The All Our Crowns Project

By allourcrownsproject

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Rachel's Story

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By allourcrownsproject

This was written by Rocket, and I'm so glad she's shared. Thank you. 

Greetings my dear royals! It's Rocket here! From @rocketstarletta !

Today, I will be telling all of you my story.

This will probably be a bit hard for me since over the years I have pushed all this aside but I will do this for the sake of helping others because I think someone might need this one day. <3

Also, I will refer to myself as "Rachel" or "Princess Rachel" because that is actually my real name! <3

I am going to be making my story like a Fantasy Royalty story. It is mixed with my real story but this is more of a hidden meaning kind of story, so you may have to read in between the lines! <3

Also, some people I know in real life who were apart of my story, I will give them a different name that's not their real one for privacy reasons. <3

So without further ado... Here's where it all started...

<3 <3 <3

𝙾𝙽𝙲𝙴 𝚄𝙿𝙾𝙽 𝙰 𝚃𝙸𝙼𝙴, there lived a lively, highly imaginative, and spirited young princess named Rachel. She was brought up in her castle by her mother, her father who are The King and Queen of her kingdom. She also had two siblings, an older sister and a younger brother.

She grew up watching Disney movies. With this influence from these movies, it played a HUGE part in shaping her life, storytelling style, and journey. It inspired her so much at a young age to create short stories, poems of her own, and she wrote all of them traditionally on paper.

Her favorite princess at the time was Jasmine and she always wanted to be just like her. She wanted to be as graceful, feisty, free-spirited, compassionate, independent, kind-hearted, headstrong, humorous, selfless, loving, intelligent, sassy, empathetic, as she was.

So, with that, Rachel was uplifted by her and she actually was Jasmine twice for Halloween as a kid. She even at this time dreamed of being a vegetarian for a pet clinic. She got to meet the loves of her life growing up... AKA, her dogs, Bowie ( Rest In Peace, BowBow <3 ) and her puppy Belle ( Rest In Peace girly! <3 ) Giorgio, my buddy!

As well as her 6 guinea pigs whom she loves so very much! <3 ( But Rest In Peace, Brownie boy, at least I got to kiss you goodbye! And stayed with you to comfort you when you were in pain right before you passed! <3 )

( Then came along was Wilson, Ozzy, and Olive but that was later in life! <3 )

Rolling along to when she was about 10 years old, she found about a certain community on YouTube. This community was based around toys.

These toys were called: "Littlest Pet Shops" or "LPS". They were cute figurines of any kind of animal you can possibly think of and they had bobbleheads.

Princess Rachel actually had some of these toys in her castle and with that, she was now inspired by people making videos series with these toys. As well as the graphics that would come out of it and the photography too.

So, she collected many over the years and started getting to work. It was hard starting out because no actually watched her videos at the beginning. All she had was an Apple iPodMirror... But, despite not having much money in her family, she used what she had at the time.

She grew up to be a very resourceful little princess at a very young and it carried over with her into the present.

And she learned throughout this time how to use editors for portraits and moving live action pictures. From this, she kept up with it constantly to grow her skills for it.

So, she started making music videos with these toys. Once she acquired the skill of a beginner and slightly amateur editor, then it lead to some success. She slowly reached to 1,000 subscribers by this time...

At this point in time, she was heading into fifth grade at her academy, she had one close friend ( We will say her name is Becca. ) with her since kindergarten. The Princess also got Becca into this hobby she liked.

She also had four other friends as well whom she was close too. ( We will call them, Clarise, Milly, Lia, Libby, and Ivy )

Skipping along to 6th grade now, Rachel would even take her "LPS" to school... But, that was her one mistake...

Her peers bullied her for this, they called her names, they called her childish, they taunted her...

That is when she stopped taking them out of her backpack for everyone to see. Instead, she secretly kept them in her backpack and didn't take them out to show anyone but her one friend Becca who could relate.

A year went by after this, in 7th grade, she started to turn shyer and more introverted everyday. She even grew a little, her body was different, her personality was different, practically everything at this point.

During this time, one particular boy started to pick on her. He called her a name and it was a three letter word...

She never forgot this moment after he said that to her...

Being a bigger boned girl at this time in her life, she was a tad bit on the curvy side... And it hurt her feelings that she was not like any other girl there.

