mom?"

"Not yet. I am scared"

"Oh, no worries. I will call her once you are here"

"Thanks Lou. I guess, I should cut the call. There is too much of disturbance here"

"Yeah sure. Bye Rosie"

"Bye you all, take care"

The call disconnected. Tammy was still holding her iPad high in the air.

"I guess you can keep your iPad down on that table"

Tammy lowered her hand.

"You guys..."

"It was nothing, Tammy", Debbie said.

It wasn't nothing. I want Lou. I love her

"Well, next time, lock the doors"

"Okay mommy"

Tammy sighed. She decided to confront Debbie. But not now. She will see for few days. If she misunderstood, then it will be wrong from her side to confront.

"I'll see you guys later. Be there at 6. And Lou... wear a shirt today"

Tammy then went to her house. Debbie and Lou looked at each other. Debbie smirked at Lou.

"I made you moan loud, I made you go week, I made you...", she started singing.

"If you say this in front of anyone, I will kill you", Lou said though she was smiling.

"So, you moaned 6 times, how did it feel?"

"Shut up", Lou said, trying her best to hide her smile and blush, and started examining herself in the mirror. Debbie laughed.

"These marks won't go soon"

"Well, good work Debbie Ocean. This is your first time moaning loud?", Debbie said.

"Shut up Debbie"

"Did you like it?"

"Debbie, you..."

Lou pushed Debbie onto the bed and kissed her hard. She then gave numerous marks and bruises while Debbie moaned loudly.

"There, you moaned 15 times. Now get ready", Lou said and went to the bathroom. She quickly undressed and stood under the shower. She needed to cool her body down.

Debbie sat there on the bed, still feeling Lou's lips and tongue on her lips and neck.

"Fuck! You are amazing", Debbie muttered under her breath and went to bathroom where Lou was showering. She joined her. The tension between them was too high but this time Debbie controlled herself with more determination. She had seen Lou physically reacting when she had kissed earlier. She had not seen that before this day, well she didn't observe. She was very happy that she had effects on Lou but she wanted it to be emotional, filled with love. Not just the physical reaction. She will wait. She will have Lou only when Lou loves her more than as a friend.


A/n: I know you guys are angry on me for disturbing Lou and Debbie with some characters. But this was very much needed in the story. Tammy will think wrong about Debbie till the end of honeymoon.

Also, I know if someone kissed like that, then shower together, there is no way they stay without making love. But... This is fiction and I am hellbent in troubling you guys 🤣🤣🤣

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