Zelena's daughter

By Myaparmar

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Zelena gave birth to a girl named Mia then sent her to the enchanted forest. When Mia turned 15 she and her f... More

In Oz for 2 years
Sisterly fight
Living with Regina
Ghost of Cora Mills
Curse is broken
The truth
A new family member
Snow drifts
New York
A year later
Going to the underworld
My father
Trapped in the underworld
Family reunion
It's all making sense
the past is healed
Hyperion Heights
Wakening of Regina
Waking of the read heads
The family no one remembers
Curse is broken

The Dark Swan

70 1 0
By Myaparmar

Mia's POV___________

Emma became a big threat. She was completely dark. I was sitting in the living room until Regina walks in "Mia let's go Zelena is out and she has Robin"

"What?" I said and followed Regina to main street where we saw Snow, David, Henry Belle and Amber. Then we saw Zelena with Robin

"Hello sis, I see you fix the clock it would be a shame to break it again" Zelena said

"If you hurt him I will kill you" Regina said

"I'm not here to hurt him I'm here to trade him or the imprint's wand" Zelena said

"Why do you want it?" Regina said

"I am tired of you getting everything I want, so I am leaving going over the rainbow were you can't follow" Zelena said 

"Back to Oz?" Regina said

She was going back home without me? 

"I may have been feared there but at least I have someone who still cares about me" Zelena said putting her hand on her stomach. 

Regina traded Robin. When Zelena casted the portal. The wand hurt her and Regina quickly put the cuff on her so she has no magic and David grabbed her so she can't run.

"What just happened?" asked Belle

"I'm not stupid, I knew you could open the portal but I also knew it would weaken you and we are taking it to Emma" Regina said

We are in Granny's and the portal came and took the building away and we landed in the enchanted forest. 

Once we landed we found Emma but then she did something and the next thing everyone knew we all woke up back in Granny's diner.  Leroy walked in.

Everyone got up and everyone was confused

"What are you guys doing here?" asked Leroy

"Is everyone alright?" asked David 

"What happened? The last thing I remember was finding Emma then she did something" Snow said

"I think that is the last thing we all remember" I said

"Were back" said David

"Bloody hell" said Hook

"This doesn't maker any sense we were just with Emma" Regina said

"What the hell are we wearing?" asked Amber

"How long were we gone?" asked Belle

"6 weeks" said Leroy

"What?" Regina said

"Our memories there gone, again" said David

"Where's mom" said Henry

We all looked around and then Emma appeard in front of everyone. 

"I'm here" she said

wow she was wearing dark clothes and her hair turned while and she pinned it back into a bun. 

"Mom what happened to you?" asked Henry

"We tired to get the darkness out of me with the help from Merlin in Camelot but you failed and now I am more dark then Gold" Emma said

"There's no savoir in this town anymore, which means you all are in trouble" Emma said then she disappeared.

A few months have passed and Zelena was ready to deliver the new baby thanks to Emma giving her food which she spelled for a speeding potion. 

 Belle's POV_________

Rumple woke up a few weeks ago and disappeared. Amber has been upset so have I but I had to stay strong for her. 

We are in the library when we heard the elevator open and we saw him

"Rumple!" I said running to him giving him a hug and Amber did the same

"I missed my two favorite girls" he said

"Why did you leave?" asked Amber

"I was ashamed to see you both again after what I have done.. I heard Emma is now the dark one" he said

"Better someone else then my dad" Amber said

Zelena's POV____________

I got rushed to the hospital with Regina, Mia, and Robin behind me

"You have to stay clam" Robin said

"Shut up I was a fake midwife and I already gave birth once I know the drill!" I yelled in pain as the wheelchair came and wheeled me into one room. 

"Zelena why would Emma do this?" Regina asked

"I have no idea" I said

"Are you sure it was her?" Regina asked

"Let's say when the dark one offers you food don't eat it" I said going into the room with Robin and the doctors. 

"Alright what are we doing today?" The doctor asked

"There is an angry baby inside of my get it out!" I yelled

"You know the last time I gave delivered a baby you tired to steal it, but why try to steal one when making one is much more fun?" he said

Is he for real?

"We really need another doctor in this town and what is with the dye job?" Regina said

"So Emma changes her hair color and doesn't get ridiculed?" he said

"Ugh stop talking, didn't I kill you the last time I was here?!" I yelled

"No you threw me against the wall let's hope it doesn't happen this time.. Alright let's start" he said

Regina's POV__________

Belle, Amber and Snow ran in 

"Everyone get ready we have to protect this baby when it comes Emma wants it" Snow said

"She's here?" Robin said

"She will be soon and we found a spell the destroy light magic" Belle said 

"The only thing she needs then the x galloper is..." Snow said but I cut her off

"Cries of a newborn child" I read out

"Well she is not getting mine" Robin said 

"Regina take this cuff off me I can defend me and my child" Zelena said

"My child" Robin said

"My child, I am doing all the hard work" Zelena said

So everyone left the room while Zelena gave birth.