There was no celebrity, no other person she could look up to who knew this struggle like her at this time... There was no one...

That same year, Becca decided that she wanted to move on from this hobby... It crushed her spirits again because she was the only who Rachel could talk to about this hobby of her's and who understood this.

Princess Rachel lashed out at her... Looking back at this, that probably wasn't the right response to that... But she couldn't help it with all this anger and sadness built up inside of her.

And from there on, they stopped talking...

They did have an off and on friendship after this but as time went by, it grew toxic, so she had to end this friendship.

Reconnecting with her four friends, Lia, Clarise, Milly, and Ivy, she was sad to see her friends Ivy and Libby move away from her kingdom and academy... But, she at least had three other friends to hang out with.

Milly and Lia knew each other well. While Clarise only knew Rachel.

So with this, she decided to bring them together. Out of the kindness of Princess Rachel heart, she brought them together to make their friend group.

They spent so many days hanging out, sleeping over, talking to the wee-hours of the morning about random stuff, laughing, giggling, and having inside jokes.

They did everything together...

But deep down, Princess Rachel was struggling still. Even when she was happy with her friends and nothing negative was happening between them...

The bullying never ended outside of it.

One different boy from the first even went to the level of playing pranks on her. He pretended to ask her out at one point... But she knew better than to accept.

This is when she bursted.

She would scold them every single time. Their laughing NEVER stop her one bit from getting her point across.

Even some of these "so called" popular girls, whom she used to speak with and GREW UP WITH IN THE SAME DISTRICT, shunned her away, like she was invisible and didn't exist. They ignore too and therefore they didn't even look at her...

But after this, she thought everything would be okay... But she was sadly mistaken when the bullying that she never thought would cross in her happiness, actually did and it came to her circle of friends. She even prayed that this would never happen her... But it did...

Clarise started to become toxic for her now...

Clarise accused Rachel of becoming closer to Lia and not her. She said: "You need to share her."

Rachel's first reaction to her was confusion... She equally gave each friend the attention they needed. Rachel never left anyone out of the group. Never!

The Princess thought Clarise knew her well since they were friends for a while... But she guessed not.

Rachel eventually began noticing a pattern with her. It went like this: When she was alone with Clarise, she would be really nice to her... But when, she was with Lia and if Clarise was present too, she would lowkey be mean to her and then become overprotective of Lia.

Lia did notice this since she was in the middle of it. She even tried to be the peacemaker in this problem but it didn't really work...

At this point, she spent a little more time with Milly and if she could, Lia. She spoke with Clarise less and less.

A few months after this, it got worse. Her grades started to slip, her anxiety and depression became worse after past terrible ( academy, depression, anxiety ) experiences came back to haunt her.

So, for the sake of her mental health, she decided right at the end of 7th grade she would transfer to home education.

During this time in the home academy, it was better for her anxiety, her grades, and depression. She even had more help from the teachers and advisors at the home academy than she did at her public. Rachel actually did feel a lot more comfortable now that she was away from all the triggers of the public academy.

She tried to stay in contact with her friends via iSmartMirror but slowly, she lost them...

Now, Rachel was lonely... It didn't help because she thrived in being social with people. She was a social butterfly after all!

But slowly, she came into a spiraling dark depression since this...

And Princess Rachel had to get treated for this, she had to be hospitalized ( about 4 in-patient visits ) more than once because of what she calls "dark thoughts".

And this would continue on and off throughout the years...

Then after her last in-patient hospital visit, she move on to her first out-patient hospitalization ( this was her last overall hospital visits ), she started counseling right after this. The Princess made some recovery over the years.

Speeding up time now, she kept trying to make herself better. Now at the age 16 years she continued her love for Film.

For some reason she never grew out of the toy phase. It was what made her happy at the time, so she rolled with it.

And that's when her first series was born and it brought her up to 2,000 subscribers!

This was the moment she discovered what she wanted to do with her life actually... Becoming a director was her ultimate dream now!

She loved animals so much too but she felt like the long schooling that went with it was going to be too much stress for her...

Changing her life goals, there suddenly came a halt into her creativity in Film... Her computer broke down...

Luckily, she didn't lose anything because the person who would fix it, recovered all the lost documents and scolls.

