By JarriaJelese

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Nicole and Tae are closer than ever; Nicole's spa is really taking off while Tae thinks about finally throwin... More



527 14 18
By JarriaJelese


"I ain't got shit to say to her, fuck her." Tae held a mean mug on his face as he played his game. "If it ain't about Taejin, Troi, or our unborn sons' that she don't want, then I ain't tryna hear it." He angrily pressed the controller buttons. "And make sure you tell her she not getting my house either. She only want it so she can sell it like she did the last one." He scoffed. "Four years of my life just down the drain, what a fucking joke."

Almost a month had passed and neither Tae or Nicole were budging. It was so obvious that they missed each other in every way possible, and they still deeply wanted to be with one another; they were just letting words affect the bigger picture.

"You're just hurting Tae."

"I've delt with my hurt Korea. Now I'm just plain angry- Fuck!" He cursed as one of his teammates missed an open layup. "Mel getcho fucking head in the game! Gotdamn!" He pressed the talk button on his headset. "If we lose I owe Marcus $500 dollars and you know your cheap ass ain't gone go half."

His friend must've said something funny because he laughed extremely loud. I seen why he wasn't staying in a hotel.

Although Mama Karen was upset with him, she insisted he stay with her until him and Nicole figured things out. It was hard trying to picture Tae without Nicole and vise versa so we all still had pretty high hopes.

I couldn't lie though, some of the things they said about one another to me in private made me question it. It was like our teenage years all over again; just with kids involved. You would've thought they hated each other if you didn't know better.

I had presumed the role of being their middle man. I dropped their kids off to each other for them, communicated between them if I had to, and I was a listening ear. I understood both sides and I made sure to remain neutral.

There were small knocks on the door before it was pushed all the way open. "Daddy!" Taejin ran to Tae, hugging him as he stood in between his legs.

I picked the kids up from Daycare and since today was Friday, they were staying with Tae for the weekend.

He paused his game and took his headset off. "It took you long enough to finally come say something to me." He kissed his head, gripping it and moving it side to side while Taejin laughed.

"Me was in Mia room."

"Of course you were." He picked him up and sat him on his lap. "You had a good day?"

He shook his head no. "Why not?" Tae asked.

"Mommy sad and she makes me sad too."

My heart broke. "I know Son" Tae responded. "Your Mama gone be straight." The asshole side of him was really starting to appear. It was like he held no remorse or empathy for Nicole whatsoever.

"Why her cry? Me not like when Mommy cry." He stared up into his Daddy's face.

"I don't know, you wanna play Spider-Man?" He changed the subject.

"Yeah Daddy! Spidyyyy!" Taejin pretended to unleash a web making me and Tae bust out laughing. "You my best friend man, I swear." His laughing died down as he maneuvered through his PlayStation. "Here and you bet not throw my controller at the tv if you lose."

"Yes sir!" He kicked his shoes off and got in the middle of the bed. "You play with me?" He asked in his cute little innocent voice.

"I will later" He got up, clearing his throat. "Where your sister?"

"With MiMi"

"Ima go get her." Tae slipped his feet into his Adidas slides. "You want a snack?"

Taejin looked up from the tv. "Yes sir" He nodded. "Me want chocolate cookies with milk and sour candy."

"Ok, Oreos with a glass of milk and ima see if Mia got some Sour Patch Kids but no promises." I slowly followed behind him downstairs and into the kitchen where Troi and his mom where.

Mama Karen had it spelling so good in the house and I definitely was sticking around for dinner. "What you cooking Mama?" Tae stood over her shoulder, towering over her. "It smell good"

She stirred around several pots. "Nothing special, My Love. I had some leftover Turkey Necks from a few days ago so I went ahead and made some Greens and threw them in there. A little Macaroni and Cheese, Fried Chicken, Fried Pork Chops, Chicken Tenders for the kids, Yams, Cabbage, Pinto Beans with Ground Beef and Sausage, Seasoned Rice, a couple pans of Cornbread, and two homemade Strawberry Cakes with homemade Icing."

I know Tae's mouth had to be watering because mine sure was. He kissed her check. "Ouuu I love being home." She chuckled, hitting his arm as she hugged him.

"I hope you still love being home when I tell you that I invited Nicole over for Dinner."

He smacked his lips, mumbling something under his breath. "Where my daughter at?" He went off looking for her.

"She's watching her show in my room; peacefully, so don't you go messing with her!" She shouted behind him.

I sighed sitting at the kitchen table. "Those two I tell you." She shook her head looking over at me. "I've never seen Soulmates bicker and argue so damn much in all my life." She made me laugh. "I really don't get it Chile."

"Nobody does but them." I told her what I had realized a long time ago. "They'll be back together in no time."

"They aren't broken up, Baby." She checked on her cornbread that was in the oven. "Words just hurt, that's all. It may take some time but I know my son and he not letting Nicole go just because his feelings hurt."

I agreed "Sure hope so"

"Why you invite her anyway?" Tae questioned her with an attitude. He held Troi in his arms.

"Didn't I tell you not to mess with that baby?"

"I said why did you invite Nicole?" She slapped the hell out his arm with a wooden spoon. "Ow Mama! What you do that for?"

