Snow drifts

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Author note 

I know it's the same title for one of the episodes. I couldn't think of a name. 

Back to the story 

Mia's POV_________

It has been about two weeks sense we found out Zelena has died. Yes it hurt but I had Amber and I had family around me. 

We are at the charming's apartment. Snow is playing with her baby 

"Emma are you ok?" I ask

"Yeah. Are you going to tell me the little brothers name?" she said

"You will now at a potluck at Grannys with everyone" David said

"Sounds fun" Emma said

At Granny's 

Mia's POV_________

Emma's parents were telling the baby stories of how they met with Ruby, Henry and Hook with Emma and Amber with me in front of them.

"Like mother like daughter" Hook said

"Hook" Emma said looking at him

That caught my attension and we walk to them

"What does that mean?" asked Henry

"Nothing" Emma said

Regina and Robin walk up to us "I would like to know as well" she said

"It's nothing" Emma said

"Are you planning on going back to New York?" Regina asked

Omg she is!

"Why would we go back?" Henry asked

"Your not right Emma" Regina said

"It's complicated" Emma said

"Why would we leave our family is here" Henry said

"Henry this isn't the time or place" Emma said

"I think it is" Regina said

"No it's not" Emma said walking away Hook followed her

"Uh grandpa what is that?" asked Henry pointing.

We all looked out the window

"That is Zelena's curse" Gold said walking up with Belle

"She is dead though" I said

Then it went away

"There problem solved" Amber said

After that day Emma and Hook were gone. No one has seen them or heard from them which made her parents worry.  We all sat in her parents apartment. Then she walked through the door. 

"Emma where have you been?" Snow said

"Back in time" Emma said

"But I am home now, I'm not going anywhere" Emma said

"So your staying in town?" I asked

"Yes" Emma said

It made Henry really happy. Henry and I have gotten close.

"Are you ready to hear the name?" asked David

"Yes" Emma said

"We name him after a hero. Someone who everyone of us who we loved and loved us back" David said

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