Even at this time, she reconnected with a new but old time friend, ( We will name her, Carly ) but their dynamics didn't match up at this time and it became another toxic situation...

But Rachel kept trying to make it work.

They would hang out occasionally but it was never like the time she would hang out with her group.

Missing her friends now, she had some strength to try to pull through public academy again and this time she was going into high school.

She took the chance again and she survived two days of high school which was good until it became way too much for her at that second day.

That very day in the academy, The Princess had an anxiety attack because there were too many people and plus, her group of friends moved on without her now.

They seemed so surprised by her back here after years ( Which she was expecting that. ) as well as they hardly knew how to talk to Princess Rachel.

Though what the Princess didn't expect is a disconnect between them. She felt out of place, felt unwelcome, like she didn't fit anymore.

Rachel expected them to welcome her back with open arms... But maybe she was expecting to much...

But what even hurt the most was Clarise and Lia were now very close... She felt kind of replaced... They seemed to forget about her too, which made her sad... But this also made her flustered as well...

If it weren't for her, Clarise wouldn't have even been friends with Lia and Milly.

But, she wasn't going to hold a grudge... They obviously showed her their true colors... They were not truly her friends after what they showed her that day...

After Rachel spoke with The Queen and the academy counselor about this, the really... Ignorant guidance counselor there, FINALLY allowed her to come back home ( after several tries to keep Rachel there ) with her mother's words to try to have him understand The Princess. ( This councilor did not understand me at all and I don't think he understood how depression and anxiety can affect someone. ) So, the Queen finally took her back into home education again after these events...

Past that chapter, she tried so hard to focus on home academy work for the time being since she didn't have much to do now that she didn't have her personal computer. ( Over the past years it was hard for me to focus on schoolwork because of anxiety, self-confidence, self-worth, depression, and really no hobbies to do in my free time that could make me just as happy as I was Filming, so school ended up being a big stressor and struggle all my llife. I kept finding myself in piles of work to do before the school year ended! ) It took the computer repair man almost over a year to finish fixing it... Her birthday even passed during this time, now she became 17 years old.

At last, a few months after this, it finally finished!

At this point in time, she kind of grew out of the "LPS" phase. Though, still her dream of being a director lived on.

That's when she discovered Wattpad through an online friend from a different website. ( It was an online roleplaying website, which ended up being her hobby then. ) Princess Rachel became curious about this "Wattpad" because her online friend talked about how she was writing books on there.

So, with curiousness getting the better of her, she created an account... And this forever changed her life...

Though, it took her a long time for to muster up the courage to post her very first book. ( Which now it has been unpublished. ) It was the most cringiest, most poorly written, and the most impossible to read book she has ever created.

Embarrassed by that, she started to work on two other books because she wasn't going to give up that easily.

First was "Dear Odelle". She technically called this one her first book because it was a little better than her actual first book. She was given some support on this one but she slowly grew away from the plot. However, she pulled through and finished it as a short story.

After that book was finished, she decided to create a new book! And this book was called: "SPEAK!" ( Unpublished now ). This was the first-ever book she actually finished completely and she was very, very proud of it!

And this was the exact moment she found her new passion! It even was a bonus to her dream because she could use this skill as a stepping stone to becoming a director!

Then not much time after, came her most beloved story she ever wrote ( for her personally ) called: "A Royal Secret".

But she was not done there!

She even had some time to take care of herself, she went on a healthy weight loss journey and now she feels a whole lot better! Plus she even had some to write chapters!

But again, abruptly, her happiness came crashing down when several of her family members had passed on...

First, it was her Father's best friend whom he was in the Military with... It was very unexpected too. He was probably depressed too and didn't help he was lonely too, his divorced family shunned him.

And she came to now realized that, the only family her father's friend had at this point was her own family.

But Princess Rachel even remember the call that day from her Father's Friend's Brother. She could tell on his face he was shocked as he spoke with him, she didn't know was going on until, he ended the call he delivered the news to everyone... And she would NEVER EVER forget how he reacted. He actually broke down in tears... She NEVER in her whole life had seen him cry this hard... It left her in tears too just witnessing this.

Then came the chain reaction...

Soon, her Aunt's Husband's Mother passed sometime after this. Then, on more calls came in. One call they learned her Father's Mother did too, then a few months later after her's, he received a call his dad died too.

