Chapter 14

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They were about to get inside the car when Mike came near them running.

"Oh honey, missing your mama already?", Lou said and lifted him. He barked at her once in response.

"Aww baby. Don't worry mama's taking you together", she said kissing his forehead. He barked in response again.

"Gammy won't like it Lou", Debbie said petting Mike's head.

"Oh, then we are definitely taking him with us", Lou said grinning. Debbie just shook her head and sighed.

"In the car, now. Let me mentally get prepared to whatever's gonna happen there"

"Hmm... Debbie where are the documents which I gave to you?"

"Oh shit! I forgot them. It's inside"

"There you go. Lou - 7, Debbie -7"

"What? This cannot be counted. This is cheating"

"I gave you the documents and you didn't get it. So, it's fair. Lou - 7, Debbie - 7"


"You waste time here and the score will be Lou - 8, Debbie - 7"

"No, you can't do it"

"Then hurry up. Get the documents while I will be with Mike"

Debbie ran inside the loft. Within a minute she came back with a file. She sat on the driving seat. Lou was already on the passenger seat and Mike was on her lap.

"Look, mommy is back"


"Yup, you are his mommy"

"You are mama and I am mommy? Jesus! When did we turn into those lesbians who adopt dogs or cats as their babies?"

Debbie didn't mind being his mommy though. In fact, she liked it. She even didn't question on what basis Lou is calling Mama and Mommy.

"Don't call him a dog. He is Mike, our son. See we are ahead of others who got married on the same day as ours. We already have a son even before we went to honeymoon"

Debbie shook her head. Obviously, she cannot compete with her dork.


"Hey Mike, tell me whom you love the most? Mama or mommy?"

"I love you the most mama", Lou said in high pitch

"Oh, and what about mommy?"

"I love her a little less than you", again Lou said in high pitch.

"Hey you cannot say that. Those aren't Mike's words"

"It is me speaking mommy", again Lou in her high pitch voice and Mike barked once.

"See Deb, he is speaking. And he loves me more than you. So, Lou - 8, Debbie -7"

"That's out and out cheating. You are speaking, not him"

"Mike honey, you spoke or I spoke?"

"I spoke mama" (Lou's high pitch - LHP), and he barked again.

"See, he spoke"

"You are cheating. The score is Debbie - 7, Lou - 6"

"No, the score is Lou - 8, Debbie - 7"


"Mike, mommy is whining"

"Mommy is being a kid" (LHP)

"Miller, give him to me"

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