Game Of Thrones Preference

By alertIamafangirl

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Jon Snow, Sansa Stark, Robb Stark, Arya Stark, Bran Stark, Daenerys Targaryen, Theon Greyjoy, Margaery Tyr... More

How you meet pt.1 your point of view (Male Character (Game of Thrones)
How you meet pt. 1 your point of view (female characters) (Game of throne)
How you meet pt. 2 his point of view (male)
How you meet pt.2 her point of view (female)
how he asks you on a date
how she asked you on a date
Your first date (male)
your first date (female)
what he calls you
what she calls you
What you call him
what you call her
your first kiss (male)
your first kiss (female)
who says I love you first plus how it happened (male)
who says I love you first and how it happened (female)
How he asked you to be his girlfriend
How she asks you to be her girlfriend
why you keep your relationship a secret (male)
why you keep your relationship secret (female)
your first fight (male)
your first fight (female)
you guys break up pt. 1 (male)
you guys break up pt. 1 (female)
Ramsay Bolton
how you react to the break up pt. 2 (male)
how you react to the break up pt. 2 (female)
you guys get back together (male)
you guys get back together (female)
Person he gets jealous of
person she gets jealous of
person your jealous of (male)
person you are jealous of (female)
Jamie Lannister
Cersei Lannister
Tyrion Lannister
Myrcella Bratheon
Gendry Waters
Oberyn Martell
Yara Greyjoy
brienne of tarth
Viserys Targaryn
Obara Sand
What there family thinks of you (male)
How your family reacts to finding out about your relationship with her
Their favorite dress on you (Male)
There favorite dress on you (Female)
His favorite physical and personality feature (male)
Her favorite physical and personality feature (female)
They ask someone close to you for your hand in marriage
The moment you realized you loved her
He proposes
Your ring
His ring
Your matching Necklace
Your wedding ceremony
Your wedding Feast
2 Words to describe your wedding night
2 words to describe Your first time (female)
Ellaria Sand
How he protects you
How she protects you
Sandor "The Hound" Clegane
Tywin Lannister
Lyanna Stark
Ashara Dayne
You find out your with child
You find a child/children you want to adopt
You tell them your pregnant
You agree to adopt the child/children
How they act during your pregnancy
You tell the children you are adopting them
I'm back

Tormund Giantsbane

2.4K 29 3
By alertIamafangirl

How you meet Pt. 1 your point of view-

When you were fighting against the Boltons during the battle of the basterds you didn't notice a man chargeing you from behind. You were pushed to the ground and a horse was galloping at you. You could barely move let alone escape the horse's path so you braced yourself for death. When you were pulled out of the way and on to your feet. "There you go," Your savior states. "Thank you," You thank gratefully. "Tormund," He introduces. "Y/N," Y/N you greet ducking as a blade went over your head. You twisted shoving the blade into the opposing soldiers chest. "Well Tormund I got some Bolton's to kill see you after we win," You reply hopefully running off to battle.

How you meet Pt. 2 his point of view-

I was in the middle of the battle when I saw a woman covered in mud and blood lieing on the floor. I watched her try to stand before giving up. My eyes panned to the horse galloping at full speed towards her. I ran over and helped her. I pulled her body to safety before helping her up. "There you go," I state with a wide smile. "Thank you," The unnamed woman thanks. "Tormund," I greet.  "Y/n," She replies. A Bolton soldier tried to stab her but she ducked. Her feet twisted in the mud as she turned stabing a dagger in his chest. She smiled wide before dismissing herself, "Well Tormund I got some Bolton's to kill see you after we win."

How he asked you out-

You and Tormund grew close after the battle. You were sparing with him laughing loudly at his jokes. Tormund hit the ground and your practice date lightly poked his chest. "Two for me one for you," You tease playfully.  "Hey do you think you wanting to go hunting tomorrow," Tormund asked? "Sure," You reply. "Like as a date," He clarifies. "Okay sounds fun," You reply with a smile. "Really," The wilding asked in suprise. "I like you Tormund so I would happy to be acompany you," You answer. "Now I am going to go and get ready for evening meal see you tonight in the dinning hall," You dismiss kissing his cheek and walking away.