"You talking to me like you stupid, that's why!" She stirred her beans. "Boy I'll knock you out and you won't wake up until it's time for Church on Sunday."

I laughed loudly. Tae smirked looking down at her. "You ain't gotta do all that Killa."

"Don't push me then boy!" She warned him. "Korea you want a Pork Chop before everybody else get here?" She had cooked way more Chicken then she did Chops.

"Oouuuu, yes!" She put it on a napkin before handing it to me. "You got some hot sauce?"

"Yeah I just bought some, look in the Pantry."

Tae smacked his lips "Why you ain't offer me one?" He asked offended.

"Because I know you gone fix your plate first."

"You right, but why did you invite her?" He asked for the third time going to the refrigerator. He got out a jug of milk. "She don't need to be over here."

"Regardless of y'alls terms, Nicole will always be my Daughter-in-law so she'll always be invited to any and everything I have."

"I'm not with her so she's not shit to you besides the Mother or your Grandchildren." He told her as he looked through the dishwasher, getting out one or Taejin's sippy cups. "That's all she ever gone be."

"You better watch those words because they will come back to bite you."

"I ain't worried about it Mama."

I was so glad I was the first one to Mama Karen's, I got to make my plate piping hot and by the time everybody else started showing up I was already finished.

"You tired Poodie?" I cooed at Cari. She had just woken up for her nap. The front door opened as I was going back into the kitchen causing me to stall to see who it was.

Nicole, Cali, and Mia all rushed through the door. Cali and Mia looked so cute in their little yellow Church Camp shirts. They could wear whatever bottoms they wanted, but they had to wear their shirts everyday. Cali had at least thirty of them and I had a couple myself.

"Hey Mommy" She hugged me, tiredly. "Hi Cari Bear!" She tickled her sister making her laugh.

"How was Mini Golf?" They got to take a trip every Friday.

"Extra extra extra hot" She rolled her eyes. "Really boring too and I could've been at Auntie's Spa!" She looked back at Nicole with a grin on her face. "Ain't that right Auntie?"

"Whatever you say Cals."

"I'm gonna go take a shower." Mia rounded the stairs taking them two at a time.

"You go take one too." I told Cali. "Your clothes are in the guest room by Mia's room."

"Yes ma'am!"

"How you feeling today?" I asked Nicole once the kids were out of ears reach. She was stronger than she would've been in the past, but I still my best friend and she was suffering in silence. I felt so bad for her and it seemed liked she always went through her storms during her pregnancies, which was very unfortunate.

She shrugged "I'm fine, moving forward as I should be. You know where my kids at?"

"Taejin is upstairs and Troi is in the kitchen."

She walked past me, not saying anything else.

"Well you look cute." I complimented her.

"Thank you Bestie."

Marcus and Tae's conversation immediately died down once we walked in. Marcus eyes got big, he wiped his mouth looking at the side of Tae's head.

"Hey bitch!" Mila blurted out from the living room where she was sitting on the couch. She had her plate in her lap and her soda in her hand.

"Mila ima wash your mouth out!" Mama Karen threatened her.

She covered her mouth, apologizing. "Sorry Mama"

Nicole chuckled "Hey Mila and hey everybody else besides Taelor Hills." She said, being petty. Only people that had shown up already were Mila and Marcus.

"That's funny, I remember times when you begged me to talk to you." He wiped his mouth.

"You moth-"

"Hey hey hey!" Mama Karen stood up from her seat. "Y'all not doing that right now! Relax, eat, and don't even look each other's way."

"I hate his ass." Nicole gritted out.

"I ain't your biggest fan either. You think I give a fuck about you hating me?"

I felt like I was going through deja vu.....

"I know you do." She smirked.

"Shut the fuck up before you make me mad."

"What you gone do it I keep on? Go sleep with Jasmine? You know that's what you wanna do anyway! I know that's why you left me!" Nicole let out her emotions and I could tell from her voice that she wanted to cry.

Mama Karen quickly gathered all the babies and took them out the kitchen.

"I left you because I don't wanna be with you anymore, but I'm single so if I chose to fuck her that's my business."

"Ok y'all going too far now." Mila butted in. "One of y'all please just leave the room." She palmed her forehead. "My crybaby daughter is sleeping and I don't need y'all waking her up." Sunny's car seat was right by her feet. I wanted to hold her so bad, but Mila was right about her being a crybaby and nobody wanted to hear that along with Tae and Nicole.

"This my Mama house, I ain't gotta leave shit." Tae kept eating, ignoring what she said about Sunny. "She should've never came. She no longer belongs here."

"Go suck a dick Tae."

He stood up so fast we all jumped. "Say it again" He put his hand behind his ear, walking towards her.

If I knew Nicole like I thought I did, she definitely was going to say it again. She stood up off the stool she was sitting on. "G-"

He gripped her neck and had her back against the Island in not even a second. "Say it again! You so tough right? Say that shit again." His grip wasn't choking her, but it was tight enough to keep her still.

"You're crazy!" He allowed her to push his hand away. "Don't fucking jerk me up!"