"Am I really helping Zelena?" I said in shock

"It's the right thing to do Regina, so you and Mia ready to meet the newst member of your family?" Snow asked

"No" Mia said

"Mia, we will get through it together" I said 

I took Mia and we went into the room. I held the baby and Emma showed up

"You are not taking this child" Robin said getting in front of me

"I am not after the child" Emma said and poofted herself and Zelena away. 

Later that night Mia, Snow, David and I went to Emma's house

"She needs saving" Snow said

"I don't need saving... After I am done with Zelena you all will be thanking me especial you and Mia" Emma said

Mia's POV___________

If my mom does die I have to tell her how I really feel. I transported myself to her. Once I saw her she looked at me 

"Mia what are you doing here it's not safe" mom said

"I came for you" I said

I untied her hands and I took the cuff off of her

"What do you mean?" she asked

"I don't blame you from not being there, I am sorry I held angry for you all these years" I said

"I am so sorry, I never meant to hurt you" she said

"I know, I was thinking once we get you home I could move in? Maybe we can finally be a family?" I said

"I would love that" mom said

She waved her hand and we were gone and home and all of my stuff was there.

"I will leave you to unpack, I need to go get your sister" mom said and I nod and she left

Zelena's POV___________

I walk to the hospital and see my child is gone. Robin must have taken her. 

'Not so fast sis" Regina said

"Where is my daughter!" I yelled at Regina

"Did you really think you would keep the child after everything you have done?" Regina said

"She is my child!" I yelled

"She's also Robins and you will never take her away from him" Regina said

"Your just upset that after everything you got it's finally my turn" I said

"I went to Mia's room and saw everything was gone what did you do to her?" Regina

"My daughter and I made up, she is living with me now" I said

"There is no way she would do that" Regina said

"Mia's the one who wanted to live with me" I said

"The only reason why you had that baby is because you tricked Robin" Regina said

"And Mia comes back to live with me" Regina said

"You can't take both of my daughters from me" I said

"Yes I can" Regina said

"This insanity has to stop Zelena" Regina said

"Agreed.. But I don't think it can" I said

"I think maybe it can" Regina said

Regina's POV__________

We walked to the charming's apartment where Robin and the baby are

"Before we go in you may have your powers back but I still got mine" I said

"What are we doing here?" Zelena asked

I didn't answer I just opened the door and we both walked in

"Zelena" Robin said holding the baby

"Miss me? told you once you go green you never go queen" Zelena said

I turned around and I grabbed my arm before I did something I would regret

"Regina we talked about this" Robin said

"Couple's therapy? Nice you two could use it" Zelena said

Robin gave Zelena the child to hold. So far so good. No one killed each other yet. 

"Hello my pretty one, I'm your mommy" Zelena said while holding the kid

I could tell she wanted to be a part of this baby's life

"Zelena we need to come up with a plan to make this work" I said

"Like what?" Zelena asked

"I get her Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and Sundays and you get her Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays" Robin said

"Fine, I guess that is fair but Mia stays with me, If you won't let me see one daughter at leaset I have another" Zelena said

"Fine but Mia is allowed to stay at my house whenever she wants" Regina said 

"Fine" Zelena said

Mia's POV__________

Henry wanted to hang out so we did. 

"What up Henry?" I asked

"Hey, I need advise about a girl" he said

Oh awww

"Really? So you come to me and not your moms?" I asked happy

"Not tell them" he said

"I wouldn't" I said

"Her name is Violet she came from Camelot she is a princess" he said

"And your worried she won't like you back?" I asked

"Yeah, what if I'm not good enough for her?" he said

"Henry, you are kind of a princess through Emma and her parents" I said

"Yeah but I don't know any idea how to be a prince" he said

"Just be you, if she doesn't like you the way you are she is not worth it" 

I am so happy he came to me and no one else

Emma's POV_________

I made a mistake. I made Hook a dark one just like me. 

I invited Henry, Regina, Mia, my parents, Robin, Belle, Amber, Gold to Regina's office

"Were suppose to believe you'll give us back out memoirs?" asked Amber

"We can trust her" Henry said

"Ok" Regina said 

I gave them each a dreamcatcher and they held it up to there face and it call came back to them. 

Once it we all got it back I heard dad say "Emma what's wrong?" 

"I remember, I know what he is doing I know what they are doing" I said

"Who are they?" Mia asked

"Hook and Gold's old self" I said 

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