Chapter 13

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Tammy is still worried. She is sure that this honeymoon will end up hurting Lou. She decided to cancel it somehow.

"What are you thinking?", Tom asked, sitting on the bed next to her.

"Lou and Debbie are planning for honeymoon"

"Oh, good for them"

"Yeah well I...", Tammy stopped halfway. She cannot tell him about the fake marriage

"You? You want to go to honeymoon? We can, I guess. You know, second honeymoon"


"Don't you think it's a good idea?"


"Will go. Not this month though. During vacation. Kids can stay with my mom; we can go enjoy"

Tammy didn't know what to say. She just nodded. She will go speak to Lou tomorrow early morning. Debbie won't be awake. She can speak. For now, she should concentrate on her marital life than theirs.


Tammy reached the loft at 8:30 am. She unlocked and went to Lou's room. She knocked the door. The door opened and... Tammy saw Debbie standing in front of her.

"De... Debbie? What are you doing in Lou's room?"

"What are you doing here early morning?"

"I came here to speak to Lou. I... Uhm... Yesterday I was going through the stocks and found many glasses. Thought it might be useful for Lou in her club. So... I came to speak to her about that"

Debbie knew she was lying. It was so evident.

"Oh, you could've texted her. She's sleeping and won't wake up anytime soon"

"Oh, my bad. I... I'll come later"

"Stay here. Anyways your kids are at school I assume. What'll you do alone in that white House of yours? Stay. Constance, Nine and others will be here soon. Also, your favourite work in my loft is waiting for you anyways"

"What work?"

"Breakfast. Please prepare honey"

Tammy sighed and agreed. Debbie gave her fake smile and went back to sleep. She purposely didn't lock the door, just closed it. She really is worried about Lou and Tammy's whatever the relationship is. She also has grown extra concern about Lou after realising her mistake. She now wants to keep Lou happy, not let anyone take advantage of her, including herself. She slept next to Lou, more like on Lou. Lou stirred.


"Go to sleep baby. It's still 8:30"

"Um...", Lou went back to sleep, not before wrapping her arms around Debbie.


Debbie could hear life downstairs. Her team probably is here. Lou is sleeping peacefully. Debbie looked at her face. Lou was calm. Her bangs covering her eyes. Debbie smiled looking at her partner. Seeing Lou like this without her armour made up of attitude, ornaments and stupid braveness is rare. She is still guilty about her behaviour.

I was about to break this pure soul. Nope, never again. I am not going to malign our relationship

She lightly kissed Lou's brow and then went to bathroom. Once she was done, she walked back to the room. She won't get sleep now that her team is downstairs being source of noise pollution. She decided to do some mischief. She took the eye liner and began drawing moustache on Lou's face.

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