"I been told you you're lucky you not dead. I swear if it weren't for our kids I would empty a whole clip on you."

When they were at odds they fought like cats and dogs. Tae simply didn't care once you pissed him off and Nicole was just flat out crazy.

"Nigga please!" She scoffed, going to the stove to fix her plate while he sat back down like nothing happened. He unlocked his phone and went right back to eating his food.

"What the fuck?" Marcus mouthed across the table. I covered my mouth to keep Tae from seeing me laughing.

"Did anybody make my Son a plate already?" Nicole asked out loud with her back to us.

"You know I made sure he straight." Tae spat.

"Can you please not say anything else to me while I'm here?"

"You can leave."

Here we go again....

I rested my head on the table really wishing they both would stop acting like children. "Your mama invited me! I don't have to go nowhere if I don't want to and this is not your house!"

"I don't give a fuck if Jesus invited you." He laughed. "You know you're not wanted and damn sure ain't welcomed so why the fuck you here?" He looked at her amused. "I could be living in my house if you'd move."

"That's what you want?"

"That's exactly what I want. Matter fact, I need you out by Tuesday."

"Tae!" Mila called his name in shock he had said such a thing.

"No it's ok Mila." Nicole held her hand up for her to chill. "I'll be out by tomorrow, no worries."

"Where you going that fast without my connections?" He asked her harshly but it was obvious he was genuinely concerned.

"I don't need shit from you, Nigga!" She was trying her best to keep her cool. "If you wanna act like a little Bitch then that's on you, but don't get offended when I do the same." Her heels clacked as she walked over to the pantry. "You want the house, you can have it." She got out some foil and began wrapping her plate.

I glanced over at him and I knew from the expression on his face that he regretted what he said. "I'll see y'all later." She grabbed her plate, phone, keys, and purse.

"No bitch don't leave." Mila begged her. "Fuck Tae big head self, stay and just go upstairs or something."

"I gotta get home, I got some packing to do." She went and kissed Sunny's cheeks. "I'll call y'all tonight."

"Ima come help you pack once I leave here." I told her. Of course I was going to help my Best Friend in any way I could.

She gave me a closed mouth smile. "Thank you Best Friend. Can you FaceTime me later so I can see my kids?"

"I'll do it because ima probably be here all night. Mama Karen promised us she would put Sunny to bed for us." Mila chimed in before I could answer.

"Yeah and I need all my Z's!" Marcus stuffed his face. I found it kind of weird that all he had on his plate were sides, but to each's own.

"Ok, thanks guys." She headed for the front door.

"Bye Nicole!" Marcus waved his hand at her.

"Bye y'all!" Soon after we heard the door shut.

Tae put his arms on the table and palmed his face with both hands. We all sat in silence for at least twenty minutes, not knowing what to say or if we should say anything at all.

Out of nowhere he got up and went upstairs.



"Where do you want these to go Auntie?" Cali stood beside me with two glass vases in her hands.

"Just wrap them up and put them in the same box as the living room stuff."

Just like Korea said she would, once she left Ms. Karen's she came right over to my house. We had been at it for several hours and now it was close to three in the morning. Cali and Mia were staying over so they could help out as well, but both Korea and Mia had fell asleep so it was just us two. I successfully packed up both of my Kids' rooms by myself and once they came we did my closet/beauty room, the living room decor, and the kitchen. I still had my furniture from my apartment in storage so I was set in that area.

"Can I take some of this bubble wrap home?" Cali asked me.

I smiled, remembering my childhood. "Yeah you can if we don't use it all."

"Where are you moving to Auntie?"

Tae thought he was the only one with connections but he definitely wasn't. He underestimated me but I was grateful he did so I could show him who I really was and what I was capable of. I hit up a friend of mine who owned a luxury apartment building Downtown and landed myself a small penthouse with four bedrooms, two walk-in closets, a pool, and a balcony big enough to entertain guest. It really paid off to network.

I would be paying triple of what I paid when I lived in my old apartment, but I made more than enough money so I could afford it.


"Really? That's so far from my house."

"It is but it's closer to my Spa." I taped a box down. "You'll really like it, I'll have my own pool."

"Is Uncle Tae moving with you?" She stopped wrapping decor, looking at me. "Why he been staying at MiMi house and why are y'all so mean to each other?"

"I'll tell you later." I lied so she would just drop it.

"You don't have to Auntie, it's ok." She assured me. "You look sad so we don't have to talk about it."

"I'll be back" I quickly got up off my knees and went into my bedroom, shutting the door behind me. Mia and Korea were asleep in the bed so I quietly went into the bathroom, clicking the locks.

I turned the shower on and sat on the toilet seat, balling my eyes out. I was finally taking my moment to really let everything out. I hadn't cried much over the past month, I mainly focused on my kids and drowned myself in work.

Reality had set in and I realized Tae and I were in such a dark space. The love would always be there and we had broken up many times before, but this time things just felt different; I felt different.

I sniffed, wiping my eyes with the back of my hand. "Lord have mercy." I said "Lord please have mercy on my mind, my body, and my unborn babies." I rubbed my stomach.