Rachel could remember that they were all mentally preparing as they sat there and waited for another call for some more bad news. Her father's phone was constantly ringing and every time someone called they feared this. It was very draining for her and her family. They had a lot of grief during this time.

And what put her over the edge and her whole family was the passing of her mother's father. He actually lived with them, so they were all pretty close to him.

And when this happen it change the mood and atmosphere of the most wonderful and cheerful holiday of the year... Christmas.

One being because her grandfather loved Christmas and loved seeing her and her siblings unwrap presents on Christmas morning. Now without him it hurts.

Second reason is because he passed on Christmas morning...

So, Christmas isn't the same as it used to be for her and her family...

Even around this time, her family had very little money to get by to ( last year was worse ) buy presents on this holiday day. Since around this time, her father as still looking for a job since he got "let go" from a job that he has been with for years!

But at least she finished "A Royal Secret" by this time and picked up a new book called: "Fins & Pirate Ships" that carried on to a new year, as well as passing her birthday. Right at this point, she is now 18. She finished this book around January/February-ish and it was her second Fantasy story she ever wrote and completed! And her second most beloved book she ever wrote on her list!

Moving on right after that book, she went on to write "Winsley Hallow's Keeper". Her third Fantasy book finished in July! In the middle of her journey through, "Winsley Hallow's Keeper", she created and publish a teaser for: "Starry Eyed" her upcoming fourth and ongoing Fantasy book! That became her the most emotional book she ever wrote!

She kept writing this book until she realized her all the books from before ( Plus Starry Eyed ) were written wrong. She used multiple perspectives for the same chapter and it left some readers very confused.

Fixing her mistake for future books, she decided to have one character POV for each chapter of her coming books.

Once this happened, what had begun from this was the very start of a new era for her writing journey...

About this time, her friend Carly came back around again after some silence, they talked for a bit on magic messager but from then on, it was very short-lived friendship. One again this became a very toxic relationship for Rachel.

Every time they talked, it would leave her in tears!

Half the time, Carly would pick on her and it left her upset every time.

Then other times, Rachel wouldn't be able to talk about herself or interests because all Carly ever wanted to talk about was her interests or herself.

Which, Rachel would listen to everything she talked about to be polite and she was good at listening to her friends but often times when she had something to talk about, Carly would turn it around and make it about her.

This bothered her a lot, their talks became one sided and Rachel felt this wasn't right.

She wanted it to be balanced ( as a Libra ) and it should've been.

Then there came a point where Carly made her so upset, Rachel stopped talking to her for some time and she didn't speak to Carly about how she made her feel this time around.

Then, this happened a second time... The only difference this time is that she wasn't taking it any longer. The Princess wasn't going to let that bother her, so she finally stood up for herself and she felt better.

After that, Rachel had to make another decision to let their friendship go.

Even though she was pretty bummed at this point about her books, ( plus her friend, ) she hoped to revisit her previous books some day and re-write them...

But for now, she refused once again to give up...

Getting back on her typewriter, the first book she ever wrote using this technique was her first-ever superhero book which she had been hoping to make for a while. When she had the idea, she got to work on it.

This book some of you ( who are my friend or follow me or have been looking around ) probably have seen, stumbled or known this book called: "Totally Superheroes!" ( Which is on hold for right now for editing. ) Along with that, she also published an ongoing Fantasy book that was an experimental project for her called: "Asteria Academy for Princesses & Princes".

Following close behind that one is her ongoing book surrounding two Southern twins taking on an ice cream shop in Sunny Florida called: "Country Belle".

At this time, she didn't need to think about what she was depressed about anymore. Now, she was surrounded by something that made her happy again.

But at this very moment, her friend Carly came back around and started to message her. Carly even made the effort to ask her mom to message Rachel's Mother about it too.

But Rachel, her sister, and The Queen knew that Carly wasn't the right match for a friend. So The Princess moved on from that...

Once in a while, she did have some bad days here and there. Even at one point recently, she felt like she wanted to quit writing after some very nit-picky reviews on her books.

However, she carried on knowing that she will get her chance to be noticed some day. So she put all her and even more effort, as well as hard work into every book she made now!

Princess Rachel even kept going to counseling and now, she is a bit better now than she was a few years ago.