Your first date-

You and the husband to bears met in the courtyard right before sunrise. You set out on your hunt. Hours into your heart you saw a stag. The tall talker crouched behind one tree and you crouched behind the other. Your bows were drawn back and arrows released in unison. Your arrow lodged into the heart and his lodged into the brain. The leafs crunched under your boots as you walked towards your kill. Arms wrapped around your waist and lifted you into the air. You squealed in delight. When he sat you down on your feet you turn to him. He wrapped his large arms around your waist hugging you close to him. "Good job," Tormund Thunderfist compliments. "Good Job to you as well," You reply as you pulled away. "I had fun Tormund and I hope we can do this again," You state honestly. "Me too now lets take this stag home," The breaker of ice directs grabbing the stag's hind legs in one hand and your hand in the other leading you back towards Winterfell.

What he calls you-

Little Bear

You were a mormont and the bear was your house sigil. You were fierce, strong, wild, and protected the ones you loved just like a bear. You were also smaller than the free man. So he called you little bear.

What she calls you-


You didn't really have a reason you just kinds stated calling him that

Your first kiss + your first I love you plus how it happened-


You sat on top of the wall patroling with Tormund. "It is so pretty all my life at bear island I never thought I would see beond the wall," You say. Tormund came up behind you wrapping his arms around your waist kissing your cheek from behind. "Your beautiful little bear," Tormund compliments. "Flattery gets you no where darling," You scold playfully. "It is only flattery if it is false," He replies. "Your a such weirdo," You tease. He slipped his hand in yours before spinning you to face him. "I am your weirdo," He states. "Thankfully," You state. The husband to bears pushes a strand of hair behind your ears before his large hand caressed your cheek. Your breathed quickened as you stared into his eyes. Quickly you stepped on your tiptoes taking his face in your soft palms and slamming your lips against his. He quickly kissed back and the two of you shared a passionate steamy lustful kiss. You pulled away smiling like idiots. "I love you," He confesses. "I love you too," You admit. He pulled you into another kiss.

He asked you to be his girlfriend-

You lied together interwined under the warm furs. Your head was on his chest and his hands were rubbing up and down your side gently. "What are we," You asked staring at the ceiling? "I wanted to be your husband one day and according to your traditions we have to court and in order to do that I have to be your boyfriend," The tall talker answers. "So were together," You ask looking up at him. "If you want to be," The father of hosts clarifys. "I would love that," You speak leaning up and kissing him.

Why you keep your relationship a secret-

You didn't. Things were diffrent in Bear Island. Woman faught. Woman were allowed there own lives and freedoms. You weren't a lady. You gave that title to your little sister. Your sassy strong and majorly adorable little sister Lyanna. Tormund was a memeber of the free folk his people didn't care what he did. So you did need to hide your relationship.

Your first major fight + You guys break up (Pt. 1 of the break up series) -

"YOU CAN'T BE SERIOUS," You argue. "I have to Jon needs me," Tormund replies plainly confused to why you were upset. "YOU COULD NO YOU WILL DIE," You scream. "I have lived beond the wall my entire life," The Mead-King of Ruddy High states. "I AM NOT ANGRY YOU WANT TO GO BEOND THE WALL I AM ANGRY THAT YOU WANT TO RISK YOUR LIFE TO GO HUNT DOWN A BLOODY FUCKING WHITE WALKER," You yell. "Little Bear I will be fine," He tries to sooth. "What will I do if you die," You interrogate. "I won't die," Tormund Horn-Blower plainly replies. "I love you Tormund and if you go I won't be here when you get back if you don't care that my heart would shatter and I would die without you and decide to follow the king in the north to your death I will be returning to Bear Island with my family and there will be no more of us," You threaten. "I have to," He ignores your request. Tormund left the room to meet up with the group that would be traveling beyond the wall. So you packed your things, saddled a horse, and set out to Bear Island.