I honestly was ashamed of myself for how I initially reacted to my unborn twin sons. I was being extremely selfish and I was having a hard time trying to forgive myself for it; Tae wasn't helping. I now understood how much he resented himself for how he reacted to my pregnancy with Troi.

I heard a couple knocks on the other side of the door. "Nicole you ok? I heard you crying." Korea twisted the doorknob.

I got up and let her in. "I'm fine I just was having a moment." I looked at my reflection in the mirror. My face was red and my makeup was ruined.

"He's wrong for making you leave." She looked around the bathroom. All of his things were still where he left them.

I shrugged "It is what it is." I opened the medicine cabinet, getting out his face wash that he used from my spa. I had already packed everything of mine up so I  was just use whatever he hadn't opened. "It's eating him up and I won't be surprised if he goes back on it." The Devil must've heard me talking because my phone went off in my hand.

It was an unknown number and I knew it was nobody but Tae.

(312) 322-5590- You ain't gotta move. Stay. 3:08 a.m.

I laughed shaking my head, showing Korea. "The man never surprises me." I went ahead and saved the number knowing he'd continue sending messages.

She laughed with me. "The bluntness of the message though." He texted me again.

Pathetic Nigga 💔- I don't want my kids moving around when they don't have to. 3:10 a.m.

Pathetic Nigga 💔- The fuck you wanna live in the Oddesey for? Way fucking downtown 3:10 a.m.

Korea gasped looking at me. "How does he already know where you moving?" She dragged. "You haven't even told anybody."

I still wasn't surprised. "He's Tae, Korea."

Pathetic Nigga 💔- You gone be driving at least an hour to take them to school every morning.... Korea gotta go outta her way to get my kids to me 3:11 a.m.

Pathetic Nigga 💔- Did you think about that stupid? That shit too expensive for you to be paying 🤡 3:12 a.m.

I finally gave him the satisfaction of responding.

Me- How far I gotta drive and how much my rent will be is none of your concern. Mind your business. 3:12 a.m.

Pathetic Nigga 💔- You are my business. Together or not. 3:13 a.m.

I didn't even waste my time responding back. I seen he had texted me again once I got out the shower.

Pathetic Nigga 💔- Don't fucking move Nicole. 3:30 a.m.

Me- You kicked me out, did you forget already? 4:15 a.m.

He immediately read my message. I sat back down on the toilet seat, waiting for his response; it took him a while but he replied.

Pathetic Nigga 💔- Don't move 4:28 a.m.

He then sent me a picture of our kids sleeping beside him. Taejin was cuddled up under his arm with his tiny arm thrown over his stomach, and Troi was on the other side of Taejin sprawled out.

It was so funny because Taejin slept more like me while Troi always wanted her space like her Daddy. "Aw my babies" I saved the picture to my camera roll.

Me- 🥰🥰🥰 My babies. Give them kisses for me. 4:30 a.m.

Pathetic Nigga 💔- You moving? 4:30 a.m.

Me- Yes. Why wouldn't I? Just because you made a fake number and you're asking me not to? 🤣 funny. 4:30 a.m.

He read my message and didn't respond.

I decided to stay up and finish the last of my packing before I set my alarm and finally went to sleep around seven. I had to be right back up at nine to let my movers in the house and Julio was bringing my U-Haul at ten.

I knew word would travel and before I could even make it home yesterday, Julio was calling telling me Marcus had told him Tae was kicking me out the house.

He offered to beat him up for me and everything, but we knew that wouldn't go so well and I didn't want him getting his ass beat on my behalf, so I just told him to rent a U-Haul and drive it for me.

I woke up confused with my alarm blasting in my ear. I turned it off and continued to lay flat on my back, coming to my senses. I was still tired as hell and my body was aching so bad. "Korea!" I yelled. The room door was open and nobody was in the bed besides me.

Mia and Cali ran into the room. "Oh good, you're up." Mia stood over me. "We're cooking breakfast."

"I knew I smelled Bacon." I slowly sat up and stood to my feet. They followed me into the bathroom. "I gotta pee y'all."

"I'll crack the door for you Auntie." Cali grabbed the handle doing as she said she would. After relieving myself, I brushed my teeth and washed my face twice. When I came out they were still standing by the door. "Do the babies feel heavy in your tummy?" She touched it.

"Not yet" I changed into my PINK matching set that I would be wearing for the move and put my hair in a tight bun on top of my head.

"Can we tell you a secret?" Cali asked making Mia elbow her. They had been watching me for the longest so I knew it was something.

"We said we weren't gonna tell anybody Cali!" Mia reminded her, scowling. "We promised"

"I know but this is Auntie Nicole and I love her." She focused her attention back on me. I just sat on the bed wondering what the hell they were up to. "Yesterday at MiMi house when we were suppose to be taking our showers, we weren't. We were hiding on the stairs listening to you and Uncle Tae and we both think he's a really mean man now and we're not gonna talk to him." Cali told me in one breath.

Mia nodded her head agreeing. "I love my big brother a lot but he was really rude to you and this is not just his house."

I didn't know whether to get on them for being in grown folks business or hug them for caring about me so much. I sighed, patting the bed for the to sit beside me. "I love y'all-"

"I love you more Auntie!" Cali hugged me.

