Black Cat's Diaries Series: 1...

By Kuroenekoeve

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"Revenge is the act that keeps me Alive and Lies are reason why I still have my Sanity" A girl who sacrificed... More

I: Black Cat: Headquarters
II: Yellow Mouse: Massacre
III: Yellow Mouse: Massacre (II)
IV: Black Cat: Main Estate
V: Golden Queen: Drina
VI: White Robin: Season
VII: White Robin: Season (II)
VIII: Black Cat: Kyrie Alice Schäfer
IX: Black Cat: All Hallows' Eve
X: Red Spider Lily: Man of the Night
XI: Black Cat: In Hell
XII: Red Spider Lily: Man of the Night (II)
XIII: Blue Dog: Earl of Phantomhive
XIV: Blue Dog: His Thirteenth Birthday
XV: Blue Dog: His Thirteenth Birthday (II)
XVI: Black Demon Hound: Land of Bad Dogs
XVIII: White Demon Hound: The Good Dog (III)
XIX: Black & White Kittens: Winter Solstice's Children
XX: Black Cat: Her Fourteenth Birthday
XXI: Blue Diamond: Cursed Hope Stone (I)
XXII: Orange Puppet: Hope Ring's Fair Lady (II)
XXIII: Orange Puppet: Hope Ring's Fair Lady (III)
XXIV: White Christmas: Her Family
XXV: Golden Ghosts: Respect Your Elders

XVII: Black Demon Hound: Land of Bad Dogs (II)

33 2 0
By Kuroenekoeve

"No one can have experienced to the fullest the true sense of achievement and satisfaction who has never pursued and successfully caught his tail"

-Rosalind Welcher


December 16, 1888

Houndsworth, South of England

[Barrymore Castle]

We finally arrived.

I saw a housemaid who wore a deep-purple uniform with a white apron, waiting for us at the entrance of the castle.

She has short silver hair and purple eyes and some part of her just reminded me of Ariel and I can't put a finger on it.

Maybe because they have the same hair color and act somewhat the same, I mean Ariel is sometimes unpredictable. Although, it feels like i have met her before, but I don't remember seeing her.

"Welcome to the Barrymore Castle, Lord Phantomhive," she greeted us with her soothing voice and bowed at us and as she saw me she added, "You must be the Duke of Blackrose" and bowed again and introduced herself as Angela Blanc.

After she instructed us to our rooms and helped us with our luggage, she guided Ciel, Sebastian and I toward Barrymore's Study room.

As I entered I saw a lot of animal collection on the wall and mostly composed of bears or dogs.

Dogs. I might not like dogs but this is too cruel. They should have been buried. Not for decorations inside a house.

Suddenly, we heard a lash from a whip, Angela's cries, and Barrymore's complains.

A middle-aged man with a beard that sits perfectly on his face face. He was a bit plump and looked like he eats better than the villager.

"I told told you to bring the Earl and the Duke not a Chihuahua and a Kitten," Barrymore yelled at Angela as he continued to strike her.

Wu-push! He looks like the hound himself.

"What?" I asked but he is not wrong with that.

I'll take that as a compliment.

Although it's funny how he compared Ciel to a Chihuahua.

"A simple task and you can't even do it properly," Barrymore said as he continued to give Angela sharp blows.

"Sebastian," Ciel ordered and Sebastian held the whip to prevent Barrymore from doing any more damage to Angela.


I stood up.

I looked at the town from the window, while Ciel and Barrymore discussed about the Queen's plan on the table.

Such a desolate place.

While Angela stood silently next to the cart, I heard Sebastian poured tea for each cups as he served them.

She in pain from all this ridiculous mistake. I wish Ariel and Arian were here. They are probably in York by now, miles to go 'til Edinburgh.

"Your Grace, tea?" Sebastian asked and I took a seat next to Ciel and read the papers for myself.

So this was her plan all along to make a resort.

I smelled the tea and took a sip, "Thanks"

As they continued to talk, Barrymore began to mention about a curse on this land and that the land should remain unchanged or else something will befall to the person who changed that tradition.