Slowly, her lively and spirited old-self started to come out of her in spurts throughout these past two years of writing.

What even helped her too was creating a book surrounding Disney lovers. That book she named: "Fast Pass: An All Things Disney Book". Even Princess Aeney became apart of this creation too!

Bringing this Princess into the present now, she is getting ready for her 19th birthday...

Right at this moment, now that all this happened to her, at this very second she is writing this... She feels at peace now with all of what she wrote.

She feels happy for the most part of where she is at the moment.

Even though, she can get pretty lonely sometimes, at least she has her family. Even if she doesn't have to many friends right now she can hang out with.

She's met so many nice people through Wattpad who share the same interest as her. Rachel felt accepted here, she felt wanted, she felt like she was worth it. So many of her online friends on here helped her and listened to her worries that was on her mind. She even made some online besties along the way that she would always talk to... And she will never ever forget any of them!

The Princess couldn't thank them enough for all this they have given her... And plus, everyone around who actually stayed and were apart of her life from the beginning.

Right now, her in real-life best friend is her sister. She even has some family friends too. ( Though she can't see them very often because of distance. ) Rachel even has one friend of her sister's who is one of her friend too. As well as, one friend who is her age that deals with the same struggles as her that was actually very kind and friendly to her, though, she hasn't spoken to her in years but she would like to reconnect with her. Her dad finally has a job now and she is very happy and thankful for everything she has been given to her.

And this is enough for her...

Every day now, she is getting a little closer to some hope that she will keep getting better...

Tomorrow is a new day. If things don't go right today, we always have a fresh start the next time we wake up.

And that is a blessing...

Now feeling much better, she still presently has a few daily struggles but she's trying to learn how to cope with them and work them out in her life... And she is not going to give up...

Now, from this day forth, Princess Rachel will strongly keep reigning on... And never, ever... Give up.

<3 <3 <3

Sorry for this really deep story, I hope I didn't make you sad. At least this story has a good outcome overall.

So, yes as you can see, a lot of people in my life never understood me ( except my family and true friends ). As embarrassing as it is to look back in my "Littlest Pet Shop" phase, I have come to realize it wasn't the figurines that I loved, it was the love for creating stories that I love most of all. I did love them at the time but now that I look back at the recent times of this, I was basically using what I had to make my dream happen.

This part of my childhood was the beginning of discovering what my dream was, my goal in life. So, I appreciate this time in my life. The bullies didn't understand why I had these, they assumed I was childish because I still "played" with toys.

But, really I was creating my vision... My dream.

However, I am so glad that these comments from them didn't affect me too much!

So, what I learned from this constant up and down roller coaster of my life is being lonely is NOT the worst thing you can possibly experience. The worst possible thing in life you can experience is being forgotten by the people who cared about you. ( Yes, I am calling out my used to be "friend" group. ) I learned you do NOT need these people in your life...

Just take this from me, I have been on both sides here.

Here's something I have learned through all this and if anyone is in this kind of situation ( or similar ), just remember this:

Toxic friends are actually life lessons...

When these kinds of friends come into your life, this is now your given task to learn how to deal with them for the time.

However, DO NOT stick around them, they will NEVER change even if you try to make it work. It NEVER does turn out good! And NO ONE ever needs a relationship like this...

At this point, you are ABOVE them, you DO NOT need them to bring YOU DOWN WITH THEM.

They have a choice of their own, you CAN NOT try to change them, only THEY CAN change themselves. So it is no use to keep them as a friend unless they realize it for themselves and actually take the effort to change... BUT I bet you, 99.9% of the time THEY WILL NOT see this and WILL NOT change as an outcome.

And by the end of this lesson, it makes you a stronger person now that you are given some greater knowledge.

And this greater knowledge is:

Now you have a view of what you want out of a friendship/relationship...

You can see I have come across many in my life. And what's good about this, is now I know what I need in a friend after experiencing these kinds of friendships.

And you will too! I promise! <3

So pull through this, my darlings! And I hope my story helped you! Many years I have been embarrassed by my own story but where I am at now, I feel okay about sharing this.

My last parting thought is this:

It is true, good things can definitely come from bad situations...

Thank for listening to me!

Keeping reigning on, everyone!



𝓡𝓪𝓬𝓱𝓮𝓵 ♥

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