"I love you too Nicole."

"I appreciate y'all caring about me, but you guys don't have to worry about what goes between Taelor and I." I assured them. "Y'all are getting older now and I understand you guys hear and see things but please don't pick sides and don't stop talking to Tae because of what you heard. We've both said things and if y'all would've heard some of the things that have left my mouth then you'd have to stop talking to me too." I looked between them. "Understand?"

"Yes ma'am" They said at the same time.

Mia moved her hair from her face. "Tae says a lot of rude things about you, but my Mom says it's because his feelings are hurt. I heard him on the phone one night and he told somebody that y'all weren't boyfriend and girlfriend anymore. Is that true?" She looked at me.

Cali gasped "Is it Auntie? I don't want you and Uncle Tae to break up." She whined. "You're still wearing your ring so that can't be true, right?"

"You guys will understand when you're older." I thought it was best if I kept things simple with them.

"I hope it's something left for me. I been slaving in this August heat for your ass with this fucking Truck!" Julio came inside as soon as I opened the door for him. He swiped sweat off his forehand. "I had to teach myself how to drive that mothafucka!"

I threw the last of my breakfast sandwich in my mouth, dusting my hands off. "It's two more sandwiches on the stove." I told him once I swallowed. I went and told the movers my U-Haul was outside and when I came back he was eating.

"Where my Baby Mama at?" He held a sly smirk on his face.

"Doing her makeup, where Koriyon at?" I cocked my head to the side.

He laughed turning his back to me, looking through the refrigerator. "I can have one of these sweet teas?"

"I don't care, this isn't my house anymore." I glanced around the empty kitchen.

"Don't say that but I hope her ass at work."

"Still not your girlfriend?"

"No nigga, I don't wanna be with her." He opened his drink, downing the entire bottle before getting another. "We just fucking."

"Don't you think you're wasting your time if you know you don't wanna be with her?"

"I'm just passing time, Sis. I gotta do what I gotta do until Korea ready to get back with a real nigga." Our eyes met and we bust out laughing. "I fucking hate you bro." He told me.

"On a more serious note, I really wanna know about your lil girlfriend. How old is she? She looks so young. Is she 18 Julio?"

"I'll tell you if you lace me up on Korea and that Montana nigga." He took a bite of his sandwich. "I noticed he ain't really fucking with her right now, why?"

"Because of you."

"What the fuck I do? She don't fuck with me."

"Duh. It because of what you asked of her."

He looked around, racking his mind. "Oh about him not doing shit for my kids?"


"The fuck that nigga in his feels behind that for? The only other option I'm offering is death. Do he wanna die?" He took another bite. "That's one funeral I wouldn't mind paying for."

I shook my head "Wow and the fact that's you're serious." I would never understand why him and Tae were so quick to take someone's life.

He shrugged "We all Sinners, G."

"I answered your question now answer mine."

"She twenty-two" He answered. "You gone call me R. Kelly now?" He held his arms out by his sides.

I laughed loudly. "What? Who been calling you that?" I kept laughing.

"Don't even worry bout it." His eyes were glued to whatever was behind me. I turned around seeing Korea coming out of my bedroom, adjusting her bun. "There go my sexy ass baby mama." He messes with her. "Mm mm mm!" I laughed again.  "You just so fine girl! If we lived in the South I would sop you up with a biscuit!"

I couldn't stop laughing, he was so funny and I needed the laugh.

"You're going too far and I told you not to call me that." She sat her towel down on the Island before sitting beside me, across from him. "Our boun-"

"Girl fuck them boundaries." He cut her off causing me to laugh again.

They weren't anywhere near being what he wanted or even friends, but they were at least cordial with one another now and that was a lot of progress for them.

The control/neat freak in Korea had to make sure they were on the same page about everything though. She even went as far as to create a Boundaries List for Julio. The shit was hilarious and when she showed Maurice, Mila, and I we laughed about it for days. It was only funny because she really felt she had to go to that extreme.

"Julio that list is the best thing I could've done to better our relationship." She motioned between the both of them.

"I still don't give a shit about it." He said bluntly, looking her in her face. "You look nice though."

"Whatever, go try an get your daughter and Mia to come inside before they pass out." They had been in the backyard for forever so they wouldn't be in the way of the movers.

"Got you"


"Is that everything!" I shouted through the house. Three hours had passed and we finally were getting ready to leave.

"Yeah" Maurice came out of my old closet room carrying one of my wig stands. Her and Mila came to help not long after Julio arrived.

"Ok well we can go." I took the house key off my king ring. My movers had already left with all my big stuff so all we were taking were clothes, shoes, my makeup and wigs, and decor.

"This big body is filled to the rim." Mila stood back by the U-Haul watching Julio as he pulled the door down.

"It is" I agreed with her, locking the front door. I bent down and put my key under the mat. I'd just send Tae a text later letting him know that's where it would be.

"You ok?" Maurice asked.

I nodded "I'm just ready to be done so I can go to sleep." Tired wasn't even the word to explain how sleepy I was. "Once we finish with everything, I wanna take y'all out to eat to show my appreciation."