That's absurd.

"Then, let us see this catastrophe," Ciel provoked Barrymore, which made him mad.

What if something bad will happen?


After dinner, I can't stop wondering if the dogs will get out of their cages and began attacking us. Seconds continued and other thousand possible ways that I might die tonight filled my silly head.

"Your Grace, I recommend that you stayed in the same room as the Young Master," Sebastian requested.

"What made you say that," I asked curiously as I raised my left eyebrow. You're planning something again, are you?

"Young master noticed that you have been holding your sword-stick throughout the entire time," he said and looked at the object that my right hand wouldn't dare let go.

"I didn't notice," I mumbled.

I give in to his proposal, since I don't want him to think that I am scared of anything. I am scared but I wouldn't dare show that to this demon.

Though it might be safer, just in case.

If something will happened to me, Ariel and Adrian will not be happy.


It was dark outside and only candles lit up the room.

I sat across the couch where Ciel was sitting and stared at the cover of the book he was reading, while Sebastian stood near the window.

I stood up and walked behind his chair. I put my arms above the cushion to support my chin and to see what he was reading.

What's so nice about this book? Suddenly, someone knocked on the door.

"You may enter," Ciel said and didn't bother to look up from his book.

"My Lord, I recommend that you should leave the village as soon as possible," She pleaded after she entered the room and when she saw me she bowed.

Luckily I wasn't wearing my sleeping clothes.

"Young master is about to retire for the night," Sebastian intruded.


A howl is heard from the outside and I instinctively held my sword-cane very firmly.

"It's the Demon Hound," Angela said with a fear in her voice before she screamed.

We went to the window and saw a glowing entity that resembled a dog run down the road leaving luminous footprints behind.

Then we heard the people in the village alarming each other about the demon hound.

As we head outside of the castle we were greeted by the four who are currently in their bedclothes and also the people of the village.

"Someone got punished!"One of the village men alarmed us and immediately we went to see the victim.

It was the man I saw who petted his dog, a man they called James.

Without any hesitation Ciel examined him. I decided to help out, since two pairs of eyes is always better than one.

When took a turn to looked closely at him, I saw bite marks on his arms and legs while his clothes are almost torn to pieces.

As I was to putting two fingers over his carotid vein on his neck, to see if he was still breathing, someone shouted, interrupting my examination, which Barrymore.

Suddenly they mentioned about a "rule", which I couldn't grasp.

"If anyone broke the rules I enacted, they will be punished by the demon hound," Barrymore said before the people began singing a strange song, "The white dog is a good dog. The black dog is a bad dog,"

Are they going crazy?

Out of nowhere, a few people took James' body off the ground and while they carried of his body the villager still continued singing that stange song.

The white dog is an obedient, good dog. The black dog is a disobedient, bad dog...


I went into the bathroom and prepared myself for bed, removing all the facade.

When I went to the bed, I put some of the pillows in between the bed and lay my head on my pillow.

A while later, I heard Ciel came in with Sebastian in the room. I turned around and faced the wall.

"Don't worry, I will sleep on the couch," Ciel assured me.

I looked up and saw him wear a bedrobe over his nightclothes.

"I should sleep on the couch. This is your room, while mine is down the hallway," I said as I was about to get off from the bed.

"Then how about you share the bed and I will sleep on the couch, instead. Not that I sleep though" Sebastian suggested.

This demon!!!! I could feel myself becoming a volcano about to erupt. Thump! Thump!

Nononono!!!! I tried to calm myself and especially ignoring that feeling.

"Fine" I said.

I think that would be safer just in case that thing comes in this room, if it does.

"Then, you wouldn't be needing that sword-stick" Sebastian said.

I took out the sword-cane which I hid under the blanket and surrendered it to Sebastian who smiled at me.

"Take a good care of it," I reminded him.

I laid myself and realized that the pillows I put in the middle occupied most of the space of the bed.

Then, Ciel began to remove them and threw them on the floor, with annoyance, one by one.

"Hey!" I said holding the last pillow that supposed to serve as the last barrier between him and I.