How You React to your break up (Pt. 2 of the break up series)-

You arrived home a few moons after you set out. Your heart was broke. You missed him terribly but you couldn't stay with someone who walked so openly into death. Tormund had not only been your lover but your bestfriend so you lost both at once. You were bored, heartbroken, and lonely.

You guys get back together (Final part of the break up series)-

You sat in your window watching the scene below when there was a loud echoing knock on the wooden door. "Come in," You reply numbly. Lyanna walked in before plainly saying, "You look like shit." "Thanks," You mumble. "Someone is here for you they traveled a long way to see you at least that is what they said," The lady of Bear Island tells you. "Send them in I guess now go be the stern strong fierce lady I knew you would be," You teased. Lyanna mormont walked back to her table. She studied the red haired giant in front of her. "My sisters chambers is up those stairs last room," The mormont instructs before going back to eating her food. He ran to you chambers and slams open your door. Starled you jump and fall over. You eyes landed on him as your brows raised in confusion. "I told you if you went over the wall we were done why are you here," You asked in anger. "The wall went down and I need to go warn Jon but I couldn't go on without you I won't let you die pack your belongs tell your sister and leave with me," Tormund explains before commanding. "What," You asked? "The night king has a dragon and it melted the wall now the white walkers are marching south I need to warn Jon but I need to set this thing with us right first I love you Y/N My Little bear please forgive me I was just doing Jon a favor so he could save his people and your life so please forgive me," The tall talker explains honestly. "I can't stay mad at you," You cry as you run to him jumping in his arms and kissing him. The memeber of the freefolk kisses back and catches you at once. Once your passionate reunion was over he says, "As much as I would love to show you just how much I miss and love you but we need to get to Winterfell."

Person he gets jealous of-

No one

Tormund knew you loved him and would never want to be with anyone else. He trusted you fully.

Person you get jealous of-

Brienne of Tarth and Jon Snow

You were jealous of Brienne of Tarth because you knew Tormund had liked her before he got with you and were scared he still had feelings for her. You were jealous of Jon Snow because Tormund always put him first. Tormund always risked his life for jon. He also always gave Jon his attention whenever the king in the north called for it.

What his family thinks of you-

Tormund had no blood family but all the people he considered family loved you. They thought you would be an excelent wife to Tormund and a perfect addition to the wildlings. They thought the two you were made for each other.

His favorite dress on you-

Tormund hadn't really ever seen you in a dress until the feast after the battle against the white walkers. His mouth hit the floor. He thought you looked stunning. 

His favorite physical and personality features-


The way everything you do is a dance of beauty and grace

No matter if you were hunting, sparing, fighting in a war or a battle you alwas looked like you were danceing. You carried yourself with beauty and grace no matter what you did and Tormund loved it.


Your wild side

He loved the side of you that was crazy and risk taking. You were always up to have fun. You always were up to take risk and Tormund. It was the main thing that made Tormund fall in love with you.

They ask someone close to you for your hand in marriage-

Lyanna had died in the battle. Your uncle Jorah had at the battle Your only family had died at the hand of a white walking giant and a horde of white walkers. So he had no one to ask.

He proposes-

After the battle in Kingslanding Tormund he needed to take you home to bear island. You sat in the chair that your mother and sisters had sat at before you. Tormund stood in the cornor watching you. "It doesn't feel right I begged her to go to the crypts she was so young I should have died in that battle not her," You say tears falling from your eyes. Tormund walks over wrapping his arms around you trying to comfort you. "I don't want to stay here I want to leave I can't be here without any of them," You state. "Then we can leave my people want to go north anyways there tired of the south we can go back over the wall," Tormund agrees. "Thank you," You thank leaning into him. "I love you I love you with every part of me Tormund," You reply. "Marry me," He blurts. "What," You asked in shock. "Before we leave let's get married usually in my culture we have to kidnap a woman from another clan and they fight to escape if they don't were married but things are diffrent your a southern lady and I am a free folk from the north so things are diffrent but I know I want you as my wife I know you will make a perfect member to the free folk so lets get marry before we go north lets get married," Tormund clarifies. "One I am from the north not the south and Two of course I will marry you," You reason before agreeing. He lifted you from the chair squeezing you tightly.