"Oh I know he not." She said from behind me.

"What?" I turned around not expecting to see Tae pulling into the driveway. He got out his car with what looked liked a machine gun in his hand.

I made my way to him as fast as I could, already knowing he was here to keep me from moving. "What are you doing?" I yelled, punching his chest.

"You not moving out!" He pointed in my face. "I told you that and you didn't listen so now I'm here to show you." He tried to move me out his way, but I wasn't giving up. I got tangled up with him and was about to be face first on the ground until he grabbed me. "See, you bout to fall and shit, pregnant with my kids, move!"

"NO!" I yelled as loud as I could. "You're not messing this up for me!" I went to grab the gun but he held it out of my reach. "You're trying to rui-"

"You don't gotta fucking move out!" He pushed me out of his personal space. "You doing this shit for no reason!" He motioned towards the U-Haul.

"YOU told me to leav-"

"Now I'm telling you not to so what's it's gone be?" He cut me off again, taking his gun off safety. "Either you gone stay or ima shoot that U-Haul up. You choose." He licked his lips.

I couldn't believe the nerve of his ass. "Why are you doing this? You've made it clear you don't wanna be with me." He looked off rolling his eyes. "Why does it matter where I choose to live? As long as our kids are taken care of, what does it matter to you?"

"What you gone do Nicole?" I looked behind me seeing everybody had went in the house, but I could see them looking out the window. I seen the Welcome rug was now in the bushes by the front door, letting me know they had used my key.

Those bitches....

"I'm not saying I'm staying but I already signed my lease, paid my deposit, and I paid for the first couple months rent."

He put the safety back on his gun and slid it across the concrete, taking out two wads of money from both his pockets. "This one hundred thousand." I forgot I had my purse on my shoulder until he dropped the money in it.

I sighed, folding my arms across my chest looking up at him. His face held no emotion but I knew there was a million thoughts going through his head. "Not enough" I shifted my weight to one side. It was more than enough, I just wanted to see what he would do next.

He held up his finger, telling me to wait. I watched as he went to his truck retrieving a black duffel bag. He dropped it at my feet. "You staying."

"I'm not Tae!" I couldn't help but raise my voice. He thought he could just give me some money and that would make me stay. I definitely wasn't giving the money back, but I wasn't staying either. "You kick me out of OUR home, text me demanding that I stay once you changed your mind, come over here and try to shoot up my shit, and now you tryna bribe me."

"So what? I said what I said. Either you stay or ima make sure your U-Haul doesn't start. Again, what's it gone be?"

"You're pathetic"

"I'll be that. What you gone do?" He sniffed, wiping sweat off his face.

"I guess you gone have to buy me all new clothes, our kids new clothes, shoes, replace all my makeup and hair products, and pay Julio to shut up because the U-Haul is in his name."

"Well stay here or let me buy you a new House. Why stay in an Apartment when you can have a House?"

"I don't want yo-"

"Those your only two options Nicole." He wasn't trying to hear anything else I was saying. "New House or you stay."

I knew there was no compromising with him. "I want at least seven bedrooms, a guest house, my beauty room and closet room must be separate but right by one another, a gym, pool, and volleyball court. I want a spacious front and back yard, a circle drive, no less than a three car garage, elevator, and I don't want any neighbors." I listed off all my requirements. "Oh and make sure I have my own gate with a passcode."

"I'll text you the address." He walked out of my face.


"Mommy!" Taejin ran up to me as soon as I entered Ms. Karen's. He hugged my legs.

"Hi baby" I picked him up, kissing him. I went into the living room where Ms. Karen and Mia were. "You look so cute in your Church clothes." I pulled down the bottom of his Polo.

"Yeah and why didn't we see you there today, Missy?" Ms. Karen asked me.

I sat down beside her. "I know I know but I was so tired Ms. Karen." I slept straight through Church. Yesterday was really too much for my body to handle; from packing to loading to unloading had me exhausted. I had to pay my movers double to bring all my furniture back to me and unload everything. Of course I couldn't keep my things in their truck until Tae found my house, but I used some of his money to rent the U-Haul for an additional couple of days.

"Mhm, you better be back at it next Sunday."

Tae came into the room holding Troi and her dirty diaper. My Stink looked so adorable in her pink, white, and purple dress and her Church socks. Half of her curls were up in a ponytail with purple bows and the rest were hanging down.

Her eyes lit up once she seen me and she immediately started whining and reaching, trying to get out of Tae's arms. "Ma ma!" She whined.

He tossed her diaper in the trash and put her down so she could crawl to me instead of placing her in my arms like he could've.

"Boy ima beat your back in real good if you keep on!" Ms. Karen scowled him. "You just came from the Church and you already back to acting an Ass!"

Instead of saying anything to her, he left out the living room and went upstairs. "That Son of mine, Lord that Son of mine." She shook her head not talking to anybody in particular. "And you need to start walking little lady." She pinched Troi's fat cheeks. She smiled in response shyly laying her head on my chest, holding onto my arms.

She had standing up down pack, she just refused to walk.

My phone vibrated beside me.

Pathetic Nigga 💔- 5808 Rue Street... Gate code #777442. The code to get into the community is your address 3:22 p.m.