"Do you think I will make a move on you. I am already engaged to Lizzie," He assured.

After he said that, I felt a little pang inside my chest and I could see a surprise look on his face, as if realizing what he just said which he just realized he can't take it back.

I don't know what kind of face I showed him just now, so I decided to hurriedly cover myself with a blanket and laid myself facing the wall, ignoring him.

He belongs to Lady Elizabeth, not mine and I can't belong to anyone.

"I understand that part already," I mumbled and closed my eyes to sleep.

I missed Adrian and Ariel. I miss home, but where is home.

Diary, Will I be able to survive another day?

There's something about this village that seems so eerie besides the villager, and what really happened to James?

Are dogs capable of killing a human being or someone forced them to do it?

I want to get out of here.


December 16, 1888

Houndsworth, South of England

[Barrymore Castle]

I woke up to find myself alone in the dark room.

I touched the bed and Ciel was not there, the place where he was supposed to be.

I looked at the couch and Sebastian was not there too.

The first thought that came to my head was that the demon hound took them.

Then I saw my sword-stick laying on the couch and took it.

I saw the door was open and immediately unsheathed the sword, ready for whatever challenge I will face.

As I was about to strike, I saw Ciel's face and dropped the sword, with a surprise, which loudly hit the floor.


"Where were you?" I asked with rage in my voice and I can feel myself hyperventilating, and decided to calm down.

Slowly, breath...Thank goodness you are okay.

"That's not your business and why do you care. You almost killed me!" he yelled back at me as he glared with his deep-blue eye.

I realized that he was dressed for the day and saw the eye patch that covered his purple eye is already on.

Suddenly, I can smell the shampoo and soap from him. He just got back from the bath.

"I was worried when I woke up and you weren't there," I said and realized that I sounded like a lover, which made me flushed.

As he noticed my reaction, his face suddenly imitates mine.

"Well, I-I'm fine and I-I recommend that you should prepare yourself for the day. You can ask Mey-rin to help you," he said as he walked around the table to pick up the papers.

"I'm really glad you are alright," I murmured as I looked at the ground and realized that I could have accidentally stabbed him.

I went back inside the dark bedroom and calm myself in the couch waiting for Mey-rin. Suddenly, I felt myself going to sleep.

Seconds later, I heard the drapes as they parted from the window, and saw as the morning light radiated the room.

I heard footsteps coming toward me and saw Ciel's boots.

I looked up and met his face.

He touched my cheek and I closed my eyes as I felt the warmth from his hand.

I felt as hairs touched my cheek and when I opened my eyes, I saw hairs covering my view.

"Wake up!" Why are you still dressed like that," he said trying to avoid my indecent clothes and added, "You better be ready before breakfast is over"

He went out of the room with the files that he was about to read for breakfast as he slammed the door.

"Whats with his attitude? He is much better in the dream!" I muttered to myself. As I realized what I just said, I touched my beating chest. This is bad.


After breakfast, Sebastian announced that we are going to go swimming.

I wore a my male bathing suit, a black and white striped shirt and shorts.

I didn't plan to step in the water but just in case someone pulled me in, I wrapped my chest with a bandage. Drat! Puberty.

I fixed my short disheveled black hair with my hand, and wore a straw hat.

Since I'm here I might as well have fun.

I looked at myself and realized that I looked too pale that I looked like a ghost.

It's been awhile since I've spent a lot of time under the sun.

I sat on one of the blankets and watched Baldroy, Finnian and Tanaka played in the beach; while Mey-rin changed into her bathing suit in the changing room.

After she came out she joined the others and I watched them played happily.

I looked at my left and saw Sebastian stood next to Ciel who is reading a book.


"Your Grace, join us!" Finnian said as he pulled me up and I held the straw hat to prevent it from getting blown off by the wind.

"Wait!," I said as Finnian dragged me by the hand toward the waters.

In the end, we played by splashing water on each other. I looked around and saw Ciel took a glance at us, before he faced the book again. Then, I saw him whisper something in Sebastian's ear.