Your ring-

His RIng-

Your wedding ceremony-

You had agreed on a private ceremony following the old gods traditions. You wanted to honor your family.  You had went over the ceremony with him until he memorized what he should say. You had invited all of your friends and all of the free folk to the ceremony. and from the comotion you could here from the pathway you were walking up you were sure they all showed up. You smiled brightly. You glidded up to the werewood tree stopping in front of Tormund Thunderfist. The maester of Bear Island asked loudly, "Who comes before the old gods this night." "Y/N of house Mormont comes to be wed a woman trueborn and noble she comes to beg the blessing of the gods who comes to claim her," You further the ceremony. "Tormund of Ruddy Hall who gives her," Tormund answers before asking? "Y/N of house Mormont Lady of House Mormont herself," You answer.  The maester looked at you before asking, "My lady do you take this man," The maester asked? "I take this man," You vow.  After you accepted him you stepped forward lightly kissing him. 

Your wedding feast-

Your wedding feast was full of food, wine, ale, and spoiled goat's milk. People danced and musicians played. People danced, chated, joked, and had a blast. Your wedding feast was a party.

Two words to describe your wedding night-

Long and pleasurable

How he protects you-

Tormund knew you could handle you own so for the most part he allowed you to do that but if he needed to he would beat a man to a bloody pulp for harming you.

You find out your expecting a child-

You, your husband, Jon Snow, and the rest of the free folk left south of the wall and headed North. Where you were from you would have went to the maester when you were feeling ill so you didn't know how to react when you began to throw up, your ankles began to swell, you breast grew, and many more weird symptoms. You were talking to one of the other spear wives while you rinsed you and your husbands cloths in the river. You quickly dropped the fur lined trousers and vomited. "Are you okay," She asked concerned. "Yeah I just haven't been felling well that is all," You answer. "Minor colds can mean death beyond the wall what has been going on maybe I can recomend a herb to help," She warns before asking and explaining? "Well I throw up sometimes and other times I am fine I am always exhausted and just so tired I am so forgetful I sometimes think if my head wasn't attached I would lose it when I used to have a great memory I also am craving things I never liked and hating stuff I have always loved My feet, hands, and  breast are swollen and hurt I have to pee constantly my back and head constantly hurts and I have been gaining weight," You list. "Have you bled recently," The woman asked? "No," You answer raising your eyebrow in confusion. "You have nothing to worry about love your just expecting congratulations," The lady diagnosis. "Thank you," You thank.

You tell him your pregnant-

You sat by the fire cuddled up to him covered in a bear skin fur. His arm was around your shoulder and you were burried by his side. He had a horn of spoild goats milk in his hand. "Darling I have news your going to be a father," You announce. He had just taken a drink so it ended up spit out. "Really," The tall talker asked? "Yes," You answer. He stood up and lifted you in the air spinning you around in joy. "I love you little bear," He says as he sets you down. "I love you too darling," You reply lightly kissing him. When you pulled away he lifted his horn in the air and scremed, "I AM GOING TO HAVE A BABE!" You smiled and laughed at his excitement. Everyone cheered. 

How he acts during your pregnancy-

Tormund is always making sure your warm and fed. He knows living beyond the wall is hard and wants to make sure you and the babe have the best chance at life. He contacts all the healers he knows. He refuses to let you hunt or do anything that could harm you. He is always snuggling you, kissing you and your belly, and just being so loving. Tormund is very attentive and loving. 

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