"Bitch and you telling us you didn't go see your house before coming over here?" Mila questioned me.

The whole clan was at Ms. Yolanda's for our weekly Sunday Dinner. Everybody else was disbursed elsewhere around the house while the girls and I were chilling in one of the guest rooms. "I wanted y'all to see it with me."

She started putting her socks back on. "Well let's go see it."

"You got a baby now ma'am." Maurice slid her feet into her slides. "You can't just say let's go." She reminded her.

"Oh yeah" She said it like she really forgot she was a Mom now. "I gotta tell Marcus I'm leaving."

"We'll be back" She touched Marcus's chest on our way to my car. Him, Julio, Tae, and Leslie were sitting in the garage smoking. Their friends Jerzee and Trell had come over as well.

Mila grabbed his face in her hand, forcing his head up. "Did you hear what I said?" He stared at her looking lost.

"Huh Mi Mi?" He asked making his homeboys clown him. "I'm so high I can't hear." He pointed at both of his ears. "What did you say?"

"I said we'll be back." She repeated herself.

"Where y'all going?" Leslie asked before Marcus could. I could feel Tae's eyes on my ass. I had on some cute ass Gucci jeans that were now too little due to my pregnancy, but I wanted to wear them at least one more time to get my moneys worth. I was feeling good and my outfit was super cute today, not to mention, I was wearing his favorite perfume.

"To see my bitch new house." She pointed back at me with her thumb.

"Oh yeah you living large sis." Julio whistled giving me a thumbs up. "You gone really like it."

"I bet I will." I took my shades off my head, slipping them back on my face.

"Oh my gosh, Nicole this is so nice!" Korea leaned over me, staring out the window as the black brass gates leading up to my house opened.

I really couldn't believe my eyes myself. The man had literally gotten me everything I told him I wanted; from the volleyball court all the way to the circle drive and I didn't have any neighbors for miles.

I put my car in park taking my foot off the brake. "Why you not driving up the hill?" Mila asked me once I sat back in my seat. "Bitch I wanna see the inside! Don't you?"

My eyes were glued to it as I thought about the many different ways I could decorate each room. I sighed "I'm selling it" I went ahead and backed off the property against their whines and complaints.

"What do you mean you're selling it?" I could feel Korea looking at me like I had two heads. "Selling it?" She asked again.

"Tae underestimates me." I stopped at a Stop Sign before making a left and heading back to Ms. Yolanda's. "He's so headstrong about not being with me, yet he still wants that control so I'm teaching him a lesson."

Maurice chuckled "I feel where you coming from sis but don't you think you can go about proving your point a different way?" She hesitated. "I mean this is a mansion here we're talking about."

"A mansion that screams Nicole!" Korea hit at me. "You're crazy if you give that beautiful house up just to prove a point. That's so stupid!" She tried to convince me, but I was a Taurus and when my mind was made up.... it was made up.

"All I need y'all to do is support me!" I yelled over them trying to get through to me. "I move into the Oddessy on-"

"You're serious? You're really selling your house that you just got from your multi-millionaire husband who you just so happen to be at odds with right now?" Mila leaned over the console from the backseat. "Like deadass?"

"Deadass Mila and he's not my husband." I paused. "I move into my apartment on Wednesday so you guys can show your support if you'd like."


"Bitch I'm telling you now I'm not coming!"

"I can't believe you're about to give up a whole mansion for a four bedroom apartment."

I knew they didn't understand my decision, but I based it off my own judgement and I knew it was for the best.

"Again guys, support is all I need and please don't mention anything to Taelor." I looked through the rear view mirror at Mila. "Especially you Mila!" She wasn't a blabber mouth but they talked the most and I didn't wanna risk her over-talking.

She held her right hand up. "I should tell him but I promise I won't." She crossed her heart.


"Mommy wake up!" I felt Taejin's hands on my face. He laughed as soon as I opened my eyes. "You sleepy Mommy?"

I nodded "Because your sister wasn't last night." I sat up, stretching. Since we moved tomorrow, I decided I'd let them skip a day of daycare to stay home one last time, but I was really starting to regret that decision. It wasn't even eleven yet and Taejin was driving me up the wall.

Every time I'd dose off, he'd wake me up and it wasn't helping that Troi was sick and crying every five minutes. Tae picked them up from school yesterday and Taejin told me they went to the park once he dropped them off. My poor baby must've gotten into something because she had hives all over her legs and arms.

"That's sissy!" Taejin jumped off the bed and took off to Troi's room as her cries filled the empty house.

She was standing up in her crib. "I know it itches Stink." I picked her up, trying to soothe her skin the best way I could without scratching. I had used every  lotion, ointment, and cream there was. Hives were tricky and basically just had to clear on their own.

She continued to cry while Taejin kept asking me for his Sippy Cup, and it was times like this where I missed Tae the most.

"Apple Ju?" Taejin asked me, shaking his cup around.

I closed the refrigerator. "Yes Pooh" I answered him sitting Troi in her high chair. Her crying soon turned to fake whines as she watched me maneuver around the kitchen. I pushed one of the barstools up to the refrigerator so I could grab the box of cereal that was on top.