"I will be back," I told them and walked to where Ciel was sitting. I took the book and shoved it to Sebastian.

"What are you doing?" he asked me and I ignored his question.

I held hand and pulled him in the water. Then, everyone began to spray him with water. I called out to Sebastian and beckoned him to join us, but instead he insisted on staying where he is. As I looked back again, he was gone.


After we changed into our proper clothing, we heard a commotion and saw a group of people with pitchforks, hoes and woods heading in a certain direction.

We followed them and saw a dog chained to a wall and attacked by five dogs.

"Stop it," Finnian shouted. He took the nearest log and used it to hit the dogs, who is attacking the innocent one.

"Ahhh!"An elderly woman screamed in panic which suddenly passed out on the ground.

As we tried to attend Finnian, the people surrounded us with displeasure looks on their faces.

"You interrupted the process," one of the men said as he held a pitchfork.

"You need to be punish," a woman said who is holding a stick.

Then all of them talked at the same time that it was hard to decipher their words and sentences.

In the back, I saw a Barrymore smiling.

Is this all his plans? Sebastian where are you? Ariel? Adrian?

Everyone surrounded us and before they can catch me, I climbed to approach the top of the log. As I looked down, I saw that Finnian, Tanaka, Mey-rin and Baldroy are tied together on the log I'm standing on, while Ciel is chained to a wall.

"Your Grace, I recommend that come down here or else, I will kill all of them," Barrymore threatened as he looked up at me.

"You are going to kill all of us anyway, you murderer," I yelled at him.

Where is the sword-stick when I needed it?

"Master, stop this nonsense!" I heard Angela plead to Barrymore but he didn't listen.

"Have the theater box view, then" Barrymore told me and continued, "You should just went home because I will not let Her Majesty makes this place into a resort!"

"Why would I listen to you!" Ciel shouted which made Barrymore more angrier than he is now.

"Okay then. Let us see if you will become an obedient dog!" Barrymore said as he instructed the vicious dogs to attack Ciel.

In a flash, I descended from the log and went in front to save Ciel.

If I can kick at least once, I should know the force I needed to use to eliminate all of them.

Suddenly someone threw my sword-stick in my direction and I caught it.

Instantaneously, I saw Sebastian attacking the dogs, all at once.

As expected of a demon butler.

"You're late," Ciel said. I took the blade out and cut the chains off Ciel and the ropes from the others.

"I'm sorry, My Lord," Sebastian said as he fixed his gloves and he nod at me.

Thank you.

"I told you to attack him too," Barrymore said pointing at Sebastian.

"This is why I hate dogs," Sebastian glared his red eyes at them and the dogs who was barking are now sitting obediently on the ground.


Then I heard the people murmured their amazement.

"You should give up Barrymore," Ciel said as he touched his wrist and added," Villagers, the black hound is a hoax. That man planned everything to make you obey him"

"How can you prove that?" Barrymore asked, while the whispers from the villagers still continued.

Sebastian begins to mention that the bite marks on James' body matches that skull in Barrymore's basement, the image of the hound was a deception from the light and the glowing dog was caused by a phosphorus.

When he tried to deny everything, Sebastian took a scrap, from a trouser, in the dead dog's mouth and showed it to the villagers. When the villagers saw all the evidence, they finally recognized the truth and carried Barrymore into his last judgment, as he howled his pain like a dog. A rain began to pour on us as if to cleanse the sins of the village.


It's already nighttime and the rain continued to pour on us.

I stayed in Ciel's room and sat on the couch, never allowing the sword-cane to leave my side, again.

"How did you climb that fast," Ciel asked.

"It's my hidden talent," I said.

One of the reasons I am called Black Cat.

Now that I think about it, I think this is the first time I did this.

"That's amazing, Your Grace" Sebastian laughed.

"We should go home when the rains stop." Ciel said as he looked to the window.

A sudden scream echoed the house.


We hurriedly ran toward the noise and saw ourselves in the basement where Barrymore was supposedly alive inside the cell.

Instead of seeing his complete being, we only saw a puddle of blood.

If he's not here, where is he?


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