I heard Troi's cute little laugh behind me. "You laughing at Mommy's pain?" I asked her as I climbed back down. I poured some Strawberry Cheerios on her table and sat her pink cup in front of her before pushing her highchair in front of the tv.

I quickly ran into my bedroom, realizing Taejin was too quiet. "What are you doing in here Pooh?" He jumped hearing my voice. I seen his now empty cup on the ground beside the Apple Juice puddle he had created. He was standing in it and his feet were drenched along with the white carpet.

"Me sorry Mommy." He apologized while I closed my eyes, trying to collect myself.

"Go in your room now before I whoop your butt!" I yelled, pissed. He just did bad shit all day for no reason. "Jumping in juice like he crazy now it's gone look like a big ass piss stain on the carpet." I angrily picked up the cup and matching lid, taking them to the kitchen sink. I made Taejin take another bath and clean up his mess.

By the time lunch time had come around I was 100% beat down and exhausted.

Me- Did Troi get into something yesterday? 12:10 p.m.

The time immediately showed under my message like he was already in the thread.

Pathetic Nigga 💔- No not that I seen. She sick? 12:10 p.m.

Me- She has hives 12:11 p.m.

He didn't reply and I didn't think anything of it until I heard the locks clicking thirty minutes later.

"Hey Daddy!" Taejin got up from the ground where he was eating his lunch in front of the TV.

I didn't bother moving and Troi was asleep on me anyway. Our eyes met as he slowly rounded the corner, coming into the kitchen. He sat a CVS bag beside me on the Island. "I bought every baby cream they had." He mumbled.

"I went last night." I picked at the Dinosaur Nuggets on my plate. Taejin loved them and he insisted that I ate some too but they tasted like cardboard to me.

"She was up all night?" He scrunched his face up. "I didn't see her get into anything at all."

"On every hour" I answered his question.

"Why you didn't c-" He cut himself off by clearing his throat but I already knew exactly what he was going to ask.

"Don't know your number." I fucked with him, shrugging.

He smacked his lips. "Die slow"

"Ain't that what you want?" I fake smiled.

"Whatever man, give her to me." He took Troi from my arms, accidentally brushing his hand against my left nipple. All I had on were one of my silk robes and a pair of panties that were now ruined.

I bit down on my bottom lip to keep myself from moaning. I hated the effect he had on my body and it seemed to get stronger and stronger as our terms grew worse. It had been long over a month since we had sex and I couldn't remember the last time I felt his touch. I was pregnant, horny, tired, and miserable and I honestly just wanted to be held if nothing else.

"I-I'm gonna go take a shower." I tucked my hair behind my ear.

"After that get some sleep, I got them." He took my seat.

I hightailed it to our bedroom, closing the door behind me. I turned the shower on and immediately sent a text to the girls and I's groupchat.

Me- 911!!!!!!!! He's here and I want some dick.... What should I do? 😩 Responses needed ASAP!! 12:59 p.m.

Mila 💃🏾🌞- 😋 I been looking for some excitement all day! I say go for it sis!! 1:03 p.m.

Mila💃🏾🌞- The worst he can say is no and what man you know turning down some 🐱 and he still yours regardless! Get that 🍆 bitch! 1:03 p.m.

I laughed at Mila's message waiting for Maurice and Korea to respond. They both exclaimed her messages, giving me the reassurance I needed. I sent Tae a text telling him I wanted to have sex before turning my phone off and getting in the shower.

At least ten minutes went by and he hadn't come in the room yet, letting me know we all were wrong and I was a dumbass for even letting him know I wanted to fuck. Embarrassment took over my body and I made a vow to myself to never mention sex to him again.

I rinsed off one more time before getting out and drying myself off. I lathered my body in Coconut Oil and put my robe back on before opening the bathroom door.

I jumped, touching my chest as Tae bust in the room. He noticed he had scared me. "My bad" He shut and locked the door behind him. "You can get that look off your face. I was coming, I put our kids to sleep." He grabbed me by my waist, pulling me into him.

I moaned into his mouth as he kissed me, biting at his lip. I felt him reach around me before his hand came in contact with my pussy. He rubbed over my clit earning a few small moans out of me.

My lips never left his as my back came in contact with the bed. Neither one of us hesitated to rip the other's clothes off. "No, come hereeee." I clung to him, kissing all over his face.

"Turn over"

My eyes rolled as he stroked me from the back, pulling my arms against him. "Oouuuu my God, Tae! Ouuuu fuckkkk!" I moaned into the sheets. He slightly rotated his hips, hitting my spot. My first orgasm hit my body like a ton of bricks causing me to pant out of control.

He roughly gripped the front of my throat forcing my back against his chest while he continued to hold onto my arm. "Shit" He groaned sloppily kissing my neck.

My mouth hung open but no sound would come out. "Fuck Nicole" He pushed me back down into the covers before speeding up. Another orgasm hit body as we both moaned. I collapsed on my side while he fell onto his back.

"You wanna go another round before you go to sleep?"

I climbed on top of him, placing his dick at my entrance. "I'm not tired anymore."

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